Quest For The Truth About Cancer
by Ty Bollinger
The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. (more…)
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Past Lives: The Story Behind The Story
by Roger Woolger, Ph.D
If you imagine your psyche as a computer, you can think of past lives as old, corrupted programs that interfere with its running. Like unwanted files you cannot delete, they run over and over in the deepest recesses of your psyche, depleting its resources and making it operate ever more slowly, even to the point of shutdown.
The computer of the psyche is a complex system, with many programs running both close to the surface, at a level we’re aware of, and deeper, at a level that’s invisible to us (much like an operating system such as MS-DOS, which depends on masses of files and code we never see until we hit the wrong key by mistake). We might call the superficial level the personality program and the deeper level the soul program. When problems arise in our day-to-day functioning, they may be the result of mistakes we make in our own running of the program at the personality level—user error, if you will—and such problems are easy to fix. When, for example, we are overanxious about being late or blame ourselves excessively for not being tidy enough, we can usually adjust our behaviors by imposing new habits. But problems at the soul level—such as depression, compulsive cleanliness, or irrational phobias about fire, high places, being robbed, and so on—where patterns from past lives lie embedded deep in our psychic history, can cause the equivalent of a computer’s “fatal error”: severe physical and emotional problems in our present lives and serious karmic consequences for the evolution of the soul. (more…)
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Lesson Of Life
by William W. Atkinson
There is in each of us a potential Something for expression—The Something Within—The plant of life—No use trying to repress it, for develop it must—Life has a meaning—Growth, development and unfoldment—A lesson of life.
There is in each of us a potential Something, pressing forth for expression and growth in the direction of ultimate Good—casting off sheath after sheath in its progressive development and unfoldment—impelled by the impulse imparted by the Primal Cause—attracted upward by the Absolute. (more…)
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Love Sonnet
by Ernest L. Norman
And now, Oh Princess, I go forth on wings of Light
My thoughts a caravan to bring thee
treasures rare from far off places.
I’ll sing to thee the song of waterfalls,
the whispering breeze can scarce contain,
A thousand throated thrushes’ song,
springs forth from every dell,
within this land of fantasy.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
The Medical Racket ~ Part III
by Ashley Frawley
A new HBO documentary called ‘The Crime of the Century’ lays bare how firms like Purdue used bribery, dodgy marketing, and shady political deals to make fortunes by getting millions hooked on super-strong painkillers.
What would it look like if an illegal international drug cartel were allowed to advertise? Perhaps it might take the form of slick music videos and glossy magazine ads promising an ‘end to pain’. Certainly, they would minimize the negative effects of their drugs on your life, your future, and your loved ones. If questioned about what they were doing, we can imagine them blaming those who use their drugs, not themselves for providing them. (more…)
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Edge Of Tomorrow
by Reinhold O. Schmidt
Reinhold Schmidt was a 1957 UFO “contactee” in an era that began with George Adamski in 1953. Schmidt was born and grew up in Nebraska, where he worked for most of his adult life as a reputable grain buyer and dealer. He became a contactee after telling of his experience on November 5, 1957 detailed in his book Edge of Tomorrow, when while driving through a rural area near Kearney, Nebraska, he noticed a large, cigar-shaped object resting in a field. He was soon escorted inside the space ship, which turned out to be crewed by completely human-looking space aliens, four male and two female, who apparently spoke perfect German and claimed to be from the planet Saturn. “The Saturnians” also claimed to be interested in the recently launched Russian Sputniks, and the satellite-launching plans of the US. ~ Wikipedia (more…)
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On Becoming More Creative
by Jack Foster
There are many ways of developing creativity.
Here are just two:
1) Gathering Input
2) The Courage to Move Outside of the Box
Let’s start with:
Gathering Input
Over the years I have worked with hundreds of creative people in advertising agencies. These were people who got ideas for a living. On demand. Every day.
They came in all shapes and sizes and colors and signs and personalities. One had a doctorate in anthropology, one never got past third grade. They came from close families and from broken homes, from penthouses and from ghettos. I worked with gays and straights, with extroverts and introverts, with flashers, drunkards, suicidals, ex-priests, ex-touts—the list goes on and on. (more…)
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Treatment Of The Demonic ~ Part II
by William J. Baldwin
Group Demonic Entity Release
Though the prospect of rest and peace in the Light sounds good to the little demonic being, there are consequences for its past behavior and actions. This is made clear.
T: “You have caused much harm to this person since you joined her, is that correct?”
C: “Yes.”
T: “You have caused much harm to other people over the eons, is that correct?”
C: “Yes.”
T: “You will have to make up for all the harm you have caused. You will have to experience everything that you caused others. You will have to suffer in equal measure all the suffering you have caused others through the eons. Everything will be balanced. Do you understand that?” (more…)
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Families In The Spirit Worlds
by Anthony Borgia
Who are the residents of the homes in the spirit worlds? Are they family groups or single occupants?
Doubtless, you will call to mind such concentrations as you have on earth, but you must also remember that even on earth family groups are continually altering their composition. The children in an earthly family grow up, and for various reasons they leave their parental homestead upon marriage, for example, or for reasons connected with their business or occupation. People on earth live alone for equally varied reasons. And so the changing of family groups is constantly going on. In normal times on earth, families live their lives with these changes taking place in their family ties, and eventually they come into the spirit world. (more…)
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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
The future therefore mandates that you should be more consciously aware of this “conscience” or the “small still voice”, and it should be developed, which will, in consequence, materially aid in developing the superconscious for the superconscious represents a much higher and more nearly perfect life expression than does your lower mental conscious life expression as a sum and total of your personal life expression.
Now getting back to the chair, we have partly completed the cycle of seeing. Various energy wave forms have entered the subconscious and have mingled with other associated factors concerned with chairs. The process here, however, is not complete; this mingling regenerates another set of harmonics. These harmonics contain information or pictures of these various association factors but they vibrate at a different frequency. They will then travel over highway “B” and mingle with associated factors of chairs in the mental consciousness. Here the process is repeated except that these association factors of chairs will go back into all previous lifetimes where you had associations with chairs. This is very important to remember. (more…)
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Treatment Of The Demonic
by William J. Baldwin
The Catholic exorcism procedure, the Roman Ritual, has a long history of development. It finally reached its present format in the seventeenth century. It is still used by priests of the Catholic Church in cases of solemn exorcism. Between 1970 and 1980, there were more than 600 solemn exorcisms performed in the United States. It is still a viable procedure in the Church, though not publicized. Basically, the interaction between the possessing entity and the priest exorcist is adversarial; the demon is forced out in the name of Jesus Christ. It is just cast out, without a specified destination. The procedure offers no love, no compassion, no concern whatsoever for the entity, as though the fallen angel were not a God-created being. (more…)
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Discovering Past Lives
by Michele Guzy, C.Ht.
As increasing attention is focused on past lives, more people are becoming interested in exploring the issue for themselves, in finding out how to unlock their own past-life memories, as well as in learning what benefits to their relationships, outlooks, and professional lives might come from unearthing these memories.
Hopefully the following will assist in that process and it is always advisable to keep a journal or notebook handy as you go through the following to record your reactions so that it may be referred to later for reflection of possible patterns that may lead to unlocking the deadbolts of current conditions that are blocking progress or goals. (more…)
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A Tale Of Two Masters
by Pierre Delattre
Reports reached the Dalai Lama that a certain Master of Kung Fu was roaming the countryside converting young men to the study of violence. Though Tibetan by birth, this man had been raised in Peking and was said to have returned as a secret agent to astonish Tibetans with the superior power of the Chinese in such a way as to render the country open and eager for conquest.
The Master of Kung Fu had made his reputation by taking on eight fierce Lolo warriors who attacked him on a mountain pass, killing seven of them so quickly that the one with the broken legs who survived swore the marvelous voyager had met their attack with movements so swift he seemed merely to walk through them and continue peacefully on his way. (more…)
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Polarity Therapy
by The Polarity Therapy Institute
“Energy is the real substance behind the appearance of matter and forms.” ~ Dr. Randolph Stone
Who Developed Polarity Therapy?
Polarity Therapy was developed by an American Osteopathic physician, Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981). Dr. Stone was a student of spiritual and mystic texts from Hebrew as well as Indian traditions. In his search for the root cause of pain and disease in the body, he was attracted to the concept of the flow of energy written about in these ancient texts. (more…)
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Flying Saucers Close Up
John Dean (1891-1970) was an author, artist, lecturer, and educator whose published works included two books, Flying Saucers
and the Scriptures and Flying Saucers: Close Up, on the subject of UFOs. His writings appeared during an era in American history when both ordinary citizens and the government were fascinated by space exploration and the possibility of alien life. Dean’s manuscripts show that he was skeptical of government involvement in space exploration and also drew a connection between extraterrestrials and the bible. Dean was a World War I veteran who was hospitalized in 1918 and during his convalescence claimed to have encountered extraterrestrial beings. (more…)
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