Reading The Akashic
by Ernest L. Norman
Looking off to each side for perhaps a distance of a thousand feet each way – if we can measure it in your earth measurements – you would see that the edge of this great street is lined with very beautiful tall stately trees which look like the ones you saw on Venus. Their huge tapering trunks are of the purest transparent brown crystal and they are glowing and glittering. Looking up into the canopy of branches and leaves which tower several hundred feet into the space above, you will see that each tree bears a marked difference; and while they are somewhat all synonymous, yet, each one portrays a different type or character.
The trees, just as all vegetation, grows with its own individual expression or life force within itself so that it portrays, not only its own character, but takes on an individuality which is so common among all things here. They are much more closely connected with the God Force. So, you might say, while we never tend these trees, nor do we plant them, yet, they spring into existence in their well-ordered places and dimensions, as part of the continuity of this whole divine scheme, where all things are so working out in a much more highly evolved integrated fashion. Trees evolve in these dimensions just as do humans or any other species that you might find of the earth plane, just as you found in landscaped gardens in other cities, or that they grew luxuriantly in somewhat of a more natural state. They are all, in themselves, depicting different stages of their evolution. (more…)
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The Failure Of Allopathic Treatments For Cancer
by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND
Another insidious pro-allopathic trend exists in our culture which goes completely unnoticed by the average consumer. It is another of the reasons why allopathic treatments are the King of the modern medical world. Namely Medical Research Money goes to individuals and organizations who are working from an allopathic perspective ONLY. Cancer research is not cancer research. It is allopathic, reductionistic, pharmaceutical cancer research. As you have learned by now, the allopathic view of disease is a reductionistic one, and ALL of their cancer treatment therapies and ALL of their research about how to treat cancer are filtered through that one lens. But it is the wrong lens, and that is precisely why there are so very few successful allopathic treatments for cancer. It is why we have lost the war on cancer. (more…)
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The Spiral – A Principle Of Creative Science
by George Vale Owen
This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Oxford, Lancashire.
It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the interrelation of this and the afterlife is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series which follow this. ~ H. W. Engholm (more…)
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by James Allen
“Why idly seek from outward things
The answer inward silence brings?
Why climb the far-off hills with pain,
A nearer view of heaven to gain?
In lowliest depths of bosky dells
The hermit Contemplation dwells,
Whence, piercing heaven, with screened sight,
He sees at noon the stars, whose light
Shall glorify the coming night.”
“In the still hour when passion is at rest
Gather up stores of wisdom in thy breast.”
Man’s essential being is inward, invisible, spiritual, and as such it derives its life, strength, from within, not from without. Outward things are channels through which its energies are expended, but for renewal it must fall back on the inward silence. (more…)
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Dialogue With An Extraterrestrial
by Mythi
Question – Is the planet Earth undergoing a transformation in the near future?
– Yes, Earth is on the threshold of a change of an Era. All planets with the possibility of colonization have defined their Eras of development and cyclical changes.
Question – What is the origin of humans from Earth and when did they initiate?
– The Terrain humanoid is a composite of various races of humanoids that were transferred from other planets that had changed Era allowing development on Earth that was in the beginning of an Era ripe for colonization by humanoids.
The Earth has many cycles of humanoid experiences, since the cretaceous period, around 65 million years. There are many threads in the doctrinal folklore that mentions these facts as exiles Chapel, descendants of Anunaquis, etc. In fact, all the different ethnic groups found today on Earth came from different places of the universe to live and thrive in this Era that is ending now, living on planet Earth with the sole purpose of integration into a larger community. Like the Earth, there are hundreds of millions of planets serving as a cradle of civilization for humanoids. (more…)
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Life Emits Light
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day. Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels which can be seen with the naked eye. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light.
To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20’s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours. (more…)
Posted in Health, Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.
World Of Tomorrow
Above Image Credit: Morgan Stanley Hero
by Ernest L. Norman
Dear Ones – I am so glad to be with you this evening. I am the identity of Carrie Jacobs Bond, and am most happy to greet you from this great plane of music, drama, art, and literature here in UN.AR.I.U.S.. If you recall some time ago in your former residence, during the early summer months, I made contact with Ruth and was able to impress her with a few lines which came to my mind at that time, and thus it was that we began to open up the channel with her, so that it brings us up to this present moment where I am with you again here in this great Center of UN.AR.I.U.S., which is devoted to the inspirational arts as they are connected to the great central planet of Muse and the vast city of Coralanthus which you formerly visited in one of your other books. (more…)
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Venusian Messenger: Akhnaton
by Dana Howard
Supreme moments come to us, but supreme moments are fleeting. They must be captured at the peak of the tide woven into the fabric of the garment of the day else centuries may pass before conditions are ripe for them to come again. Supreme moments follow on the heels of prophesy.
When we piece together both facts and symbols we are reasonably assured that these intelligent ones from faraway planets have cast their influence over our earth many times in the past. But as DIANE said:
Does this mean there are many Venusians among us, walking the streets of earth? (more…)
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What The World Owes The Dreamers
by Orison Swett Marden
Once when Emerson was in the company of men of affairs, who had been discussing railroads, stocks, and other business matters for some time, he said, “Gentlemen, now let us discuss real things for a while.”
Emerson was called “the dreamer of dreams,” because he had the prophetic vision that saw the world to be, the higher civilization to come. Tens of thousands of men and women stand today where he then stood almost alone.
Edison is a dreamer because he sees people half a century hence using and enjoying inventions, discoveries, and facilities which make the most advanced utilities of today seem very antiquated. His mind’s eye sees as curiosities in museums, fifty years hence, those mechanisms and devices which now seem so marvelous to us. Dreamers in this sense are true prophets. They see the civilization that will be, long before it arrives. (more…)
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