Antigravity Technologies With David Wilcock

Antigravity-Technologies-With-David-Wilcock-4-postMeet the boots-on-the-ground insiders who are fighting hard to bring you a SPACESHIP… and the exciting future that comes along with it!

SPACESHIP Part I: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Salvatore Pais

SPACESHIP Part II: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Jack Houck

In this exciting conclusion to SPACESHIP, you will learn about anti-gravity, free energy, the Philadelphia Experiment, warp drive, psychokinesis, med-beds and much more! The future is coming sooner than we think!

David Wilcock LIVE: US Military Pushing For Full Disclosure!

The US Military has declassified patents for working spaceship technology, with anti-gravity and free energy. Until now, no one has ever seen a film of a “power plant” in action.

Four AA batteries. 750 volts output. Over-unity energy. See the footage for yourself!

In this LIVE show that was originally produced for New Living Expo, David shows images of three different types of working spacecraft.

David-Wilcock-quoteYou will also get to hear hot new intel, fresh off the presses — including far more about the Draco Reptilians, and where their home star is located.

On the positive side, David discusses Archangel Michael, Valiant Thor, Human ETs, the Galactic Logos and the non-catastrophic “Optimal Timeline” we now find ourselves on.

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 4 comments.

Life And Mind Among The Atoms

Life-And-Mind-Among-The-Atoms-2-postby William Walker Atkinson

To the majority of persons the title of this article would seem an absurdity. Not to speak of Inorganic “Mind,” the idea of “Life” in the Inorganic World would seem a ridiculous paradox to the “man on the street” who thinks of Substance as “dead,” lifeless and inert. And, to tell the truth, even Science has held this view until a comparatively recent period, laughing to scorn the old Occult Teaching that the Universe is Alive, and capable of Thinking. But the recent discoveries of modern Science has changed all this, and we no longer hear Science speaking of “dead Matter” or “blind Force”—it recognizes that these terms are meaningless, and that the dreams of the old Occultists are coming true. Science confronts a live and thinking Universe. She is dazzled by the sight, and would shade her eyes, fearing to see that which she feels must present itself to her vision when her eyes become accustomed to the sight. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.

Guardians Of The Looking Glass

Guardians-Of-The-Looking-Glass-main-2-postFrank Jacob is an international award-winning filmmaker, presenter, visual artist, musician and composer. Having teamed up with US motion picture production company Screen Addiction, his recent films explore the frontiers of consciousness-raising subjects in the films ‘Solar (R)evolution’, ‘The Klaus Dona Chronicles’, and ‘Packing For Mars’.

In March 2022, Frank broke a story about a mysterious group called the Guardians of the Looking Glass, who claimed to be a breakaway faction of the controversial Project Looking Glass having re-surfaced to help humanity avert upcoming disasters, which exploded onto the internet. This time-technology makes it possible to peer into timelines, future probabilities and more, and appears to be used by rogue elements in government, as well as the Elite, to bring about a technocratic New World Order. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.

The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression

The-Value-of-Concept-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Concept is only one of these adjutants to understanding and, in understanding or realizing it in its full intensity, so far as the radiating-light-of-consciousnessindividual is concerned, man has actually eliminated all known barriers of time and space in his own immediate reactive physical world. The body, as a vehicle wherein the twelve or fifteen million brain cells have thus been impounded, means little, or is of absolutely no consequence whatsoever in regard to the fact that we are immediately concerned with objectifying consciousness in any part of the Infinite Cosmos. When this is done through a system of relationships and through existing forms of energy transferences known as vibrations, oscillations, or cyclic patterns of interdimensional relationships, it merely means we have linked ourselves infinitely to this Infinite Cosmos with anyone or a number of given points of perspection. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith comments disabled.

Is Elon Musk The Reincarnation Of Thomas Edison?

Is-Elon-Musk-The-Reincarnation-of-Thomas-Edison-main-4-postby Walter Semkiw, MD

After seeing Elon Musk on television, who has been involved in founding Tesla Motors, PayPal and SpaceX, I wondered who he could have been in a past incarnation. In reading his biography, Thomas Edison leapt into my mind. Edison was called the “Wizard of Menlo Park” (New Jersey), while Musk named one of SpaceX’s rocket engines “Merlin” and he told Cal tech graduates that they are the “Magicians of the 21st-century.”

Nikola Tesla worked in Edison’s lab before they became adversaries in the controversy of whether AC or DC current was more effective in transmitting electrical power. Musk appears to have mended this relationship by naming his electric car after Tesla. Edison was an inventor credited with creating the first industrial research lab and Elon Musk has followed a parallel path. I found the facial similarity to be remarkable and Ahtun Re has affirmed that Elon Musk is the reincarnation of Thomas Edison. (more…)

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In The Spirit World – Revealed As We Truly Are

In-The-Spirit-World-main-2-postby Anthony Borgia

It has been remarked that some of us who come to the earth [from the spirit world] to speak to our friends, seem to have been altered, some of us only slightly, others almost beyond recognition except by such certain evidence as we give of our identity. How is it that we have so changed, for the better, it might be observed?

This apparent transformation of character is explainable by the fact that upon earth there are few people who really show themselves to the world as they truly are.

In ancient days upon earth, folk were in general much simpler in their tastes and their habits and behavior than they are now. Then they were not afraid to speak their inmost thoughts more openly to one another, provided those thoughts were not of too violent a religious or political nature. People were in many respects more neighborly in those days when life was simpler. But in these times of greater ‘civilization’, when the world has become more sophisticated, when people seem less reliant upon each other, dwellers upon earth have withdrawn within themselves until it is difficult to form any very reliable opinion upon the true character of anyone. People are more shy of expressing themselves openly. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Other Topicswith comments disabled.

We Met The Space People – Betty’s Account

We-Met-The-Space-People-Part-II-2-postby Betty Mitchell

When Helen and I made our preparations to go to a UFO convention we felt it would be interesting to get as much direct information as we could from the Space Brothers, so when we contacted them we asked if there were any definite statements they had to give us. We received a lot of information from the M-4 Section on Mars and Helen presented it in her earlier comments (Part I), but we also contacted the Planet Venus and received much interesting information from a Venusian called Tregon. I would like to read his message for you, which we received just a few days before we came down here, so without any further comment at this time I will quote the message from Tregon of Venus: (more…)

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We Met The Space People – Helen’s Account

We-Met-The-Space-People-Part-I-2-postby Helen Mitchell

It all began when my sister, Betty, and I were in a downtown St. Louis coffee shop. We had been shopping and had stopped off to get a coke and refresh ourselves. While in the coffee shop we were approached in a very mannerly way by two gentlemen dressed in gray suits, who managed to interrupt into our private conversation. As they spoke to us we found that they were from a huge mother craft orbiting the planet Earth, and that their names were Elen and Zelas. They told us that we had been very closely watched by the Space People for the last eight years, and that our progress had been noted off and on from the time of our birth. Betty and I were both inclined to think that someone was playing a silly joke on us and we laughed when they told us this, but they were not laughing and were serious and stern. We were strangely shocked, however, when they told us of a few incidents in our childhood that no one could have possibly known except the family. They told us that we had been selected as contacts by the people of space to serve as channels through which they could give certain information to Earth, and that we had been carefully watched, as I stated before. They told us of the reasons why the space people were coming to Earth and that they were here to guide Earth along the lines of Brotherhood and Science. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.


Telepathy-main-4-postby Frank L. Hammer

What is telepathy? Telepathy is a faculty of mind, and is the power which the mind has of communicating its own thoughts and receiving the thoughts of others without employing the known channels of the senses or any other physical agencies.

Telepathy is no recent discovery nor is it occult in manifestation, but is old as thought and normal as thinking. That thought forces arrive at their objective, regardless of distances or barriers, has long been known to many philosophers, and that the mind has the power of affecting inanimate objects and persons at a distance dates back to prehistoric times.

As there are forces in the human personality besides those employed for muscular and chemical purposes, so there are faculties in the mind that far transcend the ones we use in objective thought and thinking. These higher faculties, most fortunately, are yet dormant in mankind as a whole. Better give children dynamite than entrust the creative powers of thought to selfish and ambitious men. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Psychic Phenomena, Telepathywith comments disabled.

House Of Glass

House-Of-Glass-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

And thus my life my thought my mind become a house of glass


Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.