The Cosmic Reality Of Man
Lecture by Daniel Ross given to the Japan General Assembly
[Adamski Research Group], February, 1994
I wanted to speak today on the cosmic reality of man, as shown by Adamski. Because it is timeless; it is eternal. Wherever you might go, within this system, or out to an inhabited planet in another solar system, the truths would be the same, wherever you go. That is cosmic or universal law. Most of you here today have the many books and writings of George Adamski. Mr. Hachiro Kubota has worked hard to keep all the books in print in the Japanese language, and now has “The Complete Works of George Adamski” published in 10 volumes. So to give you something a little new today, I reviewed many tapes of his talks, where he gives examples and expressions of truth to others, often just in conversation – maybe to an individual, maybe to a small group. It can be rather humbling, I can freely admit, to hear hours and hours of Adamski’s philosophical talks and discussions over a short period of time. When you listen to the fullness and depthness of his knowledge of cosmic life, you quickly realize how really shallow most of our minds are.
The more one studies this field of Space and UFOs, the more he then appreciates the vast legacy of Cosmic Knowledge shared by George Adamski. And there really is no end to learning, if you understand it right. As Adamski often said, the principles remain the same, but the effects are continually changing, with life always moving forward. (more…)
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Spirit Release In Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?
by Dr. Alan Sanderson
My title ‘Spirit Release in Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?’ will seem strange to most psychiatrists, because spirit is a taboo word in the secular, materialist culture in which we are so firmly embedded. I’ve chosen to speak about it because my clinical experience has taught me that spirit attachment is a reality and that release of troublesome spirits works wonders. This is an exciting development, with tremendous implications, not just for psychiatry, but for everyone. So please, while you reflect on this question, let the new ideas speak freely. (more…)
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The Voice of Hermes
New Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Hermes is now available on Amazon!
Check it out here.
About The Voice Of Hermes:
The third installment of The Pulse of Creation series delves into Hermes, a realm steeped in philosophical inquiry where the minds of revered thinkers from Earth and beyond persist in their quest to illuminate humanity. Within its crystalline abodes, gardens, and sanctuaries, Hermes offers a rejuvenating experience for both the soul and intellect. Just like its predecessors, The Voice of Hermes unveils the teachings of the Brotherhood, heralding a future for those inclined towards progressivism, alongside the exploration of interdimensional science and philosophy of being. (more…)
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On Master Teachers And Their Students
by Yada di Shi’ite (channeled by Mark Probert)
Yada: This afternoon our talk will be on the Master Teachers of life (Yogis) and to some extent on the nature of their association with those who seek to become students of life.
To become a yoga master requires many years of concentration and complete sacrifice of the lower self to the higher self. Therefore there is no such thing as a young yoga master.
It has been taught by some teachers of yoga that abstaining from sex and eating of meat are of absolute necessity if the student is to attain Self Realization. This of course is a wrong concept. The abstaining from one’s normal sexual drives can be harmful to both the mind and the body, and more especially those of the young, where the fires of creation burn bright and strong. Of course, somewhere along the path the student will of his own accord find the need to practice celibacy, which by the way does not mean the mere refraining from legalized sex called marriage, which practically all priests of almost all religious orders are avowed to do, but to any use of the sexual energies where the aim is to gratify the lower passions. (more…)
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The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday
This is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.
This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.
Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)
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Death And After
by Manly P. Hall
LIFE is more powerful then life and death itself” ~ by unknown
While in Manila I chanced to walk a short distance out into the country and stood for some time watching a slow-moving, mud-covered water bull dragging an antique plow through the ooze of a partly submerged rice field. Hour after hour the great animal waded through the mud, now and again shaking its massive head to free itself from the tantalizing swarms of flies. Behind the bull walked an aged Filipino, his tattered trousers rolled above his knees and his homespun garments bespattered with ooze and grime. To wade day after day through the half-inundated paddies constituted the life of the water bull; to follow with his hands upon the plow constituted the life of the man. (more…)
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We Come In Peace!
by Franklin Thomas
The landing which we are about to describe has one thing in common with all flying saucer contacts – it took place in a remote and deserted place where uninvited witnesses would not be likely to appear or interfere. Possibly there are other considerations such as the proximity to fault lines, magnetic centers, etc., but the choice of such sites and the absence of witnesses always prove embarrassing to the person making the contact not only because he lacks evidence to support his story making it difficult to get anyone to believe him, but also in some countries unauthorized communication with an inhabitant of another planet is considered to be in the same category as communication with a foreign power or an enemy country, and is strictly prohibited by law.
This would not be likely to disturb the space people but accounts for the fact that not many contacts are reported, and but for a fortuitous chain of circumstances no one would have heard about the one recorded here. (more…)
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Yogic Philosophy: Discourse On Spiritual Evolution
by William Walker Atkinson
The beautiful doctrine of Spiritual Evolution, that gem in the diadem of the Yogic Philosophy is sadly misunderstood and misinterpreted, even by many who are its friends. The mass of uninformed people confuse it with the crudest ideas of the ignorant races of Asia and Africa – believe that it teaches that the souls of men descend into the bodies of the lower animals after death. And under the guise of high teachings regarding Reincarnation, many promulgate theories holding that the soul of man is bound to the wheel of human rebirth, and must live in body after body – whether it will or not – until certain great cycles are past, when the race moves on to another planet. All of these misconceptions, however, are based upon the real truth – they are the truth, but not the whole truth. It is true that the soul of a brutal, selfish, bestial man, after death, will be drawn by the force of its own desires toward rebirth in the body of some of the lower and more beast-like races of man – it has failed in its class work, and has been sent back to a lower grade. But the soul that has once reached the stage of even primitive Manhood, never can sink back into the plane of lower animal life. As bestial as it may be, it still has acquired something that the animal lacks, and that something it can never lose. And likewise, although the race – as a race – must wait until certain periods are reached before it may move onward, yet the individual who has risen beyond the need of immediate rebirth, is not compelled to reincarnate as a man of the present stage of development, but may wait until the race “catches up” to him, as it were, when he may join it in its upward swing, the intervening period being spent either in the higher planes of the Astral World or in conscious temporary sojourn in other material spheres, helping in the great work of the evolution of all Life. (more…)
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Removing Prejudice/Finding Peace
by James Allen
He who aspires to the bettering of himself and humanity should ceaselessly strive to arrive at the exercise of that blessed attitude of mind by which he is enabled to put himself, mentally and sympathetically in the place of others, and so, instead of harshly and falsely judging them, and thereby making himself unhappy without adding to the happiness of those others, he will enter into their experience, will understand their particular frame of mind, and will feel for them and sympathize with them.
One of the great obstacles to the attainment of such an attitude of mind is prejudice, and until this is removed it is impossible to act toward others as we would wish others to act toward us. (more…)
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Excursions To The Spirit World ~ Part III
by Frederick C. Sculthorp
Simplicity of Bright Planes
As I mentioned before, my travels became very different and at first were mostly to the lower spheres or dull states, but before coming back to my body I was generally taken to a brighter locality or sphere. There is a reason for this as the condition of the lower state is apt to cling, and this might produce a disagreeable after-effect.
The vibrations of such places have a very pleasant effect on the sensitive spirit body, and to be with others of that plane is better still as they emit a feeling of great friendship.
This radiation of friendliness is very sincere and noticeable owing, I expect, to the greater extent of their auras, which I cannot see in these bright states. I have been able to see the auras of the advanced ones only when they show in greater contrast to the dull astral planes. (more…)
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