An Angel’s Way


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The Medicine Delusion

The-Medicine-Delusion-main-2-postby Robert Collier

I find the medicine worse than the malady.” ~ SHAKESPEARE

We are getting rid of the drug illusion,” declared Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the noted medical writer of America, at a luncheon given on June 6, 1925, by the English-Speaking Union to 700 American and Canadian doctors assembled in London, England.

“We are willing even to subscribe to the dictum of Oliver Wendell Holmes,” the doctor added, “that if 99% of all drugs we possess were thrown into the sea it would be a good thing for the human race, but rather hard on the fishes.”

Sir Arbuthnot Lane, Surgeon to King George, seconded Dr. Hutchinson’s remarks. “They might say,” he went on, “that he was trying to establish a ‘suicide club’ for doctors. It practically came to that, because as the public became educated in matters of health the medical profession might disappear. It was in fact an anomaly that a medical profession should exist. If people were healthy, there was no reason to have doctors at all.” (more…)

Posted in Health, Other Topics, Self-helpwith no comments yet.

From The Inner Planes To Earth: Future Cities

From-The-Inner-Planes-To-Earth-Future-Cities-mainby Swedenborg (channeled by Tom Miller)

Greetings from this high Center! Ioshanna: Greetings, dear One. Swedenborg: We will continue our tour of this New Age city which is being inaugurated at the base of this mountain when it is completed, as will be the temple in just a short while – maybe a day or two at the most. Ioshanna: Wonderful! Swedenborg: Although this new city is of a high spiritual nature, still it is the intermediate learning center for souls who will be attracted through frequency to the various centers for initiation into the higher centers of learning on the more advanced levels of life. Although the previous dissertation was given on a complex structure that was known to be of the Grecian era, still it had a higher frequency than the normal structures on the lower part of this plateau which will be the incoming initiates’ place where they will carry out or conduct their various proceedings. A more precise description of this city and surrounding plateau is in order at this time and its position according to its affiliation with the various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S.. (more…)

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Orbs In Vegas And The Tall Whites

Orbs-In-Vegas-And-The-Tall-Whites-main-4-postMIND BLOWING UFOs Over Las Vegas CAUGHT On Camera


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Ten Reasons Why The Recent Drone Sightings May Be Of Extraterrestrial Origin


The recent wave of mysterious drone sightings has sparked a lot of curiosity and debate. These drones aren’t just your run-of-the-mill flying machines; they’re showcasing abilities that seem straight out of science fiction. From fast gravity-defying maneuvers to evading radar and exploring restricted areas, these strange sightings have people asking: Could they be extraterrestrial? While it’s easy to dismiss such ideas as far-fetched, the evidence makes it hard to ignore. In this list, we’ll explore ten reasons why these drones may be from off-world or extraterrestrial in nature. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, UFOswith 2 comments.

Is An Alien Underwater Facility Creating Drones?

Alien-Underwater-Facility-Creating-Drones-main-2-postby an Anonymous Whistleblower on 4Chan – April 24, 2023

I have intimate knowledge of what the US currently knows about UFOs minus the last two years:

– UFOs are primarily unmanned drones
– UFOs are built to spec each time they are deployed
– UFOs are created by a mobile construction facility that hides in the ocean
– Construction facility destroys anything that comes close to it and will disappear for days when approached aggressively
– US believes the facility has been active on earth for at least 100 years or much longer

Fire away on questions I’ll answer what I can; you won’t be disappointed. (more…)

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The Astral Plane

The-Astral-Plane-main-2-postby F. Homer Curtiss

The astral influences are invisible, but they act upon man, unless he knows how to protect himself against them. Heat and light are intangible and incorporeal; nevertheless, they act upon man, and the same takes place with other invisible influences.” ~Paracelsus.

Student: “What IS the astral plane? Is it a place or locality in any sense at all? With all the evidence of the substantiality of the astral plane, when we try to prove things it at once becomes unsubstantial. I can find no landmarks; I cannot even prove whether the beings are external to ourselves or are creations of our own brain, made of the same stuff as are our thoughts – dramatizations of our thoughts – yet this solution does not seem true when checked up by all the facts. What then is real?” (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.

Inside The Spaceships: My First Look At Outer Space

My-First-Look-At-Outer-Space-main-1-postby George Adamski

At this point, a man who appeared to be about my age entered from a door in the left corner of the room, smiling in a friendly way. Although I had noticed a ladder in that corner which I presumed must lead to an upper deck of the ship, I had seen no door until he entered through it.

Upon his appearance the two girls excused themselves and left through the doorway leading into the control room. Shortly, Ilmuth, the Martian, returned. She had changed from her lovely gown to a pilot’s suit of the same style as that worn by the men. The color was light tan with bands of darker brown at the top and bottom of the waist belt. I was delighted when she asked if I would like to accompany her to the pilot’s compartment.

Firkon joined us and as we three climbed the ladder to the next deck, I noticed Orthon leave through the control room where we had first entered after landing on the mother ship. The elder man and Ramu, the Saturnian, remained in the lounge. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith comments disabled.

Immortal Love


Posted in Poetry, Spirituality, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.