Image Of God


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, Spirituality, The Antheniumwith no comments yet.

Inside The Spaceships: Meeting With A Master

Inside-The-Spaceships-Meeting-With-A-Master-mainby George Adamski

“My son,” said the great teacher, “you have been brought here and shown what lies within our smaller craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each for a short distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on to your fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is like and that it is indeed constantly active, filled with moving particles from out of which all forms are finally brought into being. There is neither a beginning nor an ending. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith no comments yet.

Spirit Possession

Spirit-Possession-main-2-postby Fiona Bowie

Carl Wickland – Thirty Years Among The Dead

One of the earliest written accounts of spirit possession or ‘obsession’ in a modern clinical setting is that of Carl Wickland (1861-1945), a Swedish-American physician and psychologist with an interest in paranormal research, who practiced in Chicago and California. He invented a static electricity machine known as a Wimhurts, which he used to send low voltage electric shocks to the head and spine of patients he believed to be suffering from the effects of an attached or obsessing spirit. Wickland spent over thirty years studying the phenomenon of what he termed ‘obsession’ and recording verbatim conversations with the spirits he was treating. Wickland and his wife, a gifted psychic and medium, were interested in Spiritualism, which provided a context in which his work could be understood. His wonderful, detailed account of his practice was first published in 1924 under the title Thirty Years Among The Dead. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith no comments yet.

Types Of Physical Karma

Types-Of-Physical-Karma-main-2-postby Ann Jaffin

Keep the physical fit that the soul may manifest the longer. 294-7

In her classic work on Edgar Cayce’s story of reincarnation and karma, Many Mansions, Dr. Gina Cerminara divided physical karma into three categories: boomerang, organismic, and symbolic. As the name indicates, boomerang karma is an action toward another person that rebounds to the originator of the action. Organismic karma occurs when someone misuses a bodily organ in one life and inherits difficulty with the same organ in another life. Symbolic karma is more subtle and is seen when a past-life wrong yields a more general, chronic, and illusive bodily challenge in a later life. As we explore examples of physical karma from the Cayce readings, we will see some examples of these three different types. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith no comments yet.

Lessons On The Law Of Cause And Effect: Karma

Lessons-On-The-Law-Of-Cause-And-Effect-main-4-postby Dr. & Mrs. F. Homer Curtiss

KARMA is the implacable Law of Cause and Effect, bringing to you in exact justice the net results of your past thoughts, desires and acts, but it does not do so in detail and hence is not the Nemesis it is so frequently represented to be.

“For the only decree of Karma – an eternal and immutable decree – is absolute Harmony in the world of Matter as it is in the world of Spirit.”

It is not your acts that are the cause of your Karma, but the possession or lack of certain Soul-quaIities which is the cause of your thoughts, desires and acts, whose effects are brought to you by the great Law of Harmony for readjustment. (more…)

Posted in Reincarnation, Self-help, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.

The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac

The-Extraterrestrial-Species-Almanac-main-4-postThis is a field guide to the 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe. ET enthusiast Craig Campobasso explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith no comments yet.