Fifteen Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

Fifteen-Ways-To-Raise-Your-Consciousness-main-4-postCompilation by Tish Brown


There is an immediate necessity to fundamentally overhaul the current frameworks in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and science. Our present comprehension of reality, the universe, and, most importantly, human beings is superficial, incorrect, and incomplete.

Our existing view of reality fails to accommodate the interdimensional experience such as life after death, life between lives, the paranormal, UFOs, reincarnation, and astral travel. This narrow paradigm creates illusionary boundaries which inhibits the understanding of the interconnectedness of all people, places, and things reflecting the holographic nature of reality. This holographic matrix is rooted in the electromagnetic essence of energy which forms the universal plasma of life; the very essence of life. This understanding serves as a crucial connection to a higher level of consciousness, forming the foundation for an interdimensional Science of Life.

Earth Transformation

Elevating the consciousness of humanity towards a new paradigm – the interdimensional understanding of life – will ultimately transform our worldview when applied. We will recognize that we are a continuity of the past, present, and future, widening our perception of the reality of a space-time continuum. Ultimately our approach from this spiritual perspective will allow us to see the true nature of existence as it has always been: an Infinite Creative Intelligence.

It is the prerogative of homo sapiens to recognize their regenerative evolutionary essence as a creative spark of Infinity. The purpose to continually expand consciousness to align with the grand design of the Infinite, rather than to remain fragmented and disconnected from the vibrant electromagnetic force that emanates and flows around and within each person.

Sickness Is Not Normal

Illness of the mind and body indicates dis-ease – a separation of the spiritual components of the mind – leading to a blockage of vital nutrients in individual consciousness. The causes of sickness – disease in mind and body – are clear. Disease arises when people fail to recognize that they have obstructed their inner pathways to the constant flow of energy that rejuvenates their psychic/electromagnetic and physical bodies. Acknowledgment and further exploration of this can pave the way for healing.

Being In Tune With The Infinite

Comprehension of the principles of progressive evolution has the power to rejuvenate the mind and expand consciousness. The key principle here is cause and effect – the sine wave highway of consciousness across multiple lifetimes, or reincarnation. This understanding can clarify the complexities and mysteries surrounding life and death, as well as the ongoing cycles of disease, war, crime, poverty, etc.

This progressive information forms the foundation of a new paradigm—a Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science. Application of the ‘soulic-centered’ principles of this science will help overcome the shocks and blocks caused by negative past-life experiences. These traumatic experiences have resulted in forms of psychic amnesia, hindering the awareness of one’s infinite nature as a cell in the creative cosmos.

Researching Past Lives

This study uncovers the underlying causes of present malformations in the mind, body, and spirit. Understanding the factors contributing to disease that originated in past lifetimes will illuminate the understanding of our electromagnetic nature of consciousness of self while simultaneously healing those past life traumas.

Fifteen-Ways-To-Raise-Your-Consciousness-dividerFifteen Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

1) Aim High

Align your mind and actions with a purposeful life. Don’t let the obstacles that have limited your growth, spiritually or mentally, hold you back. Instead, see them as opportunities to push beyond your comfort zone. True self-mastery, achieved through commitment and focus, should be the guiding aspiration and objective of life.

2) Stay Mentally And Physically Active

Your mind is a generator of vital energy that sustains both your mental and physical health. The connection between body and spirit is an ongoing interaction, forming the foundation for overall well-being. Keeping your mind sharp through learning and your body healthy through activity creates the conditions for physical health and spiritual growth to flourish together.

3) Cultivate A Positive Attitude

A positive mindset not only uplifts your spirit but also radiates outward, impacting the people and environment around you. By focusing on positivity, you cultivate an internal resilience that helps you navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity. Positivity creates the foundation for growth, opening you up to newer pathways and higher states of consciousness.

4) Practice Patience

Growth is a gradual process that requires patience. Just as great civilizations were not built overnight, personal transformation takes time and effort. Spiritual forces are always working alongside you, helping you develop the mental strength and wisdom needed to overcome the limiting influences of attitudes that have kept you captive to your past.

5) Stay Persistent

Achieving your goals requires consistent effort and dedication. The more you persist, the more likely you are to break through obstacles and reach success in your objectives. Persistence not only strengthens your willpower but also builds a deeper sense of trust in your own abilities to attain the goals of overcoming and self-mastery as you travel the pathway of life.

6) Eliminate Negative Thought Patterns

Remove the weight of self-centeredness and negative thinking, as it drags you down mentally, spiritually, and physically. Negative energy disrupts the natural flow of your spirit, creating blockages that hinder growth. By consciously trimming away negativity, you create space for positive energy to flow, leading to mental clarity and emotional balance. A lighter mind naturally raises your consciousness to achieve greater heights in your spiritual development.

7) Allow Spirit To Work With You

The energy that is the Force of the Cosmos is of an Infinite Creative Intelligence that will, without fail, rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. This spiritual force is always available to assist you in breaking free from limiting patterns created by negative past life experiences. Aligning yourself with this universal intelligence accesses a deeper wisdom that transcends ordinary thinking. Understanding and working with this spiritual Brotherhood, who are always there to inspire and motivate the sincere student, will help you to navigate your life with greater purpose and ease.

Fifteen-Ways-To-Raise-Your-Consciousness-divider-two8) Nourish Your Mind and Body

Feed both your mind and body with the essential nutrients required for optimal well-being. Spiritual nourishment, derived from the positive electromagnetic energies of the Infinite Intelligence, strengthens and reinforces the body, mind, and spirit. Regularly engage in activities that will assist you in learning and understanding of life’s principles as it exists around you thus advancing and elevating consciousness.

9) Maintain a Lighthearted Approach

Keep your sense of humor and refuse to let temporary setbacks pull you down. Laughter has a healing power that restores balance and lightens the emotional load. Approaching life with a playful and lighthearted attitude helps you navigate challenges with grace and resilience. A light heart naturally elevates energy, fostering greater creativity, connection, and spiritual well-being. When you don’t take things too seriously, you allow yourself the freedom to grow and adapt.

10) Broaden the Horizons of Your Mind

Explore the nature of consciousness. Consciousness encompasses your continuous participation in the evolutionary journey of life. By studying consciousness, you unlock the deeper mysteries of existence, and understand that life is an unbroken never-ending sequence of experiences proceeding from the past into the present and future. As you deepen this understanding, you begin to perceive your role in this grand tapestry of life: the Infinite Creative Intelligence.

11. Recognize Clues from Past Lives

Notice your unique connections to people, places, and things, as these may provide insights into past lives. Pay attention to:

– Historical figures, art, and religious symbols
– Deep emotional responses or recurring dreams
– Personal crises, fears, and relationships
– Physical or psychological challenges
– Fixed beliefs and attitudes

Analyzing emotional turmoil, physical ailments, psychological challenges, dreams, and visions, as well as difficult family dynamics, can all provide clues into recognizing past life experiences and influences. Recognition of these past life cycles will be the key that springs the lock into greater understanding and therefore relief from current negative circumstance.

Stay receptive to new ideas that go beyond rigid, traditional beliefs. It is essential to examine and challenge your own attitudes and viewpoints. Clinging to fixed belief systems creates a narrow perspective, limiting your ability to act rationally and with logic and reason.

12) Embrace Limitlessness

Let go of the belief that your growth is confined by limitations. True expansion of consciousness comes when you understand that barriers are often self-imposed. The universe is vast and full of possibilities, and when you stop placing limits on your potential, you open yourself up to accelerated growth. By embracing the idea that there are no restrictions to what you can achieve and learn, you begin to operate from a place of abundance and creativity, allowing your spirit to flourish.

13) Engage in Creative Activities

Creative expression is a powerful way to elevate consciousness. Whether through art, music, writing, or any other form of creativity, you tap into the higher energies of imagination and intuition. This process allows your spirit to communicate in ways that transcend words and feelings. When you engage in creative activities, you not only release emotional and mental blocks but also connect with deeper aspects of yourself while tuning into greater levels of growth and awareness.

14) Nurture Compassion In All Aspects Of Life

When you practice compassion or kindness to others, you open your heart, not only uplifting yourself and those you assist, but creating a sense of harmony and unity with all living beings. This is a powerful force that bridges the gap between you and the greater whole, allowing you to see the shared humanity in everyone. As you nurture this quality, you contribute to a more peaceful, loving, and interconnected existence in the world around you.

15. Immerse Yourself in Positive and Uplifting Energy

Surround yourself with environments, people, and experiences that inspire and elevate your spirit. The energy you immerse yourself in does play a critical role in your personal growth and overall well-being. Positive energy not only fosters a sense of peace and happiness, but it also empowers you to progress toward higher states of consciousness. When consciously attuning to the higher Spiritual Brotherhood (your Brothers and Sisters on the Inner Realms) in moments of reflection or studies, you create for yourself a space for inner transformation and attract more of what resonates with your soul’s highest potential.


The true purpose of life is for each person to achieve spiritual fulfillment by mastering themselves through an infinite series of lifetimes and experiences. This journey toward self-mastery cannot be accelerated by relying on others to raise your consciousness for you. As the philosopher Lao Tzu said, “He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” Growth comes from within, and the expansion of one’s consciousness happens through personal reflection and self-study. Through exploration and study of the teachings and lesson courses in the Unariun liturgies, the most important initial steps will have been taken whereby you, too, can climb the Pathway To The Stars.

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