From The Inner Planes To Earth: Future Cities
by Swedenborg (channeled by Tom Miller)
Greetings from this high Center! Ioshanna: Greetings, dear One. Swedenborg: We will continue our tour of this New Age city which is being inaugurated at the base of this mountain when it is completed, as will be the temple in just a short while – maybe a day or two at the most. Ioshanna: Wonderful! Swedenborg: Although this new city is of a high spiritual nature, still it is the intermediate learning center for souls who will be attracted through frequency to the various centers for initiation into the higher centers of learning on the more advanced levels of life. Although the previous dissertation was given on a complex structure that was known to be of the Grecian era, still it had a higher frequency than the normal structures on the lower part of this plateau which will be the incoming initiates’ place where they will carry out or conduct their various proceedings. A more precise description of this city and surrounding plateau is in order at this time and its position according to its affiliation with the various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S..
This city which we are describing to you at this time is the one on Muse and it is being described for the simple reason that the energies which are being projected to the earth plane at this time are on the frequency band of inspiration and of the arts, etc., however, these cycles change very rapidly and if we are in the middle of a conversation, we could very easily transfer our frequency affiliation to another plane. However, this would be unlikely at this time, so we will continue with Muse at the moment. This city is built in a circular manner, surrounded by a circular lake, which is walled in by a tremendously high cliff and terminated by seven structures. One of them has been described to you in a somewhat nondescript manner which we have referred to as the Grecian era. There are seven of these complexes or structures placed upon the cliff or high wall, if we can utilize this terminology; yet it is to the various entrances of the city that the people will be drawn and that they must go through the seven planes according to their frequency affiliation and be cleansed before they can enter the city proper. The entrance way is a great complex of structures involving certain ways of life and these buildings are, in themselves, great cities. These, in their totality, are on a plane right next to the so-called mountain of crystal and it can be said that this city is at the base of this mountain, and in a way, can be said to be surrounding this mountain; that the center of the city is the mountain.
Now to picture the vast scope of this city is staggering when we imagine that the mountain itself is many miles in circumference at the base and that this city is stretching out over miles itself in any direction in a circular manner and can then be visualized as a rise in the terrain, completely surrounding this city and that at intervals which number seven, these complexes are placed. The incoming souls, as was stated, must enter through the portals of these complexes, according to their expression, on any material plane. It could also be said that these channeling complexes also determine the energies which flow into the mountain itself and all incoming energies and frequencies are transmitted by the affiliations, according to the expression which is the incoming signal or thought patterns of certain individuals who are expressing in this manner.
A side note to this gigantic city can be simulated by saying that these great cities which have been under construction for quite some time now, will be manifested as they will be reproduced on the earth plane as the new cities of the future! If you can imagine that this tower or mountain is the central transmitter for the rest of the city, then you can well imagine what your new cities will look like. These cities on the inner planes of the seven Centers are being polarized at this time so that they can be materialized into the earth worlds. They have been incorporated to some extent on various earth worlds already and they have been under construction from the subharmonics of these cities in certain planetary systems for a number of years. It only remains to be seen that upon the earth plane man must conceive that these things can be so and then the manifestation of this new city can be brought about. It is a time of great anticipation and preoccupation with these new Centers which are, as a matter of fact, situated not far from the original cities described by the Moderator when He so brought to conscious awareness, the seven planes of UN.AR.I.U.S..
All of the seven structures which surround this indented city which is surrounding the mountain, are wondrous places to behold for the incoming students. They will be shown in the future how they can interpret a higher life and can become a part of this higher life. Many of the past civilizations are shown to them such as the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman civilizations, so that they can interpret or incorporate these life styles in a higher understanding or degree which has heretofore been only vaguely envisioned in the higher reaches of their minds. They will be taught the various ways and means of entering into a spiritual life and still relate this life on a material plane. This basis of combining and relating their life styles in a material world with the spiritual essences have been only dreamed of by the more advanced Intellects that have been seen upon the earth plane, which has been referred to as a utopia or a paradise; yet even though these expressions are coming to the individual in a higher or more advanced form, still he must not become complacent with this attitude that his material world is the ultimate. This will be one of the integrating factors in his learning process, that he will learn in all of his concepts, that there must be placed this vow to search and seek out a higher life even though he might express a very great degree of integrated technology and civilization. These are the promises of the future, for the earthman will come to know that he is a great grain of sand in a greater grain of sand, and he will not rely on the past emotionalisms which demand that he be supreme. We subdivide the life styles of ourselves from others only because we wish to become a separate and sustaining monument to our egos when we enter into these feelings of superiority, supremacy, etc.
But going further into the description of the city as it has been planned to be a part of the total building process for the upcoming human, plebeian or initiate, that we enter the city proper and in this respect we will see immediately all of these apparatuses and various impedimenta which you might visualize in a futuristic city. These appliances which could be referred to as robots, are being incepted and created for the convenience of the earthman in his new future cities.
All of the souls who are now in this city are preparing it for the incoming inhabitants. They are relating and interpreting these visions which will be in the minds of the incoming souls as robots or various contrivances, yet on these higher planes these so-called mechanical robots are not in the pure sense, robots. They are moving and animated to the degree that the person would think they are real, for these robots that the person would normally view and interpret as he would see these things, still they are to be under the complete guidance of the higher Advanced Intellects. These Beings will descend upon this city and teach the reasons and whyfors of these apparatuses which will be the lifestyles of the earth plane for many thousands of years into the future, when man accepts these concepts as only a means to an end, and that they are not to become his dominating superior; for he must master these contrivances. So even though it looks to be that this city will be teaching how to build robots so that these robots will take over the dominant lifestyles of the earthman, yet if we peer under the surface of these classrooms, it will be shown that teachers who are guides and who will instruct, will show the souls who are in this cycle or frequency to bring about a spiritual relationship with these physical devices.
Ioshanna: This is so very interesting! I am fascinated; we would like to hear a bit more about this if possible. Swedenborg: It is very important that man go through this cycle of working with the mechanics and animated machinery, for it is in this learning to work with the structures and substances of the Infinite that he begins his first step in learning to use the mind forces for psychokinesis on the inner worlds. He is, on the earth plane, molding and shaping these contrivances and robots so that when he advances further in his evolution, he has the preconditioning element in his psychic anatomy so that he can attain a higher concept of these affiliations than he made before, when upon the earth plane he thus created various robots, yet it can be said that these robots or devices have already been in operation throughout many of the galaxies and planetary systems for eternity. But, at this time and in this center, it is necessary to have this element of instruction. Above all else however, these teachers must and will teach the soul who is becoming more scientifically biased and desirous of so learning to construct a better world, that these elements can only be subjected to a secondary role if he understands the all-creative Source from which these contrivances were formed. So in his sleep state, the soul who would normally at these times be instructed, would be taught that he can live compatibly with these contrivances and not be subjected to the normal lackadaisical attitude which would be inherent with a person who would be subjected to robots cleaning up after them and doing their every bidding.
This point of integration must be placed in the person’s concept before the New Age can come about, and so it is imperative that the earthman of the future who is to be placed in a progressively minded position, must not let these things get the upper hand in his consciousness. For all mechanical contrivances are instituted upon any earth plane for the simple reason that he must learn to mold the Infinite in a finite way and constantly, more creatively, so that he can, when entering upon the spiritual worlds, utilize to a much higher degree, these aspects which he has learned in his evolution throughout his past. Yet, as we move up the scale of evolution, we will be seeing constantly new variations of this same creation that we must assimilate so that they become a part of us. These derivations which he is going through must be constantly brought to his consciousness and that these surface bits of intelligence that are being brought to him in the scope that they are throughout the universe, then he can come to a somewhat compromised position so that he will not let these contrivances enter into any emotional deprivations which would normally enter into the person’s psychic if he was not properly conditioned and aware of their intent into his life when he would so utilize them.
This section which we have just been describing is of a tremendously large structure and has many levels or floors, and that they have somewhat rectangular dimensions with three domes on them. These buildings are in a central square. This central square is where the new contrivances are so brought into play from the higher centers of UN.AR.I.U.S.. All of these contrivances that are being brought to this center have been released from the higher centers so that the earthman can incorporate them within his own lifestyle within the particular dimension or association that he has with his society. These are naturally brought from the more scientific planes of Eros and as they are so necessary to be materialized, they will have their materialization in this plane prior to their inception on the required earth plane to which they are now becoming receptive.
Ioshanna: May I please say that your descriptions are so vivid and exciting, and wondrous! I am so enthused about what you are relating; it is so very wonderful and makes me very joyous! Swedenborg: This is one section which has been described, but there are many thousands of sections which can be and will be interpreted upon the earth plane in the future, for these cities have in them, the radiant qualities of regeneration and need only the receptivity of the earth mind to be instilled as a reality upon the earth plane.
As you are standing now in the middle of a wide parkway, it will be well to describe the lushness and wonderful foliage and the overall scenery of this city. First of all, all of the representations of the creative aspects of nature will be a paramount thing to see in your future cities. It will even be so that the cities will be obscured by the foliage, and that even in the central part of the cities, the areas will be taken up with nature’s bountiful splendor inasmuch as there will be, as you see before you now, a stream or it can be said to be a river which is flowing gently over a large amount of crystal rocks which are sparkling to your eye. They are, in themselves, radiating outward to the surrounding atmosphere and becoming more and more radiant as they are viewed. The animals will be seen frolicking and trees and various flowers, shrubbery, etc., are radiating all about in all directions with none of the clamor of city lights and streets which you now see upon the earth plane. The hustle and bustle which you have become accustomed to upon your material world is absent here and will be so in the New Age cities, for people will walk to most of the areas which will be utilized by them in this city. As you can look about you now and see these souls traversing the pathways and entrance ways to the buildings, they take on a great luster and their faces have serenity and a calmness which is devoid of anxieties. We will strive most assiduously for this to be a reality on the earth plane and that you will see that there too, people will become calm and their emotions will not run rampant.
As we enter one structure to your immediate right, you will notice that this gigantic domed building has within it an enormous amount of various apparatuses, such as can be envisioned to be telescopes or microscopes and various impedimenta which can be related to the scientific world in endeavoring to use the machinery to see things which are not normally seen under the auspicious scope of the eye. These lenses which are placed in the walls and the entire ceiling are representations of the futuristic type of building, which, when the person enters, instead of having drab walls, they will sparkle and radiate back what the person himself is radiating. These lenses will be like reflections of the total environment which is at any time occupying this building.
When certain souls come here to be taught, they will learn to direct their mental faculties to these lenses so that they can peer into these telescopes and microscopes and bring out the microcosm and macrocosm and their visual relationship to the desired object, for they can in many ways, understand what the underlying principles are as being involved in what they are trying to see. This has been somewhat described as an apparatus which can be combined upon the earth plane to be a psychic viewer and will be reality when the earthman sees that it is feasible. This instrument has been referred to elsewhere as the time clock. But this apparatus is now going to be taught on these inner planes for the more advanced scientists upon the earth plane today so that they can be conditioned to accept these realities on the inner planes to later be manifested in the future on your earth world. The teachers here in this building will be the great personages of the past – Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, etc. – these personages will come from time to time, to teach the intermediate phases of this psychic interpretation so that the earthman can come to grips with the psychic world and become totally immersed and involved in building apparatuses such as you see about you now, to interpret this psychic reality upon the earth plane. We are endeavoring to bring about a closer and more scrutinous view of creation in these past lives which has now come to a point of termination for each and every one of us, that these manifestations of this city and center is one of a stupendous milestone in many thousands of souls’ evolutions; it is seen that every one of the souls which are coming and going now in the preparation for the opening of this city are doing so with a lively step and with great joy in their hearts.
This building can be very easily opened up or split in half and moved apart, so that it can be a thoroughfare itself, and people who are not very advanced scientifically can come, through frequency, into this split portion which would be sealed off by a protective shield because of the foreign frequencies to them, for they might be harmed if they would come in contact with these frequencies straight on and view this apparatus in its higher form. For you see, it is radiating and remanifesting many of the ultrahigh frequencies that are being injected into these persons from the very high centers of Eros, and even from centers that are above Eros. It can be said that all of the buildings here are not for the masses, that all structures are built from the mind forces of souls, yet they are constructed on this frequency principle and that all people, even though they might enter the portals of this city, are still not in complete attunement with many of the structures and would have to be confined to their particular endeavors and relationships involving their particular field of life at any moment.
Now, as we are strolling down this street or thoroughfare, you can see that if you look up you will become infused with the great love and feelings of being overwhelmed with the scope of the infinite nature involved in this creation, and we are referring to the mountain and that as you peer upward, you can see the great shafts of Light streaming into this glowing, pulsating mass of crystal. It is the most brilliant and lovely sight to behold! At the topmost part of this mountain you can vaguely see the temple which is enormous, yet from your point of view, is only a pinpoint. It is discernible that there are great shafts of Light which are streaming into this temple from all directions and above this temple or pinnacle peak of this mountain.
It is a great privilege to show you about this city and it would be my pleasure to take you completely around this mountain into all of the sections or dwelling places of this beautiful, intermediate city to the high plane of UN.AR.I.U.S.; yet this cannot be so, for it would take too long of a period of time to describe all of the beauty and splendor to which we are referring, as the New Age dwelling place for the incoming souls who will advance into a higher understanding and lifestyle, incepting more of the inner nature of creation. The ideas which are behind this city come from a great vortex we have called the Fountainhead, and that all of the surrounding area of which you see and can visualize has been so preordained and decreed to be materialized in all dimensions so that the Infinite Creator can so recreate itself in these lower planes.
As you are looking up into the atmosphere, it is a pulsating mass of radiant colors interspersed with these shafts of Light which are coming from seemingly nowhere. Yet, as we said before, these are actually directed shafts of Light which are emanating from the seven portals which have become somewhat discriminators and directors of the various frequencies directed toward the mountain, and that it is discerning the necessary frequencies and direction so that it will all be compatible and inphase so that regeneration can take place to traverse the inside of the mountain, hence, to terminate on the topmost part, culminating in the Flame of Life, and of Love in the temple. Ioshanna: Oh, beloved One, it is so wonderful! Your frequency just about takes me out. Swedenborg: We can use your assistance from this side anytime you wish to join us! Ioshanna: Oh come now, don’t tempt me! You know I would love to truly join you, but . . . Swedenborg: Yes, but I am referring to the sleep state. Ioshanna: Oh I see, well, I can hardly hold on to the physical now, with all the power that you extend here! It is so wonderful, all that you are relating; so very wonderful and informative. Swedenborg: Yes, I see that it would be a good time to close this session and we will return shortly, for this is now a time of quietude that is approaching. I look forward to being your guide – your humble servant. Ioshanna: I am so happy that you are our guide, it is very wonderful and you describe it so pointedly and vividly. The pictures you portray are most beautiful and I know that the readers will have a wonderful time as you take them on this tour. Thank you, dear One. For now.
Excerpt from Tesla Speaks, Vol. 6
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