The Invisible Empire Of Atlantis

The-Invisible-Empire-Of-Atlantis-main-2-postby Unknown Master


“The continent as it was, has been described in a manner very nearly satisfactory by Plato, but the Egyptian priest, in his great wisdom and, it is true, UNDER ORDERS, had adapted the ‘religious and philosophic fact’, to put it within the comprehension of the Grecian age. In reality, even esoteric Atlantis, that is to say the religion of the masses, was monotheistic in the absolute sense, in a manner greatly similar to the Jewish belief and still more similar to Islam of our era. The first divine ‘manifestation’ FOR OUR PLANETARY SYSTEM was, for the Atlanteans, the sun and, more or less, the ancient Egyptian cosmogony reflected the EXTERIOR beliefs of Atlantis but in a rather less degenerate way on account of those who besides, had been ‘adjusted’ to the country of their adoption, to include especially the Nile and thus appeal further to the popular imagination.

“Atlantis, in its extraordinary degree of development in ALL DOMAINS, had in fact this peculiarity, that she exported her beliefs by adapting them to their new surroundings and taking scrupulous account of the peculiarities, the psychology, the conditions – observing the traditions of its society.

“It is clear – and certain non initiates have learned it – Atlantis, a highly civilized continent and having means of communication and transport compared with which those we now know are nothing, was in its time THE HEART OF THE WORLD. In other words, the entire world knew Atlantis and, all over the world, Atlanteans had missionaries and colonies more or less powerful. The ‘colonized’ people received knowledge according to their standard, and in certain particularly ‘developed’ countries, a direct connection was established by the ‘College of Sages’. That is to say, by the highest initiates of the time, guardians of the secret wisdom, and this affiliation was marked by a TEMPLE PYRAMID after the image of the supreme temple which held, in Atlantis, the college and where knowledge was preserved. One pyramid only, however, has reproduced the supreme pyramid and yet in a different ‘dimension’ – it is said to be that of Cheops. The others, throughout the world, comprising those which have been preserved up to the present time, reproduce only PARTIALLY the supreme pyramid. The ‘Great Pyramid’ then perpetuates for the whole world THE COMPLETENESS of the Atlantean wisdom while the others reveal only a PART of this wisdom, that which was destined for the continent or country where they were erected. In the near future, elsewhere, “discoveries” will be favorable for the benefit of humanity in this domain and these indisputable discoveries will put an end to the controversy for good.

“Atlantis knew perfectly the nature and power of certain cosmic forces, particularly those of telluric currents (earth currents) and the people applied them with care to agriculture and, moreover – perhaps above all – to maintain the harmony of those currents to avoid any geological catastrophe which was in the power of man to imagine. The pyramids alone fulfilled this purpose by the place, duly studied, where they were erected. Elsewhere, the ‘points of protection’ sufficed and such is the case, for example, of the dolmans and menhirs which marked at the same time with precision the places of ‘conjunction of forces’, of focalization of the universal energy, where efficacious ceremonies could take place. It is the same with these stones of greater or lesser importance that one still sees, numerous throughout the world, in some regions, in the fields, even in cities, but concerning them, they had an exclusive role, to ‘amplify’ so to speak cosmic energy and to increase the crops. One can consider in addition, that ALL these secondary elements were connected, from the point of view of ‘energy’, to the supreme temple and the entire earth became in this way an efficient receptacle for all the cosmic forces. Naturally, the College of Sages alone KNEW how. The Atlantean people and the colonized countries used in a practical manner the effects of this knowledge just as many actually employ electricity without a precise knowledge of their subject. . . From this fact, there came about abusive use, accidents, and finally, the supreme pyramid having been altered as a result of ignorant and ambitious usage, the planetary catastrophe which swallowed up Atlantis transformed the surface of the earth and was engraved in common memory under the inexact name of the ‘flood’.

“What was produced thereafter is the logical consequence this outstanding event had for Atlantis in the world, since the whole world was connected with it. The ‘colonized’ countries governed by Atlantean ‘administrators’ often only partially possessing the WISDOM were left to themselves and on the basis of what already existed which had been brought by the Atlanteans and adapted to each religion, a new knowledge was developed with its own beliefs, mythology, superstition and rites. Besides this esoteric development, the Atlantean governors become by the force of circumstances, responsible for the country they administered, created local societies of a secret character and transmitted to the few they had gathered round THOSE WHO KNEW THE WISDOM OF ATLANTIS and this knowledge was more or less rudimentary according to the regions although the fundamental principles were everywhere similar.

As a result, in Africa, for example, these initiation societies which, if they took a different form from one country to another, have ALL a knowledge of a similar basis and an identical ‘technique’. Lack of understanding and the part taken have brought the wisdom of Africa into disrepute until recently. One has confused exotericism with esotericism, altered the nature of the purity of the symbols to the length of making them a horrible caricature, one has given to the gesture or to the initiation or symbolic action a real value underlining a pretended cruelty such as the western tradition affirming that ‘the initiate will kill the initiator’, one actually thought that this image expressed a real act! One has mixed superstition with knowledge, one has covered with the wrong name of ‘fetishism’ all the authentic wisdom but, modern ethnographers are retracting on the foolish conceptions of their predecessors and it is well for at the base of the instruction of the authentic secret African societies – there are also some who are not – beyond the form and the exterior elements, IT IS A PART OF THE ATLANTEAN WISDOM WHICH IS PERPETUATED! And how many, alas, of these survivals have, elsewhere in the world, disappeared during the course of the ages: the Druids for example! In any case, ALL that has seemed in the past to appear ‘super-phenomenal’ in the realm of knowledge and in the authentic tradition is simply the perpetuation of the Atlantean knowledge, spread abroad, after the catastrophe, in a frame suitable, from the psychological and symbolic point of view, to the countries where this perpetuation had to be accomplished.

“But there is another phase to consider and it concerns the perpetuation of the wisdom of the College itself, that is to say the wisdom IN ITS COMPLETE FORM and it is that to which I am coming …

“The College of Sages, as you may guess, was not ignorant of the dangers which menaced the wisdom which was its mission to protect. It was only too conscious of the imperfections of human nature and the moral abuses to which the impulses of its ego led it unforeseen. You have learned from another source of that which the supreme sages had hidden in Egypt and you know that this was undertaken for its perpetuation and propagation under a new form consistent with the cycle which was opening before humanity. You were also given knowledge, near Rome, of the approach used by the ‘initiation’ communication destined for a small number, for the elite of humanity, and I do not have to go over this question again. But what has not been revealed so far to you is this: THE ATLANTEAN SAGES HAVE ALSO SAFEGUARDED THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE WHICH MADE ATLANTIS A CONTINENT WHOSE CIVILIZATION HAS NOT YET BEEN EQUALED EVEN TO THE PRESENT DAY.

“The world, after the cataclysm, entered into a period of obscurity. The thought which transmitted life and energy had disappeared. The ‘father’ was no longer, and the children were left to themselves. I have explained what the ‘tutors’ accomplished in Africa and elsewhere to maintain the partial knowledge they had received and to favor thus the development of a certain number, also in influencing in a discreet but efficacious fashion the beliefs and behavior of the masses. The sages, certainly, would have been able to reconstitute the empire in all its power, in another continent. They had the means, but, IN VIEW OF WHAT HAD PASSED AND EQUALLY BECAUSE THAT WAS ACCORDING TO THE UNIVERSAL PLAN, they REFUSED and hid the whole of the knowledge preserved. IT WAS NO LONGER ONE COUNTRY OR ONE CONTINENT WHICH WOULD REFIND THE POWER AND CIVILIZATION OF ATLANTIS. IT IS THE ENTIRE WORLD WHICH WOULD BE CALLED TO BECOME THE NEW ATLANTIS AND THAT IN A LONG, A VERY LONG, JOURNEY, COVERING PERHAPS THOUSANDS OF YEARS, SINCE THE OBSCURITY BORN OF THE CATASTROPHE, UNTIL THE LIGHT BE REFOUND AT LAST. THEN, ONCE AGAIN, AND FOR THE LAST TIME, HUMANITY – ALWAYS FREE TO ACT FOR ITSELF – WOULD FACE A LAST CHOICE FROM WHICH WOULD COME AN ERA OF EXTRAORDINARY CIVILIZATION, OR, on the contrary, THE END NOT ONLY OF A CONTINENT, BUT THIS TIME, OF THE WORLD.

“Now, the time of choice approaches. It will be marked by the REAPPEARANCE OF ATLANTIS, THE REEMERGENCE OF A CONTINENT LOST BEFORE A STUPIFIED HUMANITY and that is why you are here with me to receive this message, this warning, and to transmit it to those of whom you have charge. The sages, were they not right in leaving humanity to grow progressively ‘by itself’ instead of reestablishing the Atlantean empire immediately after the catastrophe and to ‘guide’ the evolution of the peoples of the earth? The answer is simple: THEY HAD NO CHOICE. THE LAW HAD TO BE FULFILLED. THE UNIVERSAL PLAN HAD TO BE DEPLOYED AS FORESEEN. But this DOES NOT SIGNIFY that the sages did not ‘guide’ this evolution. On the contrary they have done it with a care and a prudence worthy of the most respectful admiration. THEY HAVE LIBERATED TO THE WORLD IN PROPORTION TO ITS DEVELOPMENT – THAT IS TO SAY, IN THE PROPORTION THAT MAN WAS ABLE – TO UNDERSTAND, RECEIVE AND UTILIZE WITHOUT DANGER THE ‘DISCOVERIES’ WHICH WERE SUGGESTED TO HIM. THEY HAVE LIBERATED – I SAY, IN THE STRICTEST SENSE OF THE TERM – THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED BY ATLANTIS AND PRESERVED BY THEM AND THEIR SUCCESSORS.

“… I finished my explanations by underlining that ALL the Atlantean knowledge had been preserved by the sages and hidden in order to be transmitted to humanity by them and their successors in a progressive way taking into account its development and its aptitude, during the course of ages, to draw profit largely constructed of what it believed to be new discoveries. I DO NOT SAY that the ideas suggested always border upon ideas similar to those of ancient Atlantis. For example, modern aeroplanes are not in any way comparable in shape to the “flying machines” of Atlantis but THE RESULT IS IDENTICAL for the same law or cause necessarily produces the same effects. However what I wish to intimate is clear: ALL MATERIAL CIVILIZATION WHICH HUMANITY HAS BEEN ABLE TO REALIZE IS A RESURGENCE OF ATLANTEAN KNOWLEDGE AND IT W ILL BE THUS UNTIL THE MOMENT OF THE ‘GREAT CHOICE’ OF WHICH I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU.

“Two questions necessarily are now raised: first, whence came the wisdom acquired by the Atlanteans? It is a most unreasonable hypothesis, for the pretended rationalist, which establishes the truth or, at least, comes near to it. This wisdom came from elsewhere, FROM ANOTHER GALAXY, and it was brought by those who became the first chiefs of the continent of Atlantis. They were not earthlings. They lived on the earth just as, in the more or less near future, our cosmonauts will establish on other planets and probably in other galaxies, bases or colonies. What a few years ago would have appeared a chimera or foolishness, is today acceptable to human thought and even this categorical revelation does not surprise you. Think further: how many earth people would then accept living elsewhere than on our planet, in the difficult conditions requiring constant material protection to maintain their own life? Only a few ‘missionaries’ would accept such a sacrifice. It is evident that to discover a different planet is exalting for the world which undertakes such an adventure and that adds to its own knowledge and its development, but, from there, to populating an inhospitable planet, there is an abyss which few would care to cross. Only those would do it who decide to sacrifice their life by totally giving of themselves.

What happened in those remote times is comparable to the pioneer work accomplished by the first explorers of the unknown countries of our earth, with this difference however, those newcomers on our planet were not followed by others and, even amongst those who came, the majority left again abandoning forever those who remained to carry out the work which they had decided to do in an irresistible feeling of compassion towards the ‘rudimentary’ beings peopling the earth. You must understand however that those who decided to remain HAD ACCEPTED THEIR DESTINY, THE MISSION WHICH HAD BEEN IMPARTED TO THEM, FOR NOTHING IS DUE TO HAZARD AND ‘THE SETTING OFF ON THE PATH’ OF OUR EARTH WAS FORESEEN IN THE PROGRESSIVE DEPLOYMENT OF THE UNIVERSAL PLAN. The universe is ONE UNIT. It is not enough to say that men are separate links on the same chain. It is thus in the entire universe WHERE NOTHING IS SEPARATE EXCEPT FOR THE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS . . . Thus, the ‘missionaries’ undertook, let us say, the education of the most advanced people of the earth – the Atlanteans – and they made them the guide for the rest of humanity. They adapted and developed the extraordinary knowledge of which they were the bearers and the masses were inclined to consider them as gods endowed with infinite powers. Taking into account that it was not possible to transmit the same knowledge to all, these beings ‘from outside’ chose carefully those they would ‘mold’ completely, to whom they would impart the COMPLETE knowledge and with them they constituted the first ‘college’ of sages – that college so essential for the perpetuation of the wisdom to which I referred previously.

“There you have from whence came ALL THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD and if you reread attentively the sacred writings of all peoples in the light of what I have shown you, you will find confirmed by many allusions this great origin of human evolution, but other conformations will follow and the world will go from astonishment to astonishment …

“Now let us see how this hidden wisdom was perpetuated until our epoch and how it is still perpetuated. We touch at that point the most extraordinary revelations which I must make in this very special contact with you.

“What I must now reveal to you is scarcely credible, and the stupid, so called strong minds, of today would refuse credence to my words. You, assuredly, do not. Your faith is complete and this is why the universe reveals to you its most secret aspects. It is the privilege of all those who see beyond themselves, who go beyond their own poor reasoning, and the limits which they ridiculously impose upon themselves for fear of making a mistake. I say to you, in truth, it is better to run the risk of being mistaken a thousand times rather than miss the one principal revelation able to transform radically too narrow a vision of an infinite universe.

“I declared to you, in the first words of my message, THAT THE ATLANTEANS HAD NOT ALL DISAPPEARED IN THE CATACLYSM and you now know the work they have accomplished, according to their degrees of knowledge and their responsibilities but I added THAT THEY HAD A DESCENT AND THAT THIS DESCENT WAS STILL PERPETUATED. Extraordinary as that may seem, indeed, there are actually Atlanteans still living and there will be up to the moment of the great choice which will coincide, as I have stated, with the reemergence of the lost continent. The Atlanteans of whom I speak, are not those who, adapting themselves to new circumstances, contracted marriage with the people amongst whom they pursued, alone, the work I have mentioned, giving birth to new races, the Peuls in Africa, for example, and yet others elsewhere . . . I refer to the Atlanteans of pure origin whose perpetuation has been assured and IS STILL assured by marriages maintained within the race itself. These Atlanteans have wedded no one but Atlanteans and it has been thus since the catastrophe, that is to say for nearly 12,000 years …”

Student asks, “But where are they? Is it possible that a race exists on our planet without anyone knowing it! The exploration of the earth has long since terminated!”

“No! It has not! It is very far from being so! Every day a discovery surprises humanity and many enigmas have not yet been solved or else the explanations have not been satisfactory and are constantly being modified …

“In fact, a race perpetuates itself on the earth and the earth knows it not, for precautions are taken for its own protection since its role of witness must later become a role of actor and, believe me, a ‘leading role’. It is from this race – the purest there is – that those are chosen who, periodically must replace a lost sage in the ‘college’, and it is an extremely rigorous choice, justified by the importance of the stake. So the College of Sages has always existed and it is it, as you have understood, which decides the ‘imparting’ to humanity of the scientific and technical knowledge and other things from the past …

“The College of Sages,” continued the Unknown Master, “is also, in some way, the ‘government’ of this sacred race. It is it which assures, definitely, its existence in all countries. In reality, the word ‘race’ would seem exaggerated but there is no other more appropriate one to designate THESE SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF BEINGS FROM ANOTHER AGE – from an age of light – whose number is intentionally maintained CONSTANT.

“Where are they? Remember that I cannot reveal it with precision – even to you! Meanwhile you are not without knowledge of the questions the savants and seekers put to the world, the strange reports concerning beings who come from no one knows where, who make payments for purchases with an unknown money of purest gold, and other tales of the same kind! Yes, many enigmas are still presented to man and will not be solved until the time when no danger will be feared …

“Certainly, however, the time approaches for . . . THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE OF THE ETERNAL ATLANTIS, the hour of the final discovery will sound sooner than one could imagine. At any rate, remember this, THE ATLANTEANS WILL APPEAR BEFORE THE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME THAT ATLANTIS RISES AGAIN . . . They are ‘in the world’ at points carefully chosen SINCE the beginning, thanks to their exceptional wisdom. The places where they are assembled are situated in all continents and they are vital in the most absolute sense of the term . . . These are the ‘centers of force’ and the Atlanteans are in consequence THEIR VIGILANT GUARDIANS. One can also add that AT THE SAME TIME THEY WATCH OVER A HUMANITY, SOMETIMES INSECURE AND OFTEN IMPRUDENT. Sometimes, they alone, these few thousand beings under the direction of their College, bring into ‘equilibrium’ dangerous, even deadly, impulses, of men unconscious of the upheavals which they create in the universal energy on which rests the very existence of their planet …

“Thus, you see, even in the material sphere, one finds again THE ONE LAW expressed on a different level! On the plane of individual evolution, man ‘remembers’ a lost paradise and he will refind it as soon as he becomes outwardly conscious of WHAT IS BEING SUGGESTED TO HIM. On the plane of planetary evolution, there is also a ‘memory’ of a lost paradise and this will be rediscovered as soon as the conditions are fulfilled. In both cases, after the BRUTAL INVOLUTION during which the bottom of the abyss is reached to become the point of departure, the RETURN begins and in both cases, EVOLUTION is accompanied by progressive steps. The law of analogy is truly IN ALL DOMAINS the key of the most complex problems and how many disciples forget it! How many also limit themselves in wishing at any price to generalize a secondary law and give it the power to bring to every question asked, a reply satisfactory perhaps for themselves, and then try learnedly and conceitedly to impose it on others! Take for example, the idea of Akashic records. For some it is the ‘deus ex machina’ of the least problem. Now, nothing is more erroneous and as it is regrettable that such a wrong idea sometimes leads a completely sincere disciple, to a paralyzing attitude which prevents him from seeing further and curbs his understanding. It is true that each, in a determined incarnation, cannot go beyond his measure, and if that is attained by him, his existence is a success and augurs well for the next! I speak naturally – and you transmit it – to those who are within distance of receiving new knowledge, this knowledge MUST now be revealed. What does it matter to us if, by chance, this information falls upon unprepared ground? This eventuality would not hinder the revelation of what must come into being at a determined time and the tolerance of the initiate is firstly for the intolerance of whoever is on the path of ‘return’ and quite as much, naturally, as for the profane …

“On the path of ‘return’! All humanity, in fact, will henceforth follow this path and, collectively, you will now understand, it is towards THE REFOUND ATLANTIS that it is actually ‘en route’, before setting sail, if the stage has been duly cleared, towards new conquests which will bring about, in future ages, THE UNION OF WORLDS, THE UNION OF GALAXIES, in order that, all, at last, may be achieved, but when that time comes, the STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS WILL BE UNIVERSAL.”

Excerpt from The Invisible Empire

Part II coming soon.

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