A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity
Dino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by an
extraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.
He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia
A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity by Dion Kraspedon
Q: Have you any objection to telling us about the problems of navigation in Flying Saucers?
A: None at all. It is obvious that interplanetary voyages will not be possible for people of Earth for some time to come, but we will give them a helping hand by showing you what takes place.
The atmospheric pressure on Earth is 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. If a sheet of paper is placed over the mouth of a glass full of water and turned upside down, the atmospheric pressure on the paper will prevent the water from being subject to the force of gravity and spilling out of the glass.
We use this natural atmospheric pressure in the Flying Saucer when flying through your atmosphere. It is this which gives us the necessary propulsive force.
If we maintain this pressure underneath the Saucer and bring about a decompression on top, the craft will be given a terrific upward thrust which no known force can match.
Q: Please be more explicit, I do not quite understand the system you describe.
A: It is quite simple, my friend. We create a vacuum in the direction of travel. If we have low pressure on one side, the other side is subject to the full atmospheric pressure. Any object, whatever its nature, can only be moved if some difference of energy potential is created. For example, with a Flying Saucer of 20 m. diameter, we get 3,141,600 sq. cm. as the surface of the saucer.
With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on a Saucer of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg.
This gives you some idea of what is involved, even, the smallest type of Saucer develops a thrust of approximately 3 million kg., whereas even your most powerful aeroplanes cannot develop more than a few thousand kilogrammes of thrust.
Otto de Guericke was the first to notice the tremendous pressure of the atmosphere. It was in 1654 that he tried to pull two hemispheres apart in which he had created a vacuum. Not even the strength of sixteen horses could achieve this. Before this he had seen atmospheric pressure crush a copper boiler in which the pressure was low like a piece of paper. The movement of the air in the upper layers of the atmosphere supports this incredible pressure; if it were not for these we would be crushed by the volume of gas above us.
It should be perfectly feasible to construct a Flying Saucer on Earth. Its covering could be made of any material, as there would be no friction with the atmosphere. They could be any shape although the saucer shape is the ideal one, since one half can take the full force of the atmospheric pressure, while the other is immersed in a vacuum. The speed and maneuverability of a cube shaped craft would be impaired owing to air resistance on its sides, which would consequently be subject to friction.
[Unfortunately a craft of this type could be used in war, but it would also revolutionize our transport systems if it could be constructed on Earth. Distance would not be a factor, ships and trucks could be dispensed with, as loading and unloading could take place anywhere without having to build special landing fields – Dino Kraspedon]
In a standard Transport Saucer, this pressure would be much greater. With a craft of 100 m. diameter, we would get a thrust of 78,540,000 kg. and with one of 200 m. diameter the thrust would be 314,160,000 kg.
There is no limit to the size or capacity of these craft. We construct big cargo carriers up to 600 m. diameter with a payload of almost 300 million kg.
This is more or less theoretical because we never use the whole cargo carrying capacity of these giant freighters. If we did so, we would not have sufficient force available to develop high speeds.
When we undertake any interplanetary journey we use a low capacity craft. The size depends on the object of the visit. Generally saucers with a diameter of 20 metres are the handiest. These craft, fully equipped, weigh 250,000 kg. The total capacity of this craft would be 3 million kilos, but we use this margin of power to enable us to operate at high speeds.
A ship could never develop energy on this scale, not even atomic energy can compare with the forces of Nature. And Nature does it without poisoning the atmosphere! Is it clear to you now?
Q: I understand. What an extraordinarily simple process!
A: Yes, it is simplicity itself. It is just a question of knowing how. But it would not be complete unless I told you how we set about creating a vacuum externally. First I will explain to you how the saucer is steered. We can move this vacuum in any direction. Course is set by operating an ordinary lever on a hemispherical mounting which moves the vacuum in the required direction. If we wish it to go in a particular direction, we produce a vacuum on that side of the saucer, and immediately the atmosphere produces a pressure on the opposite side pushing us in the direction of the vacuum. Let us imagine that we are moving in level horizontal flight, if we wish to make a right-angled turn, all we have to do is move the vacuum to the top, or to one of the other sides, and we shall move at the same speed in the new direction. We can change direction abruptly and do not need to describe curves. Do you understand now?
Q: Yes, I see the whole import of it. This can revolutionize all our concepts of aerial navigation. It is a diabolical piece of machinery.
A: It depends on the use to which it is put. I still have faith in humanity and promise that if one day you can agree to abolish war, I will personally come and help you achieve these results, and other more important ones. I shall teach you how to make life a paradise.
But as I was saying, we create a vacuum and, to use your words, a “diabolical” thrust. Friction, however, does not arise as we are always moving into a vacuum.
And without friction the craft does not heat up. We often need extra heating to keep ourselves warm, because the vacuum causes a drop in temperature.
There are no technical difficulties involved in producing an external vacuum. You know that cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state. In addition to this we make cathode rays intersect the anode rays at an angle of 45 degrees. This we achieve by using high voltage and current.
Q: Where is the cathode ray apparatus situated?
A: All over the peripheral area. That is to say, the whole of the outer edge of the craft acts as a cathode ray emitter. These rays are deadly and can only be projected outwards. If a Human Being were to be exposed to rays as powerful as the ones we use, his cells would be destroyed, and he would suffer lethal burns. But inside the craft there is less radioactivity than in the air that is breathed on Earth.
The coloration that Saucers appear to give off in flight is caused by these rays, the same thing happens in a Crookes or Geissler tube. They are a result of the low pressure or vacuum that we create. If we wish to go very fast, we use an absolute vacuum, and move through space in a flash. At other times, we use a semi-vacuum, and we move more slowly. The intensity of the vacuum is proportional to the current used and is controlled by a rheostat. If we want to follow an undulating course we use a pulsing current.
When we are using a semi-vacuum, you observe a luminosity around us at night; but if we are using an absolute vacuum we become invisible because light does not exist in a vacuum. This is the reason why people always say that we appear to be stationary and suddenly vanish and appear in another spot. [Note: A diminution of the pressure in cathode ray tubes causes the light in them to disappear. Light therefore is an atmospheric effect, and if it were possible for us to live in a vacuum we would be in darkness – Dino Kraspedon]
I must admit that other methods are also used, such as the Bismuth system, which is still used on some craft to set up a difference of energy potential, in fact this was the system we used to use at first. [The captain described this other process to us, but as it was a complex one we would rather not repeat it here.]
After having travelled around for some time in these Bismuth crates, a Being from another Planet explained to us how to use a simpler method. Now they are only used for space travel by enthusiasts as a kind of sport, just as you still use sailing boats.
That, my friend, is how you can make a craft as fast as, or even faster than, a flash of lightning.
Q: I fully accept the explanation you have given. Of course, a craft which could create an external vacuum should have great maneuverability; motive power and payload. It appears to me, however, that this system would not be very good for getting away from the Earth. It is easy to maneuver as long as there is atmospheric pressure. But at a certain height, unless our calculations are basically wrong, this pressure goes down to nothing. I would like you to talk frankly about the method you use to escape from the Earth, because what you have told us so far is only part of the answer.
A: You are forcing me to elucidate a vital point, which I would have preferred not to tell you. Once you know this, we shall no longer have any security and would run serious risks due to man’s innate love of conquest. But no one can refuse to tell the truth when he is asked. I will tell you everything, but you must promise to keep secret the means by which we produce this force.
Q: Does this mean that I am not to tell it to other people?
A: Of course. If there were nothing in what I have to tell you I would not be imposing conditions. But you must use your own judgment. I cannot forbid you passing on to others information which could contribute to the well-being of the community. But I insist that the information that I give you concerning means of destruction must be kept for yourself only. What I want to tell you could bring destruction even to us as it would make it possible for you to reach our homeland. The menace that hangs over the world as a result of human technological development would be upon us, and it might turn men into devils. If you approve of the other things I tell you, you may talk about them and carry them out. And if at any time any technical difficulties should arise, I shall be ready to help you solve them. It is sufficient for you to call upon me in thought, and I shall know, even at a distance.
Friendship does not impose conditions, and generosity ought to be our universal motto.
I also ask you that if one day you should want to make use of this information for the good of the World, you should first tell your own people, as the Brazilians are not aggressive and abhor war. Do not try to explain the problem to anyone who could make one of these craft into a weapon of mass destruction.
However, if your people do not attach any importance to the information, you should publish it as you see fit. You should do this without any restrictions, so that all men know it and no one nation can gain an advantage over another.
Now I will satisfy your curiosity, but first please pay special attention to certain details which I have told you. Around every inhabited globe in space there is an etheric fluid which envelops it and creates suitable conditions for life.
It is a temporary habitat, not only for men but also for spirits. No one can escape from it unless he knows how to produce another for his use.
Q: Are Spirits also caught within this etheric envelope?
A: Yes. A Spirit inhabiting a Planet has a fluid body surrounding it. A Spirit who is still bound by matter to any extent, cannot live without it. If it attempts to escape from its particular world, its Spirit body leaves it and is re-assimilated into the Etheric envelope of the Planet. Thus, even Spirits are prisoners for as long as they are unable to reject evil, and remain ignorant.
Many people call this fluid “Ether,” but the label is of little importance. It is a question of words, which does not affect the problem. What is important is to know what it is made of.
We could well call it “Electric Fluid,” which would be nearer the truth. In electricity there is a negative charge, and a positive charge. In physics we have protons and anti-protons, mesons and anti-mesons, electrons and anti-electrons, matter and anti-matter. On Earth we only find matter, yet it is possible to create anti-matter.
A body made of anti-matter would be expelled from matter. The force of repulsion would be unbelievable. There are interplanetary vessels which are composed entirely of anti-matter, but the force-field created by this means has a terrifying effect on the physical properties of the people travelling in them. For this reason our Space Ships are made of matter.
Further, we make our own etheric fluid inside the Saucer, and by changing its polarity so as to oppose that of the Earth we are repelled from the Planet at a speed corresponding to the difference in polarity between the Saucer and the Earth.
A knowledge of magnetic fields is required. You on Earth do not yet define them correctly, but we know that the magnetic field is made up of the “Electric Fluids” of the Planet. If we “manufacture” an Electric Fluid which differs from the terrestrial etheric envelope, the magnetic field of the Earth no longer affects us, and we enjoy complete freedom of movement. We can change direction in a way that amazes you, we can move at the speed of light and suffer no ill effects. It is a complete breaking of the shackles which bind man.
Within the Earth’s atmosphere we always use a vacuum system, but when we leave this atmosphere we put the anti-electron producing machinery into action, and our escape velocity is then phenomenal. Without wishing to terrify you, I can tell you that normally we can reach Mars in a matter of minutes, unless there is a breakdown, and then the trip becomes tedious.
When you entered our craft I called your attention to the different kind of light inside which did not emanate from any particular piece of machinery, but was caused by the air itself being luminous. You also noticed an agreeable, almost spiritual feeling of lightness, a state of near levitation, as well as a feeling of great well-being.
At that time you were in an artificial Etheric atmosphere and not the ordinary Earth atmosphere. When one’s eyes are accustomed to seeing the terrestrial ether, the artificial ether appears luminous.
Without this artificial Ether no interplanetary voyage is possible. If you tried to make a journey without this precaution, you would face certain death. The fluid which binds you to your bodies would leave you, and your bodies would instantly be crystallized. This is the mystery of the crystallized bodies which reach the Earth in the form of meteorites, any body in space without ether undergoes this process, whether it be made of carbon, calcium, iron, nickel, or any other element.
After passing out of the magnetic field of the Earth, all we need to do is to create an ether similar to that of the Planet to which we are travelling, and we will then be attracted by it. We can create this ether of another Planet even on Earth, so that we will be repelled from Earth and attracted to the other Planet whose ether is contained within the Saucer.
On reaching that Planet, we need only to change the ether again to propel ourselves once more into Space.
By this means life can be maintained inside the craft whatever its construction, and at the same time it provides us with a means of locomotion.
Excerpt from My Contact With Flying Saucers
See Part II here.
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