Unariun Wisdom

Ancient Pyramid On Mars

Founding investigator of the Mars research group, The Cydonia Institute, George Haas, and geoscientist Bill Saunders conclude that a pyramidal object, as described in the video below, shows definite evidence of artificial construction. They published their findings in a science paper (co-written by James Miller and Michael Dale) in a recent issue of the Journal of Space Exploration. The pyramid was initially discovered in a 2001 image from the Mars Global Surveyor, and sits alone in a canyon area, leading Saunders to speculate it may have once been part of an island surrounded by water.

The three faces of the pyramid are very symmetrical, Haas notes, and later NASA images provide even more clarity of the “exquisite geometry” of the structure which is about 470 ft. high and 950 ft. across. How do you end up with three sides that are the same mathematically in an area that has nothing like that? Saunders ponders, “I don’t know how anything like this would form in nature.”  Slide D (below), features an enlargement of the pyramid wall which appears to show a kind of building block material.
