Understanding The Nature Of Good Versus Evil

Understanding-The-Nature-Of-Good-Versus-Evil-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-evolutionary-pathwayTime, therefore, is of little importance; we shall find that only in the material dimension does time become a separate property in the transmission of life about us. Basically our main concern is in the primary purpose of evolution itself, in the creation of the Spiritual Ego to such proportions that it becomes a reciprocating element in the Infinite Mind and the Creative Force, not as a selfish and self-centered agency designed primarily from its own selfish instincts as they were garnered from energy wave forms in more primitive lifetimes, but into constructive evolutionary patterns of thought which are concerned in constructive processes in helping to completely regenerate the Infinite Cosmos in its normal functional activities. (more…)

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The Great Hum

The-Great-Hum-main-4-postby Pierre Delattre

Except when he was very much into the holy hum of things so that nothing could knock him off course, the Dalai Lama disliked meeting with foreigners. They obviously thought that he regarded himself as a holy man, and they insisted on treating him as such. Trying to compensate for this misapprehension on their parts, he would lean over backward to be casual, to make small talk, to show that he could be as common, superficial, and even vulgar as the next fellow. Since he was none of these any more than he was a holy man, he would chastise himself for putting on a phony hail-fellow-well-met act during visits, especially from Europeans.

After a visit with Europeans, the inner soliloquy which every good Buddhist hopes to be rid of once and for all would start up again, generated by the nagging question, Why do I always look for postures with these people? (more…)

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The Moon Is Inhabited

The-Moon-Is-Inhabited-main-2-postColumba-Krebs-2-postColumba Krebs’ The Moon Is Inhabited (at 129 pages) is an amazing read.

No one would ever know that Columba Krebs was a major contactee of her time were it not for this work which has been newly reprinted and made available by her granddaughter.

Below is a short excerpt from the first five chapters with a link for purchase. (Note: Unariun Wisdom is not an affiliate and is not compensated for sales.)

We are just very happy that another hidden gem has been revealed in the contactee world of the 50s and 60s with information just as relevant today as it was then.

The information is just amazing and a highly recommended read for anyone interested in space relations with our Brothers and Sisters from other worlds. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, The Moon, UFOswith 1 comment.

A Civilization That Vanished

A-Civilization-That-Vanished-main-1-postby Charles Hapgood

The evidence presented by the ancient maps appears to suggest the existence in remote times, before the rise of any of the known cultures, of a true civilization, of a comparatively advanced sort, which either was localized in one area but had worldwide commerce, or was, in a real sense, a worldwide culture. This culture, at least in some respects, may well have been more advanced than the civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, and Rome. In astronomy, nautical science, map-making and possibly ship-building, it was perhaps more advanced than any state of culture before the 18th Century of the Christian Era. It was in the 18th Century that we first developed a practical means of finding longitude. It was in the 18th Century that we first accurately measured the circumference of the earth. Not until the 19th Century did we begin to send out ships for purposes of whaling or exploration into the Arctic or Antarctic Seas. The maps indicate that some ancient people may have done all these things. (more…)

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Hidden Knowledge Of Frequency And Vibration

Hidden-Knowledge-of-Frequency-and-Vibration-main-2-postThe following three video presentations cover unique perspectives on the power of sound, frequency, and resonance in our daily world, challenging traditional scientific views, but also at the same time, offering new insights to paradigm shifting potential applications across multiple scientific fields of endeavor.

Some key points covered are:

Masuru Emoto’s discovery of the effects of vibration on water; the universal laws of vibration and energy; how ancient civilizations understood the concepts of energy, frequency and vibration; cymatics; the work of Royal Raymond Rife in the use of frequencies to cure illness; Andy Holland’s experiments; levitation and ancient technology; the Great Pyramid’s acoustic properties; DNA and frequency; the use of sound in health; and much more. (more…)

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Letters To You From BALORAN

Letters-To-You-From-Baloran-main-1-postby Rudolph H. Pestalozzi

Letter #8 – The Peoples’ Code of Morality

I am Baloran. Great has been our anxiety over the inner struggle which you of earth have been waging over the past years. Never have your minds been so disturbed and preoccupied in the turmoil of unformed decisions. Even now there are intermingling thoughts wrestling for control. Even now when you think yourselves somewhat eased from worries, you are caught up in the webs of intrigue being woven about you. Be calm. Listen to the peace within you. Listen to the small hushed voice at the essence of your being. Torture yourself no longer with self-doubt and recrimination. Nothing is gained in chaos and, truly, much may be lost to you. Your world is as it is because you have allowed it to become so. You now feel powerless to stop the madness; the headlong plunge which your societies seem to be taking into the sea of oblivion. Let not this one pebble impede your progress to the light of a new and enlightened society. Fear not. Earth’s societies are not due for total annihilation. Rid yourselves of the abomination of such thoughts. (more…)

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Reincarnation Concept – Becoming Widespread

Reincarnation-Concept-Becoming-Widespread-main-2-postby Ruth Norman

Now, due to another book just received in the mail titled, “Here and Hereafter”, by Ruth Montgomery, (published by Coward McCann, New York) Here-And-Hereafter-book-image-2-postwhich is similar in content to various others being published in these ‘latter days’, and because some students have written to us regarding such writings, they feel here are similar teachings to that which UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches. It may be helpful to point up to the sincere seeker that only a slight similarity exists in such comparisons. We are always glad to see more and more of this type of publication come to light (past life realizations), for they are all healthy signs of the times. These people are seeking; they are all more or less beginning to agree with the fact that man lives again and again, that he reincarnates into many different embodiments, that he is, in the present, the result of his past acts, deeds and thoughts, but the vital, and ever-present, and inescapable scientific principles of how and why, he does not know. These important basic concepts are missing! It is of little benefit to read these beliefs or speculations if we cannot learn why and how! We can resolve nothing within our consciousness unless it can be followed through in principle and sequence—cause and effect! (more…)

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Forces And Frequencies

Forces-And-Frequencies-main-4-postby George Van Tassel

People who live on this Earth never stop to realize that they are bio-magnetic and electrical absorbers and emitters of energies that are not registered by their five physical senses. The planet is an armature of spherical shape, with a self-energized stratum of fields surrounding it and permeating it.

The magnetic field polarized Northerly and Southerly, that swings compass needles, has been known about for centuries. There are other fields in the earth’s bulk that are not measurable with a magnetic instrument such as a compass. These fields and currents are the carriers and distributors of what we will call “life force.” This current is not gravity, electrical, or magnetic, and yet is all of these combined, plus a pulsing carrier, or “life force” that conforms polarity-wise with all of the other three. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XVI

Venusian-Contacts---Part-XVI-main-4-postby Dana Howard


Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.

Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.

The Masters Of Wisdom

The-Masters-Of-Wisdom-main-4-postby Manly P. Hall


The Philosophy Of Mastery

Wherever there is an art or science developed there are a certain number who excel in it through concentrating their efforts and focalizing their energies upon it. There are master craftsmen in every work in the concrete world. Having served long apprenticeship, their experience has given them a fine touch, a certain something undefinable yet ever present in those who are familiar with and in harmony with the labors they perform. Many people spend thousands of dollars and travel great distances over land and sea to study at the feet of a master craftsman. There are but few master artists, master musicians or true philosophers in the world at any one time and we respect and reverence these shining lights who stand before the world as the acme of human excellence. It matters little the line of the undertaking for there is as much science and art in driving a rivet as there is in painting a masterpiece. There is something in the soul of man that seeks perfection and the adjustment of human endeavor with cosmic possibility.

If these things be true in material living, as we see it is, then why is it not also true in spiritual matters? Are there not apprentices in the school of life as well as in shipyards and in shops? Are there not master craftsmen in spiritual things as there are among builders of bridges and hewers of stone? Are not the three grand divisions of human craftsmanship equally applicable to the sciences of the soul as to the sciences of wood and stone? There is no reason under the sun why they should not be and the true student of the science of being realizes that the analogy between human life and the divine plan is perfect. (more…)

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The UFO Influence In The Conquest Of Mexico

The-UFO-Influence-In-The-Concquest-Of-Mexico-main-4-postby W. Gordon Allen

Modern sightings of flying saucers or UFOs over the plains of Mexico have been quite frequent, but in a recently completed study of the writings connected with the Spanish conquest of Mexico, it is found that the UFO performed for Cortez and Monteczuma just as it does today for us.

In the study of the stories and writings of the actions of the conquistadors in the Spanish conquest of Mexico, there were several omens that were taken as signs from heaven that the almighty Host would look with favor upon Cortez.

Further, on what is left of the public buildings of the Mayas and the Quiches who lived in Mexico from 20,000 to perhaps 12,000 years ago we also find allusions to “visitors from heaven.” In the study of these writings are all kinds of references to the “lost” civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. The great plateau of Mexico was perhaps the buffer zone between these two great lands. Whatever the geopolitical position might have been, it is quite possible that the lands of Mexico and the two lost continents did have some sort of knowledge of each other and perhaps even regular contact. We won’t say commercial intercourse because it is our suspicion that commerce and trade might be mostly an invention of a later type of psychology that made rule over others and personal acquisitiveness the compensation for the frustration of knowing little about the purpose of man and his growth after the deluge. (more…)

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The Secret Of The Saucers

Secret-Of-The-Saucers-main-2-postThis is one of the best contactee accounts of the 1950s. Mr. Angelucci’s Secret of the Saucers is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It was edited by Ray Palmer, the main force behind FATE magazine, the publisher of the first flying saucer accounts, and the Shaver chronicles before that.

Orfeo was, like Shaver, a regular working guy, a swing-shift employee at a Lockheed factory in southern California. On Friday, May 23, 1952, by this account, he was strangely drawn to a remote location in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. He was contacted by an alien entity named ‘Neptune.’ Later he is taken aboard their spaceship and visits their paradisiacal home planet.

As Angelucci relates, there was a being named Lucifer who lived on a planet between Mars and Jupiter. His hubris led to the planet being shattered into the asteroid belt. Humans were imprisoned on Earth, to work off the karmic debt. There is a ‘prime directive’ which prevents the UFO builders from interfering in Earth’s affairs. However, humanity’s spiritual evolution is helped along by extraterrestrial, godlike entities such as Jesus and other wisdom Masters. Angelucci is instructed to spread the UFO visitants’ message to the world at large. (more…)

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The Meaning of “Christ” Versus “Jesus” ~ Part II

Meaning-of-Christ-vs-Jesus-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-Lao-TzuNow that we have made adjustments, may I speak a little more please. I believe I was talking about the progression of the individual through the various material planes of existence and about his acquiring such materialistic philosophies and knowledge as pertained to these dimensions, which will enable him to progress further in his evolution into the higher spiritual domains. In order that my remarks may not be misconstrued or erroneously interpreted, I do not advocate that a person should purposely set out to undergo sinful experiences with the idea in mind that such experiences will further advance his spiritual growth. Such is not the case. The determining element is what you think is sin or error. We say that the ordinary experiences in the material world are, in themselves, largely sinful. There are many things about you in your earth life which lead to guilt complexes. We could say that things which induce such complexes are sinful in nature. Because of the 1b-veggies-or-meatcomplexity in a concept of the food which mankind eats, one man says eat flesh; another says abstain and eat nothing but vegetables; others say this is good or that is not so good. As a result, you yourself become confused and you believe that your stomach is constantly upset by what you do eat. Consequently, you have a neurosis and you have suffered sin. We might say that the association of man and woman in the field called sex is also conducive of a great number of guilt complexes and neuroses. Each person has his own concept in regard to his conduct in the relationship of sex. No two people seem to be able to agree on one or more points in their own individual translations. The various conflicts in this field give rise to some of the greatest and most deep rooted of the guilt complexes of human nature. (more…)

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Six Cases Of Validated Reincarnation In The Netherlands

Six-Validated-Reincarnation-Cases-In-The-Netherland-main-1-postby Titus Rivas

IT IS INCREASINGLY CLEAR that reincarnation is here to stay as a rational explanatory concept within the theorizing of parapsychology and psychical research. A recent landmark for reincarnation research is the reporting of Western ‘cases of the reincarnation type’ (CORTs) resembling those found in non-Western countries such as India or Sri Lanka. Some normal hypotheses, which seem already displaced in many Asian cases, can often entirely be excluded in a Western context. For instance, the claim of children to remember previous lives rarely fulfills a clear social function amongst Europeans, Americans, Australians or other Westerners. Few parents of Western children who claim to remember past lives, strongly believe in reincarnation prior to their children’s reports. This makes the sociological hypothesis for most Western CORTs even more far-fetched than for the average non-Western case. (more…)

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A Voyage To The Inner World

A-Voyage-To-An-Inner-World-main-2-postby Willis George Emerson

“He is the God who sits in the center, on the navel of the earth, and he is the interpreter of religion to all mankind.”—Plato

I fear the seemingly incredible story which I am about to relate will be regarded as the result of a distorted intellect, super-induced, possibly by the glamour of unveiling a marvelous mystery, rather than a truthful record of the unparalleled experiences related by one Olaf Jansen, whose eloquent madness so appealed to my imagination that all thought of an analytical criticism has been effectually dispelled.

Marco Polo will doubtless shift uneasily in his grave at the strange story I am called upon to chronicle; a story as strange as a Munchhausen tale. It is also incongruous that I, a disbeliever, should be the one to edit the story of Olaf Jansen, whose name is now for the first time given to the world, yet who must hereafter rank as one of the notables of earth. (more…)

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