Spirit Of The Earth
Edited by Michael O. and Joseph A. Fitzgerald
We human beings are not apart from nature. We are in nature. We have always been and always will be part of nature. I’ve heard or read such words time and time again, words spoken by elders – past and present – from virtually all our different American Indian nations.
It’s reflected in the way our indigenous languages work. As Chester Nez, one of the twenty-nine Navajo men who created the unbroken Navajo code used in World War II expressed it in his 2011 autobiography Code Talker, “Our language illustrates [our] relationship to nature.” (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Poetry, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.
The World’s Workshop: Early Inventive Achievements Of The 20th Century
by W.J. Jackman, Trumbull White, and Ferdinand E. Cary (1911)
Wonderful indeed is this world’s workshop, for its doors are open wide and all that is within can be seen and understood – whether it be in an airship above the clouds, upon or under the sea, in the city, town or country; all that has been wrought by man for the progress and advancement of the world is arrayed under the broad head “The World’s Workshop”.
This is the Marvelous Age, the age of triumphant Progress. Follow the records of mankind down through all the centuries scrutinize the achievements of the race, and more and more conspicuous becomes the fact that in no other period of the world have such wonderful advances in material and industrial progress been made. Within the last decade we have seen hundreds of inventions and discoveries, any one of which would be sufficient to illuminate a whole century of the Middle Ages. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith no comments yet.
UAPs: Exposing The Truth – Subcommittee Hearing
Americans deserve to understand what the government has learned about UAP sightings, and the nature of any potential threats these phenomena pose. We can only ensure that understanding by providing consistent, systemic transparency. We look forward to hearing from expert witnesses on ways to shed more light and bring greater accountability to this issue.” – Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.)
WASHINGTON Press Release — The Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation and the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs held a joint hearing titled, “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.” Members discussed the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence community’s lack of transparency regarding UAPs, including undisclosed spending on UAP-related programs and the national security implications of UAP encounters at U.S. military installations. Members emphasized the need for greater accountability from the DoD to share information with Congress and the American people. (more…)
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The 1000-Year War Between Russia And The Khazars
by Peter Beter
Over the past two years or so I have discussed the struggle within Russia between the Christians and the Bolsheviks since 1917. Current events cannot be understood without knowing about the past six decades of struggle for control of the Kremlin. But that struggle in turn is part of an even bigger historical picture. What we are seeing today, my friends, is the climax of a war of more than a thousand years between the two most bitter enemies on earth. It is the war between RUSSIA and the KHAZARS.
The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many centuries ago. Today many people have never even heard of it, yet in its day the Khazar kingdom was a very major power indeed, holding sway over a large empire of subjugated peoples. It had to be reckoned with by the two neighboring superpowers of that day. To the south and west of Khazaria the Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian civilization. To the southeast, the Khazar kingdom bordered on the expanding Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs. The Khazars influenced the histories of both of these other empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas. As a result, the historical destinies of the Russians and the Khazars became intertwined in ways which have persisted down to the present day. (more…)
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Inside The Spaceships: The Mothership
by George Adamski
Our little craft glided down toward the top of the mother ship, very much like an aircraft coming in to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. As I watched, a curved hatch or opening appeared, reminding me of a great gaping whale. Those who have seen the photographs of this ship will recall that it has a blunt nose sloping slightly downward. This hatch was situated at the far end of the main cylindrical body just before the slope of the nose became perceptible. As we touched down, the Scout moved forward into the hatch, tilting downward as it began its journey into the interior of this mighty ship. Here for the first time I had a feeling of dropping in the pit of my stomach. I imagine this was due to the fact that the Saucer was no longer using its own power but was now subject to the gravity of the mother ship.
We traveled on down at not too steep an angle, the flange of the Scout running on two rails slowly and smoothly, its rate of descent controlled by friction and the magnetism in the flange. Orthon had complete control over this, I found, for once I nearly lost my balance and he stopped the craft momentarily while I regained it. Then the slow, smooth glide continued until we had reached what I judged to be the halfway position between the top and the bottom of the mother ship. Here the Scout stopped, and the door instantly slid open. (more…)
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The Assessment
Robert O. Dean has been engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on active duty in the US ARMY where he served for 27 years. He retired as Command Sergeant Major from the Army in 1976 as a highly decorated combat veteran after having served as an Infantry Unit Commander in combat in Korea and Vietnam. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations in Laos, Cambodia and North Vietnam.
Additionally, from 1963 to 1967 he served at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), NATO as an intelligence analyst with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance. While on this assignment, he helped move the headquarters to the new site in Belgium. Dean worked in the Operations Division and was a member of the inner Command Staff thereby working with and seeing the SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) almost every day.
It was while he was stationed at SHAPE that Robert’s interest in UFOs first started. One night, while on duty, Robert removed a file from SHAPE’s security vault called “The Assessment” – An Evaluation of Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe”. (more…)
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The Evolutionary Continuity of Life
by Ernest L. Norman
From time to time in our mail received here at the Center, there appears certain kinds of literature published and distributed by certain individuals or groups who might be called Adventists, in a sense, who are constantly predicting dire catastrophes, racial extinction, etc., for mankind from various causes, principally atom bombs and radiation. Some of these Adventists or doom-mongers have even gone so far as to describe various escape devices such as a great space ship appearing at the last moment and rescuing the believers; or the sudden opening of underground caverns and tunnels by unknown races of people who are supposedly living underground and who, being keenly aware of the predicament of mankind, offer the believers the sanctuary of their underground homes. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirituality, Tempus Invictuswith no comments yet.
The Gateway Of Understanding
by Carl A. Wickland
“Truth wears no mask, Bows at no human shrine,
Seeks neither place nor applause, She only asks a hearing.”
The world stands today between two domains of thought: Science, which presents a knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Matter; Religion, which teaches Morality and Spirituality. These two activities are not irreconcilable, but yet a gap exists between them which must be bridged by a Spiritual Science based on actual knowledge of the interrelationship of the two worlds, the visible and invisible.
What is the purpose of Life? In this age of unrest and disturbance many earnest minds are seeking the fundamentals underlying life itself. Humanity is still kept in subjugation by fear and superstition, by repressive laws, by dogmas, creeds and false doctrines, and has not yet attained liberation through a fuller understanding.
Happiness is unquestionably the goal of all human endeavor; all activities have this one aim in view. There are various conceptions of happiness, some confined entirely to physical, others to mental pleasures, while still others reach for spiritual happiness. What is this happiness, sought for through the ages? (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.
Seeing “Reality” In Imagination Land
by W. C. Vetsch
Stories surface from time to time of young people – usually girls – kidnapped and held for years by some guy. When we hear these stories, we naturally feel that a great wrong had been done. Someone has lost their right to a potentially happy and fulfilling life because a selfish and greedy person decided to rob them of this opportunity. We feel that the culprit should be punished.
What most do not realize, unfortunately, is that we all live on a “kidnapped planet”. A small group of clever, evil and very selfish people have conspired to rob us of our legitimate right to knowledge of truth. Consequently, we are born and live in a manufactured, degraded and backward culture filled with needless hardships and miseries so that this tiny group can feel the “thrill” of capturing Souls and holding them prisoner. (more…)
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The Spiritual Pathway
by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis
Man is not discouraged nor disheartened in his quest for perfection by learning from experience that there are certain immutable laws universally established. Nor is he checked, in his determination to attain the heights of his ambition, by discovering that these immutable laws are impersonal and impartial. That these laws affect all of God’s children, and even every specie of living things, regardless of parental heritage, social standing, financial power, or Divine attunements, makes man see in and through them a principle of real justice.
The mystic claims that it is the continued demonstration of the immutable laws of nature which prove the existence of an Infinite Mind and Omnipotent Power, inspired by Love, Mercy, and Justice. (more…)
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A Brief History Of Cosmology
by Richard Moore
The story of our collective understanding of cosmology over several millennia – as told from the western society point of view.
Beginning with the epicycles of Claudius Ptolemy, celestial spheres of Nicolaus Copernicus, ellipses of Johannes Kepler, to Galileo Galilei’s discoveries, Gottfried Leibniz’s calculus, and of course, Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion. Then how the Big Bang, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes were created to justify the gravity-centric Universe of the Standard Model of Cosmology.
Starting in the early 1900s with the breakthrough work of Kristian Birkeland, a growing group of maverick thinkers continue to contribute, educate and spread the ideals of the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith no comments yet.
Ten Precepts Which Ancient Wisdom Advocates
by Manly P. Hall
Great as is the number of present-day religious movements, both heterodox and orthodox, few of them inspire their followers to serve their fellow men along practical and intelligent lines. One by one the various cults are being involved in materialism and commercialism, among which by necessity they have been established. This is not to be wondered at, for it is difficult to separate our religion from our daily lives. We may call it by many different names, but it still reflects the thoughts and moral character of those who form its organization.
Modern attitudes on life are not healthy, and organizations built up by unhealthy people cannot be normal. Commercialism has attacked every plane of society. It has entered into all the walks of life. Our race is money mad. It is insane on the subject of personal gain. It will give nothing to serve others, but will give everything to gain the knowledge which will make it possible for the mediocre to become a commercial power overnight. The struggle inseparable from the ethics of competition is largely responsible for this condition. Graft has appeared in almost every walk of life. Nearly every existing institution is overrun by some mild form of moral dishonesty, and if every walk of life is commercialized and perverted, we cannot expect religion to escape. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Self-help, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.
A Personal Message From Omar Khayyam
Transceived by Ernest L. Norman
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou, Omar Khayyam.
I would just take this opportunity for only one brief statement, if I may; Kahlil Gibran is here with me, and we wish you to know we are very close to you and working with you for the future evolution and to bring into your world the beauties of man’s most innate nature. We will, from time to time, bring to you such poetry or such writings and literature which may be considered acceptable in an inspirational way, and which will also factually portray to man, in this inspiration, that which will lift him and give him courage. It will also give him an answer to many of the problems with which he is struggling. These writings and works will, in themselves, be very catalytic in nature; to read them will give the proper intonations, the various chord structures, which will contain all of the elements of spiritual therapy which you call inspiration. We were with you through the past year and helped you to compose the various things which you have in your writings at the present time; and we shall continue to be with you whenever you feel that we can best serve you. Sit quietly in such moments of inspiration and we shall come to you. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 2 comments.
Up Rainbow Hill
by Dana Howard
The age of SPACE is here. It was ushered in more than a decade ago with electrifying spectacle and provocative fanfare. Strange, cylindrical objects traversed the skies from one end of the globe to the other. Their inscrutable behavior pattern was not only mystifying, it baffled the most discerning minds. It was not easy to accept the possibility that extraterrestrials had entered our atmosphere – that perhaps the sphere-shaped objects had come millions of miles across space from some remote point in our solar system.
As they came in greater numbers the credibility grew on the one hand, skepticism mounted on the other. Time passed and humanity became “thought-divided.” A parallel was seen with the story of the beginning of the Christian Era. Skeptics were ready to throw believers into a den of lions. The believers prayed to God that the time would come when all must believe. (more…)
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Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill
Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.
What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.
People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people. (more…)
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