ETs Among Us ~ Part II

ETs-Among-Us-Part-II-main-4-postby Ruth Montgomery

The following is an excerpt from an interview with David Paladin regarding his experience with space intelligences.

“For four consecutive nights in September 1961, my four-year-old son claimed that he was being visited by a ‘person’ named Itan who came into the house, awakened him and took him into a big ‘sky car’ which he claimed landed behind our house in the Granite Dells area of Prescott, Arizona. I paid little attention, believing it to be a childish fantasy. My attitude changed when my next door neighbor, a forest ranger, told me on the third morning that he had seen a flying saucer hovering over the area the night before. He also claimed to have seen my son, accompanied by a tall, thin man dressed in white overalls, walking toward a strange greenish light in the rocky area behind our house. He said that he had called out to them, but then ‘seemed to forget’ the incident until he saw me emptying the garbage the next morning. (more…)

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Missing Elements In ‘The Origin Of The Species’

Missing-Elements-In-The-Origin-Of-The-Species-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

I am a former Englishman by the name of Charles Darwin, who lived on the earth around the 1800’s. It is with1-Charles-Darwin a good deal of something more than pleasure that I have been enabled to come to you with this discussion. I might say, incidentally, that I have just within the past few days made my ascension into Aureleus. I have been laboring long and mightily in the fields of biological research in some other planetary systems somewhat more spiritual in nature than that of the earth.

It was with a good deal of chagrin that I learned that my philosophies on the earth have caused so much controversy and friction between the ecclesiastical 2r-Darwin-controversyphilosophers and those of a scientific nature. In my writings at that period, I left two different books, one, “The Origin of the Species”, in which I set forth very definite principles, after some scientific research which made it necessary for me to journey around the earth and to visit various archipelagoes and continents; and thus I set forth these principles of evolution in the specifications of plant and animal life on the earth. I did, as many other philosophers and scientists also have been doing and are still doing. I was not clairvoyant nor did I have the knowledge of looking into the spiritual dimensions around me in order to integrate factually the necessary conclusions of these evolutionary sciences. Therefore, my work was somewhat incomplete in its nature as you will see farther along in our discussion. (more…)

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Did Jesus Die On The Cross?

Did-Jesus-Die-On-The-Cross-main-2-postThe following documentary investigates the variety of stories surrounding the New Testament account of the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, by interviewing historians, theologians and historical researchers. This exploration of the latest theories about what really happened to Jesus 2000 years ago uncovers some surprising possibilities.

At the heart of the mystery is the suspicion that Jesus might not actually have died on the cross. The film concludes that it was perfectly possible to survive crucifixion in the 1st Century – there are records of people who did. But if Jesus survived, what happened to him afterwards? (more…)

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Energy Transmutation In The Afterlife

Energy-Transmutation-In-The-Afterlife-main-2-postby George Vale Owen

Tuesday, December 2, 1913

DEAR friend and ward, I will tonight speak to you of certain matters which connect with the question of transmutation of energy. Energy, as I now employ the word, is to be understood as that intermediary which couples up the motion of will with the effect as displayed to the minds of men. We here are trained to this end that we may, by the motion of our wills, transmit, by what we may call vibration, our thoughts through the intervening spheres, or states, into the earth plane. It is this movement in vibration which I call energy.

Now, you must understand that in using earth-phrasing I am employing a medium which is not adequate to express, either exactly or fully, the science of these spheres and realms. It is necessary, therefore, that I qualify my terms, and when I use the term vibration I do not speak merely of oscillation to and fro alone, but of movements which are sometimes elliptical, sometimes spiral, and sometimes a combination of these and other qualities. (more…)

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Atlantean Visions

Atlantean-Visions-main-4-postby Temple Of Peace

Although I – and many of my fellow colleagues and researchers – have managed to obtain a tremendous amount of useful information about both Atlantis and ancient Egypt through being able to regress a large number of people back to their past Atlantean and Egyptian incarnations, we are also indebted to some very gifted mediums and ‘sensitives’ who have provided us with a tremendous amount of invaluable data.

I think that it must be very significant – and adds great weight to the evidence of our ‘discoveries’ about Atlantis – that the vast majority of information available to us through regression, ‘channeling’ and other esoteric sources paints roughly the same kind of visual picture and uses very similar terminology. (more…)

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The Philosophy Of Choosing Vocations In Reincarnation

The-Philosophy-Of-Vocations-In-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

The vocational histories in the Cayce files raise many questions in the mind of the thoughtful investigator. First of all there is the problem of beginnings—a problem which troubles most reincarnationists as they try to push back to the first emergence of the soul from God. What initially set off one soul in one occupational direction and another soul in another? If the spirits of men originally emanated from Divinity as equal and undifferentiated, why then should one start off in the direction of agriculture, another in trading, a third in textiles, fourth in music, and a fifth in mathematics? Was there some minute element of individuality in each which led to the diversity of human activities that they chose—and if so, what determined that individuality?

Although the Cayce files provide no clear cut answer to this question, they do furnish fairly satisfactory information with respect to another question that suggests itself—namely: what later causes a soul to change from one occupation to another? There are examples of many such changes in the Cayce files, and an analysis of the pertinent data indicates that the transition can be accounted for by either of two basic factors: desire or karmic law. (more…)

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ETs Among Us ~ Part I

ETs-Among-Us-main-2-postby Ruth Montgomery

“The Guides say that although space beings have visited earth for millennia, they are now “rushing in as seldom before to awaken earthlings and help them to realize that their destruction is imminent” unless better ways are developed to settle disputes between peoples. “They are aghast at the direction that planet earth and its people have taken in the last few decades,” the Guides continued, “including nuclear weapons threats against other nations and curtailment of human freedom.”

My Guides have repeatedly stressed that spaceships are non-essential for the conveyance of spacelings to earth. These highly developed entities, they insist, are able to reassemble the atoms of their bodies within our atmosphere so that they become visible, physical beings, and can as easily disassemble the atoms when they wish to disappear. If true, it may be the only logical explanation for the case that I will now relate. (more…)

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Exploring The Force ~ Part II

Exploring-The-Force-Part-II-main-2-postby Michael Leas © 2022

Potential Power Energy Ideas To Explore

Something that has been missed in this “energy condition” is the ability for a regenerative self sustaining action to occur within our electrical systems. Mother Nature shows us this in its seemingly perpetual growth cycle of seed to flower, day to night.

As we run a physical electrical energy generator system we activate on this plane a force of energy not realizing in this “cause and effect” physical law that there is a deeper abstract layer of invisible energy forces that are also activated.

A well known problem we face in electrical power generation is that no matter how much energy force is used to supply our systems as an input power the output will remain less or opposite to the amount of energy force applied. A known law of “conservation of energy”. However if we take this law and apply it towards an inter-dimensional understanding of energy then we find a different relationship that we can arrive at. (more…)

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On Life’s Philosophy From The Other Side ~ Part II

On-Lifes-Philosophy-From-The-Other-Side-Part-II-main-2-postby Carl Wickland

The philosophy of life and descriptions of conditions in the higher realms have been given by spirits who have attained enlightenment and are desirous of helping humanity to an understanding of the spiritual laws.

Because of their simplicity of life and religion and their knowledge of the laws of Nature, the American Indians are seldom bound in spirit after leaving the earth plane, and are often sent, as was Silver Star, Mrs. Wickland’s Indian guide, to guard sensitive mortals [herself and others who communicate through her]. (more…)

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Exploring The Force ~ Part I

Exploring-The-Force-Part-I-main-2-postby Michael Leas ©2022

The Magnevex™ Research Project

Any course of research into our modern day sciences should include such materials that incorporate the Inter-dimensional study of energy/oneself/spirit and the Physics of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The research chapters listed [below] were used to develop the concept of the Magnevex (the Magnetic Vortex). They have given me a glimpse into this living universal energy system.

As an explorer and researcher into the understanding of self and spirit, I have found that any conclusions about the outside physical world must contain this “inner principle/or laws” that govern its expression. “The Magnevex Research Project” has been one means of looking into this natural pattern. (more…)

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Healing The Heart Naturally ~ Part III

Healing-The-Heart-Naturally-Part-III-main-2-postby Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.


For those who insist on a warm morning drink (and it must never be truly hot lest it blister the throat lining), then here is a good habit to get hooked on: plain warm water plus a tablespoonful (or two) of blackstrap molasses and nothing else. This should be sipped slowly, never guzzled or quaffed like pouring water down a radiator of one’s car. And, as a cautionary note, if the bowels tend to evacuate black or very dark stools it often means that the system cannot metabolize all that wonderful organic iron in the blackstrap molasses, in which case, cut down the dosage of molasses. If you learn to like this as your morning drink you will be gifting yourself with true life insurance; so very good as a life extender is blackstrap molasses. As I have counseled patients for fifty years, successful heart health comes not from always doing what you like, but from learning to like what you have to do. Tie onto this “good habit” of taking a daily spoonful or two of blackstrap molasses and you will bless the day you have read this. (more…)

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The Voice Of Eros-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition

The-Voice-of-Eros-main-4-postBook Two of The Pulse of Creation

by Ernest L. Norman

Illustrated for the first time!

(Could this be your afterlife? Or your nightly experience?)

The-Voice-Of-Eros-book-coverContinue the visionary tour of the legendary Seven Shamballas in Book Two of The Pulse of Creation, in company with the Advanced Masters who live and teach there.

“There’s science in everything,” Leonardo da Vinci tells us from his vantage point on Eros. From tiny ballerinas to full-scale operas, from new inventions to advanced cosmology, this is a dazzling, eye-popping journey into the higher-dimensional worlds you won’t want to miss.

Enjoy reading psychic, mental “transmissions” from Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Hilarion/Krishna, Iona, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Robert Louis Stevenson, Confucius, Helena Blavatsky, Lao-Tse, Maha Chohan, Michael Faraday/Pericles, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gamaliel, and more.

With brand new, full-color illustrations from visionary artist Roslynn E. Moore, the Collector’s Edition will bring you even closer to these luminous classrooms on the Inner worlds. (more…)

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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part III

Wisdom-Of-The-Ancients-Part-III-main-2-postby Hilton Hotema

**Cave Man**

When the curtain of history first rises, it appears that Europe was inhabited by the Cave Man. That period of time is called the “Stone Age.”

This is the creature that physical science pictures in its theory of Evolution to make that theory appear more plausible. If we ascended from that Cave Man, then it is easier to make us believe that he ascended from the ape.

The Evolutionists have been careful not to tell us that this European Cave Man was the remnant of an ancient race, wandering away from his native home. meeting adverse conditions and reverses that forced him to become what he became. Of his past nothing appears to be known, and little is known of his Stone Age days. (more…)

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Past Life Variants: Where Everything Old Is New Again

Past-Life-Variants-main-4-postby Larry Romanoff

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was[1] not “Spanish”,[2] not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss. (more…)

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The Overcoming Of Self And Achieving Integrity

Overcoming-Of-Self-main-4-postby James Allen


Many people have very confused and erroneous ideas concerning the terms “the overcoming of self”, “the eradication of desire”, and “the annihilation of the personality.” Some (particularly the intellectual who are prone to theories) regard it as a metaphysical theory altogether apart from life and conduct; while others conclude that it is the crushing out of all life, energy and action, and the attempt to idealize stagnation and death. These errors and confusions, arising as they do in the minds of individuals, can only be removed by the individuals themselves; but perhaps it may make their removal a little less difficult (for those who are seeking Truth) by presenting the matter in another way. (more…)

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