Free Energy From The Nano World
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla
Free Energy From The Nano World – Part I
“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.” ― Nikola Tesla
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Touching The Light Beyond – Near Death Experiences
by Raymond Moody
I was terribly ill and near death with heart problems at the same time that my sister was near death in another part of the same hospital with a diabetic coma. I left my body and went into the corner of my room, where I watched them work on me down below.
Suddenly, I found myself in conversation with my sister, who was up there with me. I was very attached to her, and we were having a great conversation about what was going on down there when she began to move away from me. I tried to go with her but she kept telling me to stay where I was. “It’s not your time,” she said. “You can’t go with me because it’s not your time.” Then she just began to recede off into the distance through a tunnel while I was left there alone. (more…)
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To Be Or Not To Be
by Ernest L Norman
Man has through the ages been duped by innumerable religious systems including Christianity which have all promised to those who believe, that some gods or master will someday pick them up in a basket, so to speak, and transport them to a land of plenty and eternal bliss. Such teachings and beliefs are not only fallacious but are also destructive.
Under the great universal principle of cosmic regeneration, all forms and substances must progressively evolve. From the inner plane the hydrogen atom evolves into the helium atom and finally into uranium; likewise in the same manner the human must progressively evolve. This is reincarnation. Unless this evolution is sustained progressively and constructively all past dispensations which are evil, selfish, malicious and negative (destructive), will remain as part of any human and in subsequent evolutions will snowball in effect to the point where the human becomes mentally and physically sick from any one or dozens of incurable conditions. (more…)
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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part II
by Hilton Hotema
** Ancient Americans **
Anyone who dared suggest, fifty years ago, that man inhabited the New World before the Glacial Period, or that he roamed our plains, mountains and forests ten or twenty thousand years ago, would have been considered a fool.
Today there is proof that man not only dwelt in the New World during the Pleistocene period, previous to the Glacial, but that this man was the equal in skill and intelligence, if not the superior, of men in the Old World at the same time.
In various regions in this country, human artifacts have been found associated with the skeletons of known Pleistocene-period animals. (more…)
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Alternative 3
by Creston
According to the book: Alternative 3, printed in Great Britain, both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. first found out about the 3 “alternatives” in 1957 by a Dr. Carl Gerstein in Huntsville, Alabama, at a closed-door conference attended by government officials.
The first alternative, Gerstein explained, was to blow holes in the stratosphere with nuclear bombs, thereby allowing the escape of excess CO-2 gas. This alternative, however, was abandoned since the holes would allow excess cosmic radiation into our atmosphere and only make matters worse.
The second alternative: to colonize the underground caverns beneath the surface of planet Earth to protect them from overheating (or an ice age). (more…)
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Healing The Heart Naturally ~ Part II
by Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.
All of us know that we are creatures of habit. What is not so well understood is that we are just as much creatures of good habits as of bad ones.
Getting used to a good habit, such as eating foods that are physiologically acceptable and therapeutically good for the heart, can stick with you all the remaining days and years of your life.
Beginning right now, we launch ourselves into becoming slaves of good habits—like the habit of consuming plentifully of what is good for the heart—just as we became victims of bad habits in the past. (more…)
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The Tyranny Of Dogmatism
by Hereward Carrington
A history of popular opposition to new ideas or new truths would fill a volume of many hundred pages, and would constitute a melancholy human document. This opposition is doubtless almost as old as human thought itself. Plato, in his Republic, tells us that when Socrates stated his conviction that only philosophers should be appointed rulers of the people and of the state, his listener, Adeimantus, replied:
“Socrates, what do you mean? I would have you consider that the word which you have uttered is one at which numerous persons, and very respectable persons too, pulling off their coats all in a moment, and seizing any weapon that comes to hand, will run at you might and main, before you know where you are, intending to do heaven knows what; and if you don’t prepare an answer, and put yourself in motion, you will be ‘pared by their fine wits,’ and no mistake.” (more…)
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Healing The Heart Naturally
by Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.
We know that heart disease is our nation’s No. 1 killer. It’s a terrible thing to say. Even more terrible to say is this: the death rate from heart disease is increasing, not decreasing. There is something very wrong here. With all our great laboratories and research centers and modern hospital equipment, why aren’t the doctors making headway with heart disease? What are they missing?
Here more than in any other area of human disease there is indeed a Missing Link. Things which sick people need in order to get well; things being entirely missed in the usual “doctoring” methods. To start, I, for one, am not enthusiastic about heart transplants. Let’s rehabilitate the hearts we’ve got inside our chests now—there are ways to do it—and not seek foreign hearts to put inside us! As you will soon see, the body’s natural rejection mechanism refuses to accept anyone else’s organs anyway; it wants its own. (more…)
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Staying True To Your Inner Pathway
by Ernest L. Norman
The scientist has until quite recently been prone to limit the span of life as it is found upon the earth to something which is relative and indigenous only to this planet despite the fact that through his telescope he sees a small fraction of this Infinite Cosmogony about him.
Nuclear science, too, has propounded for the scientist, new equations in the term of Infinity, yet here again, he is prone to lay down the lines of demarcation and thus stamps himself with the same seal of abysmal ignorance as his contemporaries from the more material realms and dimensions of earth existence. In a true spiritual sense—and realizing the proportions of Infinity as so compounded in the extractions of the Superconsciousness and its conjunctive relationship with the Infinite—man becomes a man only when he realizes his own particular position in respect to this Infinite and when he has destroyed completely the illusion of self from his own particular position to this Infinite. (more…)
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Ancient Ruins In Antarctica
by Michael Salla
On December 26, 2021, my US Army source, JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them.
First Who Is JP?
JP has served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system.
In the below interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to Earth’s Moon and Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. (more…)
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Wisdom Of The Ancients
by Hilton Hotema
Man longs for eternal life. He has spent billions of dollars to cover the earth with temples and churches in which he seeks to learn the mystery of Life.
In these places of worship, man has had millions of sermons shouted at him to have faith. He has read books on why he should have faith. All of them tried to argue him into a belief in Immortality. But not a preacher nor an author cited any LAW to support their arguments.
If immortality is a fact, it must be the work of Universal Law; for everything, every condition, every action, are subject to Universal Law. (more…)
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Thrive II – This Is What It Takes
“THRIVE II – This Is What It Takes” brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and inventions that have the power to transform life for everyone.
Unpacking the strategies, the science, and the principles that underlie the most potent solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing, ‘THRIVE II’ brings compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the “Unified Field” and all that it implies. (more…)
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Pathways In History
by George Hunt Williamson
The destruction of Lemuria did not take place in a single day or even a year. It covered a period of several thousand years; for the beginning of Mu goes back some two hundred thousand years. But the final catastrophe which caused the submergence of nearly all of Lemuria occurred about twelve thousand years ago. The only land left above ground was part of California, Arizona, and other parts of the American South West; Australia, and Easter Island.
Easter Island is the strange island in the south Pacific that contains monoliths and mysterious stone figures which science is at a loss to explain. The native population, which is very small, claim they know nothing of these figures. They are so huge and their construction so unique they could not have been made by savage, uncultured people. Easter Island is all that is left above water of a great Lemurian Holy Mountain—and the colossal figures belong to the culture of lost Mu. (more…)
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An American Indian Encounter With Star People
by Ardy S. Clarke
Ancient Astronaut theorists maintain that Star People have been visiting Earth since the beginning of time. To support their claims, they often portray the legends of American Indian tribes as proof of human interaction with the Star People. There are also many stories of UFO encounters, crashes, and extraterrestrials by adventurers, cowboys, military men, and miners in the Northern Plains.
One of the more famous cases occurred in Montana and was reported in the St. Louis Democrat and in newspapers throughout the country. According to the article, on October 19, 1865, James Lumley, a Montana fur trapper, was about 175 miles above the Upper Missouri in what is now Great Falls, Montana. On his way to camp after a day of trapping, he saw a “bright luminous body in the heavens.” As it flew, it burst into flames and exploded. Shortly thereafter, a strong wind swept through the forest like a tornado. The air smelled like sulfur. The next day, Lumley decided to investigate and came upon a path through the forest “several rods wide.” At the end of the path, he discovered an object embedded in the side of the mountain. (more…)
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Jungle Law – Survival Of The Fittest
by Ernest L. Norman
There is, as of today, a generally acknowledged legal concept that ignorance of the law is not a legitimate excuse which can be used by any person who has committed some transgression against moral and legal codes of his community; and to those who have and are being daily tried for various crimes which they claim were innocently perpetrated, there is a feeling of frustration and injustice when sentence is passed upon them. (more…)
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