There’s Intelligent Life On The Moon
by Ray Palmer (May, 1959)
Even as this is being written, another American Moon Shot is scheduled. As you read this, it may have proven successful but what will be the information gleaned from it? Will you be told anything sensational about the Moon? Or will you be told the same nothing that has been released in the past ten years about the strange things astronomers have been seeing on our mysterious satellite? They won’t talk about it; perhaps because the subject has become painfully embarrassing. But the truth of the matter is that we’ve seen enough to make it imperative that we find out for sure! What is it the Russians learned on their close pass at the Moon that makes Kruschev offer the most fantastic proposal of all time- to quit rocket experiment FOREVER! Here, in this sensational article (all quite firmly documented) are facts that will stun you, as they have us. If you can’t stand to have your preconceived notions shattered, stop reading right now. If you read on, prepare to tear the chapter on The Moon out of your astronomy textbook. (more…)
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The Homeopath’s View Of Health And Disease ~ Part II
by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND
I would like to continue to talk a little more about Homeopathic medicine. It is a subject that is close to my heart, very interesting and very misunderstood. Its history also quite clearly reveals allopathic hypocrisy. So I can’t walk away from it without a little more additional lucidity.
A nice book to help you understand the evolution of homeopathic medicine in the U.S. is: Copeland’s Cure – By Natalie Robins; Published by Knopf. ISBN 0-375-41090-2. Indeed, this subject demands an entire book to explain it properly, and I have no desire to take on that task, especially since Ms. Robbins has already done such a good job. But there are a few salient points about homeopathic medicine which are worthwhile discussing here for a few paragraphs at least, and in understanding them, our understanding of wholistic medicine will also mature, so here we go. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts – Part XV
by Dana Howard
Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.
Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)
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The Power Of Positive Thought
by James Allen
We all remember with what intense delight, as children, we listened to the never-tiring fairy tale. How eagerly we followed the fluctuating fortunes of the good boy or girl, ever protected, in the hour of crisis, from the evil machinations of the scheming witch, the cruel giant, or the wicked king.
And our little hearts never faltered for the fate of the hero or heroine, nor did we doubt their ultimate triumph over all their enemies, for we knew that the fairies were infallible, and that they would never desert those who had consecrated themselves to the good and the true. (more…)
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Reincarnation In History
by Roger Woolger, Ph.D.
Not long ago, I saw a slogan on a bumper sticker: “Reincarnation is having a comeback.” It is a sad fact that the scientific establishment in the United States still marginalizes most work that even hints at realities beyond our own, including regression therapy, parapsychology, and a vast body of research into paranormal phenomena, from out-of-body experiences to children’s spontaneous past-life memories. By clinging to such a narrow protocol, mainstream psychology risks becoming, in George Orwell’s memorable phrase, one of “the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.” Fortunately, in most countries where I have lectured, the general public is far ahead of the academics. Nearly everyone has heard of the doctrine of reincarnation, and recent polls show that almost one in three Americans now believe in it, even though most of the Christian churches reject it. (more…)
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Give The Gift Of Learning
by Ernest L. Norman
[This letter was written by the Moderator to his sister in Utah, who was unfamiliar with the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science and should be most interesting to any student.]
Perhaps I should forewarn you, that which you might read in the books may shock you; however, always keep in mind that it can all be proven scientifically and historically. Every day science is proving what I have written even many years ago. What I am teaching is, in effect and in reality, the “Second Coming” – a big statement, perhaps, but think for a moment: Do you think Jesus would return as He was 2,000 years ago? Indeed not! He knows that the world would destroy Him again in some way, manner or form, if He so appeared, nor would the earth be burned first. That’s nonsense; you can’t destroy evil by fire, it has to be replaced with good – in other words, understanding Creation. (more…)
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Is Space Travel Impossible Using Rocketry?
An Editorial by Ray Palmer (May, 1959)
Recently Kruschev made another of his long speeches (this one took 6 ½ hours), but to me, there was one short sentence in it that is positively fascinating in its implications. He said that Russia “is ready and willing to stop rocket and nuclear experiment for all time”.
As for nuclear testing, we can understand why further experiment is unnecessary—the weapons already developed are fearsome beyond all possible necessity, and also are completely unusable without total destruction of civilization. But when rocket development is something that they are ready and willing to stop for all time then we are alerted to the apparent confirmation of our announcement some time ago that the Russians had found something out about space that changes the space travel picture completely. We can, if we wish, read into this innocent sentence the admission by the Soviets that space travel is impossible, and that therefore they are ready and willing to abandon rocketry. In fact, so convinced are they of the impossibility that they specify “for all time”. (more…)
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Tartaria – Nothing Is As It Seems
Stolen History Part I – Lifting The Veil Of Deception
What do we really know about our past? Are we suffering from a collective memory loss?
Who are we really? And where do we come from?
Was there a technically advanced unified civilization on our planet less then 500 years ago?
Are star citites one of the markers of this civilization?
Was there a reset that destroyed large parts of our past, our knowledge and culture?
It is time for us to remember again and lift the veil of deception. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith 2 comments.
Q & A On Teaching – Healing – Science ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Instead of approaching as many do on bended knee, it is much more factual to say that when we go about, in everything we do–are we or are we not expressing a certain component of Infinite Intelligence? When we begin to obtain our linkage or our hookup and see this manifested in our daily walk of life, then we are going to see life demonstrated abundantly. We should not pray from our own selfish desires, from the bended knee, such as “Oh God, save me from my own sins and iniquities.” Such a prayer merely means that you are totally unaware of the Great Infinite Intelligence within you for you to use.
I can demonstrate this point a little more clearly this way. A grandmother called on the telephone about two months ago. She told me about a baby three months old who had encephalitis, or brain damage. The doctors gave it up to die. I told her the forces were already in action. She wanted to know what she should do. I told her, “You don’t need to do anything but just stay positive.” She asked me if I didn’t need help in praying. I told her that I knew that the baby was going to be helped. I maintained the affirmative realization. This baby, up to this time, was under sedation twenty-four hours a day and the physicians held no hope for its recovery. Within three days the baby was taken off sedation. He recognized his parents and became normal. The forces were set in motion by that simple affirmation of faith. This case is only one of literally thousands of similar ones. I have never seen these people and won’t need to. (more…)
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The Homeopath’s View Of Health And Disease
by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND
Homeopathy is just one type of Wholistic medicine. It has its own unique way to work with the Wisdom of the body, and its own unique medicines which it uses in the treatment of disease. Here is a little window into the mind of a homeopath.
To a homeopath, the symptoms of a disease are everything. They are the alpha and the omega. They are the gold ring that the homeopath tries to grasp when sitting in the presence of the sick and unhealthy. Acute and detailed awareness of symptoms is completely indispensable to the discovery of a curative medicine with homeopathy. If a homeopath does not have a good understanding of the symptoms of the sick person, he will not be able to come up with an effective treatment. Interestingly, to the homeopath, the symptoms of the sick person are represented in ways that most people (and all allopaths) would find curious. I was walking down the street one day with a friend of mine who is an architect. I remarked that the town we were in was a little boring because the Historic District Commission had implemented rules that restrained how many colors you could paint a house, and even what type of materials could be used on the outside of it. Well, I might as well have said that the Pope was a Protestant, because he sat me down and proceeded to give me a detailed schooling in the intricacies of the local architecture that I had completely overlooked. We were both looking at the same scenery, but where I saw homogeneity, he saw detail and uniqueness. This house had copper gutters, that one had a whale-tale door knocker made of brass, that one had a circular window over the door, and the one next to it had an upside-down horseshoe masoned into the brick work of its chimney, etc., etc.. This “attention to detail” is what a homeopath uses to analyze someone who is sick. The homeopath is able to pull out details of the symptomology which a normal person would completely overlook. (more…)
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The Cycle Of Necessity
by Manly P. Hall
The human life wave is made up of sixty billion spirits or entities. Of this number, about two [nearly eight today] billion incarnate at one time, making up the population of the earth.
The spirit, ego, or self of the human being has been evolving through various forms and conditions for nearly a thousand million years. This vast period of time was used in the perfecting of the physical body as a medium for the expression of the entity in the physical world. The human body as we know it was first distinguishable some fifty million years ago. At that time the entity controlled the body by a rudimentary nervous system which it since has refined to its present degree of subtlety. About twenty-five million years ago the division of the sexes made sight and thought possible in the body. From that period to the present time the entity has been constantly refining the body which serves as the vehicle of its physical expression. Present humanity bears witness to hundreds of millions of years of growth which we see recapitulated in the embryo and fetus. (more…)
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UFOs: The True Story Of Flying Saucers
“UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS” – A Most Remarkable UFO Documentary Film
Unidentified Flying Objects is a 1956 documentary about the development of the UFO phenomenon in the United States. It is considered to be the first UFO documentary ever made. Since that time, video clips from the documentary have often been used in other UFO documentaries and television episodes related to UFOs.
In 1952 Hollywood producer Clarence Greene saw an unusual object twisting in the sky. He decided to report the sighting, and contacted US Air Force public information officer Albert M. Chop, who was in charge of answering UFO questions from reporters and the public. Intrigued by his experience, Greene decided to film a documentary movie about the UFO phenomenon. When Chop told Greene about the existence of video footage of UFOs, Greene obtained the footage for analysis and display in his documentary. (more…)
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There Is Life In The Afterlife
by Gladys Osborne Leonard
After having made several excursions into the Astral World during sleep, and accomplished other short-distance exteriorizations while awake, there came to me the crowning adventure–the most convincing and satisfying experience of my whole life.
Never in my wildest dreams had I dared to expect such a wonderful revelation of that world which lies beyond the normal sight and hearing of our earthly existence. Ever since my husband’s death in February, 1935, I had prayed daily, morning and evening, that I might be allowed someday, to visit the place, locality, condition–call it what you will–in which my husband now dwelt, worked, and lived his life apart from me. Yes, “apart” is the word one is compelled to use when referring to separation by death in the “bodily” sense. No matter how great one’s belief in the Unseen World may be, the absence of constant objective evidence of the dear one’s presence is frequently a great strain on even the staunchest faith. (more…)
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Contactee Tidbits From A Spacecraft Convention
by Evelyn Dorio Nicolais
Between seven and eight thousand space fans gathered at Giant Rock Airport, Yucca Valley, California, for the Third Annual Spacecraft Convention on Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29, 1956.
The campers began to arrive as early as Friday afternoon, by trailer, car and truck, but most of the crowd turned their cars off the main highway in the early Saturday morning hours and jogged over the sandy spurs that led to the remote airport. (more…)
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Q & A On Teaching – Healing – Science
by Ernest L. Norman
Q – [Can] someone project evil to you?
A – Indeed!
Q – But if you do not accept it? If your mind is above that, does it not ward it off?
A – That is exactly what Jesus meant when he said, “Turn the other cheek.” In other words, he did not mean that if someone came up and whacked you on the head that you must say, “Here, now, hit here too.” What he meant was that you should live on a higher level of integration with your life forces, a spiritual level. Then if anyone did hit you, you could turn around and take that negative force that caused that person to strike you and turn that completely around, change it and instead of it then being a negative sequence you could create a positive from it; by projecting a force to him founded and bounded by love and understanding, you were then above that negative thought and deed. That is turning the other cheek.
Q – Then it will bounce back and hit him?
A – We would never wish to become vindictive in these things because that is putting ourselves down to his level; instead–we will put it this way–suppose someone gave me a rubber check and it bounced, I would mark that check paid and mail it back to him. (more…)
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