Schools In The Afterlife

Schools-In-The-Afterlife-main-2-postby Dolores Cannon

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;
For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death; nor yet canst thou kill me. ~ John Donne

I was to enter the fascinating spirit realm many times. This is the area that holds the most fear for humans, and the one that raises the eternal question, “Where will I go when I die?” Everyone wonders what will happen to them, whether there will be total oblivion or continuation of the personality. Even the most religious still harbor their uncertainties. I do not have all the answers, but I believe I can help through the information I have received in my regression research. Even the regressed somnambulist cannot tell you what they do not know. But when you obtain the same descriptions from many different people, you have to assume it has validity. Maybe it rings true because the majority would truly like to believe the afterlife is a place of peace and contentment. (more…)

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And Did They Listen?

And-Did-They-Listen-main-4-postThe UFO cover-up is really about the scientifically proven Billy Meier UFO contacts, ongoing in Switzerland for 80 years! Hidden for decades, with the most prophetically accurate information in history, including the year NEW American Civil wars start!

The Henoch Prophecies by Billy Meier pdf download here.

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Reincarnation: Familial Relationships

Reincarnation-Familial-Relationships-main-2-postby Helen Wambach

We meet someone for the first time and we are instant friends. We shake hands with a stranger and turn away with an unexplained feeling of dislike. Are we just reacting to such clues to similar tastes as the way the stranger is dressed, the expression on his face? Or does it go deeper; are these feelings echoes from the buried memories of our past lives?

I devised a set of questions to see how my subjects responded to the possibility that people in their lives now were known to them in past lives.

Fully 87 percent of all subjects responding to any of the questions [under hypnosis] about their future birth reported that they had known parents, lovers, relatives and friends who were known to them in past lives. Some had more detailed impressions than others, but there was little doubt that my subjects under hypnosis were aware of how they knew people in their lives now from past lives. (more…)

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Fifteen Ways To Raise Your Consciousness

Fifteen-Ways-To-Raise-Your-Consciousness-main-4-postCompilation by Tish Brown


There is an immediate necessity to fundamentally overhaul the current frameworks in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and science. Our present comprehension of reality, the universe, and, most importantly, human beings is superficial, incorrect, and incomplete.

Our existing view of reality fails to accommodate the interdimensional experience such as life after death, life between lives, the paranormal, UFOs, reincarnation, and astral travel. This narrow paradigm creates illusionary boundaries which inhibits the understanding of the interconnectedness of all people, places, and things reflecting the holographic nature of reality. This holographic matrix is rooted in the electromagnetic essence of energy which forms the universal plasma of life; the very essence of life. This understanding serves as a crucial connection to a higher level of consciousness, forming the foundation for an interdimensional Science of Life. (more…)

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How Aliens May View Us

How-Aliens-May-View-Us-main-2-postby George LoBuono

To extraterrestrials, who comprise the vast majority of intelligent life in this universe, you are an alien. Humans are but one kind in a huge catalog of others. Some alien populations may have compiled catalogs of millions of intelligent species, conceivably more. If and when aliens begin (or began) to electronically / electrogravitically copy other aliens’ catalogs of the sort, the number of entries would have increased exponentially. Depending on the nature of the overlap between galaxies, there could easily be catalogs of trillions of species, or more. In more advanced circles, there could be a shared kind of Universal Report, a complex news briefing that spans incredible distances and puts our national broadcasts to shame. Rather than dwell upon the affairs of one’s own small planet, such aliens could check on the science and doings of other systems, ranging freely and diversely. (more…)

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Nuclear War Survival

Nuclear-War-Survival-main-2-postThe Effects Of Nuclear Weapons

Understanding the major effects of a nuclear detonation can help people better prepare themselves if an attack should occur. When a nuclear weapon is detonated, the main effects produced are intense light (flash), heat, blast, and radiation. The strength of these effects depends on the size and type of the weapon; the weather conditions (sunny or rainy, windy or still); the terrain (flat ground or hilly); and the height of the explosion (high in the air or near the ground). In addition, explosions that are on or close to the ground create large quantities of dangerous radioactive fallout particles. Most of these fall to earth during the first 24 hours.

What Would Happen To People

In a nuclear attack, most people within a few miles of an exploding weapon would be killed or seriously injured by the blast, heat, or initial radiation. People in the lighter damage areas would be endangered both by blast and heat effects. However, millions of people are located away from potential targets. For them, as well as for survivors in the lighter damage areas, radioactive fallout would be the main danger. What would happen to people in a nationwide attack, therefore, would depend primarily on their proximity to a nuclear explosion. (more…)

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High Strangeness Encounters And The FREE Foundation

HIgh-Strangeness-Encounter-main-4-postby D. W. Pasulka


All family members present were willing to discuss what happened with me, all acknowledged hearing an external voice urging them to look at the UFO, and all of them felt in some way profoundly affected by their UFO encounter. This is one example from dozens of cases, which I have personally investigated in the Canadian province of Ontario, that demonstrates to a certain degree of what is known in UFO studies as “high strangeness.” ~ Susan Demeter-St. Clair

“While driving home from my parents’ home I spoke to God for the first time. I looked up at the stars and said to both God and the Entities with which I was interacting, ‘I congratulate you—you have managed to completely transform a total atheist into someone who now believes in God, the spirit world, and life after death, more than any Catholic priest in Miami.’” Thus spoke Rey Hernandez, while driving in his car one day. What had happened to Rey? (more…)

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mRNA Nanotechnology

mRNA-Nanotechnology-main-4-postby Greg Reese

The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed. And some were far more deadly than others.


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Reincarnation: A Study in Human Evolution

Reincarnation-A-Study-In-Human-Evolution-main-2-postby Theophile Pascal

It will soon be: 1500 years since the decision of the Council of 543 A.D. condemned to oblivion sublime teachings which ought to have been carefully preserved and handed down to future generations as a beacon amid social reefs; teachings that would have uprooted that frightful egoism which threatens to annihilate the world, and instilled patience into the hearts of such as were being crushed beneath the wheel of the cosmic law, by showing them the scales of Justice inclining to the side filled with their iniquities of bygone times; teachings which would have been welcomed by the masses, and the understanding of which would not have called for any lofty intellectual culture.

It was one of the greatest misfortunes that could have befallen the races of the West, more especially the European, that they were thus deprived for centuries of this indispensable knowledge. We look upon it as a duty, following on so many others, to offer it anew, this time in the clear, logical, illuminating form presented in theosophic teachings. The necessity thereof is all the more imperative when we consider the growth of skepticism and materialism amongst the more intellectual classes, whilst the mass of the people have forsaken their blind faith only to succumb to religious indifference. (more…)

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Why There Is No Missing Link

Why-There-Is-No-Missing-Link-main-2-postIn much of the Unariun literature, it has been discussed that and rightfully so that there is no missing link. There is a dividing line between animal and man as is explained here in an excerpt from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Chapter 6 (also see Part II and Part III)

The following video with partial transcript underneath confirms what the Unariun Liturgies have been saying from the start, what scientists are beginning to confirm now.


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Twenty Trillion Light Years Through Space

Twenty-Trillion-Light-Years-Through-Space-main-4-postby Leo Virg

The deep glistening sky of the night before, with its sparkling stars against the azure and the philosophic mood it had produced, was still on my mind. Astronomers had just come to the conclusion that there may be billions of galaxies beyond our own jeweled Milky Way, and physicists had simultaneously broken the atom and found it to be a veritable solar system in miniature. Could these two extensions of science in such opposite directions solve the riddle of life? Would we finally know the whence, why, and whither of our existence? Is the electron after all the philosopher’s stone, the cornerstone on which all this glistening structure is built? Is our earth a small grain of mortar in that magnificent edifice? What form does that cosmic building finally have? Does it resemble a towering mountain? Or a roaring sea? Or maybe it has the form of an animal? And what about the electrons, which resemble miniature planets? Are they inhabited by a minute humanity of our own intellectual and evolutionary standards? I sank deeper and deeper into my questioning meditation. I started to feel one with that enormous cosmic structure, and one with that infinitesimally small, miniature human creature existing on one of the electrons, maybe in my own little finger. (more…)

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Nikola Tesla: Master Of Imagination

Nikola-Tesla-Master-Of-Imagination-main-4-postby Thomas Penick

Nikola Tesla was born on July 9/10 (midnight), 1856 in Smiljam, Croatia, to a Serbian family. His father was an orthodox priest. His mother was unschooled but quite intelligent. Nikola was a dreamer who loved poetry. He was self-disciplined and compulsive. His principle contribution to the field of electromagnetic engineering is the discovery of the rotating magnetic field and the development of the polyphase electrical system. Historians credit Tesla with being a genius because he not only made unique discoveries in electromagnetic engineering but developed these discoveries into working systems in an area of science that had almost no existing body of knowledge other than what he himself had uncovered. Pioneering experiments were also conducted in fluorescent lighting, vacuum tube, radio, robotics, and X-ray technologies. (more…)

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The Amazing Psychic Powers of Helen Keller

The-Amazing-Psychic-Powers-Of-Helen-Keller-main-4-postby Greta Woodrew, an eyewitness

Helen-Keller-watercolor-portraitOne of the friendships I most remember and cherish – and one that gave me some of my profoundest insights into the world beyond the five senses – was with the remarkably brilliant, multilingual Helen Keller. She was an emotional earthquake in my life, shaking me to my very soul.

When the play, The Miracle Worker, opened on Broadway in 1960, Dick and I went to see it and were profoundly moved. A year or so later, I took my daughter Jill to see it on her seventh birthday. She too was deeply touched by the electrifying story. Jill expressed a desire to meet Helen Keller, and I agreed that it would be a marvelous experience. My husband had a friend who knew her dedicated secretary, Evelyn Seide. Through her, we arranged a date for me to meet the great lady, who lived only ten minutes away from our home in Connecticut. (more…)

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The Noble Eightfold Path

The-Noble-Eightfold-Path-main-4-postby Charles W. Leadbeater

The Way which leads to the Escape from Sorrow. This is given to us in what is called the Noble Eightfold Path – another of the Lord Buddha’s wonderful tabulations or categories. It is a very beautiful statement, because it can be taken at all levels. The man in the world, even the uneducated man, can take it in its lowest aspects and find a way to peace and comfort through it. And yet the highest philosopher may also take it and interpret it at his level and learn very much from it.

The first step in this Path is Right Belief. Some people object to that qualification, because they say that it demands from them something in the nature of blind faith. It is not at all that sort of belief which is required; it is rather a demand for a certain amount of knowledge as to the ruling factors in life. It demands that we shall understand a little of the Divine Scheme as far as it applies to us, and if we cannot yet see that for ourselves, that we should accept it as it is always put before us. Certain broad facts are always put before men in some form or other. They are explained even to savage tribes by their medicine-men, and to the rest of mankind by various religious teachers and in all kinds of scriptures. It is very true that scriptures and religions differ, but the points in which they all agree have to be accepted by a man before he can understand life sufficiently to live happily. (more…)

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Sounds From Another Room (Encounter)

Sounds-From-Another-Room-Encounter-main-4-postby Timothy Good

Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley, former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command, has flown 90 types of aircraft, ranging from the Mosquito (in the Second World War), to the Spitfire, Meteor, Hunter, Lightning and Vulcan. He spent seven years in the service of Her Majesty the Queen and HRH Prince Philip as Equerry, and it was during this period that he had an experience which had a profound effect on him – an encounter with an apparently extraterrestrial being.

In his fascinating autobiography, Sounds From Another Room, Sir Peter devotes a lengthy chapter to the subject of UFOs, including details of his investigations into sightings reported by pilots; details which he relayed to Prince Philip, who shared his interest in the phenomenon. Another enthusiast was Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Barratt, who retired from the RAF at the end of the war. Barratt introduced Sir Peter to a friend of his, a General Martin, who believed that flying saucers were extraterrestrial vehicles from another planet whose inhabitants were trying to warn us of the perils of nuclear war. Sir Peter was not convinced. (more…)

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