Electricity From The Tap – Water Motors Of The 1800s

Water-Motors-main-4-postby Douglas Self


A water motor, as opposed to a positive-displacement water engine, was a small Pelton-type water turbine, often driven from a domestic tap; these were used for many light tasks, such as driving centrifuges and stirrers in chemical laboratories or running sewing machines. Like water engines, they were eventually displaced by electric motors.

There is nothing particularly unusual about a Pelton turbine, but their use for providing small amounts of domestic power seems to be virtually forgotten. Hence this gallery of the museum. Within each section the exhibits are in as close to chronological order as I can get. (more…)

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Self-Mastery: Desirelessness And Good Conduct

Self-Mastery-On-Good-Conduct-main-1-postby Alcyone

From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.


These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He advises, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)

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The Voice Of Venus-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition

The-Voice-Of-Venus-collectors-edition-main-4-post-1THE VOICE OF VENUS by Ernest L. Norman
Full-color, Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition

Did This Reclusive Author Leave Behind Secrets of the Universe?

A Cosmic “Theory of Everything” That Subsequent Science Keeps Validating?Ernest-L-Norman-2-post

LA MESA, CA—For the first time, all five books of Ernest L. Norman’s classic introductory series, the Pulse of Creation, will be available globally in newly illustrated, full-color Collector’s Editions, beginning with Book One, The Voice of Venus (May 11, 2021).

Through his books and lectures conducted in the late 1950s, Author Ernest L. Norman (1904-1971) put the science back into ancient concepts that have come down to us in watered-down, mystical terms such as chakras, meridians, auras, spirit bodies.

Picking up where his visionary predecessors in science and philosophy left off, Norman also spun traditional physics into a vortical schematic of pulsing, interdimensional, intelligent energy that supports and connects all forms of life.

For the relative handful of lucky readers who found his books in the late 20th century, he also changed lives. Norman took on the big questions of life and death—and life after death—using a scientific approach, and what he might describe as the interdimensional communication capacity of the human mind to reach into higher dimensions. (more…)

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The Tesla Files

The-Tesla-Files-main-4-postSerbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

Shortly before he died alone in a New York hotel room, Nikola Tesla claimed to have 80 trunks filled with his life’s work. Everything from detailed plans for wireless electricity to weapons so powerful they could destroy entire cities. But after he died only a few of Tesla’s 80 trunks were reportedly found. For decades people have wondered what happened to the files contained in Tesla’s missing trunks. (more…)

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Wordless Words

Wordless-Words-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

How well he speaks, when with his tongue
he speaks the words that all men understand
And words like knights, that joust
our fancied pleasures
Or merrily lead us down a glade
A winding way far up the hill where
sunshine meets the earth
And wedded there the songs of birds ~
the wedding march.


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.

Self-Mastery: On Discrimination

Self-Mastery-On-Discrimination-main-2-postby Alcyone

From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.


These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He says, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)

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Dream It, Do It

Dream-It-Do-It-main-4-postby Rosemary Ann Guiley

Elias Howe is a Massachusetts textile expert, mechanic, and inventor. The year is 1846, and Howe has been working hard to perfect a machine that he knows will revolutionize industry: a sewing machine. There is only one major problem he cannot solve: how to work the thread with the needle.

Howe wonders whether or not to abandon his idea. Then one night he has a vivid and odd dream. He is in a jungle. The natives capture him and threaten to kill him if he can’t solve his sewing machine problem. He notices that their spears have holes in the tips.

Howe awakens in great excitement. He has the answer to his problem: put a hole in the needle and put the thread through it. The sewing machine is born, enabling clothing to be mass-produced at cheaper costs. (more…)

Posted in Lucid Dreaming, Other Topics, Sleep Teachingwith comments disabled.

The Astral Plane

The-Astral-Plane-main-4-postby Yogi Ramacharaka

Students of occultism, Oriental and Occidental, find many references in the works of the old authorities, to that great series of planes, immediately above those of the material world, which are loosely styled the “Astral Plane.” But they find the various authorities differing in their usage of the term. Many of the older authorities use the term to designate the entire series of planes lying between those of the material world and those very exalted planes of existence, known as the “Spiritual Planes” the very nature of which is beyond the comprehension of the mind of the average man. On the other hand, some of the modern Western writers on the subject use the term the “Astral Plane” to indicate merely the lower planes and sub‑planes of the Astral series—those planes which blend into the material planes on the one hand and into the higher Astral planes on the other. This has caused some confusion in the minds. of those beginning the study of the planes above the material. (more…)

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Astral Visit To The Hidden Gold Mines Of Yellowstone

Astral-Visit-To-Yellowstone-main-4-postby Godfre Ray King

SEVEN days passed—it was then the first week in September. On the evening of the eighth day, I sat contemplating Life and its infinite expressions, when my thought turned naturally to Saint Germain. Immediately—an overwhelming love went out to him in deep gratitude for all I had been privileged to experience—through his assistance and Light.

A feeling as of a “Presence” in the room began to come over me like a breath and looking up suddenly—there he stood smiling and radiant, the very “Presence of Divinity.”

“My son,” he said, “am I so unexpected a visitor—that I surprise you? Surely, you know quite well that—when thinking of me—you are in contact with me, and when I think of you—I am with you. In meditation, your attention was upon me and so—I appear. Is that not according to the Law? Then, why not accept it—as natural? What one thinks upon—he draws unto himself.

“Allow me to suggest that you train yourself—never to be surprised, disappointed, or your feelings hurt under any circumstances—for perfect self-control—of all the forces within you at all times—is Mastery—and that is the reward for those who tread the pathway of ‘Light’ and correction of the human self. (more…)

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UFO Contact From The Pleiades

UFO-Contact-From-The-Pleiades-main-4-postby Wendelle C. Stevens

Tuesday, January 28th, 1975, 2:12 P.M.

The Swiss countryside of Hinwel.

As Mr. Meier looked across the empty road toward the meadow and forest beyond, noting to himself how remote they seemed. . . .

Suddenly it began . . .

Meier heard a very unusual sound. A low, throbbing humming sound that defied description. Then he saw it. A strange silver disc-shaped craft circling slowly above. He couldn’t believe his eyes!

He recovered just in time to take several quick photographs, almost forgetting the camera was there, before the strange craft swooped down and softly landed in the clearing 100 meters away. About seven meters in diameter, it just sat there quietly in the tall green grass. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.

Religious Centers On The Inner

Religious-Centers-On-The-Inner-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

(Ruth smelled the fragrance of the effulgence of one of the teachers, and we defined it as being this particular one and were discussing where he lived when he was on the earth, when came this answer): It does not matter that I was Chinese or Hindu, or that I lived in the place which is known as Central America or Maya; but that I served means more. These were incarnations which portrayed in their own time and in temple-hallwaytheir own sense one who can be called Dratzel. That I may have been known also by other names means little, but that I am here with you means much more. Before leaving you to go to another section of this great Center, we will take you rapidly down the great corridor which divides this Seventh Section and forms a means for ingress and egress; it is more than just a corridor as you will see that it takes you quite a little while to walk from one side to the other, walking very rapidly. It could be easily a mile in width; you see that there are many thousands of souls who are moving rapidly back and forth through this great corridor. I will not say, moving upon the surface, because we do not travel on the surface as much as we simply travel. I hope that this method does not confuse you. Now, going down this great corridor I can point out numerous sections which are actually huge dimensions, in themselves, portraying to the students and to the teachers alike, the different dimensions of inspirational devotion which goes on through many innumerable evolutions of lives in the average individual’s span of existence. Here, in this Center, you will see the more modern of what is termed Catholicism which is presided over by such personages as Saint Francis of Assisi and various others who are learning and teaching the initiate in the various transpositional phases of Catholicism as it was in existence upon the earth. (more…)

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Diane From Venus On Reincarnation

Diane-From-Venus-On-Reincarnation-main-4-postby Dana Howard

It was high noon, and the rugged desert canyon I loved so well had come alive with the out-breathing rays of the Universe. Kim, my adorable little black and white terrier, followed at my heels, for this spot on the desert was her special place, too. She seemed to sense the nature spirits, playful little people invisible to the sight of humans, but who danced and played on the desert sands, perhaps to the merry tunes of aerial music.

The dog stopped short, with an air of knowing I had come to recognize. Then followed the short, staccato barks and the frantic wagging of her little stub tail: Kim’s way of greeting the immortal Diane. She knew, even better than I did, those heaven-sent footsteps, for her dog instinct felt the love and devotion Diane brought with her.

These days, Kim was my ever-constant companion, for I was making up for lost time. A few years before, she had trudged off to “doggie-heaven” before her allotted time. She was my “little Bonnie” then, and her going away had made a wide gap in my heart. Now I felt sure she was back again . . . the same little ball of fur, devoted to me with every atom of her little being. (more…)

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The Curse Of The Presidents

Curse-Of-The-Presidents-main-2-postby Vincent H. Gaddis

Once there was a prophet—Tens-Ka-Ta-Wah, or Elskatawa, meaning “The Open Door,” but called by the Americans simply “the Prophet.” He certainly deserved the title, for he The-Prophetmade one of the most amazing true prophecies in American history and left a grim legacy that still haunts the United States presidency. His brother was the great Tecumseh (Shooting Star), considered by many historians to embody the highest conception of Amerindian character.

The remarkable crusade of the Shawnee brothers began with a dream. One night while living in a White River village in Indiana, Elskatawa fell asleep. When he awakened he was a man with a vision. He had made a visit to the realm of spirits, he told the villagers, and there he had been given a new religion that would save the red man. (more…)

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Does Medicine Have A Bad Attitude?

Does-Medicine-Have-A-Bad-Attitude-main-4-postby James P. Carter

… And besides, looking through those spectacles gives me a headache.”

~ Professor Cesare Cremonini in 1610, explaining why he would not look through Galileo’s telescope at the moons of Jupiter.


The sort of excuse above has delayed medical discoveries for decades, even half-centuries. Canadian nutritionist Dr. David Rowland describes this repression of medical innovation as a bad attitude which he termed “arrogant ignorance.” This negative attitude toward many great discoveries represents a tremendous ego threat. Today such negativity is compounded with the industrialization of medicine, which has brought on that “greed is good (for me)” philosophy such as expressed in the movie Wall Street. Segments of the medical profession take what they want when they can get it.

Arrogant ignorance has followed science and medicine throughout history. Beginning with the learned colleagues of Galileo who refused to even look through the glass of his new invention, the telescope, because they believed they already knew all about the laws of physics, that “not invented here” attitude is alive and well at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Is it only a coincidence that “not invented here” shares initials with our government’s National Institutes of Health? (more…)

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Through The Gates Of Death

Through-The-Gates-Of-Death-main-2-postby Dion Fortune

The Great Anesthetist

Death is a universal experience. No one can hope to escape. It is only a matter of time till it comes to each one of us and each one of those we love. Yet Death is called the King of Terrors and is the supreme threat of the law to the wrong-doer. What is it that makes a natural process so terrible? Is it the pain of dying? No, for anodynes can deaden that. Most death beds are peaceful when the time comes, and few souls go out struggling. What, then, is it we fear in death that it should be for us a thing of grief and dread?

Firstly, we fear the Unknown. (more…)

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