Thoughts On Thought

Thoughts-On-Thought-main-4-postby James Allen


THE body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought. Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease; while impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will soon shatter the nervous system. (more…)

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Rock Books: Hidden History Revealed

Rock-Books-Hidden-History-Revealed-main-2-postby Richard S. Shaver

Part I – The Ancient Earth

I address this book about rock books to people who have been denied the advantage of knowing the fate of all men on Earth. Rock books describe a way out of this uncertain world which was used by total populations of Earth in the past. It is just possible we may need the guidance and information thus provided, since men seem to have the ability to transform what was once paradise into an approaching hell.

It seems probable that there were and are two forces manipulating the history of our planet. In my reading of the “Rock Books of Beginning” I find we have records from two different worlds. One of these was the moon when it was in orbit about the sun. Its rock books were all dumped upon Earth at the time of the first moon fall, along with its air and water and loose soil, and its people. (more…)

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The Enigma Of Ancient Technology ~ Part II

The-Enigma-Of-Ancient-Technology-Part-II-main-3-postby David Hatcher Childress

If we human beings want to feel humility, there is no need to look
at the starred infinity above. It suffices to turn our gaze upon the
world cultures that existed thousands of years before us, achieved
greatness before us, and perished before us.
-C.W. Ceram, Gods, Graves, & Scholars

Ancient-China-2-postThe Amazing Inventions of China

Many ancient inventions are said to have originated in China, though many of them probably came from even earlier cultures.

The Chinese possessed geared machinery from an early age–some think as far back as the early centuries B.C., if not before. While modern historians prefer to trace China back only to the the Chou dynasty in 1122 B.C., the Chinese themselves trace their history back to the semi-mythical “Five Monarchs.” (more…)

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On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part I

On-The-Pathway-Of-Progressive-Evolution-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings friends: This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings arespiritual-joy-2-post concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the joy I feel is for each and every one of you, for I know, as you are seeking further knowledge of UN.AR.I.U.S. you have taken at least one positive step forward in expressing a certain quotient in the dynamic expression of Infinite Creation.

finding-the-inner-kingdomThis in itself, is most important, and something which you should always remember throughout the coming years and in the times when you are troubled or emotionally distressed; that always there must be a consciousness of this infinite expression which is working directly in a regenerative principle, to constantly re-create for you, the form and substance of your lives, and rather than to continuously indulge yourselves in past emotional reflex experiences born from out other worlds and other times, it is most imperative that you learn to recognize this Infinite Creation which is above and beyond the immediate horizon of these various reactionary and emotional experiences. (more…)

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The Enigma Of Ancient Technology ~ Part I

The-Enigma-Of-Ancient-Technology-Part-I-main-4-postby David Hatcher Childress

As we acquire knowledge,
things do not become more comprehensible,
but more mysterious.
-Will Durant

Ancient-Technology-Image-1aI think, myself that in 1903, we passed through
the remains of a powdered world left
over from an ancient interplanetary dispute,
brooding in space….
-Charles Fort

Was the Science of Egypt Inherited from an Earlier Culture?

In my searches for lost cities and mysteries of the past, I have often found clues to the technology of the ancients. These clues can be in the form of depictions ofAncient-Technology-Image-1 ancient devices in rock paintings or carvings (such as the electric devices at the Temple of Hathor in Egypt) or as small models of devices (such as the miniature solid gold airplanes at the Bogota Gold Museum) or in the stories from ancient texts (such as the Ramayana or even the Bible).

I would like to recap some of the evidence for ancient technology and for advanced ancient cultures in the past. What is amazing about the modern world versus the ancient one is that in the modern world, the average citizen has access to advanced technology such as electricity, a personal vehicle, telephone, fax, and computer technology. In the ancient world, high technology was largely denied the masses. In fact it was often used in temples and ceremonies to gain power over people by amazing or terrifying them; this was part of worship and mystery. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XIV

Venusian-Contacts-Part-XIV-main-4-postby Dana Howard

The warm desert sun cast an aura of radiance over the winding sandy canyon leading to my favorite retreat. It was a rough trail, for this part of the California desert had not been often traveled by motor cars or human footsteps.

I stopped for a moment to drink in the pageant of midday splendor, for now the colors were alive and vibrating, weaving in and out as they reflected the azure skies above. I had been coming here often of late, for this plot of earth, hallowed by Diane’s presence, was infinitely stimulating. Her profound discourses seemed more readily translatable here. In these transcendent moments, I exchanged my drab, scanty material values for the rich heritage of spirit. (more…)

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The Orion Conspiracy And Antarctica Revelations

Orion-Conspiracy-And-Antarctica-Revelations-main-2-postMore than fifty years of disinformation and manipulation in the shadow of the media have divided and impoverished public opinion, so as to control it all the better.

This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary. Forget the words “esoteric” or “fantastic” – is this fact or fiction? You be the judge.

High Strangeness Images of Antarctica From The Film: (more…)

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Mysterious Ancient Subterranean Shafts

Mysterious-Ancient-Subterranean-Shafts-main-4-postby Vincent H. Gaddis

THROUGHOUT the world there are mysterious shafts, caves and tunnels built or inhabited by unknown beings who have vanished into the mists of pre-history. These visible links with a puzzling antiquity present problems to the modern world that are bewildering and baffling.

In Tibet there is a secret city, hidden in the world’s highest mountains, and built at the top of a pit that drops deep into the earth; in Nova Scotia there is a strange underground chamber protected by ancient engineering so ingenious that it has baffled the best salvage experts; in Mexico the prehistoric Acapulco tunnel and the padre-protected and sealed opening at Xilitla remain unexplored. (more…)

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Demonic Attacks And Mental Illness

Demonic-Attacks-And-Mental-Illness-main-4-postby Jerry Marzinsky &  Sherry Swiney

For tens of thousands of years, Schizophrenics have tried to tell physicians and the rest of us that the voices they hear are real. Attempts by these individuals to communicate their direct experience of this phenomenon have resulted in being shunned, labeled insane, drugged senseless, or locked up. Since inception, psychiatry and the medical establishment have miserably failed to find either a cause or cure for schizophrenia. Regardless, they ignominiously turn a deaf ear to the reports of those with the most experience and knowledge of this destructive illness: the schizophrenic patient.

Instead of coming to grips with the failure of their institutions and treatment methods, physicians continue to ram one false cause after another for this devastating illness down our throats. While feeding Schizophrenics unsubstantiated information about the cause of their illness, they also burden them with a dim prognosis and insist the voices are hallucinations. This in no way matches the actual experience of these individuals. They aren’t buying it, and neither are we. (more…)

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Coals To Newcastle

Coals-To-Newcastle-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Carry Coals to Newcastle – To do or bring something superfluous or unnecessary, as in running the sprinkler while it’s raining, that’s carrying coals to Newcastle. ~

The following is a letter written by the Moderator to a student in reply to a question regarding a book pertaining to old religions—(old and present)—and which could serve many written-letterothers with similar questions.

Dear Student: Regarding your letter, it always makes us very happy to receive testimonials—“The Joining” tape in particular is something new and evidently quite ‘special’ and we are especially joyous of the manifestation as Power which it carries which you and many other students have so strongly felt.

So far as the book is concerned, may I quote an old cliché, “like carrying coal to Newcastle”. Yes, Ruth and I are quite familiar with most of the books of this sort and, in toto, they are the representative form of what UN.AR.I.U.S. is attempting to destroy. (more…)

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Healing Water Therapies

Healing-Water-Therapies-main-4-postby Constantin D. Cerbu

In the autumn of 1939, France was at war. Among those leaving Paris, there was an engineer of Arts and Metiers named Achilles Marcel Violet (1886-1973). Having already reached the age of 53, he was excused from military service.

He settled down in Boissy-la-Riviere, in the region of Etampes.

He never lived in the countryside before and his spirit of observation, fine-tuned from all the engineering, made him notice that, after electrical storms, vegetation had an increased rate of growth. He found it curious. He was later informed that the farm animals were somehow more attracted of this water than they were of the tap water they were provided with. When talking this through with his neighbors, experienced farmers all, someone suggested that this may be because storm water is more “active” because of its higher temperature. After doing some research on the matter, this claim was proved false. Still, he thought there might be a relationship between the sudden increase in growth and the water from the electrical storm. He assumed it was due to some chemical compounds that fertilize the soil, but test results proved that false as well. As the storms went and passed, they visibly had the same effects on the crops and animals. (more…)

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The Super Dimensions: Consensus Realities

Super-Dimensions-main-2-postby Jurgen Ziewe

This report is based on another more recent experience using deep meditation to enter what I termed the Super Dimensional realities via a direct Jurgen Zieweprocess which does not involve Out-of-Body travel. The observations are made using the criteria of having full or hyper-waking consciousness whilst being fully aware of being in meditation. This experience should not be seen as imagination, vision or fantasy, because consciousness was actually located within a new dimensional level. Observations were conducted with the same sense of awareness as OBE or physical observations, except that the clarity of mind was more enhanced than either.

Out-of-Body experiences are now widely accepted as a paradigm that occurs in a parallel universe which contains numerous levels. The discussion of a Super Dimensional level of reality is simply taking it to the next level, which Theosophy would regard as the Mental and Causal levels. (more…)

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Gravity, Bioenergy And Spin

Gravity-Bioenergy-And-Spin-main-2-postby Buryl Payne, Ph.D.

Gravity has been difficult to understand or connect with the other forces of physics–nuclear, electric, and magnetic. It is the thesis of this paper that a connecting link between gravitational and electromagnetic forces may be made by introducing spin as a fifth fundamental force. Spin may also serve as a link between living organisms and the other forces of physics.


All bodies in the universe spin as far as we know. The Earth spins on its axis and revolves around the Sun which in turn spins on its own axis. All the other planets and their satellites also spin. The Sun revolves around the center of the galaxy and the entire galaxy is also presumed to rotate, as well as all other galaxies in the Universe. How galactic rotation got started is one of the great mysteries of astrophysics and it has been proposed that the entire universe rotates and transmits some of its rotation to all objects within it. Atomic nuclei, electrons, protons, and other sub-atomic particles all have spins associated with them. Although these spins are different from the spin of planets about their axes or about the Sun, there is at least one common element between sub-atomic spin and the spins of planets and stars–that is magnetism. Those celestial bodies which spin usually possess magnetic fields and in general, the faster they spin, the larger their magnetic fields for equivalent masses. Some rapidly spinning pulsars have enormous magnetic fields. (more…)

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Newly Arrived On The Other Side

Newly-Arrived-On-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby William T. Stead

On April 10, 1912, W. T. Stead boarded the S.S. Titanic bound from Southampton to New York, to take part in a peace congress at Carnegie Hall. On the morning of April 15 the ship struck an iceberg and Stead, along with hundreds of others, drowned. Ten years later, Stead’s daughter Estelle published this book which purported to be a communication with Stead via a medium, Pardoe Woodman. In the book, Stead described his death at sea and discussed the nature of the afterlife. The manuscript was produced using automatic writing.

The Arrival

MANY years ago I was attracted by an article on the subject of spirit communication, and, after reading it carefully several times, I was forced to admit its soundness. I was struck by the plain and practical ideas of the writer. This was the first cause of my becoming actively interested in this big and amazing work. From that time onward I did all in my power to prove and then forward the movement. Many people know this; and those who do not, can become acquainted with the details if they wish. Therefore I am going to pass at once from my first earth interest in the occult to my first interest in the earth.

Just as I was overcome with astonishment and satisfaction on first reaching conviction on earth, so I was astonished almost equally on my coming to this land and finding that my knowledge of this subject gained on earth was strikingly correct in nearly all the chief points. There was a great satisfaction in proving this. I was at once amazed and delighted to find so much truth in all I had learned; for although I had believed implicitly, I was not entirely without grave misgivings upon many minor details. Hence my general satisfaction when I recognized things and features which, though I had accepted whilst on earth, I had scarcely anticipated would be as I now found them. This must sound somewhat contradictory, but I want you to understand that my earthly misgivings were based on fear that perhaps the spirit world had a formula of its own which was quite different from our earthly mentality, and that, therefore, the many points were transmitted to us in such a form and in such expression as we on earth would be able to grasp and appreciate, and were not in themselves the precise descriptions, owing to the limitations of earth word-expression. (more…)

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Tunnels Of The Titans

Tunnels-Of-The-Titans-main-4-postby Vincent H. Gaddis

BELOW the surface of the earth, stretching for countless miles, lie the archaic tunnels of the Old Ones. Cut in the primal rock by methods unknown, they turn and twist in a complex labyrinth, shrouded in the darkness of the ages, their walls blackened by an incredible antiquity. It is true! Long, long ago, their very existence forgotten in the rise and fall of empires and the surging migrations and passings of peoples during the long centuries, there lived a mighty race of subterranean builders who wrought wonders in stone.

Here and there we can catch a glimpse of the mysterious realm hidden below our feet that they left behind them. There are the artificial caves of Malta, built “at a period when history is all mystery,” which lie below the puzzling so-called “cart-ruts” that crisscross the island in every direction, and terminate on the brink of cliffs or lead directly into the sea. There is the elusive North African-Gibraltar tunnel, and the half-legendary connecting links between the islands of Hawaii that were known to the native kings and kahuna of old. Martinique, too, has its lost prehistoric shafts, and Tecpan in Guatemala, and Agra in India. In the heart of Central Asia, Dr. Ossendowski tells of Agharti, and Prof. Roerich awaits the coming of Maitreya, Lord of the New Era, from concealed Shambhala. (more…)

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