On The Role Of Beauty In Reincarnation
by Gina Ceraminara
Beauty is not ordinarily regarded as the proper goal of a philosopher; nor is it usually considered to be of any practical concern to psychologists, doctors, ministers, or priests to help their patients or parishioners to become beautiful. As a quest and a purpose, beauty is commonly regarded as the trivial preoccupation of beauty salons and of women whose vanity outweighs the more real and more sober preoccupations of life.
And yet—if we carry still further to its logical conclusions the data of the Cayce files—we must arrive at the conviction that beauty is of far greater significance and importance, psychologically and spiritually, than we had thought; and that, indeed, philosophers, doctors; psychologists, ministers, and priests alike should be as much guided by beauty as an ultimate goal of all people as they are by concepts of adjustment, efficiency, health, happiness, morality, and of the Good Life. (more…)
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Spirit Release Therapy: Nested Attachments
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
An entity attached to a living person may be strong enough to prevent the host from going to the Light after death. The newly deceased spirit becomes earthbound with the original earthbound entity nested within itself. It is not at all unusual to find an entity with another entity attached. The second one nested inside the first might have a third nested within it, and so on. There is no limit to this chain of nested entities. An entity usually does not know about the ones nested inside itself.
A client may describe behavior which is uncharacteristic and be confused about it. The cause may turn out to be an attached spirit. An entity may describe uncharacteristic behavior or attitudes as it recalls its life. This may turn out to be a nested entity. A belligerent and hostile attached earthbound spirit which causes much strife and conflict in a person’s life often turns out to have a dark-energy being nested within. After the dark one is released, this earthbound is usually apologetic to the host and grateful to the therapist. (more…)
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One Small Flame
So let man cast about him the light,
For, as he shineth about him his light,
in this light he too shall be illumined;
And that if he holds not this light aloft
so that he casteth forth a shadow
And that all those in his light
shall also casteth shadows.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
The Children Of Mu
by James Churchward
For the benefit of those who have not read The Lost Continent of Mu a short synopsis of its contents follows.
The Land of Mu was a large continent situated in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, its center lying somewhat south of the equator. Basing its area on the remains which are still above water, it would have been about six thousand miles from east to west, and about three thousand from north to south. All the rocky islands, individually and in groups, scattered over the Pacific Ocean were once part of the continent of Mu. About twelve thousand years ago cataclysmic earthquakes rent Mu asunder. She became a fiery vortex, and the waters of the Pacific rushed in, making a watery grave for a vast civilization and sixty millions of people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoas, Cook, Tongas, Marshall, Gilbert, Caroline, Marianas, Hawaii and the Marquesas are the pathetic fingers of that great land, standing today as sentinels to a silent grave. (more…)
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Shamballa And The Seven Root Races ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The Shamballa, as you know, began about a million years ago in your time. However, do not pay too much attention to such chronological statistics as may be given to you as such appearances of time in your earth planet are rough summations of such occurrences. Time, as you know, assumes a different factor and perspective in our dimension. Shamballa was the net and conglomerate efforts of the seven Shamballas in the higher astral spiritual dimensions, combined with the efforts of the numerous Lords and of the thirty-three Logi who rule our particular dimensional system. This was a very beautiful city as it existed on the great crystal plateau in the southern central section of what is now known as the Gobi desert in Mongolia. Through the many thousands of years, there came into being numerous tribes and and races of people who surrounded the mountains, valleys and plains on this wonderful and beautiful land. Under the direction of these Lords of the earth, the land was very fruitful and brought forth a tremendous abundance of all of the necessities of life for man as he existed in these numerous places about this great Shamballa. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, True History of Man, Voice of Eroswith comments disabled.
My Travels In The Spirit World
by Caroline D. Larsen
The places where the spirits journey after leaving the earth are great spheres or planes arranged in a descending order of development. Each of these planes is an independent world of enormous dimensions. I do not know how many such worlds actually exist for I have never penetrated farther than the fourth. In my travels to these spheres and in space it was necessary for me to be accompanied by a guide. As soon as I traveled from my physical body ready to go on these journeys a guide, always the same individual was by my side. (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Out Of Body Experienceswith comments disabled.
Patton: Many Lives, Many Battles
by Blake Stilwell
One of World War II’s legendary figures, Gen. George S. Patton, loomed largely in the narrative of the war for many reasons.
While no one would accuse the great general of being humble or unassuming, his ego and pride are well-deserved — to the betterment of mankind and the Allied cause. Patton, with his ivory-handled revolvers and propensity to quote the Hindu scripture of “The Bhagavad Gita,” was as eccentric in life as he was effective in combat.
No example of this was more telling than his belief in reincarnation and his own numerous past lives.
As a child, Patton believed he fought Turkish armies. As he grew into an adult, he still had visions of his death in past lives, from viking funerals to the Battle of Tyre. In 1991, Karl F. Hollenbach compiled Patton’s account of his past lives in a book called Patton: Many Lives, Many Battles. Though the man himself never completely expressed the entirety of his beliefs in reincarnation, he did describe numerous events in detail. (more…)
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Ancient Giants Of America
by Richard J. Dewhurst
Long before the so-called “discovery of America,” this land was populated by very ancient peoples, some of whom were of enormous size, as attested to by the numerous reports of giant finds. Those reports make it clear that in the nineteenth century such finds were common knowledge around the country. When carbon dating became available in the twentieth century, earlier estimates of the age of the remains were increased by many magnitudes: with ranges from five thousand to fourteen thousand years! In addition to finds linking some of those early, magnificent humans with mastodons (which became extinct some twenty thousand years ago), not surprisingly, many finds indicate that the giants were royal beings, with reports of copper crowns and pearl robes.
While certain monuments and parks in various parts of the country offer silent testimony to the creative efforts of these early peoples, few of us are aware of the true scope of the mounds and cities that once revealed advanced ancient civilizations. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
My Visitation To Venus ~ Part V
by Anne Givaudan
The columns supporting the building gave it a majestic look. Despite the fact that they were simple, the proportions, colors and what emanated from it helped trigger a feeling of respect in whoever entered. Everything appeared gigantic compared to the other buildings visited. As we followed the Wise man down unending corridors, I had the feeling of walking through a maze, but in a totally purposeful and deliberate way. Sometimes, I had the curious impression of going upwards in a spiral to an upper level so far away I could not even picture it. What a feeling of vertigo! I had simply lost my bearings…
“This is an airlock whose purpose is to cleanse you, as you make your way, of all the physical or subtle debris that you might have stored up until now. The path you’re following is not dictated by chance, it’s one that’s helping you, like a labyrinth, reach a deeper, often abandoned part of you.” (more…)
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Sound, Waves And Vibration ~ Part II
by Itzhak Bentov
The Hologram
We have seen before that information can be stored by an interference pattern of waves. To have interference, we must have at least two interacting components, and here is how it is done (Fig. 11):
The laser light beam is split into two components by a half mirror, that is, a semi-transparent mirror. This allows part of the beam to continue undisturbed while part of it is deflected to another mirror. Both narrow beams are spread open by lenses. The upper beam, which we shall call the reference beam, arrives at a photographic plate after an event-less flight, since no event of note has occurred on its way to the plate. It proceeds then to deposit its imprint on the film. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
Shamballa And The Seven Root Races
by Ernest L. Norman
Through the many ages of existence of man through the thousands of years, there have been references to this mysterious Shamballa and its existence in the southern Gobi desert or that in some such place there was some great holy city of supernatural splendor and brilliance.
Now you earth people have a quotation something like, “Where there is smoke, there is fire”, and as there has been much smoke, we will see just exactly what the fire is like. We will thus start our story somewhere in the chronology of the earth about a million years ago. At that time the earth had so developed on its outer exterior that it could now support the higher and more advanced forms of life and that the time had now come when man in his entirety should be firmly planted upon this earth. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, True History of Man, Voice of Eroswith comments disabled.
Prophecy Of Hermes
The Hermetica are Egyptian-Greek wisdom texts from the 2nd century or earlier, which are mostly presented as dialogues in which a teacher, generally identified as Hermes Trismegistus (“thrice-greatest Hermes”), enlightens a disciple, Asclepius. These texts form the basis of Hermeticism.
They discuss the divine, the cosmos, mind, and nature. Some touch upon alchemy, astrology, and related concepts also a prophecy. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
Story Of Atlantis
by William Scott-Elliot
The general scope of the subject before us will best be realized by considering the amount of information that is obtainable about the various nations who compose our great Fifth or Aryan Race.
From the time of the Greeks and the Romans onwards volumes have been written about every people who in their turn have filled the stage of history. The political institutions, the religious beliefs, the social and domestic manners and customs have all been analyzed and catalogued, and countless works in many tongues record for our benefit the march of progress. (more…)
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Lost Knowledge Of The Ancients ~ Part I
by Jonathan Gray
Flight Powered By Mercury
The ancient document, the Samarangana Sutradhara, offers a description of the fuel power source for ancient flight:
“Within it must be placed the mercury engine, with its heating apparatus made of iron underneath.
“In the larger craft, because it is built heavier, four strong containers of mercury must be built into the interior. When these are heated by controlled fire from the iron containers, the vimana possesses thunder power through the mercury. The iron engine must have properly welded joints to be filled with mercury, and when fire is conducted to the upper part, it develops power with the roar of a lion. By means of the energy latent in mercury, the driving whirlwind is set in motion, and the traveller sitting inside the vimana may travel in the air, to such a distance as to look like a pearl in the sky.” (more…)
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Vivenus From Venus On The Swoops
by Vivenus
Spaceships, I call them “swoops” because I’m a Venusian. And Venusians, if they name a thing, name it for what it does rather then for how it looks. A spaceship does swoop, as a bird swoops, silently.
The swoops on Venus are all colors and all sizes and many shapes. There are several giant swoops that carry many smaller ones inside, to let them disembark over the lands they must keep vigil.
At home, there is a special part of our land to house our swoops. We do not have need of them on our world but only to other worlds, especially to the planet Earth. (more…)
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