Temple Lectures

Temple-Lectures-main-2-post[This letter to students from Uriel (Ioshanna at the time) was received by a student who has since made her transition. She gave me a number of files that contain some of these letters prior to her passing which I hope to post in future articles. Attached at the bottom is a pdf scan of the original. Estimated date of this letter is about 1970 or 1971. Enjoy! – Editor]

page-dividerDear Unariun Friend – Our greetings to you!

As always, in our contacts with you, the student, we extend to you our wishes for your continued and sincere interest in your personal development, study, and progress. (more…)

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Project Serpo

Project-Serpo-main-2-postby Piers Morris

Project Serpo is a tale of travel to a planet 39 light years from Earth where twelve fearless and courageous humans lived side-by-side with an alien race for thirteen years.

To understand how the incredible reality came about that humans traveled to a planet that is 240 trillion miles away, we need to go back in time to the end of the Second World War when the threat of alien invasion and takeover of the planet was a genuine fear of the US military.

The USA, as the most powerful nation on Earth after the War, was just settling down to peace time again when its military leaders became aware of a much more serious threat than those posed by terrestrial attack: The possibility of extraterrestrial alien attack utilizing weapons way beyond our technological capability at the time. (more…)

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Actualities Of The Afterlife

Actualities-Of-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

After birth, death is the greatest privilege that comes to mankind. If death did not occur, there would be old age, feebleness, poverty, pain, and suffering forever; with it, splendid life on through the ages, progress, perpetual youth and vigor. Such is the heritage of all who have lived, or who shall live in the ages to come as inhabitants of this plane; such are the benefits coming through dissolution.

“Physically considered, in the final separation of the soul or spirit body from the flesh garment there are no discomforts. As the etheric form goes out through the process called death, pain ceases, and then for a short period comes what is usually called unconsciousness. During the passing of the soul, when the individual leaves the tenement of flesh, when the spirit of man hurries forth from the old housing, there is no sensation. That period of time may be characterized as a sleep; then comes the awakening the return of sensation, consciousness. (more…)

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Spirit Attachments: Signs, Symptoms, Releasement – Part II

Spirit-Attachments-Part-II-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Dr. Edith Fiore, in her book, “The Unquiet Dead” states: “It is clear that persons who are treated as though they were suffering from a “possessing entity” sometimes report dramatic resolution of their symptoms…”

Places Spirit Attachments Are Most Likely to Happen

Spirits that are lost or hover around are everywhere. This declaration is not meant to frighten you, but it is a fact. Positive as well as the more negative entities are all around us. Hospitals, VA hospitals, prisons, cemeteries, mental hospitals, gambling casinos, mortuaries, and/or places of crime or lower level activities are hotbeds for spirits ready to attach. When proactively keeping a very high vibrational field around us and caretaking our aura, attachments most likely will not happen. (more…)

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Signs In The Sky

Signs-In-The-Skies-main-4-postby Gerald Light

Signs-In-The-Skies-book-coverThe pages you are preparing to read may hold some strange ideas which you, at first, may find considerable difficulty in believing or accepting. For this reason I have felt it necessary to try and prepare your mind for these strange things by reminding you of many equally strange things which are a part of your daily life on this planet – and yet are hardly a part of your personal consciousness, your individual awareness, your Self.

First of all, stop and consider this amazing fact: YOU are living, with all your family and loved ones, living upon a huge ball of stone, four-fifths of which is covered with water. This gigantic globe of water and rock is revolving at a speed of over a thousand miles per hour. It is also hurtling through the skies in its great journey around the sun each year with a speed that is beyond your comprehension. Yet of this you are completely unconscious; you are aware of no movement of your earthly home through the skies or on its own axis. From the standpoint of the unusual do you not agree that this is an almost unbelievable situation??? (more…)

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Words Of Wisdom

Words-Of-Wisdom-main-4-postQuotes by Manly P. Hall


You can have a new and different life when you decide to shoulder the full responsibility for your own happiness and security.


If we accept the idea that we live within a universe of purpose, then our own life becomes a purposed experience and a magnificent opportunity to cooperate in the fulfillment of this purpose in every way we can.


Your very existence in human society is made possible by the cooperation of countless persons whom you will never know. They are all members of a team, and you, likewise, belong on that team. (more…)

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The Great Hoax ~ Part II

The-Great-Hoax-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-atomic-vortexEach thing, though it may appear to be different, is a highly developed and organized system of tiny solar systems of energy and these in turn, claim as their parents, the very substance of the Infinite Mind. Yet, as of today, almost all mankind walks in ignorance of all this. His eyes are darkened against that which must reach through to him before he can escape from his self-constructed pit of clay, for while he clings to his cross or his heathen gods, he will be blind to his Kingdom of Heaven Within; for he will constantly re-create new ways, new means and new methods to justify his false symbologies. (more…)

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Spirit Attachments

Spirit-Attachments-Types-Of-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Although science has not yet proven the presence of spirit attachment, there is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Below is a broad outline of types of attachment to help you understand this phenomenon.

Types Of Attachments

Once medical causes for some of these symptoms have been discarded, other possibilities are to be considered including energies coming from our own subconscious and unconscious minds that can be perceived as having a life of their own. For example – from complexes (a complex arises whenever there is a defeat – Carl G Jung), to our past lives, to earthbound entities, to ‘spiritual beings’. This latter realm can encompass alien forms of consciousness some of which are termed ‘dark energies’ in some quarters. (more…)

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Giants In Ancient America

Giants-In-Ancient-America-main-4-postby Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze

Despite being a prominent theme in all the world’s mythologies, the lore about giants generally remains in the realm of children’s tales. It seems odd then that ancient peoples from different parts of the globe would all write and speak of an age of giants.

Genesis 6:4 offers, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” (more…)

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Beyond The Etheric Veil

Beyond-The-Etheric-Veil-main-2-postby Vincent Gaddis

John Puckering was dead. His heart had stopped. He had drawn his last breath. The body of the elderly market gardener lay white and motionless beneath the vivid white light of the operating room in a London hospital. Dr. G. Perceval Mills, the surgeon, massaged the heart “only from a sense of duty,” he wrote later, “and without real hope of success.”

Then came a faint beat, a pulse. Artificial respiration was applied. And then, after long, anxious minutes, the consciousness of John Puckering came back from the Beyond, back from the valley of the shadow of death. Within three weeks, states the sober report in the British Medical Journal, he was discharged as cured. (more…)

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Tartaria: Old World Order Reset

Tartaria-Old-World-Order-Reset-mian-4-postSTEW PETERS PRESENTS- Old World Order, Everything We’ve Been Told Is A Lie

Our history has been fabricated. The official narrative is that in the mid 1800’s to early 1900’s, men riding horse and buggy (or prisoners) built thousands of GIANT stone and marble structures (what’s left of them anyways) in an impossibly short amount of time. This official timeline of the past does not match our current understanding of reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication. They also tell us about the “Great Chicago Fire” in school, but never tell us every other major city was also burned to the ground within the same short time periods. Also, the civilization before us had amazing technology and were far beyond advanced to what we have today. This is a massive cover-up that must now finally come to an end. – Hibbeler Productions

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On The Nature Of The Ether Ships

On-The-Nature-Of-The-Ether-Ships-main-4-postby Meade Layne

We have said repeatedly, to the sour distaste of some science-minded folk, that the phenomena of the Ether Ships can never be explained or understood on the basis of known laws and textbooks of the physical sciences. We have repeated that metaphysics, ‘occult’ science and philosophical concepts, must be introduced – because between metaphysics and science there is no dividing line except that drawn by ignorance or by arbitrary definition.

Metaphysics – when the term is properly used – consists of epistemology and ontology: the nature of the act of knowing, and the nature of substance and being. Surely science is concerned with knowledge and with the substance of the material world. And why should anyone suppose that metaphysics does not employ the experimental method and the operations of logic, as truly as do physics and biology? (more…)

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The Great Hoax ~ Part I

The-Great-Hoax-Part-I-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-people-walkingIt has been observed countless numbers of times that it takes all kinds of people to make a world; however, the full implications of this humble bit of philosophy are not fully realized except by those people who are interested in and are performing some humanitarian effort. This is particularly true when such an effort involves personal elements of a psychological nature and in which some such person, who may be attracted by this humanitarian effort, can see or read into it a possible means of escape from one or a host of sins, iniquities, derelictions and aberrations. (more…)

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UFO Disclosure With Dr. Steven Greer

UFO-Disclosure-With-Dr-Steven-Greer-main-4-postThis is a ten-part series with Dr. Steven Greer, a renowned authority on UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. He is the founder of the CE5 protocol, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project.

Season 01 Episode 01 Close Encounters of the 5th Kind
In the first episode of this enlightening 10-part special, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the major life events which unlocked his innate abilities to connect with extraterrestrials.


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The Keys To The Citadel Of Space

The-Keys-To-The-Citadel-Of-Space-main-2-postby Dana Howard

Reaching For The Dawn

Just a few years ago the idea of traveling to other planets was looked upon as a virtual impossibility. Scientists affirmed it would require several generations to traverse the millions of miles of space. Ships would necessarily have to house a whole colony of people to provide human seed to carry an excursion into space. This fantastic theory has been scrapped today. We’re not sure what we’ll find, but we have provided ourselves with a new yardstick equipped with other-dimensional measurements. The obsolete earth’s yardstick belongs to the Planet Earth. Special measurements are needed for space. Perhaps we will discover that both time and distance will disappear in the absolutes. That space travel will be possible within a span of weeks (or even days) rather than hundreds of years as was expected only yesterday. (more…)

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