Sound, Waves And Vibration ~ Part I

Sound-Waves-Vibration-main-2-postby Itzhak Bentov

We are constantly surrounded by sound. We even have a highly specialized opening in our heads for making sounds that may be meaningful to other people. We communicate through sound; in fact, it is our major means of communication. When we disturb the air in any way, we create sound. The slightest motion of our bodies disturbs the air around us, and we produce sound. When we raise our hand, we compress the air in its way, and that compressed air front will travel away from us at the speed of sound, which in air is about 740 miles per hour. When we make periodic movements with our hand, the sound becomes a note. By sound we mean here any random acoustical disturbance that may be composed of many different frequencies. A note, on the other hand, is a sound of a single frequency. We call this kind of sound “infrasound,” that is, sound below our level of perception. However, when a fly or a mosquito beats its wings, it does it fast enough, and we sure can hear it. The rapid flapping of its wings produces evenly spaced compressions and rarefications of the air that become audible to us. In short, a fly or a mosquito is producing a sound or a note. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.

Our Spiritual Evolutionary Pathway

Our-Spiritual-Evolutionary-Pathway-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

In his journey through life, the average and earnest truth seeker is constantly presented with a number of seeming choicesparadoxes. The differences between political and religious systems, scientific factions, various types of social structures and ways of life, all seem to present to this person certain insoluble or incompatible differences which are very difficult to equate and which, in spite of all efforts, remain unresolved in this person’s own relationship to the physical world. To the average person, this situation may or may not resolve itself as differences in these diverse ways into such various psychic pressures which may actually create a neurotic or a psychotic condition in the mind of such a person, should he try to take these differences too seriously in the transmission of his daily life.

man-contemplatingTo the truth seeker, these differences assume vast and various proportions which must be resolved and justified before evolutionary progress can be sustained in a positive direction. To say that the processes of solving these numerous differences, which are merely byproducts of time and the gradual assimilation of the various impacts of different civilizations and subsequent spiritual lives, is to follow the average evolutionary course of each individual but eventually such an individual reaches a certain threshold where the natural reactionary processes of life are not sufficient to sustain the inward spiritual drive which is contained or sustained from the superconsciousness.

When an individual reaches such a position in his evolutionary scale, he has then reaching-for-higher-self-2-postbegun the journey which makes him ready for the complete emergence from life in the material planes as a material being (where he is subjected to the various reactionary processes of life), for this individual has become eager and longs for a life which can be more suitably equated in higher spiritual values. Some of these differences of life as are posed in the material worlds about us are contained in such seeming paradoxes existing between science and religion. While it is common knowledge that the average individual is prone to make superficial examinations of various values and to equate judgment thereon, yet such a course is fallacious. In no way or manner should any person arrive in an analysis of some difference in his daily life without taking into consideration that such things contain an infinite number of ramifications with spiritual planes in which every individual is more or less directly connected.

The scientist may, in his own way, be superficially trying (to all appearances), to destroy the whole and complete religious system by denying the existence of such supernatural phenomena as miracles and numerous other scientist-contemplating-atom-2-postsustaining pillars of concept as they are contained in the various religious documentaries. The scientist, contrary to all appearances in this so-called destruction, is not actually so minded but is trying to prove in his own way the true, actual existence of his knowledge of the Infinite, as it is contained in the atom and in various other energy transmissions with which he is familiar. In this way, he is in some subconscious manner, relating himself to his higher superconscious self which lives in a dimension of relationship with the Infinite which has assumed some sort of a practical term of interpolation wherein he can see in mathematical equations, configurations and such other impedimenta of his scientific world, direct translations of spiritual Infinity as he knows of them in the higher moments of his lives between earth lives.

In this sense then, the scientist can actually be said to have developed somewhat further along the line of his evolution than preacher-4-posthas his religionist contemporary who is, from the pulpit or from the Bible, trying to express age-old and altered to the modern idiom of the times, various deifications as they concern the mystical forces which move about him. The religionist also is relating subconsciously into his higher self, specific knowledge and certain pertinent relationships with the higher Infinite Mind of God which he has not as yet learned to equate in mathematical formulae or into such structural forms as atoms. To this religionist, the Infinite Mind is still resolving itself into somewhat of the unknown and mystical qualities which formerly endowed it with the various propensities as it appeared in the different pantheologies and paganisms from his past lifetimes.

science-and-religion-2-postHowever, the cardinal sin (if it can be called such), which has been committed, is that in both cases—whether the scientist or the religionist—the most definite and emphatic emphasis has always been placed upon the material side of life. Both the scientist and the religionist have been trying to equate to their fellow men the whole and complete Infinite Cosmogony in terms of finite third dimensional relationships in more or less reactionary measures as they are contained either in the test tube or in the Bible. In this way too, it can be fully justified that the scientist or the religionist is still indulging in some form or another of an ancient paganism as it has been expressed in numerous past lifetimes.

The scientist has deified the atom, his mathematical formula, tScience-and-Religion-2-posto the exclusion of all else; he has relegated the Infinite, so far as his exterior consciousness is concerned, into these numerous reactionary theses as are posed in his text books and which are workable in the laboratory. Likewise, the religionist is committing the same type of idolatry and cardinal sin in his expressions and translations of the Infinite Mind; for even in modern religious systems which are called Christian—but are basically pagan in nature—God is still an exterior configuration who dwells in some celestial and nebulous mansion. This is a sort of development, a white-robed Santa Claus, which has evolved from the pages of history from such ancient personages and characters as were carved in stone or cast in bronze and gold and worshiped by the multitudes. This is in direct contradiction to the context of the gospel as it was preached by Jesus of Galilee, in which Jesus stressed so emphatically—and which fortunately has not been deleted from modern biblical translations—that the all-important concept to the individual is his relationship with the Infinite. It is all concept and must take place from within the individual himself and not from some exterior or some superficial values which may be posed in his immediate environment. This then, is the threshold of true spiritual expansion. It is the point or the beginning, which Buddha called Nirvana, in which the existence of the soul of man can be fully justified as living in spiritual dimensions without the seemingly necessary vehicle of the human body.

In this way then, basically, whether scientist or religionist or those who are more or less sitting across the fence and might in common terminology be called atheists but, large or small, whatever may be their particular relationship to this life, as long as they remain materialists and try to resolve the common equations of the Infinite Mind into common equivalents of reactionary values in their daily life, they can be considered paganistic in their attitude of life; and as such, they are indulging in the age-old evolutionary pattern of life which can be referred to as idolatry. People today, in our modern world, are just as paganistic in nature as they were thousands of years ago except, of course, their idolatry has taken on new and more modern forms of expressions.

We find idolatry, or worship to the exclusion of the higher spiritual values, appearing on the surface of materialism-2-postlife in many different forms and ways, whether it is in the worship of new automobiles, home furnishings, or bedecking the person with new clothes, mink stoles or whatever particular type of idolatry we may see in these various expressions of life about us. Too, the teenager has his own particular type of idolatry, just as does the more mature advanced person. No one, old or young, male or female is completely immune to these various forms of idolatry as they sweep about us expressing themselves in our daily lives. The churchgoer is just as guilty of idolatry as were the Israelites who bowed down to worship the golden calf when Moses was on Mount Sinai.

Likewise is the man or woman who makes the art of making money his daily fetish; their sum and total of daily insecurities, money-hungry-2-postas they are posed from various negative subconscious inflictions, makes an aggregate of various negative indispositions which culminate in a frenzied, frantic scramble for the so-called necessities of life. This, in itself, poses one of the greatest of all paradoxes, for in the Infinite Cosmos there is an abundance of everything. Each person, individually can, on the basis of introspection, look infinitesimally small and be much less than the common atoms of which his body is composed. Therefore, living in this infinite sea of energy which pulsates, radiates and vibrates about him in this superabundant cosmogony with an abundance of everything which man needs for his daily life—he is constricted in his pattern of life by this mad scramble for survival.

This too, in its modern form, is simply an evolution in which possibly the same man who is now sitting in the swivel chair of a banker’s office was just a few thousand years ago, a primitive savage with a stone caveman-and-banker-2-postaxe stalking his prey through the jungle. While conditions and manners of expression have greatly changed, the basic principle for survival is still the ulterior motive in all of his daily actions and, altruistically speaking, the higher motivating spiritual values have finally vaguely begun to manifest themselves into his spiritual life in such a manner and form that he will drop a dollar bill on the plate in his church. Who can say, then, in viewing the race of mankind, existing on the earth today, that even in his most advanced form of living, he is not the much vaunted and developed creature which he presupposes himself to be. His bump of approbation must constantly be massaged with daily applications of ego-salve which he administers to himself in order that he may survive and reinflict the burden of his karmic existence from one day to the next. From all corners of the land, all ways and reaches on the earth’s surface comes the inharmonious, blatant bleat of the multitudes in their various sins and iniquities, crying out for relief, for salvation and for some basic equivalent of security in their seemingly insecure world and in the existence in which they live. People who basically have not yet developed beyond the age of childhood and who daily express themselves in such common relationships which are quite childlike and elemental in nature, strangely enough have become the focusing point of certain systems of idolatries which are practiced in the world today.

We see for instance, in our American way of life and in the entertainment world, people who would, in the ordinary manner and way of life, remain totally unknown, for basically they are people with little, if any, talent beyond the ordinary values of what might be called the expressive way of life. These people television-violence-4-postclutter up the airwaves of the different electronic devices, such as radio, television and the theater with their blatant and nefarious portrayals of the various emotional and reactionary ways of life. In this way, sex is the predominating influence which is expressed in all of these various entertainment portrayals. Second but by no means lagging very far behind, is the old destructive attitude of life which has portrayed itself in many of the bloodiest pages of history—the destruction of one man by another—for murder rides hand in glove with sex down the air-lanes and throughout the various halls of portrayal in our entertainment world.

Here we find the craven cowards enjoying these different expressions; these cowards of their own selves, people who are still living in the fears, the haunts, the insecurities of their former lives; the shadows of the images of people they have killed, destroyed, looted and plundered in former times are past-life-memories-2-poststill stalking the hallways of their memories. Then too, because of certain law enforcement systems, these people who would otherwise be quite prone to go out and practice their various nefarious affiliations with past lives have now, by common sense, been restrained from so doing because they know that this would inevitably bring about a complete cessation of their lifetime activities. This also adds to the burden of pressure as it is posed in their various psychic centers relating to these different expressions of past lives. It is quite natural therefore, that these people should at least seek some sort of a palliative to relieve these pressures. This they can do by finding in their common entertainment world, an expression wherein people publicly, legally and lawfully can portray to their patronage the destructive arts which have been banned from those who are viewing them.bread cast upon the water

Here again in our objectivism, this condition carries a fair measure of warning. The old cliche that “like begets like” is based upon our understanding of frequency relationships. As Jesus expressed it, “Bread cast upon the waters returns tenfold.” And again we have that common understanding of frequency relationship and the combination of harmonic creation.

Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum

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Vivenus From Venus On Love

Vivenus-From-Venus-On-Love-main-4-postby Vivenus

vivenus-starchild-bookcover-2-postA WORLD OF LOVE


No yesterday. No tomorrow. Only now, right now. No sadness. No sorrow. Only joy, just joy.

This is home. This is Venus. A world wherein every life form is as love first made it. Beings flowing in their feelings that they live in the state of love.

Light, no darkness anywhere. Not a doubt. Not a fear. Not a lie. Not a deception. No one pretending to be more than he is not. No one feeling less than she is. No having to “prove” his worth. No having to survive an existence. No having to “earn” one’s space. (more…)

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World Power Grid

World-Power-Grid-main-4-postby George Van Tassel

Since Nikola Tesla’s early experiments with extracting energy from the earth, there have been a number of attempts to produce electrical power from this giant solar electron.

The fact that the Sun causes variations in the fluctuation of the earth’s energy, due to sunspots and flareups in the Sun, is well established. Government appropriation of billions of dollars, to obtain energy from the Sun’s radiations, is only a “battery charger effect” to another “Rube Goldberg” method of indirect energy. (more…)

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Quantum Metaphysics

Quantum-Metaphysics-main-4-postby Paul Levy


I wonder if I am becoming addicted; I can’t get enough of quantum physics, which has captured─and simultaneously liberated─my imagination beyond belief. My appetite for what it is revealing feels insatiable. The more I study it, the more I feel as if I am mutating, metamorphosizing, becoming quantum-physicized into a higher state of coherence in my very soul. Words fail me when I try to describe the realm of pure and utter magic that is quantum theory. Unlike a typical addiction─wherein energy gets drained─the more that I enter(tain) the world of quantum physics, the more creative energy makes itself available to me. I feel convinced that what it is revealing to us is of crucial importance for the future of humanity. (more…)

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Sacred Symbols Of Mu

Sacred-Symbols-Of-Mu-4-postby James Churchward

I wish particularly to point out in the present volume that I am not giving the meanings of symbols in the vestments in which they are now garbed. I am giving their origin and original meanings.

Up to the time of Mu’s submersion all symbols retained their original meanings. From the time of Mu’s destruction I must pass over about 5,000 or 6,000 years. Those were years when seemingly no history was written except a few scraps in India and Egypt.

During this time mankind apparently was reviving and repeopling the earth, after its almost total destruction by the submersion of Mu and other lands and the subsequent formation of gas belts and mountains. (more…)

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Walking In Space – A Contactee’s Account

Walking-In-Space-Contactee-Account-main-4-postby Robert Renaud

The morning of February 4, 1964, started out like most others here in Massachusetts. Outside, bitter cold, and a myriad of stars sparkling overhead in the profusion of the winter day.

To the west, the huge figure of Orion dominated the sky, and one could easily see in this constellation the form of the Hunter. Below it, Sirius, the Dog Star stood out singly among those of lesser brilliance. The rest of the winter’s star-figures occupied their places in the celestial panorama–Auriga, Gemini, Taurus and, to the northeast the king of the heavens, Leo.

Inside the house it was just another night. I was listening to Bob Diamond on WKBW in Buffalo and reading through my account of the January 4th contact, looking for the mistakes one doesn’t see immediately while writing. (more…)

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Governance And Leadership

Leadership-And-Governance-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, brother and sister.

In going through my previous transmissions I have found that, while I have covered many subjects, I have notnations-of-the-world-4-post  yet discussed government and leadership of the nations of the world. And while we here in this city of Azure do not relate ourselves in our service to you in this capacity, yet it was deemed essential that this very important topic should be discussed.

Throughout the ancient and modern civilizations which have existed on your planet, and these have been many and varied, yet in a broad sense leadership-2-postthey have all had many common basic elements and flaws. The theory of government is based on a natural desire of the many communities, states and peoples existing as a nation to factually integrate their many diversified ways of life into a harmonious combination with a peaceful expression of their life, as best suits their needs. I am speaking, of course, of such forms of government as you call democratic, socialistic, or communistic. In the later form, I am not referring to that great country across the sea which calls itself communistic, but which is really totalitarian. I am referring to the pure and basic concept of government by the people. (more…)

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Antiquitech of Tartaria: A Missing Legacy

Antiquitech-of-Tartaria-main-4-postby WeeWarrior

So, I’ve always had this funny feeling about those fancy classical stone structures covered with fussy carvings, intricate aerials, colossal columns and enormous entryways — was all that really necessary?

1-worlds_tallest_buildings_1884Why would our forefathers exert such a Herculean effort back “in the old days” with only human/beast power aided by pulleys and levers? (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, True History of Manwith 5 comments.

Dreams That Heal

Dreams-That-Heal-main-4-postby Rosemary Ann Guiley

In ancient Greece a man who has been chronically ill is on the most important journey of his life. Agares has been granted permission to make a pilgrimage to Epidaurous, one of the largest healing temples in the known world. Actually, it is a dream-healing temple, for while Agares is there, he will try to dream his healing. No earthly doctor has been able to help him. This is his last hope.

Agares is part of a group of pilgrims who are all seeking dream healing. They take offerings of coins, food, and animals to the temple. They are amazed by Epidaurous. It is like a small city, with numerous buildings. There are houses for the dream priests, dormitories for the pilgrims, baths, and a huge outdoor amphitheater for lectures and entertainment. The pilgrims are shown their tiny cells, where they will sleep on mats and dream. (more…)

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LEGACY: Q And A With Author Robert Maxxim


Q) Why did you choose the title “Legacy”?

RM) Legacy is our past, the inescapable persistent reaping of what we sowed. It is our invisible inheritance that we feel, not always see. It is the memory of tribulations past and learning through the ages. It describes who we were, now are, and what got us to this point. Legacy represents the sealed compliment of countless events lived in long ago past times, inherited memories and emotions from those olden lives influencing the present, and the enslaving consequences emanating from those lives. This is the heart of the Legacy episode series; an outline of our enduring past, and a snapshot of what we have become. (more…)

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My Awakening On Another Planet ~ Part II

My-Awakening-On-Another-Planet-Part-II-main-4-postby Orfeo Angelucci

When I awoke light was streaming brilliantly into the room. One entire wall had miraculously vanished revealing an outer balcony. I sat up and looked out beyond the balcony upon an incredibly wonderful and fantastic world. It was radiant with light and yet there appeared to be a heavy moving cloud bank overhead. A kind of continuous sheet lightning flashed through the rainbow-hued clouds and the constant rumble of distant thunder was slightly louder. Also, I saw brilliant slow-moving fireballs, bollides, vari-colored flares and showers of brilliant sparks.

I was puzzled for all of this phenomena did not seem at all familiar—as had so many other things in this world. I jumped up from the couch and ran out onto the broad balcony, marveling at the marvelous feeling of lightness and vibrant strength in my body. (more…)

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My Awakening On Another Planet

My-Awakening-On-Another-Planet-main-2-postby Orfeo M. Angelucci

This experience occurred in January, 1953.—Orfeo Angelucci.

It was Monday, but I did not go to work as I was just recovering from the flu. During the afternoon, while Mabel was at work and I was alone, a rather strange, detached feeling came over me. I was aware of a familiar odd prickling sensation in my arms and the back of my neck which usually announced the proximity of space beings.

But I discounted the strange symptoms thinking they were the result of my illness. I suddenly felt so drowsy that I could scarcely keep my eyes open. I recall starting toward the divan to lie down for a nap. But I have absolutely no recollection of ever reaching that divan! Apparently, I blacked out! (more…)

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Discovery Of A Parallel Universe Going Backwards In Time?

Discovery-Of-A-Parallel-Universe-main-4-postBizarre Particles Keep Flying Out of Antarctica’s Ice
And They Might Shatter Modern Physics

by Rafi Letzter (LiveScience)

There’s something mysterious coming up from the frozen ground in Antarctica
And it could break physics as we know it.

Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray — a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again. But the particles physicists know about — the collection of particles that make up what scientists call the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics — shouldn’t be able to do that. Sure, there are low-energy neutrinos that can pierce through miles upon miles of rock unaffected. But high-energy neutrinos, as well as other high-energy particles, have “large cross-sections.” That means that they’ll almost always crash into something soon after zipping into the Earth and never make it out the other side. (more…)

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The World In The Afterlife

The-World-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

The World in the Afterlife According to Consistent Reports by Spiritualistic Mediums

1. The Afterworld is not some fantastic vision of infinity where souls are locked in poses of permanent rapture gazing at the face of God. And no one floats on a cloud, while playing a harp. Rather it is a place with landscapes and seas and houses and cities reminiscent of our own world—a material world, but of higher vibration insensible to us earthlings. There are gardens, universities, libraries, and hospices for the newly dead—but no factories, fire stations, sanitary landfills, or smokestacks. There are no dirty jobs to do. “We have no traffic, and our roads are covered with the thickest and greenest grass, as soft to the feet as a bed of fresh moss. It is on these that we walk,” says Msgr. Hugh Benson. All accounts describe a world of exquisite natural beauty. (more…)

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