More On Tartaria: A Missing Legacy

More-On-Tartaria-A-Missing-Legacy-main-4-postSimilar Style Buildings Exist All Over On Every Continent

Tartarian-BuildingsAesthetic and style preferences aside, the general architectural components are the same, i.e. elaborate roof cresting, copper domes topped with tall gold finials or large gold statues, multiple pinnacles, pillars and loggias on multiple levels, massive stonework, etc. Everything is grand! And they’re everywhere… all around the world.  Were they built by our civilization? (more…)

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My Trip To Mars ~ Part II

My-Visit-To-Mars-Part-II-main-1-postby William Ferguson

In the two hours Earth time that I was on Mars I had an enlightenment given to me that would equal four years of intensive study on the planet Earth, because I was functioning in four dimensions. After I had arrived on Mars, then I was given the answers to so many things I wanted to know concerning myself. (more…)

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The Philosophy Of Hermes

The-Philosophy-Of-Hermes-main-2-postby William Walker Atkinson

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding”–The Kybalion.

From old Egypt have come the fundamental esoteric and occult teachings which have so strongly influenced the philosophies of all races, nations and peoples, for several thousand years. Egypt, the home of the Pyramids and the Sphinx, was the birthplace of the Hidden Wisdom and Mystic Teachings. From her Secret Doctrine all nations have borrowed. India, Persia, Chaldea, Medea, China, Japan, Assyria, ancient Greece and Rome, and other ancient countries partook liberally at the feast of knowledge which the Hierophants and Masters of the Land of Isis so freely provided for those who came prepared to partake of the great store of Mystic and Occult Lore which the masterminds of that ancient land had gathered together. (more…)

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Cymatic Tartaria – A Missing Legacy

Cymatic-Tartaria-main-4-post“Tartary, a vast country in the northern parts of Asia, bounded by Siberia on the north and west: this is called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie south of Muscovy and Siberia, are those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, situated north-west of the Caspian-sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie between Siberia and the Caspian-sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie north of Persia and India; and lastly, those of Tibet, who lie north-west of China.” – Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. III, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887.

by Bennett Ross

1754 I-e Carte de l’Asie-1 - Grand TartariaThe vast empire of Tartary is a country that appears on many ancient maps. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, True History of Manwith 1 comment.

Self Mastery Q & A ~ Part II

Self-Mastery-Q-and-A-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – Isn’t the Parable “Love thy neighbor-not more or less, but just as much as thyself” most important?

A – Yes, indeed. You could greatly enlarge that parable into what might be termed spiritual metaphysics. It can be explained in another way. Every individual is conceived by the Infinite in exactly the same way; it is the Life Cycle wherein is placed an infinite number, and I mean hundreds of millions or trillions (or any number that you can conceive) of what are called infinite concepts or experiences or relationships, or any other particular idea, form or substance which you could visualize and even beyond that time and place. (more…)

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My Trip To Mars

My-Trip-To-Mars-main-4-postby William Ferguson

“Welcome to Mars.”

“We have brought you here,” said Khauga, “to verify some information concerning the planet Earth, and to acquaint you with an expedition we are planning to make to the planet Earth.” Khauga, I soon found out, is the chief Uniphysicist of our Solar System. Events leading up to this experience began back in 1938, on July 9th, when the illumination of my consciousness began to be manifested.

Previous to that time I had written a little book called “Relax First,” and I had been teaching relaxation. I had become adept at the art of relaxation. (more…)

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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part IV

My-Visitation-To-Venus-Part-IV-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan

The spaceship’s large glass window suddenly lit up. Once again, I was thrown into the back of my seat with the sensation of being propelled forward. My hypnotized eyes followed the trail of the stars, planets and galaxies. Gushes of light surrounded us and we were in the heart of a fantastic flash of light, where I lost the notion of time and space. As sounds resounded around me, I lost my bearings…

After an unknown amount of time, the inky blue sky once again enveloped us in a thick, deep almost palpable calm. A huge globe of a cold luminosity filled the screen of the glass window. I started… What was going to happen if we kept going toward it? Would we go through it like we did with the pyramid? (more…)

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Bioelectromagnetic Healing

Bioelectromagnetic-Healing-main-4-postby Thomas F. Valone

Historically, as far back as 1890, the American Electro-Therapeutic Association conducted annual conferences on the therapeutic use of electricity and electrical devices by physicians on ailing patients. Some involved current flow through the patient, while others were electrically powered devices. At first, only direct current (DC) devices were utilized in the medical doctor’s office for relieving pain and vibrating patients who were routinely diagnosed with “hysteria.” (more…)

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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part III

My-Visitation-To-Venus-Part-III-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan


There was a deep silence. With the same gesture, my two guides showed me not the sphere but the walls of the vast room which were coming more and more to life, more and more translucent until they completely disappeared. The moving partitions had vanished to give way to a landscape of which I was the focal point. I felt empty, with a familiar sensation… I could see through eyes that were not mine, I was walking with a body that did not belong to me.

Soothing sounds filled me and the voice of the more feminine being reached me like an echo.

“Yes, you’re looking through the eyes of a man…” (more…)

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15 Paramahansa Yogananda Quotes To Unveil Your Inner Light

Quotes-To-Unveil-Your-Inner-Light-main-4-postby Fearless Soul

Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the most influential spiritual gurus to ever grace the world with their profound wisdom.

His book, Autobiography of a Yogi, gives a first hand account of his life experiences and has sold millions of copies around the world. And was included in the 100 best spiritual books of the 21st century.

Whether you want to be more peaceful in life or get past any obstacles in relationship or career, the only thing you need is spiritual strength. (more…)

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Self Mastery Q & A

Self-Mastery-Q-And-A-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – What causes hardening of the arteries?

A – According to the modern doctor, this is a process which involves certain deposits of fatty matter which comes from your food and are called fatty steroids.

Q – But psychically speaking, what?

A – Psychically speaking, all of your troubles, your dispensations of negation such as are manifest in chronic conditions in your body are psychic in disposition; in other words, it merely means that a certain amount of intelligence or functional order as your body exists, has been partially stopped off. It’s like a clogged fuel line in your auto or poor contacts in the light sockets. You wouldn’t get much light, would you? If you do not have a good clear Spiritual contact and have that channel of Infinite Intelligence flowing into you at all times in numerous ways, through the chakras and various other ways, your body is going to suffer. It would be much wiser if we did not allow these things to occur. This is what we are teaching, to try and learn to prevent these many conditions from taking place. (more…)

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Is The Universe A Self Simulating Loop Of Consciousness?

Universe-Self-Simulating-Loop-main-4-postby Jake Anderson

Physicists: “A new hypothesis argues that the universe simulates itself into existence.”

Summary: A new paper from the Quantum Gravity Research Institute argues that there is an underlying panconsciousness and that the universe simulates itself into existence via a self simulating “loop”. The work seeks to unify insight from quantum mechanics with a non-materialistic perspective.

When it comes to cosmology, astronomy, and physics, there is no shortage of off-the-wall arguments and hypotheses. While new discoveries from the early moments of the Big Bang and quantum and particle physics continue to amaze us and fill in the gaps of our mysterious universe, there remains a stunning number of questions we still can’t answer. (more…)

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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part II

My-Visitation-To-Venus-Part-II-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan

“Come,” he said, “take a seat around the table.”

An oval table of an iridescent material unknown to me welcomed the four of us. Twelve shell seats were harmoniously placed around.

The voice continued:

“If the materials you can see seem more alive than those on Earth, it’s precisely because they are more alive. Like this big ship in which you have been walking, they are a living production of our will and love combined, according to certain laws that we cannot call scientific because they are life itself.

“Sound, the primordial word, is an integral part of this process of collective creation. Some of us have had the delicate task of transmitting precise data to researchers on planet Earth. I say delicate because we had to probe the hearts and souls of a good many of your scientists before we made the choice, since we were aware that diffusing such knowledge would be strongly resisted. There are people on Earth who have no interest in such knowledge becoming widespread. So, the people we contacted had to face a number of problems.” (more…)

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My Visitation To Venus

My-Visitation-To-Venus-main-4-postby Anne Givaudan


That night I knew something was going to happen…

Like every time this kind of contact occurs, a part of me—the most conscious and most living part—is going to leave my body, the body in which I have been living for the last few years and with which I am trying my best to coexist… This time however, the feeling is different, denser, and more physical.

The thick layers passed through me at an incredible speed, projecting me into a milky mist. I felt surrounded and enfolded by crystalline sounds, noisy twirling waves… It was a strange feeling, like being swallowed up in the eye of a tornado… At least I imagine it that way, since no tornado in any shape or size has actually swallowed me up!

During the ascension, I felt a deep sense of calm. My eyes gradually perceived shapes as the mist slowly cleared away. (more…)

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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self ~ Part III

Spiritual-Growth-Through-Meeting-Self-Part-III-main-4-postby Kevin Todeschi

In terms of soul development, the primary purpose for an individual to go through the process of meeting self is to provide the soul with present-day circumstance that parallel a previous experience. Although the soul may have lost in a similar situation in the past, in the present a different choice may be made, enabling the individual to learn a valuable lesson in the process. Unfortunately, there are a number of instances in the Cayce files where it appears that the soul repeated the same mistake and failed to learn the lesson. The case of Kitty Howell is one example. (more…)

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