Self Mastery ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Let us refer back to the concept of the structure of your psychic self, which was drawn for you as being composed of a body of energy in which there were numerous vortexes which could be created from either positively or from negatively constructed experiences. It is our purpose to remove such negative structures and to supplant them with newer, fresher and more positive ones. Thus, through our various incarnations in thousands of years to come, we would gradually develop a spiritual body from this psychic self which will enable us to live in higher dimensions and which will actually integrate and relate us and implant us into that higher spiritual dimension. It was further emphasized that you could never occupy any such dimension until you had developed such a psychic or spiritual body in which you could live and be an active participant in such a dimension. (more…)
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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self ~ Part II
by Kevin Todeschi
From the perspective of the Cayce readings, it is not that God visits challenges and tribulations upon individuals; rather, it is that each soul is integrally connected to everything that happens in that life. In 1934, Cayce told a forty year old sales manager with problems in his business that it was a grievous error to think that God imposes any challenging condition on us for any reason. Instead, such conditions or experiences originate at the level of the soul as a means of correcting imperfections within one’s self (257-128). The only thing holding us back from soul development is self.
When a forty-nine year old housewife inquired during a reading about her worst fault, Cayce replied, “What is ever the worst fault of each soul? Self—Self!” When the woman asked how to overcome this fault of selfishness, the answer came: (more…)
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Spiritual Growth Through Meeting Self
by Kevin Todeschi
For constantly is the soul-entity meeting self in its activities, in its relationships. And what it does about creative influences in its experience makes for that which either becomes a developing or a retarding. Cayce Reading 1604-1
What if everything you ever did somehow came back to you? What if this boomerang action were designed to enable you to face how every element of your life had affected someone else? What if you were truly held accountable for all of your actions, for all of your words, even for all of your thoughts? What if this accountability were not some kind of universal judge and jury, but rather, a portion of your own soul that kept track of everything within your being that was out of alignment with spiritual wholeness, so that it could become transformed? What if this transformational process were inevitable for every soul? What if this process of meeting yourself truly had your best interests at heart? (more…)
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The Wall Of Light: Nikola Tesla
How did the world’s greatest inventor invent? How did he carry out an invention? What sort of mentality did this wonder man have? Was his early life as commonplace as most boys? What was the early training of this man from space? Was he an earthman? Did he come from the planet Venus? Was he born on a space ship? The answers to these and many other questions will be found in this story from the lips of the man himself. (more…)
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Antigravity: The Ultimate Spacecraft Propulsion System
by Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
There is considerable confusion with the concept of antigravity and its related subjects. If we imagine a magnet arrangement with one magnet located stably above another, ‘like’ poles together, we have repulsion and the magnet is suspended in space. Visually it resembles a form of antigravity but of course it is no more antigravity than is rocket propulsion.
In this example not only are we not reversing gravity or counteracting it directly but we are only acting on surfaces (or more strictly, acting with a 2D-to-3D interface), with Newtonian forces. The phenomenon of antigravity, or gravity, does not function on Newtonian forces. (more…)
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Egypt: Traditions of Antiquity
by M.G. Hawking
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” –Arthur Schopenhauer
Historians once credited the civilizations that emerged in the Tigris-Euphrates region as among the earliest known non-nomadic agrarian societies. Because the civilizations of Sumer, Ubaid, Akkad, Assyria and Babylon all emerged around the Tigris-Euphrates, the theory that Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization was once widely accepted. Current archaeological assessments hold that there was no single “cradle” of civilization, but that several civilizations developed independently, among them the Near Eastern Neolithic (Mesopotamia). Recent findings indicate that Egypt developed far earlier than the Tigris-Euphrates cultures and rapidly flowered into a civilization specifically and uniquely its own; one of the richest and grandest, one of the most powerful and yet one of the most graceful cultures in history. By Egypt’s side Sumer’s culture was but a crude beginning, not even Greece or Rome would surpass it, far less our own. (more…)
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The Psychic Side Of Dreams
by Rosemary Ann Guiley
One night in August 2001, a man in Iowa has a terrifying nightmare. He dreams that a plane crashes into a tall building somewhere and many people die. The dream is so vivid and realistic that it seems like a real event. The next morning, he searches the news headlines, half expecting to see his dream played out. He is relieved there was no such tragedy, and it was “only a dream.”
The dream happens in real life, however—but not until September 11, 2001, when terrorists crash two jumbo passenger jets into the World Trade Center towers in New York City. The buildings collapse, and several thousand people die. (more…)
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Etheric Levels On Other Planets
by Maurizio Martinelli
If the other planets of our solar system are uninhabited, could they not be inhabited, nevertheless, at a more subtle level than the dense physical level we know? Should this last possibility be correct, then the accounts of the classic contactees of the 1950s who reported meeting “flesh and blood” human looking extraterrestrials who said that they come from within our solar system – such as, of course, George Adamski, but also, to quote a few others, Truman Bethurum, Howard Menger, or the lesser known Salvador Villanueva Medina, Reinhold O. Schmidt and Lee Crandall – could contain more than a grain of truth. (more…)
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Self Mastery ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, dear ones, in our study of the Pathway to the Stars, this lesson shall be overshadowed by an old Chinese philosopher called Kung Fu (Confucius).
There are other very advanced and illustrious personages who are in attendance. They wish to thank all of you for being faithful and tell you that they are most happy and grateful to be of some small service to you.
Now we shall continue along the pathway of investigation and preparation in the science of personal psychology. This lesson shall be called “Self Mastery”. Although it will be quite obvious to you that self-mastery cannot be attained in one lifetime, nor in a number of lifetimes, but resolves itself as part of our dimensional evolution through the numerous material and spiritual planes. (more…)
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Life On The Moon?
by Steve Omar
Apollo Moon astronauts were often followed to the Moon, at times, by U.F.O.s. Official N.A.S.A. Apollo 12 photograph AS12-497319 clearly shows a large U.F.O. hovering over an astronaut walking on the Moon.
The government agencies policies of keeping U.F.O.s secret from the general public is well-known and has been well-documented in several books by famous astronomers like J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret), and many other professionals. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was director of the N.A.S.A. tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at N.A.S.A.:
– ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no …. this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!” (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, The Moonwith 1 comment.
Q & A On The Afterlife
by Margaret Vivian
Question: You often say that we are just the same after passing over. Does this mean that they are angry, jealous, stupid and greedy people on your side?
Answer: It would be dull indeed if everybody were made on the same pattern. We all have our own characteristics, otherwise we should not be individuals, but merely animated dummies out of the same mold. As you grow older on the earth, you usually become more level-headed and less apt to lose your temper. In a similar way we progress over here. Let us take some of the common causes of quarrels on your side. Political views are often the source of bitter disputes. They do not exist in the same sense in the Summerland. (more…)
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Lucid Dreaming
by Rosemary Ann Guiley
Dreaming is usually a passive activity. Dreams happen automatically. The dreamer does not cause a dream to happen and does not control it. Lucid dreaming is different: It is the awareness that one is dreaming while the dream is occurring, sometimes combined with the ability to control the dream. Lucid dreams are the virtual reality of all dreams, a landscape where the strange is real and the real is strange.
Lucid dreaming has been recognized since ancient times. There are different levels of lucidity, from a simple awareness of being in a dream to completely controlling the events and outcome of a dream. Some people have a lucid dream every now and then, and others have lucid dreams almost nightly. (more…)
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Past Lives: Hereditary And Environmental Influences
by Robert C. Smith
Let’s examine the role heredity and environment plays in our lives by looking at the relationship between these influences and the ones we bring with us from our previous incarnations. Thus far, our work has been based on the assumption that our interests and characteristics are strongly shaped by former lives. How, then, do we account for the effects of heredity and environment?
Modern genetics has shown pretty conclusively that we inherit through our genes not only our physical makeup, but many of our mental and psychological traits as well. If this is true, how can we say that past life influences, rather than simple genetics, have caused a person to be fat or thin, a mathematician rather than an artist, or whatever the case may be? (more…)
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On The Venera Probes To Venus
by Ernest L. Norman
Los Angeles Times, Dec. 16, 1970—Moscow (AP)—The Soviet Union sent a space capsule plunging into the torrid atmosphere of Venus Tuesday and it transmitted data for 35 minutes, the Tass press agency said. Presumably the craft was destroyed by the heat and pressure before it could land.
Venus 7, the main spacecraft, was launched Aug. 17 with the announced aim of conducting “studies of the planet”. But its transmitting performance has been outdone three times before by Soviet probes of the planet. Those probes measured the planet’s temperature at about 500 degrees near the surface and its atmospheric pressure at more than 100 times that on earth. Western scientists said those three craft were “crushed like eggs”. (more…)
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UFOs -The Great Enigma ~ Part II
by John McCoy
We have shown how the negative forces are in control of the entire Earth. It is probably obvious to most of you by now. However, some will think it is meant that there is a vast network of underlings and a vast communications system through which many receive their orders. Some will place the so-called newspaper censorship of flying saucers at the door of the internationalists. They may think that each editor of a large newspaper receives his daily “orders” from the offices of top conspirators. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Those controlling the world have their only safety in making the people think that they are self-controlled. Never would they be so public as to threaten large numbers of individuals. They are responsible for the suppression of flying saucer information from all sources, nevertheless. They are directly keeping the governmental channels devoid of any admissions of the interplanetary nature of the UFO. And they are responsible for closing the public’s mind to the existence of the extraterrestrial visitors also. Yet, they do not issue orders to editors and other individuals of a similar status. They covertly close the mass mind by cleverly inducing the dialectic materialism of Marx and Wundt—the belief that man is but mud and we should eat, drink and be merry because one of these tomorrows we may die. They subtly, over the years, beginning in childhood, initiate the individual into the concepts which are necessary for him to be enslaved. (more…)
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