UFOs – The Great Enigma
by John McCoy
Perhaps the greatest enigma in flying saucer research is the seeming contradictions among the stories of the various saucer contactees. This is always an excellent point for an individual with the “will not to believe” to bring up in debating the saucer subject. We all are aware enough of the fact that when a story is passed from one person to another, many changes of both a minor and occasionally a major nature are bound to occur. Also it would be impossible to perfectly duplicate everything one saw aboard a spaceship or for that matter in a modern factory. To interpret correctly what we saw would be an even more difficult task. Probably the following story (fictional) is the best example of the reasons for many of the seeming contradictions. It seems a space ship came to Earth and the captain sent three men out separately to its surface to investigate it. When they reported back this is what they said. The first reported that it was extremely cold on the Earth, that everyone wore heavy furs, ate whale blubber and lived in ice houses. He had landed in northern Alaska. The second said that it was a very hot and tropical place with a good deal of moisture. All the natives went about almost naked, were black and killed a variety of wild animals for food. Their houses were of grass. This fellow had landed in Africa. The third spaceman landed in New York! You can well imagine that his description of what he saw was sufficient to cause even more confusion than the reports of his two fellow “reporters”. Thus we see perhaps a little more lucidly just why some reports may be a little contradictory and diversified. Indeed, if they were not, then this would be the time to cry “Hoax!” (more…)
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Other Dimensional Realities ~ Part II
by Jane Roberts
Your own environment includes far more than you may have supposed. Earlier I referred to your environment in terms of the daily physical existence and surroundings with which you are currently connected. In actuality, you are aware of very little of your larger, more extensive environment. Consider your present self as an actor in a play; hardly a new analogy, but a suitable one. The scene is set in the twentieth century. You create the props, the settings, the themes; in fact you write, produce, and act in the entire production – you and every other individual who takes part.
You are so focused in your roles, however; so intrigued by the reality that you have created, so entranced by the problems, challenges, hopes, and sorrows of your particular roles that you have forgotten they are of your own creation. This intensely moving drama, with all its joys and tragedies, can be compared with your present life, your present environment, both individually and en masse. (more…)
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Other Dimensional Realities
by Jane Roberts
Space as you perceive it simply does not exist. Not only is the illusion of space caused by your own physical perceptive mechanisms, but it is also caused by mental patterns that you have accepted – patterns that are adopted by consciousness when it reaches a certain stage of “evolution” within your system.
When you arrive, or emerge, into physical life, not only is your mind not a blank slate, waiting for the scrolls that experience will write upon it, but you are already equipped with a memory bank far surpassing that of any computer. You face your first day upon the planet with skills and abilities already built in, though they may or may not be used; and they are not merely the result of heredity as you think of it. (more…)
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Lost World Of Giants
by Jonathan Gray
“Bones of an alligator which was as long as a house and as tall as its ceilings have been found on the banks of the Amazon River in South America. Scientists estimate from the alligator’s 1.5 metre skull that it was about 2.5 metres tall, and about 12 metres long. Professor Carl Frailey, from Overland Park, Kansas, said the creature probably weighed about 120 tonnes. ‘This would make it heavier than Tyrannosaurus rex… the mightiest of dinosaur predators’, he said.” (The Sunday Mail, Brisbane, November 17, 1991)
Can you imagine it? Perhaps at this moment you are seated in a room that has a 2.5 meter (8 foot) ceiling. So now, fill up the room with the alligator’s head and upper body, then walk out and back through the whole house. That’s all alligator. (more…)
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Seeds Of Life
Consider ye that, as ye sow the seeds of life,
That ye cast not down tares ~
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Baraka: Breath Of Life
A film of sweeping scope and startling beauty, released in 1992 Baraka is a movie which words cannot justly convey. One must see it to fully appreciate its power. Named after a Sufi word that translates roughly to breath of life or blessing, Baraka is Ron Fricke’s impressive follow-up to Godfrey Reggio’s non-verbal documentary film Koyaanisqatsi. Fricke was cinematographer and collaborator on Reggio’s film, and for Baraka he struck out on his own to polish and expand the photographic techniques used on Koyaanisqatsi. (more…)
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Remote Controlled Flying Disks
by John W. Dean
I think that the first I ever heard or read of remote controlled disks was when they were seen frequently during World War 2 and were called “foo-fighters”. It was only logical that they should be considered dangerous. Not much was told about their size that could be relied upon—reports ranged from eight inches to ten feet in diameter. Adamski, aboard a mother ship, said he saw one sent out and then saw it return, but had no idea as to its operation nor did he learn what message it brought back.
When Howard Menger spoke in Chicago, he told us about one, and I asked him if he saw the “record”, assuming that it would be round like a common phonograph record and, when played, would repeat, in words, any conversation it had heard. He said it was flat and square or rectangular (film?) and that he did not hear it “played”. (more…)
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Understanding Viruses
This is a very informative article on the true nature of viruses as we deal with the current situation of the coronavirus
– reposted for the benefit of our readers.
Scientists were absolutely shocked to find out that millions of bacteria and viruses are floating around in our atmosphere. The problem is that they don’t simply stay there but fall down on Earth. For the very first time, a scientific study, which the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal published, analyzed the amount of viruses moving up and down in and from the atmosphere. And the results were terrifying. It seems that over 800 million viruses per square meter become caught in the planet’s upper troposphere. Also, tens of millions of bacteria and billions of viruses are deposited, per square meter, each passing day.
This discovery might answer why genetically identical viruses exist in such different environments on the planet. They travel the atmosphere and end up in a completely different spot than the one they originated from. And experts agree that this is most certainly the cause. But in order to reach these results, the scientists had to look at the amount of viruses at a great height. It also seems that some particles of vapor from sea spray and soil allow viruses to travel on long distances. ~ Journal Recorder (more…)
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The Drama Of Earth’s Great Delusion
by John McCoy
Earth has been spoken of as the “prison world”. One might also term it the great lunatic asylum! Perhaps some will take this statement wrongly as unfair criticism or judgment of the people of this planet. It is not that the people were psychotic and placed in this asylum so much as it is that the conditions of the planet enforce and propagate the insanity. Of course, we are not on what has been termed by some as “trash can No. 7” for nothing. There are reasons. In reality, however, our plight is not so bad for we are “envied” by many people living on highly advanced planets. To some this is inconceivable. The facts of the matter are this: As we put strain on a muscle—as we use it over and over again to overcome the power of gravity in lifting a mass—we build that muscle. As we bring into play our spiritual and other “muscles” to overcome the tremendous negativity around us everyday, we become correspondingly more and more powerful and developed from this viewpoint. Man on earth has a tremendous opportunity if he will but take advantage of it. Particularly in modern times as we near the end of the age, does man have this opportunity. All things are extremely speeded-up and we may make in a single day, perhaps, the progression that might have required months or even years at a less opportune time. Therefore, we are guilty of great negligence when we permit ourselves to lag behind and not do as much as we can to enable ourselves and others to take advantage of this present condition. (more…)
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The Civilization Of Atlantis
by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater
A good account of Atlantis may be read in The Story of Atlantis by W. Scott-Elliot. The writers of the present book were among the collaborators who collected the materials therein so ably arranged and presented; so the ground is very familiar to us.
Atlantis peopled many countries with its sub-races, and built many splendid civilizations. Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, North and South America, knew them, and the Empires they raised endured for long, and reached a point of glory that the Aryan Race has not yet over-topped. (more…)
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Hallucinations ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
One more point that should be strongly emphasized: hallucinations can be, and often are, disincarnate entities, or, in other words, dislocated or misplaced astral people, living in one of those nether worlds where, through frequency attunement, they try to live their own hallucinations through some unsuspecting earth person. Mental institutions are filled with such victims who believe they are ‘Josephine’, ‘Napoleon’, ‘George Washington’, etc., etc; they even adopt mannerisms associated with these historical figures. Yes even physical disturbances and diseases can be recreated or vicariously attuned and made manifest in the physical body; even death can be ‘relived’. This is indeed a sad ending for what might have otherwise become a very wonderful person—a person progressively instituted to creatively oscillate with the Infinite. (more…)
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UFO Perspective ~ Part II
by John McCoy
It is obvious, since we are being visited by highly intelligent beings from other planets, that they must have some purpose in their visitation, some intentions toward the inhabitants of Earth. These intentions have been variously assigned and interpreted by individuals on this planet, who in some cases have had contact with the UFOs. Let us begin at the basic possibilities regarding the probable reasons for space visitation at this time.
It is obvious, since we have reports going back many hundreds and even several thousand years, that the space people are not interested in the conquest of the planet by force. Otherwise, we would have certainly been overcome while man was in a primitive state in regard to destructive weapons. Thus we must come to the conclusions that they are passively interested, possibly from a scientific viewpoint, or else that they have the best interests of the people of Earth at heart and are here on a helpful mission. From the many contacts which we believe to be authentic it would seem that the latter is the only logical conclusion. The personal experiences of Dr. George Hunt Williamson and myself are sufficient to testify to this, and along with all the other accumulated evidence it is almost a foregone conclusion to the initiate of saucer literature, that the space people are here on a friendly and helpful mission to Earth. (more…)
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What Should Psychiatry’s Approach Be To Spirit Possession?
by Stafford Betty
A great deal of Jesus’ ministry was devoted to exorcising ‘‘evil spirits’’ or ‘‘demons.’’ Seven specific accounts in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) show him casting them out of their human victims. All over the Third World right down to the present day, ‘‘spirits,’’ both good and bad, are taken for granted as realities that share our world and sometimes must be dealt with. Exorcisms are commonplace throughout South and Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and sub-Saharan Africa; and there is no place in the world where they are unknown. Before the Communist Revolution, casting out evil spirits in China was a normal part of a Taoist priest’s job. In the United States, according to Catholic theologian Malachi Martin, there was ‘‘a 750 percent increase in the number of Exorcisms performed between the early 1960s and the mid-1970s’’ (Martin, 1992, p. xviii). And in England, according to Dom Robert Petitpierre, editor of the Anglican ‘‘Exeter Report’’ on exorcism, ‘‘incidents of demonic interference . . . since 1960 have become ‘virtually an explosion’’’ (Malia, 2001, p. 66). Yet the vast majority of readers of this journal think that ‘‘spirits,’’ at least the kind that oppress or possess us, are not real. Indeed the very raising of the question, Do evil spirits molest us? seems to most of us like a return to the Dark Ages and might be greeted with derision. In a dreamlike state of delirium the agnostic Ivan, in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, yells at the devil, ‘‘No, you are not someone apart, you are myself, you are I and nothing more! You are rubbish, you are my fancy!’’ (Dostoevsky, 1957, p. 582). Doesn’t Ivan speak for almost all of us? (more…)
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Many Lives, Many Loves ~ Part II
by Gina Cerminara
I remember when I was going to college I saw a little item in the college paper which went like this:
Boy: Do you love me?
Girl: I love everybody.
Boy: Leave that to God. We should specialize.
When other items of far greater importance in my college curriculum have long since escaped me, I cannot imagine why this one should have made such a lasting impression; but the fact remains that it did. (more…)
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UFO Perspective ~ Part I
by George Hunt Williamson
One inevitable question seems to be: “When and where will the UFOs land on Earth?”
To answer this, it is best to give the statements made by space intelligences themselves. When they were asked what they would do to prevent an atomic war on Earth, they exclaimed: “We will do absolutely nothing to prevent or stop such a war!”
They have stated that they do not know whether there will be such a civilization-destroying war or not. However, they point to the fact that all ancient prophecy, whether found in the Bible, in other sacred books, or in manuscripts, etc., definitely indicates that there will be a conflict of such magnitude that our present civilization will collapse completely. (more…)
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