Many Lives, Many Loves

Many-Lives-Many-Loves-main-1-postby Gina Cerminara

Love being a matter of the relationship of one unit of life to another, it is worth noting that in the Cayce data there is a basic proposition regarding human relationships. It can be stated as follows:

Souls who were closely related in one lifetime tend to meet in other lifetimes. If the relationship was one of love, the love persists; if one of enmity, the enmity must be overcome; if one of obligation, the obligation must be paid.

This is a plausible proposition, surely; for if we grant the continuity of life at all, and the operation of law governing it, it would seem likely that the powerful force of attraction between souls would have its own strong persistence; and wherever there has been hatred, deeds surely must have been done which require karmic rectification and hence a renewed association. Even in a love relationship there is usually a mixture of good and of bad; and all of us must have incurred debts therefore which we must pay, or deserved rewards which must be delivered. (more…)

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Hallucinations ~ Part I

Hallucinations-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

One of the most important problems confronting the Unariun student is that which can be contained within the defined doctor with patient 3term of hallucination. To the psychologist, hallucination involves a whole host of traumatic conditions which inflict, to a more or less degree, every member of the human race; and in an attempt to adjust various differences in hallucinations, a doctor or psychologist would use a long list of seventy-five cent words in an attempt to bolster up his pseudo science. He does not, however, at any time understand the true nature of the numerous mental processes which make life possible for every person, that is, unless he has been an electronic engineer and has, somehow, succeeded in transferring the symbology of his psychology into a tangible science. (more…)

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On The Travels Of Jesus

On-The-Travels-Of-Jesus-main-1-postby Saul of Tarsus (as channeled by Alexander Smyth)

Friend Alexander, from the nature of the Intelligence which now I wish to impart to you, the numerous and disconnected parts contained therein, I find it surpasses my ingenuity and skill to convey it to you in the form of a vision, therefore I shall be constrained to use the mode of simple address or relation. I shall so endeavor to impress your mind that you may re-commit it to paper from your memory. To relate all the travels and adventures of Jesus and his followers in detail would be very difficult, even if it were possible to gather all the accounts from the spirits who were concerned therein when mortals on the earth; but as Judas has informed me there was a great sameness or similarity in them, I shall not impose so heavy a task upon you, even if I were able to do so. I shall, therefore, speak of them as a whole—with the exception of the scenes and events, with which I have already impressed you—during his several tours through Judea and Galilee; and I shall then re-commence my mode of impressing you by visions with regard to the remainder of his career, where he returns to the vicinity of Jerusalem for the last time. (more…)

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Searching For Martian Life Underground

Searching For Martian Life Underground main 3 postby Leonard David

Scientists are now eyeing the Martian underground in search for alien life as the subsurface of Mars offers a better protected habitable environment.

With improved knowledge of Mars’ geologic diversity and history along with a better appreciation of life in extreme environments here on earth, and the development of better life-detection measurement methods, scientists are hopeful that soon there will be a breakthrough in this direction. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, The Truth About Marswith comments disabled.

Religious Centers In The Spirit World

Religious-Centers-In-The-Spirit-World-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

‘Do we have religious centers in the spirit world?’ If an ecclesiastical edifice is an indispensable adjunct to religion upon earth, then the establishment of churches would benefit the peculiar state of the ‘afterlife’, whatever it may be. That is what many people think, and this attitude of mind finds outward expression in the spirit world. Yes, there are religious centers (churches) here, and very beautiful they are.

They are, of course, in keeping with all other buildings, being constructed of the same kind of materials, and having the same degree of care lavished upon them. Some people are considerably surprised to find such places here when they make their advent into spirit lands. I can number myself among them. Others, as I have hinted, more or less expected to find churches fully established in whatever ‘heaven’ to which their earthly religion had safely conducted them. The discovery helped to make them feel more ‘at home’ in their new surroundings, and they very soon become active members of the community attached to the church. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Side, Spiritualitywith comments disabled.

Free Energy Versus The Laws Of Thermodynamics

Free-Energy-Versus-The-Laws-Of-Thermodynamics-main-4-postby Peter A. Lindemann

The mainstream scientific community dismisses the idea of Free Energy” or “Over-Unity” machines because they say that the behavior of such machines violates the “Second Law of Thermodynamics.” The purpose of this article is to squarely face this issue from an alternative science point of view. Many engineers and inventors, working in the alternative energy field, still mistakenly believe that the “Laws of Thermodynamics” are universally true. For them, the “free energy” machine can only be a clever scientific slight of hand where the machine becomes “outlaw”, breaking some fundamental universal law. For progress to be made in this field, the limitations and errors inherent in the “Laws of Thermodynamics” must be exposed. Only then will people realize that scientific experimentation is the only reliable tool for revealing the behavior of physical reality. (more…)

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Space Travel – Flying Saucers & Anti-Gravity

Space-Travel---Flying-Saucers---Anti-Gravity-main-4-postby John W. Dean

The question is often asked: “When did man first imagine space travel?” First, we must realize that he thought of the air as extending all of the way up to the stars, so it would be some method of flying, as a bird flies. Early attempts were based on crude types of flapping wings.

“We find the dream of space travel in the earliest legends of many races. The Greek and Norse gods lived in the heavens and traveled back and forth with little or no effort. The American Indians thought the Milky Way was a stairway between Earth and sky. And 5000 years ago the Hindus imagined a spacecraft called a garuda for their gods. But space travel for men seemed to be too good to be true. (more…)

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Q & A On The Wheel Of Life

Q-and-A-Wheel-Of-Life-main-3-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – Are there different dimensions or graduations in the astral worlds?

A – Oh yes, indeed; in the astral worlds we find numerous spectrums or places where we find energy assuming many different rates.

Q – Is that in addition to the 101 elements?

A – We do not have the 101 elements in the astral dimensions. These 101 elements are energy expressing themselves in a certain form in the terrestrial dimension only. We have other elements in the higher realms in which energy is vibrating at different rates and relationships. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith comments disabled.

Men Of Atlantis

Men-Of-Atlantis-main-4-postby Clara Iza Von Ravn


Atlantis was once a speck blown on the ocean’s waves, a spot upon the foam, a floating nut that gathered to itself still other flotsam through the aeons gone and grew as all hath grown.

At first a clod of earth on which no life existed, but the birds of air found rest for weary wings, and sore distress of thirst was quenched in the low pools which caught the water from a weeping sky. Wrecked ships gave matter for its shape and size, and elements in motion added much towards the building of that ocean isle—a grain from out the granary of the deep. (more…)

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Ancient Secrets of Thoth/Enoch

Ancient-Secrets-of-Thoth-Enoch-main-4-postby Paul White

Just after the Deluge, at the dawn of the present time cycle, an era the Egyptians called ZEP TEPI, “The First Times”, a mysterious group of “gods” appeared, to initiate the survivors in the rudiments of civilization. From Thoth and Osiris in Egypt, to Quetzacoatal and Viracocha in the Americas, traditions worldwide subscribe the origins of contemporary civilization to this sophisticated group.

Despite the misleading popularity of Von Danikan journalism, evidence from around the world, indicates these people were the hi-tech survivors of the previous civilization. Like the nuclear survival bunkers and secret research facilities of our own civilization, there were those who arose from the underground “cities of the Gods”, after the dust settled. They were the “pre-diluvian patriarchs”, like Enoch and Methuselah, the “giants and heroes of old”, mentioned in Genesis. The enigmatic gods of ancient Summer, Egypt and India, all hail from the fabulous times before the Flood. (more…)

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Tracing The Rules Of Reincarnation

Tracing-The-Rules-For-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Robert C. Smith

We may have hunches about past lives. We may have theories about experiences in another time or place. Some of us may even have vivid past life dreams or flashes of waking recall. But what do such experiences really mean? Can they teach us anything about ourselves and how to live this life more fully? Unless we can answer yes to these questions, the study of past lives may be nothing more than an interesting past time, an indulgence of curiosity about ourselves that has little practical value.

But suppose, on the other hand, that the study of past lives is actually a look into the inner workings of the universe we live in, a glimpse into the purpose and orderliness of life. If this is so, then this investigation is a very important avenue to the answer to two of the most important questions mankind has ever asked: Why is life the way it is, and why am I the way I am? (more…)

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Your Body Is An Illusion

Your-Body-Is-An-Illusion-main-4-postby Bruce Lipton

I will show you the science of actually how the cells work in your body. And you will have more knowledge than most doctors in the world today. Because they still believe in the genes.

You are made out of 50 trillion cells. And the cells are the living entities so you are a community, not a single person!

Every cell on your body has minus voltage on the inside. And positive voltage on the outside! (more…)

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Past Life Influences ~ Part III

Past-Life-Influences-Part-III-main-3-postby Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover

The following story provides an intriguing and complex illustration of many of the elements of past life memories, influences, and inclinations which have been discussed. It emphasizes the notion that the information becomes available as we have need of it and as we can apply it practically in our lives. Recognizing the source of strong emotional impulses and discovering relationships and karmic patterns that have traversed the limits of time are all part of this experience.

Lisette’s experience spans ten years, from her first spontaneous insight to the reconciliation of deep emotional pain and release of limiting beliefs. It began as an intuitive flashback so emotionally charged that she decided to seek additional guidance through meditation, dreams, past life regressions, and even a professional psychic. Over time, enough clues emerged that Lisette was able to formulate a clear message that she could apply to her life in helpful ways. (more…)

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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part V

Wheel-Of-Life-Part-V-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Now we shall try to shed a little more light on our understanding astral worlds. Because so many are interested in the saucer-and-venus-2-postspacecraft these day, we shall touch upon this subject. It is from these astral worlds, such as the planet Venus, that we are getting some of these manifestations. There are many levels of life on the planet Venus. In the book by Lee Crandall, we found that one of these lower astral forces was able to materialize and dematerialize or more correctly, experience an astral flight from Venus to Earth. These beings have the secrets of frequency transference and are able to convert atoms of the walls of the room into something which is not a familiar form. (more…)

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Zero Point – Messages From The Past

Zero-Point-Messages-From-The-Past-main-4-postzero-point-sm-1Zero Point is a four part feature length documentary compilation from Vivid Pictures. This is the first volume of a four part series consisting of excerpts from freely available compelling information found online.

Zero Point: Messages From The Past, Volume I uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future. (more…)

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