The Great Hoax ~ Part II

The-Great-Hoax-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-atomic-vortexEach thing, though it may appear to be different, is a highly developed and organized system of tiny solar systems of energy and these in turn, claim as their parents, the very substance of the Infinite Mind. Yet, as of today, almost all mankind walks in ignorance of all this. His eyes are darkened against that which must reach through to him before he can escape from his self-constructed pit of clay, for while he clings to his cross or his heathen gods, he will be blind to his Kingdom of Heaven Within; for he will constantly re-create new ways, new means and new methods to justify his false symbologies. (more…)

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Spirit Attachments

Spirit-Attachments-Types-Of-main-4-postby Carol Macrae

Although science has not yet proven the presence of spirit attachment, there is much evidence to suggest that these can and do exist and can have a strong influence on our lives.

Below is a broad outline of types of attachment to help you understand this phenomenon.

Types Of Attachments

Once medical causes for some of these symptoms have been discarded, other possibilities are to be considered including energies coming from our own subconscious and unconscious minds that can be perceived as having a life of their own. For example – from complexes (a complex arises whenever there is a defeat – Carl G Jung), to our past lives, to earthbound entities, to ‘spiritual beings’. This latter realm can encompass alien forms of consciousness some of which are termed ‘dark energies’ in some quarters. (more…)

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Giants In Ancient America

Giants-In-Ancient-America-main-4-postby Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze

Despite being a prominent theme in all the world’s mythologies, the lore about giants generally remains in the realm of children’s tales. It seems odd then that ancient peoples from different parts of the globe would all write and speak of an age of giants.

Genesis 6:4 offers, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” (more…)

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Beyond The Etheric Veil

Beyond-The-Etheric-Veil-main-2-postby Vincent Gaddis

John Puckering was dead. His heart had stopped. He had drawn his last breath. The body of the elderly market gardener lay white and motionless beneath the vivid white light of the operating room in a London hospital. Dr. G. Perceval Mills, the surgeon, massaged the heart “only from a sense of duty,” he wrote later, “and without real hope of success.”

Then came a faint beat, a pulse. Artificial respiration was applied. And then, after long, anxious minutes, the consciousness of John Puckering came back from the Beyond, back from the valley of the shadow of death. Within three weeks, states the sober report in the British Medical Journal, he was discharged as cured. (more…)

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Tartaria: Old World Order Reset

Tartaria-Old-World-Order-Reset-mian-4-postSTEW PETERS PRESENTS- Old World Order, Everything We’ve Been Told Is A Lie

Our history has been fabricated. The official narrative is that in the mid 1800’s to early 1900’s, men riding horse and buggy (or prisoners) built thousands of GIANT stone and marble structures (what’s left of them anyways) in an impossibly short amount of time. This official timeline of the past does not match our current understanding of reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication. They also tell us about the “Great Chicago Fire” in school, but never tell us every other major city was also burned to the ground within the same short time periods. Also, the civilization before us had amazing technology and were far beyond advanced to what we have today. This is a massive cover-up that must now finally come to an end. – Hibbeler Productions

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On The Nature Of The Ether Ships

On-The-Nature-Of-The-Ether-Ships-main-4-postby Meade Layne

We have said repeatedly, to the sour distaste of some science-minded folk, that the phenomena of the Ether Ships can never be explained or understood on the basis of known laws and textbooks of the physical sciences. We have repeated that metaphysics, ‘occult’ science and philosophical concepts, must be introduced – because between metaphysics and science there is no dividing line except that drawn by ignorance or by arbitrary definition.

Metaphysics – when the term is properly used – consists of epistemology and ontology: the nature of the act of knowing, and the nature of substance and being. Surely science is concerned with knowledge and with the substance of the material world. And why should anyone suppose that metaphysics does not employ the experimental method and the operations of logic, as truly as do physics and biology? (more…)

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The Great Hoax ~ Part I

The-Great-Hoax-Part-I-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-people-walkingIt has been observed countless numbers of times that it takes all kinds of people to make a world; however, the full implications of this humble bit of philosophy are not fully realized except by those people who are interested in and are performing some humanitarian effort. This is particularly true when such an effort involves personal elements of a psychological nature and in which some such person, who may be attracted by this humanitarian effort, can see or read into it a possible means of escape from one or a host of sins, iniquities, derelictions and aberrations. (more…)

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UFO Disclosure With Dr. Steven Greer

UFO-Disclosure-With-Dr-Steven-Greer-main-4-postThis is a ten-part series with Dr. Steven Greer, a renowned authority on UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. He is the founder of the CE5 protocol, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project.

Season 01 Episode 01 Close Encounters of the 5th Kind
In the first episode of this enlightening 10-part special, Dr. Steven Greer discusses the major life events which unlocked his innate abilities to connect with extraterrestrials.


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The Keys To The Citadel Of Space

The-Keys-To-The-Citadel-Of-Space-main-2-postby Dana Howard

Reaching For The Dawn

Just a few years ago the idea of traveling to other planets was looked upon as a virtual impossibility. Scientists affirmed it would require several generations to traverse the millions of miles of space. Ships would necessarily have to house a whole colony of people to provide human seed to carry an excursion into space. This fantastic theory has been scrapped today. We’re not sure what we’ll find, but we have provided ourselves with a new yardstick equipped with other-dimensional measurements. The obsolete earth’s yardstick belongs to the Planet Earth. Special measurements are needed for space. Perhaps we will discover that both time and distance will disappear in the absolutes. That space travel will be possible within a span of weeks (or even days) rather than hundreds of years as was expected only yesterday. (more…)

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Dream Visitations From The Other Side

Dream-Visitations-From-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Jacky Newcomb

A visitation, in the way I am using it here, is a real visit from a spirit or angel that occurs during our sleeping hours… although sometimes also when we are awake. For each person who experiences this there is no doubt as to its truth, as the experience leaves a lasting impression that bears little in common with dreams. Your loved one or angel appears to you while your body is asleep but your mind is awake and aware.

The same themes tend to run through this kind of real spirit contact. You can look for these in your own visitation experiences. I have covered these signs in other books, but for clarity let’s go over the most common signs. (more…)

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The World’s Desire

The-Worlds-Desires-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

This is an age of greed. We, as a people, have drifted out upon the sea of selfishness, egotistic desire and devouring ambition, and set the many sails to woo the winds of fortune. This is an age of money. Every nation and every people have erected a throne on which wealth sits in state; they have placed upon its brow a crown of gold, and have decreed that the possession of money, with little regard to the manner of acquisition, should be the only qualification for this kingship of modern times.

Man, at the dawn of physical development, is shown this goal, and taught that money is power and the world’s desire. He enters the strife and bends his energies, as others do, to grasp the greatest amount of wealth with the least possible effort, matching his cunning against labor,—mind against muscle,—artifice against simplicity,—and directs his thoughts towards wrenching from the hands of honest toil a portion of its legitimate earnings. (more…)

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Aboard A Flying Saucer

Aboard-A-Flying-Saucer-main-2-postby Truman Bethurum

A great many people have stated and some under oath, that they have seen flying saucers. Some have added that they saw odd Truman-Bethurum-2-postlooking little people running to get back into them, or away from them and into the brush. You’ve read about many of these incidents in your own daily papers, in popular magazines and even in books. Some of you are convinced that flying saucers do exist. Others scoff and deny their existence. Governments insist in their news reports to the people that flying saucers do not exist and that those deluded persons who said they saw such things had only seen some weather bureau contraption for testing the upper air. Yet it has been stated by government personnel that “They sometimes show up on radar screens.”

In his newly published book entitled FLYING SAUCERS FROM OUTER SPACE, by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, as you will see by the following quote from THE MIRROR, Los Angeles Daily of Friday, October 2, 1953, we get a closer view of the situation:


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Man’s Mind – An Integrator

Mans-Mind-An-Integrator-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-child-holding-candleHow well it is to think of these and many other things which have always been associated with religion, such as it may have been in any time or place for these religions, large or small, serve only a primitive man in his first steps toward understanding the Infinite and of the principle and purpose of the Infinite. The great masses of humanity who come and go like surging tides upon the face of this planet, thus have, and are so currently expressing their first yearning to understand. In their religion they have manifest their first acknowledgement and, having taken these first steps, so must pass on to take the next and higher steps. (more…)

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The Sights of Space: A Journey To Alien Worlds


by melodysheep (John D. Boswell)

The vast expanse of the universe holds countless mysteries, and among them are the breathtaking celestial bodies that exist beyond our solar system. This video essay takes us on an exhilarating journey through the cosmos, revealing a tapestry of extraordinary worlds waiting to be explored.

The narrative commences by introducing us to the NAVIS III, a fictional spacecraft capable of traversing the Milky Way. This vessel becomes our guide to the wildest planets known to humanity. We embark on a voyage of discovery, venturing into realms of unimaginable wonders. (more…)

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Death And The Afterlife ~ Part II

Death-And-The-Afterlife-Part-II-main-2-postby James Tyberonn

Choosing The Soul Pattern

Dear Human, do not consider the afterlife studies on the stars and planets as folklore nor as untruth. What is learned by the soul in each realm, each sojourn must be effectively constructed and expressed optimally through action on the earthen lifetimes. Soul growth must be demonstrated in thought and deed through successful manifestation of will into physical reality. The correct and most appropriate pattern must then be carefully selected from the innumerable arrangements of stars and planets, which represent soul patterns. The signs of the Zodiac are twelve fundamental patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane for a new incarnation. They are patterns representing optimal temperament, personality, and mental attunement. The gender, race and physical body is also chosen as these are an objectification of the soul pattern, a reflection of the progressive “individuality of the soul” in the next planned earthen experience. (more…)

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