Dream Visitations From The Other Side

Dream-Visitations-From-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Jacky Newcomb

A visitation, in the way I am using it here, is a real visit from a spirit or angel that occurs during our sleeping hours… although sometimes also when we are awake. For each person who experiences this there is no doubt as to its truth, as the experience leaves a lasting impression that bears little in common with dreams. Your loved one or angel appears to you while your body is asleep but your mind is awake and aware.

The same themes tend to run through this kind of real spirit contact. You can look for these in your own visitation experiences. I have covered these signs in other books, but for clarity let’s go over the most common signs. (more…)

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The World’s Desire

The-Worlds-Desires-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

This is an age of greed. We, as a people, have drifted out upon the sea of selfishness, egotistic desire and devouring ambition, and set the many sails to woo the winds of fortune. This is an age of money. Every nation and every people have erected a throne on which wealth sits in state; they have placed upon its brow a crown of gold, and have decreed that the possession of money, with little regard to the manner of acquisition, should be the only qualification for this kingship of modern times.

Man, at the dawn of physical development, is shown this goal, and taught that money is power and the world’s desire. He enters the strife and bends his energies, as others do, to grasp the greatest amount of wealth with the least possible effort, matching his cunning against labor,—mind against muscle,—artifice against simplicity,—and directs his thoughts towards wrenching from the hands of honest toil a portion of its legitimate earnings. (more…)

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Aboard A Flying Saucer

Aboard-A-Flying-Saucer-main-2-postby Truman Bethurum

A great many people have stated and some under oath, that they have seen flying saucers. Some have added that they saw odd Truman-Bethurum-2-postlooking little people running to get back into them, or away from them and into the brush. You’ve read about many of these incidents in your own daily papers, in popular magazines and even in books. Some of you are convinced that flying saucers do exist. Others scoff and deny their existence. Governments insist in their news reports to the people that flying saucers do not exist and that those deluded persons who said they saw such things had only seen some weather bureau contraption for testing the upper air. Yet it has been stated by government personnel that “They sometimes show up on radar screens.”

In his newly published book entitled FLYING SAUCERS FROM OUTER SPACE, by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, as you will see by the following quote from THE MIRROR, Los Angeles Daily of Friday, October 2, 1953, we get a closer view of the situation:


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Man’s Mind – An Integrator

Mans-Mind-An-Integrator-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-child-holding-candleHow well it is to think of these and many other things which have always been associated with religion, such as it may have been in any time or place for these religions, large or small, serve only a primitive man in his first steps toward understanding the Infinite and of the principle and purpose of the Infinite. The great masses of humanity who come and go like surging tides upon the face of this planet, thus have, and are so currently expressing their first yearning to understand. In their religion they have manifest their first acknowledgement and, having taken these first steps, so must pass on to take the next and higher steps. (more…)

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The Sights of Space: A Journey To Alien Worlds


by melodysheep (John D. Boswell)

The vast expanse of the universe holds countless mysteries, and among them are the breathtaking celestial bodies that exist beyond our solar system. This video essay takes us on an exhilarating journey through the cosmos, revealing a tapestry of extraordinary worlds waiting to be explored.

The narrative commences by introducing us to the NAVIS III, a fictional spacecraft capable of traversing the Milky Way. This vessel becomes our guide to the wildest planets known to humanity. We embark on a voyage of discovery, venturing into realms of unimaginable wonders. (more…)

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Death And The Afterlife ~ Part II

Death-And-The-Afterlife-Part-II-main-2-postby James Tyberonn

Choosing The Soul Pattern

Dear Human, do not consider the afterlife studies on the stars and planets as folklore nor as untruth. What is learned by the soul in each realm, each sojourn must be effectively constructed and expressed optimally through action on the earthen lifetimes. Soul growth must be demonstrated in thought and deed through successful manifestation of will into physical reality. The correct and most appropriate pattern must then be carefully selected from the innumerable arrangements of stars and planets, which represent soul patterns. The signs of the Zodiac are twelve fundamental patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane for a new incarnation. They are patterns representing optimal temperament, personality, and mental attunement. The gender, race and physical body is also chosen as these are an objectification of the soul pattern, a reflection of the progressive “individuality of the soul” in the next planned earthen experience. (more…)

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Death And The Afterlife ~ Part I

Death-And-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby James Tyberonn

Dear Human, life never ends! There is no death in the manner you may think. Consciousness is eternal.

Many of you fear your death, more than you may wish to admit. Whether or not you spend much time contemplating life after death, all of you at some point in your life will question what will happen when you die, and what will be waiting for you on the ‘other side’. Even those who have determined that nothing exists after physical life have ironically given it much thought. (more…)

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Vortex Implosion – The Secret of Viktor Schauberger

Vortex-Implosion-The-Secret-Of-Viktor-Schauberger-main-2-postby Leopold Brandstatter

Viktor Schauberger was to water what Nikola Tesla was to electricity. He was a recognized genius known as the “water wizard”.


It has been clearly and conclusively established already that technology in its various experimental and practical attempts to produce useful energy resorts only to pressure forces (water, steam, air or gas pressure) or that it makes either direct, or indirect use of the heat of combustion to produce expansion and explosion – again pressure forces – which it then converts to useful energy. (more…)

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Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice

Antarctica-Alien-Secrets-Beneath-The-Ice-main-4-postThere is a huge secret hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. Military whistleblowers report large alien structures under two miles of Antarctic ice.

Linda Moulton Howe is a distinguished author, speaker and writer in the UFO community. She is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and was an honored producer for medical and science programming in a WCVB Boston Station Peabody award. (more…)

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Gamaliel of Hermes: The Still Small Voice ~ Part II

Gamaliel-On-The-Still-Small-Voice-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

1-live-only-once The acceptance of life, as it is portrayed by the average individual upon the streets and highways and byways of your earth, is quite unrealistic, primitive, and elemental. You may find people who express the idea, “I live only once and I am going to get the most out of it while I am here.” This is very idiotic and unrealistic in its portent and nature, and even those who say these things do not actually believe in them. If they did, they would very quickly change. However, I see that I have, in a sense of the word, repeated a great deal of what has previously been given. I would not have it thought for one moment that this book was becoming monotonous, or that we had reached a stalemate. (more…)

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The Poisoned Needle

The-Poisoned-Needle-main-4-postby Eleanor McBean


For the past 2000 years physicians have been looking in the wrong direction for the cure of disease. Their worse than useless practice of killing germs with poison drugs has never—and can never—solve the problem of disease.

During the Dark Ages, before the introduction of improved nutrition and sanitation, the world was intermit­tently visited with epidemics of smallpox. The cause was stubbornly ignored and the seeds for more disease were sown when vaccination was brought into popular use. This infusion of poison injected into the blood stream of the masses only served to intensify the disease in some cases, suppress the symptoms in others and create new and more serious diseases in still others. So, with the passing of years we have seen this misbegotten child of ignorance grow into a Frankenstein monster of immense proportions that moves relentlessly forward, grinding under foot the multitudes that throng its path. (more…)

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CoEvolution-main-4-postby Alec Newald

Alec Newald was taken to an extraterrestrial civilization for 10 days. One Monday in mid-February, 1989, he set off on what would be or should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland in New Zealand. He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused and was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday, 10 days later, and that he had no idea of what happened in the meantime. When Alex did retrieve his memories of those missing 10 days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on that fateful trip, while driving through a Foggy Mountain Pass, Alex was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization and what he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us here on Earth. (more…)

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Nanotechnology: Engines Of Destruction?

Nanotechnology-Engines-of-Destruction-main-2-postby K. Eric Drexler


“Nor do I doubt if the most formidable armies ever here upon earth is a sort of soldiers who for their smallness are not visible.” — Sir WILLIAM PERRY on microbes, 1640

Replicating assemblers and thinking machines pose basic threats to people and to life on Earth. Today’s organisms have abilities far from the limits of the possible, and our machines are evolving faster than we are. Within a few decades they seem likely to surpass us. Unless we learn to live with them in safety, our future will likely be both exciting and short. We cannot hope to foresee all the problems ahead, yet by paying attention to the big, basic issues, we can perhaps foresee the greatest challenges and get some idea of how to deal with them. (more…)

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Uncovering Mars In Past History

Uncovering-Mars-In-Past-History-main-2-postby John Brandenburg Ph.D.

“Because of our sins, an unknown nation came against us, from an unknown land.” Russian Account of the Mongol Conquest

“And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones…” – II Chronicles 26: 14, The Bible

In ancient Egypt the war god was named Anhur, who was also god of the sky, later subsumed into the falcon-headed god Horus, as the kingdoms of Egypt merged. Horus was called Horus the Red and was identified with the planet Mars, considered the chief of the “stars that know no rest,” as the planets were known to the Egyptians. Horus was also identified with the metal iron. Iron was called “the sky metal” in ancient Egypt and in many other ancient cultures because it was first known from meteorites, and only later smelted from terrestrial ore. (more…)

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Reincarnation: Answering Unanswered Questions ~ Part II

Reincarnation-Answering-Unanswered-Questions-Part-IIby Irving S. Cooper

The chief purpose of reincarnation is education. To this end we are born again and again on earth, not because of any external pressure, but because we, as souls, desire to grow. The driving-power at the back of reincarnation, which brings us to earth again, is the thirst for experience, the desire for knowledge, the yearning to mingle in the throb and rush of physical existence. To many people, whose lives here have been rather difficult, these desires seem inconceivable. The reason is that satiety kills out desire; a man who has just eaten a hearty dinner has no desire to think of other meals. In the same way, at the end of an incarnation, it is to be expected that we should have little desire for rebirth. Furthermore, our waking consciousness is only a portion of our actual consciousness, and our deeper selves often realize the need of that for which our outer selves do not care. This is the case with reincarnation; the physical consciousness, limited in outlook to the narrow horizons of a single earth-life, does not desire to be reborn, but the soul consciousness, having a splendid goal in view, is anxious to return. (more…)

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