The Voice Of Orion

The-Voice-Of-Orion-main-4-postNew Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Orion is now available on Amazon!

Check it out here.

About The Voice Of Orion:

Welcome to the fourth installment of The Pulse of Creation series, The Voice Of Orion. Presented within the realm of the plane of Orion is a sanctuary of spiritual enlightenment wherein the foremost intellects and visionaries of Earth’s past and beyond labor tirelessly to teach and guide humanity in its evolution. On this captivating journey through the ethereal landscapes of Orion, where crystalline dwellings, lush gardens, and sacred temples offer solace for the soul and inspiration for the mind, learn as with other volumes of the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science, the true understanding of Science and Spirit. (more…)

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UFO Realities

UFO-Realities-main-4-postby Gerardus Tros

This article touches upon the basic philosophies of the author. It is not written to discredit any human or alien force or judge them in any way. The author knows that all things are exactly as they should be. This article therefore is a report not a judgment…

Before we begin…
This is a humble attempt to give the reader a closer understanding of the UFO forces that visit our planet. However, the following does not deal with so-called UFO phenomena. Meaning, the scores of people who have seen UFOs, or the amount of people who have had missing time periods, or the women who might have been impregnated by these forces and/or how many new cattle mutilations we have had this year or last year. No details will be discussed in this article. It only deals with the how and why the UFO forces come to our planet.

There is a certain amount of repetition used in this material since the concepts discussed are difficult to understand. It will help to give the reader a quicker grasp of things, without scrolling back. I hope that I have expressed this subject plainly enough so that most readers get a clear picture of how things are in the times we’re living. I have tried to express the “Truth of Things” with the patience of an old fashioned angel and with the determination of a modern saint (Smile, I am Neither). The following also contains some metaphysical philosophies for they belong to the realities about UFOs. (more…)

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Technical Advances Made From Crashed UFOs

Technical-Advances-Made-From-Crashed-UFOs-main-2-postby Philip J. Corso

Legend has it that centuries past (4,000 B.C.) the “Gods” or extraterrestrials from another planet came to earth, created a new “homo sapiens,” then later decided to destroy mankind. After a deluge of destruction they decided to let humans survive. The goddess Inanna/Ishtar took the lead in insuring survival of the human race.

Millenniums later the great Chinese general Sun Tzu, who used intelligence to win all his battles said:

– If you don’t know your enemy or don’t know yourself you will lose every battle.

– If you know yourself and not your enemy or know your enemy and not yourself, you will lose half of your battles, but

– If you know yourself and know your enemy, you don’t have to fear the outcome of a thousand battles. (more…)

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Most Ghosts Don’t Know That They’re Dead ~ Part II

Most-Ghosts-Don't-Know-That-They're-Dead-Part-II-main-2by Lance G. Trendall

Rescue: What is a Rescue?

Rescue is simply an expression for the process of helping a ghost to understand what his experience is and helping him to understand that he has died and is now a Spirit. An important part of this rescue process is to do this safely by helping this new Spirit find his way into the dimension to which he can go.

It’s not good enough in my experience just to shove someone away saying “You’re dead now buzz off”. To me this is not a rescue as the ghost may not have got the message and may simply regard you as crackers and go off and play somewhere else.

In a Rescue all that is happening is the opening of the mind or eyes of a ghost to a dimension that is available to him, which he has not looked at before. A ghost is so locked into the material world that he does not even look around him. It’s like not being able to see the wood for the trees but only with more serious and frustrating consequences. (more…)

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Climate: The Movie

Climate-The-Movie-main-4-postby Chris Morrison

The new film is a long-awaited sequel to Durkin’s The Great Global Warming Swindle film shown on Channel 4 in 2007. The outcry from activists at the time led to the banning of skeptical climate science views across most mainstream media, bans that continue to this day. The new film is called Climate: The Movie and features many top skeptical climate scientists. It lays out the politically-suppressed views surrounding natural climate variation in riveting and persuasive detail. As Durkin notes at the beginning, his new film is the story of how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful global industry. “When I hear people pontificating about a rise of one and a half degrees, I think what have they been smoking,” says Emeritus Professor William Happer of Princeton. (more…)

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Most Ghosts Don’t Know That They’re Dead

Most-Ghosts-Dont-Know-That-Theyre-Dead-main-3-postby Lance G. Trendall

One of the funniest, yet most tragic, things I’ve learnt about ghosts is that they don’t believe they are ghosts. So in an ironic sense, they don’t believe in ghosts either.

How can that be? How can someone be a ghost and not know that they are dead?

Sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Many books support this theory and the ghosts I’ve chatted with bear out this truth too.

So how could we die and not know about it? When we fall asleep nothing actually happens that we are aware of. We’re tired, relaxed, then the next thing we know, we’ve been to sleep and are now awake. Even if you keep dozing off on those rare occasions when you have a nap, you are only aware of having woken up. How often have you said, or heard it said, “I must have dropped off”? Or even when people think that they have not been to sleep at all, “I was just resting my eyes” yet everyone in the room heard the snoring! (more…)

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Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages

Gamaliel-of-Hermes-Philosophy-Through-The-Ages-main-2--postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and 1-Gamalielclosing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)

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UFO Contact With Coma Berenesis

UFO-Contact-With-Coma-Berenecis-main-2-postby Wendelle Stevens

Apolinar (Paul) A. Villa, Jr., (born 24 September 1916), a mechanic by trade, of 601 Niagra, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico, Paul-Villa-imageholds a unique privilege in the annals of Flying Saucer research. He has had prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft.

Apparently, contacts of one kind or another with Space People are not new to Mr. Villa. He says that he has been taught telepathically by extraterrestrial intelligences since he was 5 years old.

Although he did not complete the tenth grade of school, he seems to have a good knowledge of such subjects as mathematics, electricity, physics, and mechanics, and has an unusual “gift” for detecting defects in engines, generators, etc. (more…)

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Early Evidences Of An Inhabited Solar System

Early-Evidence-Of-An-Inhabited-Solar-System-main-2-postby Daniel Ross

Venus, Mars, and the Moon are important in that they are our closest neighbors, and the habitability can easily be determined. Our space program of the 1960s and 70s probed and photographed them extensively, since these planets were known to be the homes or bases of the UFOs. Life beyond the Earth should have been published as an established fact years ago. Two things prevented this from becoming our rightful knowledge; the inability, and often the refusal, of the orthodox scientists to go beyond their shared perceptions; and secondly, the absolute secrecy and censorship by the top-level authorities in charge of the space program.

But what about the other planets in our solar system? Are they inhabited also? And are their environments Earth-like, or similar enough, that we could travel to them and step out on their surfaces? (more…)

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Death By Medicine

Death-By-Medicine-main-2-postDeath By Medicine

“Don’t automatically accept everything a doctor tells you,” says Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, associate professor of preventive medicine at the University of Illinois. In the following no-holds-barred interview with Forum. Dr. Mendelsohn states “if 95% of the doctoring now going on were stopped – not just the surgery – we’d be much better off.”

by Nick Bosco

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn has been labeled a medical heretic by many members of his profession. He embraces this epithet as a badge of honor. It is Mendelsohn’s contention that doctors may be more lethal than the diseases they claim to be fighting.

His professional credentials are impressive. He is presently a pediatrician and family practitioner; he was formerly the senior consulting pediatrician for the Department of Mental Health of the State of Illinois; he has served as chairman of the Medical Licensure Committee for the State of Illinois and as national director of the Medical Consulting Service for Project Head Start. He is currently an associate professor in the department of preventive medicine at the University of Illinois. Dr. Mendelsohn also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column titled “The People’s Doctor,” and is the author of Confessions of a Medical Heretic, now available from Contemporary Books, Chicago, Illinois.

Forum: Why do you call yourself a medical heretic?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Actually, I was first called a heretic by other people, although it’s been so long I don’t remember who was the first to do so.

But I don’t mind the term. In fact, I kind of like it. I am a medical heretic because modern medicine is a church, a religion I no longer believe in.

Forum: Why do you refer to modern medicine as a religion?

Dr. Mendelsohn: For one thing, very few of modern medicine’s procedures can be proved either scientifically or logically. Doctors use their own subjective brand of logic to “prove” things they want proved and disprove things they want to challenge. For example, if you tell your doctor you’d like to try laetrile, he’ll tell you that there are no scientific studies that prove its effectiveness. If you tell him that many people who have taken laetrile report a real benefit, he’ll say that’s subjective evidence and not worthy of his attention.

But then, if your doctor wants you to have a coronary bypass operation, and if you object on the grounds that some scientific studies have shown no real benefit from the operation, he’ll tell you that all his patients who have had the operation felt better. You can’t win, so you’re better off not playing the game.

Only in a religion are you required to believe things without proof, to take things on faith. Most modern medical procedures are treated as sacraments – rituals that are supposed to impart some good to the participants.

The high priests of this religion, of course, are doctors. They wear sacred vestments, speak an elite language, and operate with highly specialized tools. And modern medicine has its temples, too: hospitals. Hospitals, by the way, are just about the most dangerous places in the world.

Forum: What do you mean?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Hospitals are dangerous in more ways than I can even mention. I like to compare them to combat zones: You stay out as long as possible, but if you have to go in, you get out as fast as you can. That’s the only way.

For one thing, there are more different germs in hospitals than you can find in any single place anywhere else. Then you have to consider all the drugs that are used in hospitals. The average is about a dozen per patient and mix-ups are common, not rare. Not only do drugs get mixed up, but hospital personnel confuse the identities of patients as well. Babies are mixed up, people are lost. Patients have been found dead in out-of-the-way places in hospitals.

Then, since hospitals are the temples of modern medicine, they are the places where the “sacred rituals” are most highly concentrated. That’s dangerous, too. People don’t generally let themselves believe it, but doctors have quota systems for various diagnostic and surgical procedures. So once you get in the hospital, the doctor has you on his turf and is obliged to use as many of the rituals available to him as he can. Not only are drugs and diagnostic procedures overused, but the ritual mutilation of surgery is frequently performed needlessly as well.

Forum: Ritual mutilation?

Dr. Mendelsohn: That’s right. Conservative estimates put the amount of needless surgery at around 10 to 25%. I’d say the number is closer to 90%. That means there would not be any loss of life or health if 90% of the surgery now going on was simply not performed. As proof, whenever there is a doctors’ strike in which only emergency procedures are carried out, the death rate always goes down. That happened in Los Angeles, in Israel, in South America wherever there’s a strike.

Then, when the strike is over and the doctors go back to work on everybody, the death rate goes back up. So actually, if 90 or even 95% of the doctoring now going on were to stop – not just the surgery – we’d be much better off.

Forum: There probably aren’t too many doctors who’d agree with you.

Dr. Mendelsohn: There probably aren’t too many insurance agents who’d agree that we have too much insurance, or generals who’d admit that we need fewer guns, or publishers who’d agree that we need fewer books and magazines than we have.

Let me point out one example that I’m especially fond of: obstetrical surgery. This is a line of surgery that we could eliminate almost entirely. Unnecessary obstetrical surgery runs even higher than 95%; it’s more like 99.9%. When obstetricians took over from midwives, an immediate consequence was a rise in maternal death rates. This is because the doctors were going straight from the autopsy rooms of hospitals into the delivery rooms – without washing their hands.

Years after this error was discovered, years after the man who had pointed it out was driven into an insane asylum by his colleagues’ blind denial of the truth, doctors finally started washing their hands before delivering babies. And the death rate went down. Doctors then congratulated themselves, typically.

Nowadays, doctors frighten perfectly healthy women into having their babies in the hospital. They scare them with stories of what might go wrong if they don’t have their babies in the hospital. The truth is, is that hospital births are a lot more dangerous than home births, provided an experienced home birth doctor or midwife is present and has been consulted all along. Hospital births have six times more distress, an eight times higher incidence of the baby getting caught in the birth canal, four times more babies needing resuscitation, four times more infection, and a thirty times higher risk of permanent injury.

It’s not hard to understand these shocking statistics when you take a look at the hospital birth setting: an operating room. With all that equipment around, the obstetrician feels like he’s not doing his job if he doesn’t use some of it. So we have the episiotomy, which is a surgical slicing of the perineum to “enlarge” the birth canal. Actually, it’s usually used to make up for the doctor’s lack of skill in coaching the birth. If the mother isn’t knocked out with anesthesia, she can slow down the birth herself so the chances of tearing are lessened. But of course, from the doctor’s point of view, if the mother’s awake the doctor is no longer in total control.

Doctors don’t limit themselves to unnecessary episiotomies, though. They hook up a fetal monitor to the baby’s scalp and at the first sign of distress they want to perform a Cesarean delivery. When I was just starting out in medicine, if a hospital’s Cesarean section rate went over 3 or 4%, there was an investigation. Now the average rate in most hospitals is 15% and in some hospitals it’s pushing 50%! Yet there are no investigations.

Forum: And this is dangerous?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Sure it’s dangerous! The maternal death rate is about twenty-six times higher for Cesarean sections than for normal births.

Forum: Do you think doctors are really out to mutilate people?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Not exactly. Doctors believe in surgery. Families of doctors have more surgery than anybody else. But that doesn’t make surgery any safer or more necessary. The blind faith of doctors in surgery is just a symptom of our technological pride: What can be done must be done. Nobody bothers to question whether it should be done. Another example: close to a million women have their uterus removed every year. I am convinced that no more than a small fraction of those women really need that operation. My guess is that if those were testes coming out, you’d never see a million operations every year. In fact, you don’t see very many testes removed, do you?

Forum: Are you suggesting that the medical establishment is sexist?

Dr. Mendelsohn: I’m more than suggesting, I’m stating it as a fact. Doctors are taught in medical school to mistrust and compete with their peers, and to be deceitful when competing with others. They learn contempt for all groups of people who are inferior to them in social position and power.

This contempt comes out in very interesting ways. You see a lot of female sexual organs removed surgically, like breasts and uteruses, but very few male organs. Women are robbed of much of their dignity in the hospital. Not only are they demeaned in childbirth, but they have to practically get a lawyer in order to be “allowed” to care for their own baby immediately after its birth.

You may think a woman’s right to an abortion is important, but her right to care for her child the way she sees fit is more important and in greater danger. Convincing women that bottle-feeding was just as good as breastfeeding – which it isn’t – robbed women of their birthright, took away from them the use of their bodies in a way that is not only natural but very pleasurable.

Forum: In what other ways is modern medicine dangerous?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Doctors dispense drugs like priests give out blessings. Of course, the drugs cost a lot more – and they’re deadly, as well. More people die from the effects of legally-prescribed Valium than from illegal heroin. Doctors sometimes don’t even follow the instructions given by the drug companies themselves. They neglect to carry out recommended tests or investigate the possibilities of drug interactions.

Doctors are dangerous even before they prescribe drugs or surgery, however. Just going in for an exam is hazardous. I tell everybody to stay away from doctors if they have no symptoms. And even if you do have some problems, you should think twice.

Forum: How can a simple exam be dangerous?

Dr. Mendelsohn: There’s no such thing as a simple exam anymore. Doctors assume you feel cheated if they don’t use at least a hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment on you. Not that they need all that hardware, though; even a $20 stethoscope can be dangerous. I’m thinking of all the mothers who become hysterical when the doctor tells them their child has a “functional heart murmur” after using a stethoscope. Even if he tells them it’s harmless and the child will grow out of it, many parents still treat the kid like a cripple for years afterwards.

X-ray machines are highly dangerous and should be used about one-tenth as much as they are presently used. Yet trying to avoid x-rays is difficult to do, and getting harder. The same goes for electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms. These two tests are dangerous because of the arbitrary nature of the interpretation. Even heart specialists disagree on the interpretation of these tests, so what can you expect from a general practitioner who’s been trained in a week or two to read the results?

Another pitfall of exams is that the doctor assumes you’re “guilty” until proven innocent. And it’s not easy to prove you’re healthy. Doctors aren’t trained to acknowledge health, only find and treat disease.

Forum: So what’s the solution? How does a person protect himself?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Become a heretic. Stop believing in the Church of Modern Medicine.

Forum: Does that mean you stop going to doctors?

Dr. Mendelsohn: Not necessarily. You simply become more selective and aggressive. Don’t automatically accept everything a doctor tells you. The first thing you have to learn to do is ask the question Why? If you ask Why? Enough times, one of two things will happen: Either the doctor will answer your questions and satisfy you, or he’ll sooner or later tell you “Just trust me.”

If that happens, you should put as much distance between him and yourself as possible. Never trust your doctor unless absolutely necessary, which means unless it’s a true emergency.

However, even if your doctor answers your questions, you should still do your homework. You should know more about your disease and treatment than he does. And with the state of medical education being what it is, that isn’t too hard to do.

In general, try to avoid doctors as much as possible. That means staying as healthy as possible. Of course, that’s heresy right there, since doctors think they are the only ones who can keep you healthy.

Just like any religion, modern medicine wants to maintain a monopoly on people’s access to health. So whenever anything comes along that promises to have a beneficial effect on health that doesn’t involve drugs, surgery or some potentially lucrative procedure, most doctors dismiss it as a fad or quackery.

Forum: With that kind of attitude, it seems likely that the medical profession will continue to consider you a heretic for many years to come.

Dr. Mendelsohn: I consider it an honor. My concern is with patients, not doctors.

Death-by-Medicine-dividerDeath By Medicine by Gary Null

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The Cosmic Reality Of Man

The-Cosmic-Reality-Of-Man-main-2-postLecture by Daniel Ross given to the Japan General Assembly
[Adamski Research Group], February, 1994

I wanted to speak today on the cosmic reality of man, as shown by Adamski. Because it is timeless; it is eternal. Wherever you might go, within this system, or out to an inhabited planet in another solar system, the truths would be the same, wherever you go. That is cosmic or universal law. Most of you here today have the many books and writings of George Adamski. Mr. Hachiro Kubota has worked hard to keep all the books in print in the Japanese language, and now has “The Complete Works of George Adamski” published in 10 volumes. So to give you something a little new today, I reviewed many tapes of his talks, where he gives examples and expressions of truth to others, often just in conversation – maybe to an individual, maybe to a small group. It can be rather humbling, I can freely admit, to hear hours and hours of Adamski’s philosophical talks and discussions over a short period of time. When you listen to the fullness and depthness of his knowledge of cosmic life, you quickly realize how really shallow most of our minds are.

The more one studies this field of Space and UFOs, the more he then appreciates the vast legacy of Cosmic Knowledge shared by George Adamski. And there really is no end to learning, if you understand it right. As Adamski often said, the principles remain the same, but the effects are continually changing, with life always moving forward. (more…)

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Spirit Release In Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?

Spirit-Release-In-Clinical-Psychiatry-main-2-postby Dr. Alan Sanderson

My title ‘Spirit Release in Clinical Psychiatry – What Can We Learn?’ will seem strange to most psychiatrists, because spirit is a taboo word in the secular, materialist culture in which we are so firmly embedded. I’ve chosen to speak about it because my clinical experience has taught me that spirit attachment is a reality and that release of troublesome spirits works wonders. This is an exciting development, with tremendous implications, not just for psychiatry, but for everyone. So please, while you reflect on this question, let the new ideas speak freely. (more…)

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The Voice of Hermes

The-Voice-of-Hermes-main-2-postNew Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Hermes is now available on Amazon!

Check it out here.

About The Voice Of Hermes:

The third installment of The Pulse of Creation series delves into Hermes, a realm steeped in philosophical inquiry where the minds of revered thinkers from Earth and beyond persist in their quest to illuminate humanity. Within its crystalline abodes, gardens, and sanctuaries, Hermes offers a rejuvenating experience for both the soul and intellect. Just like its predecessors, The Voice of Hermes unveils the teachings of the Brotherhood, heralding a future for those inclined towards progressivism, alongside the exploration of interdimensional science and philosophy of being. (more…)

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On Master Teachers And Their Students

On-Master-Teachers-And-Their-Students-main-2-postby Yada di Shi’ite (channeled by Mark Probert)

Yada: This afternoon our talk will be on the Master Teachers of life (Yogis) and to some extent on the nature of their association with those who seek to become students of life.

To become a yoga master requires many years of concentration and complete sacrifice of the lower self to the higher self. Therefore there is no such thing as a young yoga master.

It has been taught by some teachers of yoga that abstaining from sex and eating of meat are of absolute necessity if the student is to attain Self Realization. This of course is a wrong concept. The abstaining from one’s normal sexual drives can be harmful to both the mind and the body, and more especially those of the young, where the fires of creation burn bright and strong. Of course, somewhere along the path the student will of his own accord find the need to practice celibacy, which by the way does not mean the mere refraining from legalized sex called marriage, which practically all priests of almost all religious orders are avowed to do, but to any use of the sexual energies where the aim is to gratify the lower passions. (more…)

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The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday

The-Road-To-Jerusalem-main-2-postThis is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.


Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.

This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.

Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)

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