Atlantean History ~ Part VII
As given by a Templar Seer On The Future of Atlantis
Substance is that spiritual power and presence that must come from Its own Source, to supply the individual tapping that point of Spirit. It is conceived by the Law, impregnated by the mind of Christ, brought forth in the Light, and given birth in the individual desire and soul of man. From the infinite source of Substance issues all life, power, force, quality and quantity of supply which creates the expressed idea—expressed in an object, or in a condition. It is back of everything, of any name or nature whatsoever. It comes to consciousness from the Law, and Its supply is great or small according to the individual ideals and desires of one that draws upon It. Some will express negation, others will express harmony and all good.
The ideas of an individual’s consciousness are molded by thought forces according to the pattern radiated by that one’s Light within the Shrine. If one’s Light is clear and bright, the pattern given is good and enduring. If the Light be clouded and diverted, the pattern shown will be poor and miserable. After the pattern is held, consciousness must be prepared for the molding; it is urged on to the mind, where the thought forces begin to shape it into outline, form and color, of the mental plane. Now it comes through desire of an individual soul to the time of birth. And this is the time when the perfect model of the Spirit is apt to become deformed and anything but the thing of beauty and a joy forever. Many a perfect idea loses quality and character, hence its power to give harmony, by premature birth or by abortion. Self-will and impatience and lack of faith produce these two dread conditions. The parent of the idea places more trust in his five senses and in false laws, than he does in the One Law, hence he clouds his Light, and chaos results at birth of his idea.
Our Masters teach that man is in his expression that which he thinks in his sanctuary. Every thought, or thinking process, produces a psychical, then a physical, then a material manifestation. Those that seek the Light of the Law of One gain revelation from the Inner Shrine and receive full reward and blessings in the ideas they give birth to. Spiritual Life, and Love, are the substances such ideas are made of, hence they are eternal and good.
Every idea, every thought, every desire has to pass from the one creative Law back of all phenomena down through the states and stages of consciousness of the individual, before any expression is possible: From the Infinite Source of Light, to the individual Light radiating in every soul. From the individual Light radiating in every soul. From the individual Light in man, to the mind of him that receives the ideal. From the individual mind of man, to the thought forces which mold the idea into a pattern and model. From the thought forces, to the brain in the physical body of man. From the brain to the expression, or birth, of the idea. From the birth to the manifestation, the objectified externalization, that is tangible to the five senses of the human being.
The chemicalization of an individual’s thought forces, in order to improve or to change the ideals which give the patterns to be developed, is the producing power within to capacity. This capacity is constantly increased, or decreased according to the conscious radiating of the Spirit Light within the Shrine. If the Light shines in full and uncovered radiance from the infinity Source of the Law of One, then that mind, soul and body of the individual vibrates harmoniously with all creation, and is perfectly attuned in itself. And vice versa. Once man forgets his Law of Spirit within, he generally finds himself classed with the vice versas in expression.
The process of development may be likened to the prenatal conditions of the unborn child. The embryo infant is the result of the radiant Light of creation. It has to be formed and molded in the sanctuary of mother love. Its soul here takes quality and character. When the time arrives for expression of itself, the one to conceive the idea experiences birth throes. Mental, as well as physical labor takes place, and the parent of the idea is compelled to sacrifice his sense before the birth is completed. He has had to give up life in order to resurrect the new individual life of the idea. When the child idea is presented to the world of manifestation the parent no longer thinks of sacrifice, or of labor, but of the new idea now born to take its place in the realm of creation.
My People, I have one prophecy to add here, before I go back to my spiritual spheres beyond: In time to come there will appear a great soul for recognition upon the earth plane. This one will be fully chemicalized before birth here, in order to demonstrate better the teachings of all our Sages and Seers, which point to more than mere earth life here. This mighty Adept, descendant of the once great and famous Atlantean race, will reveal to man the secrets of the Light of the Inner Shrine, and the necessity of communing with It. At that time, when this Adept shall come, then will the powers and problems of negation dissolve, for that one shall know all Law.
I have finished for the time, but my meager lesson falls so short of my fervent desire to tell you all, that I dishearten. I could voice volumes of Truth, were Time favorable to me. But the Sickle, which ages agone sharpened for the vintage, now rusteth unused. Oh, my children! The grapes burst with ripeness; their rare juices are spilled forth upon a parched and shriven earth; the vines wilt and die in the heat of the noon day; the vineyard is abandoned; the wine press is idle. Yet all my People thirst and sink for drink!
Beloved, shall the Children of Light forever thirst and die for drink? Is there not one in all the Circle of Light, of the Law of One, to stand up and defy the powers of darkness, and to shed the ray that will point the way to Life eternal, without the curse of the Idolator, death?
My People, you have had given you many Masters and many Teachers since that long-off period, before Lemuria was submerged and lost. Yet here you stand today, as you stood times before, on the very brink of destruction and annihilation, without one great spirit to lift up the world and divert the cataclysm! Have you such a one? Then let him stand forth and declare himself before the pagans, that the rest of the world may be spared oblivion!
In the centuries to follow there will be such an one, and then centuries to follow him, still another will appear—the two in one, mayhap, since the Law of One operates in mysterious ways. But I speak now for our time and our troubles: If you find one to succor, send forth this Light!
Beloved, the time is short in which to labor, before night falleth with oblivion for Atlantis! Take heed; follow my advices; give freely of the Truth which you understand so well. By radiating the Light through the dense darkness which has been created by necromancy you may still save some who otherwise are doomed to destruction.
The world knows why Atlantis passed through such cataclysms at three different periods of her life. Conditions today are exactly the same as at those times. All the earthquakes and disasters of the last several decades have a cause. Every effect must have a cause—the general chemicalization and rebellion of forces that oppose the evil created by wrongdoers. Were the Law of One followed by every human, there would be the millennium for earth dwellers.
Retribution, not from a Judge, or from a great god, but from results of natural resistances, inevitably overtakes those who practice evil. So with Nature: planetary upheavals come from stemming the perfect circulation of vibrations and forces of earth and spirit; and the People cry “Why, oh, why is this?”
Atlantis had reached the very pinnacle of her civilization. Nevermore shall the People of Earth realize such human progress, since it is known to Spiritual forces that humans cannot bear such heights of success. All your riches, fame, honor, intellect, commerce, industry, literature—all, everything—will be swept away in the disaster which will be repeated soon, as it comes aforetimes.
In that day the foolish will seek and call for help, but no help will be at hand to render them. The Sorcerers will sink by their own weight of sins. Already have wars, pestilence, earthquakes, fires, and other evils decimated the earth and gathered a harvest of souls from the ranks of Idolators. Those who have communed with the Light shining from the Inner Shrine have survived these horrors.
I, Qoka, am commissioned to leave my peaceful spiritual plane of life, and enter the miasmic conditions on earth once more, in order to warn the People, by my Voice, of the frightful precipice upon whose brink you all hang. It remains to be seen whether my visitation will suffice to uproot the deep-rooted tentacles of Idolatry, and free the world of sorcery. If this should come to pass, then I am happy and will bless you all. If the opposite effect takes place, then the world must return to the dark ages of Time, and begin at the bottom of the steps of civilization and advancement.
Farewell! And may the Law of One, ever shining in Light, in your Inner Shrines, bless you, and guide you to greater Light.
Excerpt from The Prince of Atlantis by Lillian Elizabeth Roy
For the other parts to this series, see here.
Posted in Atlantean History, Atlantiswith 1 comment.
So true – so predictable but so painfully gradual that humans will not blame themselves… Evolution is unstoppable……….