Atomic Science From Eros
by Ernest L. Norman
You have heard it said that God can be likened to a Universal Intelligence that is all-pervading, omnipotent and omnipresent. This is quite true in the generally accepted understanding. However, God is the expression of Infinity and, in such an expression, must manifest Himself, not only in Infinity but in every finite way. This is done on the generally accepted equation of the atom. The scientist of today knows of about 101 basic atomic structures which he calls elements.* This he has placed in an atomic scale, ranging from the lightest to the heaviest. He has theorized that this lightness or heaviness is determined by certain minute particles known as electrons or, as they are sometimes called in their relationship of positive or negative charges, neutrons or protons—the latter being the generally accepted idea of what composes the nucleus or core of this atom.
Now, strangely enough, the scientist has never seen an atom nor any of the tiny particles of which it is supposed to be composed. It is also rather strange that he has succeeded in building up a whole new science about this hypothesis. The scientist is not, however, quite correct in assuming that an atom is composed of solid particles revolving in orbits around a nucleus. What might appear to be a solid electron or neutron would be, if it could be examined, simply an aggregate mass of tiny cycular wave forms. These wave forms are, of course, held together in a frequency pattern by a flux of energy which is actually energy expressed in another dimension which stems from the central vortex of the atom, which has erroneously been
called the nucleus.
*The amount has since risen to about 118.
This central vortex is actually, in a sense of the word, a tiny hole through which this free-moving intelligent energy from an outside dimension enters into the atom. This energy is actually the controlling God force of the atom and in expressing this intelligence into the atom, determines not only its characteristic, elemental makeup or atomic weight, but is also the dominating characteristics which enter into molecular structures which, in turn, can become cells and living tissue in the body.
Each cell can be said to have, not only its predetermined cell-structure life intelligence, but carries also the numerous intelligences which are a part of the original elemental atomic structures. Therefore, in the final analysis, any element can be said to be that particular element—not because of supposed particles revolving in orbits, but rather, intelligence expressed through the central vortex and remanifested and individualized as its characteristic elemental substance.
An atom exists simply because of the continuity of the life force of God which flows into it. Any disruption which may alter this flow or which would cause frequency changes in the flux densities which hold the wave forms together will seriously impair or destroy the original superimposed intelligence. Such atoms, composing cell tissue in the body will, upon entering into this disrupted continuity, become cancerous or they may reflect other and diverse conditions. One of the factors entering into the disruption of the intelligent life force of the atom comes through the interrelated concepts and facets of man’s life, which may be referred to as negation. No cures within a diseased body can take place until this negative process is temporarily stopped and reversed.
Under an intense positive condition of mind, a person can, temporarily, elevate his consciousness to a point which is above the low level of negation in such a condition; a temporary or permanent alignment can take place within the atomic structure of the body which will reinstate the continuity of the life-giving intelligence. The dominant factors of such spiritual levitation can be found in the emotional stresses which are sometimes induced by intense pain and suffering, and with the desire and need to be well and happy, will, when combined with the strong conviction which is called faith, or the belief in
the Supreme Creative Principle of life, and are all factors which enter into spiritual healing—induce cancellation of the negative block.
A more logical course to pursue, however, is one in which the logic and reasoning of the individual knows of this life-giving continuity which is continually pouring into every atom of his body. He will therefore assume a more logical course in his evolution, and live a more progressive spiritual life.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium
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