Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4 from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
Greetings, friends, from UN.AR.I.U.S..
We are all very happy to see you here this evening. Tonight’s lesson, which is number 4, will be moderated by William Crookes and Michael Faraday and several other of the savants who have once lived upon this earth and have gone into higher realms.
Last week we discussed, in our approach to this new science, something of mass and energy. We discovered that there was actually no such thing as a solid and that all things resolve themselves into different forms or dimensions or structural parts of energy. We also divided this energy concept into two classifications. We could say that there was static energy, as represented in the structures of the atom, to what we call solid or mass. We also found that it was this same energy in a transposed state or condition which we call dynamic energy or moving energy, kinetic energy. Through Einstein’s basic theory, which was a factual or a mathematical calculus, whereby energy could be transported into mass or mass into energy. And therefore, we resolved into the concept that the structures of the atoms themselves, while they may appear as small solar systems of energy, yet even the negative or the positive quotients of each atomic structure, as was constituted in the electron, the neutron or the positron or the proton are in itself a subminiature universe of energy.
And that the atom as a whole could be said to be a galaxy of pulsating, radiant energy which was beyond the dimension of time or space, as it was conceived in this third dimension. It was also found that in our perusal and continuance of atomic structures, that while science had classified 118 elements [as of 2017], and that they in each themselves possessed what is called an atomic weight, which merely denoted the structural contents of the positive or negative quotients of energy, and yet each atom, each element in itself, also manifested in a multiplicity of superstructures or spiritual structures which were like unto themselves and which were called isotopes.
Now we enter into a very vital and very important part of our concept, as energy has an I.Q. or an intelligence quotient, and that under the conditions in which it was created, the existence of waveforms, and in their manifestations and remanifesting, as they did according to what we conceive as time, reasserted themselves or remanifested themselves as the same definite waveforms or pulsations.
Science itself was concerned with the fact that energy, such as light or radio waves or such similar types of energy transference, travels at a base rate of 186,272 miles per second.
This represented, as far as physical science was concerned, the ultimate and the only stable element in the whole structure of science. And that all science, could in itself be considered, as far as any other exterior structures were concerned, to be at least partially theoretical.
In discovering how energy did determine its own quotient, its own frequency, its own IQ or intelligence, was what we call wave form structures. It is most necessary and vital to the future success of your course here, as well as to any future evolutions which you may or may not enter into in your future reincarnations, that you establish these basic concepts within your mind. For it will only be through these concepts that you will be able to reincarnate into higher structures, into higher dimensions, into higher places.
There is no short cut, and there will be no one—as some believe in China—who will, in the ultimate moment when you cry “save me”, reach down from heaven and snatch you by your hair into some celestial domain. Whatever you get in the future, in your spiritual evolution and your flight into the higher spheres, into the higher realms, will be determined just exactly as how you conceive these things within your own mind. And that you shall never go beyond or be placed in any condition or in any place in which you are unable to live, unable to function, and you are unable to perceive.
So that you must realize the vital and the extreme importance of learning just what God is, how He manifests Himself in an infinite number of dimensions. Dimensions, which are the chord structures of the universe, can be likened to the chords of the chromatic or the diatonic scale of the piano. When we have mastered something of these fundamental concepts, then we can begin to assimilate and to put together the various pieces of this crossword puzzle which is called life. I am stressing this tonight with the utmost importance. It means that when you walk out of this classroom that you don’t lay it aside for another week, until you come up here again next Saturday. But it means that you must live with it twenty-four hours a day from now on.
Actually, before you came into this classroom, and for many years, you yourself were asking where you could get this truth, and the proof of that is that you are here tonight. And those who remain will have reasserted the truth of that statement. You are all hungry for the elements in which other places and in other transpositions of truth could not give. The world is full of those who tell you that things exist, but so few who can explain them to you, and this is what UN.AR.I.U.S. is attempting to do. To minds that are comparatively, shall we say, untrained or that have not yet developed or evolved into the concept where they are able to integrate energy and mass concepts into their daily lives, this task might be a difficult task, but one in which you must persevere if you are to attain that which you seek. I know how difficult it is. I could say that Ruth, for instance, spent many months in this concept before she learned to discard some of the old principles of churchianity and to approach God realistically, as He should be approached.
In review of last week’s lesson, we will say that in the creation, the Infinite Mind started with that which we can visualize as
a huge cosmic whirlpool of energy which has been contracting, expanding, descending, elevating and so on, into Infinity. That description is about as close as we can get into conceiving this creation within our minds. Actually, we can visualize it around us, just as we would take in the radio waves or television waves which are pulsating through this room at this moment, we could see that there are dimensions within dimensions. These things are going on all around us at all times.
So the Infinite Mind became the ultimate, the absolute, the most abstract of these great, shall I say, cosmic or celestial vortexes of pure energy, pure intelligence, pure all in all. There is not a thing that you can conceive in this vast vortex, which is the Infinite Mind, which It has not conceived and of which you will not in a future day learn in the transposition of the differentiation of different levels of expression of this great Infinite Mind. As positive becomes negative and assumes other vortexes into the causal worlds, into the astral worlds, and into the
terrestrial worlds, we can draw them all out like this, coming down and remanifesting themselves until they finally arrive in the ultimate as the smallest of all of our known structures which is the atom. The atom itself for example, the simple hydrogen atom is believed by science to be one proton and one electron revolving in an orbit and the surrounding space filled with a pulsating energy which the scientists call the glue of the atom. This energy stems out, remanifests itself, and as you see the appearances of the parallaxes or that which we call the wave structures of the atom, it becomes the negatively or the positively charged particles (not solid) of the atom.
In the more complex atomic structures, we would say there was a small ball of nucleus marbles which is called the nucleus. Around each one of these center balls is a positive charge. These atoms in themselves all have their own orbits into something of a complex structure which you have seen depicted on your television screen or in some of the more scientific works which have been accessible to us all.
Now the point we are endeavoring to make here is the fact that whatever shape or form you find these atoms, they resolve into pure energy. There is nothing else but pure energy. There are no solid substances. Another way to pose this tricky little abstract equation of energy and dimensional transition in our own minds was (psychically) given to us by Einstein a few weeks ago.
Picture it as a venturi tube, consisting of one longer and one shorter tube. This smaller end is represented as the third dimension. Here we have light frequency of 186,272 miles per second, which is the basic base line of energy transference in this dimension going forward into the larger end which is the world of superinfinity, the macrocosm. Starting at the smaller end and rising in a constantly accelerating fashion is the speed of light. Einstein gave us a formula which was a certain square root of the base line formula, but it is too abstract a mathematical equation to be of general interest here. Going down here in the smaller half we picture subinfinity, the microcosm. In it we have three dimensions and we thus get atomic structures; again we find space rising in another direction. Time in the atom is compressed in an entirely different concept.
So within each of these tiny electronic or protonic particles of the atom we again find infinity and other solar systems of energy and so on down beyond the concept of your own finite mind. Einstein and the physicists found that light accelerated in space according to a definite multiple of a certain square root, so that by the time light reacted in free space out in that great cosmic universe, it was accelerating at 4 or 5 hundred thousand miles per second, or it could accelerate into millions of miles per second.
Now we begin to understand something of the infinite nature of Infinity and how it expresses Itself down through these countless dimensional forms, resolving Itself as It does way down here into the terrestrial dimensions into atomic structures. When we have conceived this concept and integrated it into our everyday life, we begin to see that around us these solid masses resolve themselves into beautiful worlds of cosmic energy. We see that the walls of our rooms and our bodies become alive, sparkling gems of tiny particles. These vortexes all are manifesting and remanifesting their own infinite intelligence into our bodies. And it is a wonderful concept which will change your very lives!
See Part II here.
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