Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4, Part III, from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
It was the philosophy of Jesus (and I should know about as well as anyone else) that each of us has a superconscious self within which is our Christ Self. To believe in that statement, and by the simple process of believing requires an understanding of it. If you believe in the superconscious self, it is necessary for you to know what the superconscious self is. This Christ Self or superconscious self in every one of us will be our personal savior and will be the determinant which will lift us above the mundane terrestrial dimensions. It will put us into such a position that we can intelligently rotate into cycles which will bring us closer and closer unto the Infinite.
Now I realize these things are quite complex although we have tried to streamline them. We have tried to stay away from any heavy mathematical formulae and sundry things which tend to confuse. Our great aim as UN.AR.I.U.S. channels is to have you become acquainted with the principles involved. We must appreciate the fact that entering into these studies and teachings is of utmost importance. But it is a safe statement that one could not read these things through and after an hour or so be able to give a fraction of
what is contained herein. Now I realize this difficulty, therefore, if we are going to get everything that we can from these teachings, we must go over and over them; in fact, we need to review the previous lessons and actually live with them until they are embedded into our psychic body. Assimilation of this work will need to be a seven-day a week job so that at night in your sleep, you will go to the places which will be best suited to your instruction. You will be projected in astral flight or attuned to one of these planets to be taught, for there is much work done in sleep-state. Venus is one of these teaching planets; when you so wish and will it, you can go there and continue your courses and your studies. You may not be conscious of these experiences the next morning, and again you may. You will assimilate the various principles and the things which you have endeavored to learn about from this side of life because we receive spiritual integration along with our physical cooperation in our material world.
These lessons are not such as should be set aside and discarded in the future for some newer or better philosophy. You will never find one. You may find ways in which these things will mean more to you than they do now, but you will never find any more, for these principles and concepts are the ultimate for many thousands of years to come; and these teachings will become truths of the future age which is often called the Aquarian Age or the Millennium. One thousand years from now these teachings will be given to boys and girls in school. Men and women on the earth will have to learn to understand them and live by them because then each person will become an integrated participant in the Infinite Creative Plan. We all become an integrated part of that Infinite concept, and every conscious act of daily living will become an integration of that principle, the Infinite Concept.
Until now we have all been more or less reactionary. We have accepted experiences blow by blow as they come to us in our outside world. This is why people are very reactionary by nature. We say that reaction itself is merely a process similar to the wiggle of the worm in pain when it is stepped upon. In the same manner our reaction or “wiggle” to the blow of the outside world is stimulated in a similar process through our psychic body.
By an understanding of these laws we shall approach our ultimate destiny and ultimate understanding of Creation. I am not alone in bringing this work to the eartheans. There are very definite scientific or parapsychological groups in the country who are endeavoring to bring some of these principles into existence. However, there are actually very few channels in this world who have the correct integration at this time with the higher planes of Shamballa or UN.AR.I.U.S. as it is now called. These teachings are so very vital and important to you that you not only need to read these lessons over, but also to study and absorb them into your consciousness.
There was a question last week of general interest which could be gone into a little further regarding flying saucers and Lee Crandall’s experience, as I realized after class that there was still some difficulty in the understanding of these things. Any physical reaction which we have in the body, whether it is a nosebleed or whatever else, if it is a physical reaction it comes from psychic shock. Anyone who goes up in a spacecraft or airplane at a vastly accelerated speed, or who enters into some relationship which tends to induce fear in a person, psychic shock results through the hypothalamus, which is the connecting link between the involuntary, coordinative system and the voluntary one.
I was born and raised in the high Rocky Mountain country and climbed peaks over 12,000 feet before I was 14 years of age, but the only time I ever had a nosebleed was a time I had a psychic shock.
In the same manner, Mr. Lee Crandall’s case and that of any other is the result of psychic shock. Mr. Daniel Fry, who accelerated to eight miles in a few seconds time at a speed probably from 10 to 15,000 miles per hour did not have the nosebleed. This was because his body was transmuted into a different dimension and with a different atomic vibratory rate, consequently the physical body could not react in its customary manner. In other cases however, reaction was normal. The body is a very delicately balanced system. The blood pressure, for instance, is a hydraulic system which is functioning against a mean pressure of the hydrostatic pressure around you, the air pressure, which the weather man calls barometric pressure. In other words, your veins, arteries, and capillaries are more or less kept extended into their proper proportion and diameter by an equilibrium of blood which is pumped against the existing and the opposing pressures from the outside so that your veins will not collapse.
The body has another delicately balanced mechanism, a thermostat in your liver, which maintains your temperature. So when you go up to the high places, it merely means that the balance, the equilibrium in your body is somewhat upset and disturbed so that this has an immediate effect. A woman faints because suddenly all of the blood has rushed from her head, causing a lapse of consciousness. First, there is a pounding in the temples, she blushes, then suddenly the equilibrium, the balancing situation sets in; the blood drops back so violently that the brain is left without enough blood to furnish oxygen for the ordinary processes of thinking and so she faints. It is simply a reversal.
To show you what psychic shock will do to a person, I was fishing along the stream one time in my early twenties in a canyon near my home and was passing a certain pile of brush which was beside the stream. As it was August, the rattlesnakes were down along the stream edge for it was the time they were shedding their skin and the vapor of the water helped soften the skin. A snake was lying there under the brush and as I passed by, he lashed out and hooked his fangs into my corduroys and there he was, wiggling on the cloth, his fangs embedded in my trousers. I was untouched, and with a stick I killed the poor creature. There was nothing else to do; I couldn’t get it loose any other way. Within two minutes my nose bled. I had to make a cold compress with my handkerchief and put it on the back of my head. This was the same type of experience which Lee Crandall went through. His was also a psychic shock due to the fact that he was being transported from one place to another with which he was totally unfamiliar.
Let me put it another way. You are all familiar with the version of Jesus walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee. One of the storms came up and Peter and some of the other men were in danger of drowning. They were very frightened—you know this story—so Jesus appeared walking upon the waves. Peter became so infused with a terrific psychic transcendency within himself that he stepped out of the boat and attempted to walk on the water. He took several steps and all was fine until he realized what he was doing in his own mortal mind; he then began to sink. What had happened to permit him to walk? Just what was explained in last weeks lesson, in the realm of isotopes and an understanding of atomic structures, as isotopes. The mean basic frequency in which the atoms of the body of Jesus were formerly vibrating—and just as you yourself are revolving in and are now affiliated to this 3rd dimension—are subject to the influence of what we call a static field of energy or gravity. Under gravity we also have other physical laws which are known as momentum, inertia and various other factors. When we change this atomic rate of vibration, the atoms are still the same atoms but now they are not subject to or under the law of frequency relationship to the gravitational pull and consequently, Jesus and Peter could walk on the water.
This is what happened to both Crandall and Fry in their spaceship flights. Under the powers of these people who created these spacecraft, regardless of whoever they were, the bodies of Crandall and Fry were temporarily changed from their own normal vibrating rate or frequency. They still had the same atoms in their body; they were still subject to the same balances, the same equilibrium to that extent, as far as their own psychic selves were concerned; but they were not then subject to the laws of gravity or the terrestrial dimension. Therefore, Fry went up in this ship at a vastly accelerated speed, but he had no conscious feeling or sensation which you get when ascending in an elevator. The term—so many G’s pull, is used by aeronautics when you come out of a dive—through 5,10 or 15 G’s. This means increased intensity of the gravitational pull. It also means that all the blood in the head rushes down to your feet or vice versa, in whatever position you happen to be.
I spoke to Mr. Fry recently and he understands this thoroughly; he agrees with me wholeheartedly, but Crandall has not yet quite arrived at the point where he realizes these things.
[Book downloads or online here: Daniel Fry & Lee Crandall]
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith 1 comment.
Yes, its all about being able to allow one’s Vibration to change, or Be changed into the higher Dimension…[And read David Wilcock !]