Believest Thou This
by Ernest L. Norman
Throughout the course of written or unwritten histories of man’s life upon the planet earth, there is no doubt that without exception, no single element has been of greater importance to him than his religion. This has been true in all past civilizations for, collectively or individually, whatever man’s beliefs were, whether they were pagan, Christian, agnostic or atheistic, he has always been subconsciously and consciously aware of many mystical forces and elements which were moving about him. These and other factors of life always influenced his thinking and caused him concern, not only in respect to this present day by day life, but his future and especially the more ultimate destiny of some theoretical heaven.
In the pursuance of these various ideologies, mankind has, universally, been very unrealistic in creating and re-creating the various mystical effigies of gods and their various prerogatives in their functional activities which supposedly controlled the destinies of all men. These concepts have always been illusionary and without the necessary scientific proof of their existence. It is always amazing to see people who are usually quite intelligent in their daily life and in their respective activities always become like wide-eyed children in their approach to the most vital and important facet of their life – their personal religion.
Throughout the ages they have been duped into countless unrealistic versions of religious aspects; they have been promised fantastic rewards consisting of health, healing, and after-life salvation, to lead a further unrealistic and unhealthy existence of nothing more than complete idleness or with conditions tailored to the greatest, fanciful degree of opulent power. In these respects, present-day Christianity takes a foremost place among these various religious configurations which have duped the masses of humanity since their beginning and, in this present day, this great religious hoax is still flourishing despite great scientific knowledge which completely disproves the messianic content of its liturgy; for in the very foundation of this religion which is based primarily upon the life of Jesus, we find the written descriptions of the life of this man contain great distortions, obvious fabrications and much elimination of the true happenings which were so outstandingly expressed by this person.
Without a doubt, the greatest single and most outstanding proclivities of Jesus were his abilities to heal people; at least, if we believe the New Testament verbatim, we would, just as have countless other millions, be completely overawed by these stupendous miracles and healings. However, there are many Christians, principally a scientific element, who do not believe these miracles ever happened or believe that they were largely fables – falsely colored happenings, without fact or scientific background, and whether or not you do or do not believe in these miracles, it would be best as a seeker of truth, if you did scientifically analyze the descriptions of these miracles as they are written in the New Testament.
Here again, regarding the Bible itself, we are presented with that same obvious psychological quirk of human nature – for without knowledge, hundreds of millions of good people have swallowed hook, line and sinker, practically the entire contents from cover to cover, the entire Bible. So far as the New Testament is concerned, however, we will begin first to understand its origin and how it was written.
None of the Apostles could read or write, and so far as can be historically ascertained, no written record or diaries were kept. Furthermore it was not until 25 or 30 years after the crucifixion that any attempt was made to record these happenings.
Paul commissioned his two priests to start writing the New Testament which was done in Greece, many miles from the original site. These priests had to prepare these various gospels from any existing sources. They drew from the memories of those people who were still living and remembered certain incidents. They were also considerably influenced by other religions and by the necessity of impounding into these newly formed gospels, the necessary elements which would attract people by a mystical aura and they were also quite possibly influenced by their own somewhat fanatical, religious position. Also, further writings and rewritings occurred hundreds of years after the first versions, creating new distortions.
Analyzing the situation in these respects, we can easily see how the New Testament became falsely colored, distorted and otherwise fabricated. To further prove this point, let us analyze the very miracles themselves. The first dominant fact which asserts itself is the complete and total purposelessness of these miracles save a very lame excuse, which some people might interject, that these miracles were performed so that Jesus might establish His mission on earth, or He felt sorry for them, compassion – is another popular excuse. However, we cannot ever hope to justify a miracle upon the premises in which they are presented to us in the New Testament. Neither can we justify them with any other logical reason or supposition and we will be forced to conclude that, even though Jesus was wise enough to work miracles, He did so in complete ignorance of several important psychological aspects, or that He did them illogically despite his knowledge of them were these Biblical depictions true – which they were not.
What are these psychological reasons? First, any person who has such a miracle performed for him has been very severely cheated out of his personal victory over this condition. Secondly, he has been cheated out of the knowledge to overcome this condition. Thirdly, he has been cheated out of any future usage of this knowledge which would either prevent an aberration or should one occur, he could then correct it. Fourth, he has been cheated out of the ability to teach and demonstrate to countless other people the correct acquisition and usage of knowledge which would enable these countless thousands to also learn this knowledge to correct their conditions and in turn they could teach others, ad infinitum. Therefore, we must conclude that there is much that could and should be added and subtracted to the new existing synoptic gospels if they are to cease being illusionary to countless millions of people who are presently concerned with them and to countless millions who may become enmeshed in the coils of these false portrayals.
No doubt Jesus did perform many great miracles and that in some respects they have partially entered into the New Testament. However, by no means could these be so justified unless we realize there were many unrecorded factors entering into these miracles; factors which were unknown and not understood by those who witnessed their happening. To you personally, however, there is a much greater implication in which you may become involved, if you accept the doctrine of miracles prima facie. You, like countless millions of other people, will likewise become enmeshed in the coils of false suppositions. Your prayers for your own personal miracle will become only the outside manifestation of a deeply rooted subconscious escape mechanism, one which blinds you to the scientific reality of your
progressive evolution, your ability to properly learn true cause and effect; the power which this wisdom will give you to overcome all conditions and to prevent any recurrences, for without exception, any and all conditions and diseases from which mankind is so presently suffering, all past, present and future conditions are completely soluble. They can be healed, not by an unrealistic miracle performed by some deity, but by the miracle of understanding and the proper usage of this knowledge and in the acquisition of this knowledge and wisdom from life to life; its correct usage in a direct proportion to your acquisition will always keep you tangibly related and situated to your evolutionary course and the Infinite Creator who is constantly living through you as you so acquire it in this manner.
Much praise showered on a fool will make him unfit to be lived with even by himself; whereas too much praise showered on a wise man will make him realize men must have many gods to worship. ~ Ernest L. Norman
*The Truth regarding the miracles is told in The True Life Of Jesus book – an amazing revelation.
Excerpt from Infinite Contact
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