Biophotonics – The Science Behind Energy Healing
By Katrin Geist
I’m in a wonderful position: I may witness people’s wellbeing improve, sometimes dramatically, while practicing Reconnective Healing. Watching them come in with pain and leave without it, dance through the room trying out movements they couldn’t do in months, or get up saying: “I’m not depressed anymore!”, move on the massage table so much in response to frequencies of energy, light and information that I feel compelled to hold the table in place, speak what seems another language fluently without conscious knowledge of it, heal from a severe accident a lot faster than predicted – it makes you wonder what exactly happens to people experiencing this, and what the Reconnective Healing phenomenon is based on.
This holistic process engages frequencies of energy, light and information which tangibly and visibly interact with a person, helping them to allow a healing to occur. It is wellbeing centered, powerful, compatible with other approaches, as good for prevention as for healing and recovery, offers benefits without risk, and can be life-changing. It addresses causes rather than symptoms, while creating no dependency on the practitioner – I don’t see clients more than three times per life situation. Reconnective Healing is also experiential. No article, book, or live presentation substitutes for a direct experience of this process. However, these are good beginning points.
While applied in some areas of current medical practice, light frequencies as curative agents enjoy comparatively little use. Yet, I believe that frequency and information based healing is the way of the future. Reconnective Healing and other energy healing modalities exemplify this already, and have been for centuries in some cases (e.g. Qigong, Tai Chi – there are c. 1000 energy healing modalities). Light frequencies directly impact biology on a systemic level (Levin 2003, Popp 2006, Barbault et al 2009, Han et al 2011), while also being targeted, compatible with conventional therapy, harmless, effective, and lasting (Pearl 2001, Barbault et al 2009, Zimmermann et al 2012). How do they do that? And isn’t this a favorable approach to invasive methods? No needles. No pills. No side-effects. Only feeling better. Brilliant! Is this kind of healing really possible? The answer is YES. Light frequencies hold a key to wellbeing, and this article explores why and how.
What is light?
Before going into how light interacts with biology, it pays to revisit some basics. What is light? What is this phenomenon that we’re so familiar with we almost forget it exists?

Light is electromagnetic radiation. It exhibits what’s called wave-particle duality: it possesses properties of both waves (frequency, energy, information) and particles (= photons). Light waves combine two waves in one (Fig.1): an electric wave forming an electrical field, and a perpendicular magnetic wave forming a magnetic field. Both these fields feed off each other, creating a self-propagating light wave in the process. Light has a frequency (cycles per second, measured in hertz), contains energy, and carries information.
The speed of light is defined as 299.792km/s. In other words, a photon (particle of light) travels 8.3 minutes between the Sun and your skin while basking on a sunny day. That’s 150 million kilometers in under 10 minutes (by comparison, the Earth’s circumference is c. 40.000 km)! Another way to think about this: imagine sitting in an airplane, and traveling around the world seven times in a row – in one second. Wouldn’t that be fantastic! Let’s just say that light travels very fast indeed. This hints at why healing modalities that effectively employ it tend to work fast and do not require a person to come back regularly, week after week, sometimes even years. In Reconnective Healing, 90 minutes of interacting with frequencies of energy, light and information is more than enough to know whether this works for someone, and felt health differences may occur within minutes.

The visible spectrum of sunlight which informs and enables our visual sense represents but one small portion of the entire frequency range coming from the Sun (Fig 2). One could say we’re literally blind to most solar radiation, as we only perceive a narrow spectrum of what’s emitted. However, we invented numerous technologies that use light and “see” within other ranges inaccessable to our senses, thus artificially extending our perception (Fig 2). Use of this light technology influences (dictates?) our every day experience: TV, radio, GPS, supermarket scanners, X-rays, and most prominently, cell phones and the internet. All of these technologies use light frequencies to encode or decode information, and thus to communicate. And it’s everywhere, without getting esoteric or religious or spiritual. Just scientific will do. Electromagnetic fields surround us all day every day.
Light as carrier of information
One of the most important properties of light is carrying information. What does this mean? Light waves can be changed in different ways to encode information. AM and FM radio means amplitude and frequency modulation, for example (amplitude is wave height, see Fig. 1). One can also vary the pulse of waves (as in on-off). That is what Morse code uses. It is only important for the recipient to know the code in order to understand the message, otherwise they will only see seemingly senseless signals and miss the communication. Or take sending a text message: you punch in letters that make sense. Then you press ‘send’ and your friend on the other end receives your message, also in letters on their display. What happens in between? Your phone converts letters to an electrical signal which it then transmits as a pulsed microwave pattern carrying your information, until the recipient phone decodes that pattern and, converting it back to letters, displays it as words on the screen. This, then, is an every day example of using frequencies of energy, light and information to communicate. The internet uses fibre optic cables to relay packets of information across long distances. Same principle: your email is converted into electrical signals and transmitted via digital light pulses until the recipient computer decodes your message for the other person to read. It’s all about encoding and decoding information carried by waves. That’s what our five senses do, too. That’s all they do! We are expert translators of vibration. Only it is so normal and so fast that we’re hardly aware of participating in it.

When waves interact, they form interference patterns (Fig. 3). And these patterns contain information. For example, in the case of pebbles tossed in a pond, the resulting waves carry information about the pebbles, their size, the time of the event and point of origin, and their speed. When colliding waves amplify each other, we see larger peaks and troughs (information addition); when they interfere destructively, they cancel each other out (information loss). While interacting in this way, both waves share their respective information while simultaneously maintaining their integrity: after the interaction they look just as before. For example: wave A has amplitude A and wave B has amplitude B. Both travel toward each other. When they overlap (interfere), the resulting amplitude is A+B during the interaction, and then again A and B afterwards, once both waves continue on their individual paths (as in A, B, A+B, A, B). They just passed through each other, and it’s as if they never met. Yet the temporary interference patterns resulting from interacting waves play an important role.

Light waves, too, produce interference patterns that contain information (Fig. 4). Notice the semi-circular wave patterns resulting from light passing through two pinholes. If you would put a detector or light sensitive film somewhere in the plane where both light waves cross (grey bar), you would attain an interference pattern resembling a barcode. This barcode contains the information of both light waves. Look familiar? That’s right: every supermarket item shows a barcode with product specific information. And a scanner (i.e. laser beam) retrieves the encoded information when you check out. Jumping ahead just a little bit, figuratively speaking, you can think of biological light fields as barcodes holding specific information. Each cell has one, each tissue has one, each organ, and each person. And they are changeable, not static. That’s where the analogy ends. The importance here is that overlapping waves create patterns that allow for information storage, flow and exchange.
Waves constitute a near endless potential to encode, store and exchange information. The greatest such medium is what physics calls the Zero Point Field (ZPF), and Eastern philosophy terms “the field of all possibility”: a quantum sea of energy and information that is omnipresent and connects everything with everything else in this Universe – a possible explanation for why distance healing works (a ‘quantum’ is the smallest amount of something, e.g. a photon is a quantum of light). According to physicist Richard Feynman (1918 -1988, Nobel Prize 1965), one cubic metre of space (zero point energy) is enough to boil the oceans of the world. A wonderful book summing up some 30 years of research into the ZPF is Lynne McTaggart’s “The Field” (2001). It is written in plain English, so one needn’t be a physicist to enjoy it.
Now that we laid the foundation of light properties and wave interactions, let’s see how all of this relates to living systems – us!

One of the fundamental questions in biology is how organisms self-regulate. How do cells manage to carry out some 100.000 biochemical reactions per second, and how does the body know to manufacture 10 million new cells per second, and to also let go of an equal number in the same time frame? And how do cells know when to stop growing? How does the body know to produce what protein when and where, and how does that protein then know where to go? And why is it that cell division (mitosis, Fig 5) usually runs error free? Statistical chance alone would have c. 100.000 errors occur per event. Yet this does not eventuate. What controls this process so precisely, and how? To illustrate what a feat it is to divide DNA into two exact portions for each daughter cell to inherit, imagine a big truck filled to the brim with peas. Your job is to sort these into two exactly equal piles. No mistake allowed. If only one pea rolls back crossing into the other heap, you lose. And you have to be quick. Cells usually take anywhere from a few minutes to under 24 hours for completing their (perfect) division.
Understanding the regulation of this process represents the holy grail of biology and medical research. Why? Cancer cells enter into cell division for unknown reasons, and if one could solve that, cancer therapy would benefit immeasurably. It would open new avenues of understanding, prevention, and treatment.
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