Born Equal Versus Equal Rights ~ Part II
To those who live in Higher Worlds, this earth is indeed an elemental environment, a battleground of emotional vicissitudes waged frequently with passion and fire, hotter than the proverbial hell; and from this furnace of human iniquity runs the
molten ore into the mold of human experience which, when cooled in the breeze of temperate wisdom will yield the etheric form of logic and reason which sublimates the reason and the necessity of evolutionary creation from the slime and muck of a material world.
As has been previously stated (see Part I), the problem of racial differences is indeed a rather dangerous area of introspection in which any statements or commitments made pro or con could wrongfully commit any person in the eye of his fellowman as some sort of an anarchist or misanthropist; such commitments could also be wrongly made as the proposition of equality is a total involvement of all factors involving human existence on this planet. Some of these factors not being known to man, he must therefore remain an emotionally prejudiced judge until he so learns of this totality of human existence. Introspection and an analysis should begin, therefore, in the beginnings of man’s earth life evolution. As it is with all creatures, man too lives his earth life under the same primitive and elemental jungle law as do all other earth creatures. This is the law of survival.
Infinite Intelligence mandated this law in such earth world planets as the necessary attribute whereby certain equilibriums could be maintained among the species of earth life, i.e., a better and more progressive evolution for these species and a more selective process whereby each species was further strengthened in future generations. It is quite obvious, therefore, individual survival as the most dominant factor of existence became the most influential attribute of existence. As of today, this is just as true, just as dominant in the highest echelons of our civilization as it was in the most primitive beginnings, and no person historical or living, save with a very few exceptions, has ever been able to live and express himself completely above and beyond the influence of this primitive survival law. No living person can consciously perform any act or think any thought which does not in some way involve him personally and advantageously in accordance to the well-defined principles and factors of his evolution. As his past was lived in the necessity of his survival, so is his present moment, for each present moment is a derivative of consciousness compounded and colored from his past. Even the forming of an opinion is, in itself, a vindication of personal ego which again re-perpetuates personal survival in all aspects of consciousness.
In the very beginnings of his earth world existence man began to see differences between himself and other people. He began to see them in a way which was different to some extent than did other species of animal life. While such differences as to personal and instinctive reactions of superiority caused the mates of different animal species to do battle with themselves, sometimes unto death, this was, in reality, the only logical way in which Infinite Intelligence could insure the survival of the best of each species. Any male, however, on gaining supremacy over his rival was usually content for that season and to breed accordingly. With man, however, this competitive and selective process became more and more involved as the perspectus of human understanding and evaluations broadened and increased. Competitive rivalry between the males for the females became more and more complex as he progressed in his evolution. At first it might have been the best and driest cave, the best chunks of meat torn from a freshly killed animal, the best and strongest women to prepare his food and bear his children; and so from these early primitive beginnings our present-day civilized rat-race for survival has emerged.
As of today, man’s perspectus of personal values is no longer confined to his cave or to the prowling beasts in the few square miles of forest in which he hunted for his food. Through scientific technocracy, every person is totally involved with at least six billion other humans and with an area which totally inscribes every square mile of our globe. Quite obviously every person being so totally involved and having neither the mental capacity nor understanding to cope with this situation is going to use a certain kind of subterfuge which he calls equality. Through this equality system he believes he can superimpose his own personal evaluations on every other living human being. Ways and manners in which he will try to attain or superimpose equalities are almost too numerous to mention. He will say his god created all men equal, or he will invent a political system which he will call democracy or socialism or communism and which he will try to impose as a way of life on all other nationalities.
Actually, this system of equality did not begin recently; it began back in the primitive beginnings, and it should be stated unequivocally that of all misconceptions under which man labors, the greatest misconception is in equality, and it is through this equality system man indulges himself in one of the greatest of all hypocrisies and bigotries. Proof of this statement has already been written in the bloody pages of man’s history. His past has been a great and tragic expose of this great bigotry of equality.
If a man believes in a certain religion, he has and will use all manner and means to make others believe as he does because in this justification he has vindicated and reinflated his own personal ego. If a man of one race sees another man of another race, he will subconsciously and consciously react against him because the other race or nationality represents a difference in various values of life—differences which he cannot change, neither can he compensate for them without deflating his ego. He will, therefore, attempt to either destroy this other man or make him subjective as a slave, a convert, or even as a taxpayer. Again through any means he might attain, he has vindicated his ego.
Clearly then, this system of equality is a vicious subterfuge used in lieu of an intelligent understanding of all life processes. Equality is even more vicious when it is loudly acclaimed by religionists as a “divine virtue”, or incorporated into laws under which the peoples of a nation must live. The Civil War fought one hundred years ago did not end with the assassination of Lincoln; it is still being fought as of this hour. All the laws, all the Constitutional Amendments which have been, will be, or could be enacted, will not eradicate the venom which is generated in people’s minds under a system which is based on an interpretation of equality. Until people begin to understand Infinite Creation and the evolutionary principles and laws of this Infinite Creation will mankind begin to sublimate equality into an intelligent and logical way of life. As equality is an ignorant and elemental attempt made by persons and nations to sublimate unalterable factors of life to prevent ego deflation, so must this vicious practice of attempting to equalize or judge people according to one’s self be discarded before any person or any race or nation will be freed from the carnal lusts, racial strifes, personal and religious crusades, etc.
Many men speak fluently of love for their fellowman, yet how can he speak of love when he understands no man—not even himself? He may believe he loves another man or all men, yet he loves them selfishly because he attempts to absolve himself from obvious differences and the emotional strifes which are produced by these strifes. He professes to love others because he attempts to cover himself with some kind of glory. He thinks others look upon him as a great and wise and understanding person. He may even feel a sense of security for professing this fellowman love; or perhaps instinctively or even consciously, he believes they will not turn on him and destroy him if he declares his love for them. How can it be—one man loves another for subverted, selfish reasons? Indeed not! No person loves another in all capacities and for all reasons upon which he may profess this love. A man may love a woman but for reasons of the necessity of procreation or the beginning of development of polarity. Yet no man can truly love another until he understands himself, what he is, the reason for his existence, his evolutionary life, the Principles of Creation and all other factors which are tantamount in the understanding of Infinite Creative Intelligence, the many ways of Creation, the Many Mansions, and the finding of the Kingdom Within.
If and when any man finds all of these values and factors and finds them in their proper perspectus, this man will truly not be subjective to racial strifes, political systems, famines, flood, and pestilences. In his developed state of consciousness he will live far above the mad turmoil of a material world. He may hear the cries and pleas of the earthman in his travail; yes, he may even become an Emissary to carry a small flame of Truth into the darkened reaches of that material world, suffering for the moment the pains and travail of a material life. Yet, He, his Super Self, is not affected by it, neither is He subtracted one whit from the higher perspectus in his Infinite Understanding. And when He has accomplished his purpose, He has bound up a few wounds on the battlefield and has stilled the cries of a few frightened and suffering people, He will return to his Higher World and to his limitless future—a world not bounded by the emotional vicissitudes of ignorant people who either destroy the “un-understood” or bind Him in the rigorous conformities of an equalized society.
It should be noted in this final moment that while the religionists of all Christian faiths proclaim loudly their love for their fellowman, particularly for other races, yet each religious faction, whether it is Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc., also proclaim that no man can be saved and get to heaven except through their particular church. Is this not segregation? Is this not bigotry? And in their beliefs, even their god has romped his way through biblical history, segregating people and nations, killing some, showering others with blessings. Even in the final hours of resurrection proclaimed by the Christian, god denies himself as the creator of all men, by segregating the evil from the good. For if he created all men, did he not also create those who are called evil as well as those who have different colored skins? To segregate and destroy the evil is to destroy himself and his creation. It is also a license to destroy any and all others of a different colored skin or different beliefs on the basis of the same emotional differences. This, then, is the religious bigotry, to preach god and love, and eternal salvation to all men, but discriminating any of these claimed virtues from those who do not believe as they do.
Again, let us abandon these false religions and other systems of life as the determinants of human conduct. Instead, let us learn to evaluate evolution and the creative principles of life and let us see the beginnings of this evolutionary creation in all things—the stars in the skies, the planets and their many forms of life, all the familiar artifacts of our daily life. Let us see this evolution in every human regardless of the color of his skin. Let us respect him in the translation of his evolutionary values, even as the Golden Rule, so that he should also respect us and our position, that we shall personally not interfere with his interpretation, neither shall we judge him according to our own interpretation. And if we wish to help others, let us do so, not by directives or interpretations, but by setting an example wherein certain virtues are expressed in our lives above and beyond any which have been realized by those whom we wish to help. For no man can become a better person until he selects more virtuous values of life and completely dedicates himself to their attainment.
Excerpt from Tempus Invictus
See Part I here.
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