Unariun Wisdom

Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria) ~ Part II


Brotherhood-Of-The-Seven-Rays-Part-II-main-4-postby Brother Philip

The Elder Race

If we are really to understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the Golden Sun Disc of Mu we must go back in time on Earth to one billion years ago. After the Earth planet had cooled, and was ready for inhabitants, a race arrived from out of space that was not human, but was of the race of original true man. They were called Cyclopeans, and are known in the secret, arcane knowledge as the ‘L’ Race or simply, the ‘Els.’ Before coming to the Earth planet they traversed space following all the great cycles of Time; they were Titans who rode the starways (and they still do in another dimension of Time and Space) and sought always the best pastures of space for their flock. They were the first life upon the Earth and are the Immortals of our legends, the God Race or Elder Race that preceded man.

Some of the Els were true Cyclops in that they had only one great central eye in the middle of their forehead. Others had two eyes like human beings, and still others had the development of the psychic third eye. They were about twelve feet tall and were male and female, but not as we think of sex differentiation today. Before coming to Earth they had colonized much of what is known today as the Milky Way Galaxy; thousands of suns and worlds came under their influence. They usually preceded other life forms to a world after it was ready for habitation. Once they took up existence on a new planet they attempted to leave behind what we can only call great libraries in their deep, underground empire of enormous cities. In these libraries tiny crystal records contain the history of the Universe, and are enclosed in a magnetic field, which at times, finds an affinity with some ‘sensitive’ person living on the Earth today.

The Els were not exactly three-dimensional beings as we are today, although they were definitely physical creatures in a physical world. They had been attempting for countless ages, as a race, to achieve a Timeless condition, that is, to reach a place where they could not only create by mere thought, but escape from the chains of physical existence to break the ties that bound them to physical planets and systems. They were searching for the great secret that would make them Immortals, that they might march across Time and the Stars fettered by nothing.

The Earth planet was possibly the last world they colonized in the Milky Way Galaxy, for soon after their arrival here they achieved the power of creative thought. They conquered physical matter and became Gods. They annihilated Time and Space; no longer did they have need of the Earth world or the great Galaxy it belonged to. They were free! They had become true members of the Thought Universe, the Theta Universe.

Actually, the Els were not known by that name until they achieved this Theta condition. Before this they were known as the Cyclopean Race. It was their method of leaving physical existence and conditions that gave them the name of Els. Through the secret use of the Ninety Degree Phase Shift they abandoned the Earth and the entire Galaxy and left it vacant for humanity.

A ninety-degree angle forms the letter ‘L.’ Therefore, when we call them Els we are referring to a symbol of their race and not really to a name. Many words today have been derived from the name of this most ancient race. That is why they are called the El-der Race. The words elevation and eliminate are clearly from this source. Did not the Els elevate to another dimensional condition? Did they not eliminate Time and Space? If you will but look in any dictionary, you will discover some astounding things among the words that start with EL and L. Then there is the magnificent word Elohim; and the Twenty-Four Elders of Scripture.

On April 24, 1955, Koot Hoomi Lal Singh (Master Kuthumi) reported:

‘Over the planet stands the great Presence of the Beloved Elohim, Cyclopea. His radiation covers the entire Earth.’

Master Kuthumi is obviously referring to a member of the great Elder Race. Although, in 1956, most of the Els were no longer on Earth, they still acted as Mentors, and were usually the Teachers of the Earth’s Masters or Saints. We say most of the Els were no longer on our planet, because some of them did not leave when their race achieved the Theta condition and conquered M-E-S-T (Matter-Energy-Space-Time). Because of certain karmic reactions, a few members of the Cyclopean Race did not pass through the Ninety Degree Phase Shift, and were forced to remain on Earth to work out their destiny, eventually to rejoin their race in a later age. In the meantime, they would act as Mentors to hu-man beings when the latter arrived on Earth.

Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was a member of the Cyclopean Race. He has retained the same physical form for untold ages, renewing his lifestream energy by polarization with his feminine aspect, Arama-Mara. For, as already stated, these beings do not reproduce as a hu-man does.

Lord Muru says that when he was on Lemuria he was a young student or man. However, he can mean many things by this. Perhaps he means ‘young’ in things Universal, and by ‘man’ he can mean that he is of the race of original true man. Many of the wise men of Lemuria, and earlier in Mu itself, were Cyclops. (We do not call them Els because they had not yet achieved the Theta Universe.) All of these Cyclops left Lemuria and journeyed to other parts of the world; therefore, many of the Spiritual Heads of Mystery Schools (Inner Retreats) were Cyclops who would one day rejoin their Elder Race and become true Els.

The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays had its original beginning with the Cyclopeans since they were the first to manifest the Seven Rays of Life upon the Earth planet. These beings projected from themselves a special radiation of energy which enabled the Seven Rays of Life to be established on our planet, and without this, there could never have been a Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. Also, the Cyclopeans passed the Seventh Condition and entered Theta, the Eighth or Thought Universe.

The Golden Sun Disc of Mu was not made by the Cyclopeans, although the principle of its operation and the secret of its power was to be found in the abandoned libraries of the underground Cyclopean cities, Those sensitive enough to tune into such knowledge in the later ages of hu-man, discovered these Truths and made the construction of the Golden Disc possible, thus, the Disc found its way into the life of the Motherland of Mu,

Let it be known that man on Earth will never become an L, but he will achieve a Timeless condition as they did, for the present plan of the Hierarchy is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time!

While man will not be an L, simply because he does not belong to the Cyclopean Race (now the El Race), he will conquer M-E-S-T, and reign as a true God, a Son of the Creator.

The New World Focus of Illumination

In July 1957, Beloved Master El Morya said:

“Those pilgrims who seek spiritual illumination and guidance from now on will be drawn to South America as they have been previously drawn into the Orient. To this end, the Directors of the Forces of Nature and the Elemental Kingdom are making preparation toward providing a natural means of access to this hitherto untapped spiritual Focus of Illumination in the Andes Mountains.”

Information about Aramu-Muru’s Retreat at Lake Titicaca, Peru, was given long ago to those ready for such knowledge. The Permanent Ray enters the planet Earth in two places. The Masculine Aspect enters in the Himalayas of the Orient and the Feminine Aspect enters at Lake Titicaca. The Masculine Aspect has been prominent throughout all the ages of Earth’s history, but now the Feminine Aspect is coming into prominence as the Earth enters deeper into the vibrations of the Seventh Ray. This Feminine Aspect entering the area of the Monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays will become evident in the future. It is interesting to note that culturally and otherwise Tibet and Peru resemble each other so much, that photographs taken of one can easily be mistaken for the other. But when we understand that these are the two areas on the surface of the Earth where the Permanent Ray enters, the explanation is simple.

In further confirmation of the New World Focus of Illumination, Phra Sumangalo, a monk at the Monastery of the Guardian Angel (Wat Doi Suthep, Xieng Mai, Thailand), recently wrote to the Abbey, saying:

“Asia is spiritually bankrupt. But you are in a region that has had its period or spell of dormancy–and is now re-awakening to the things of the Spirit. South America is, more than any other land, the country of the future in every way, a land of spiritual promise.”

In March 1957 the Fellowship of Golden Illumination in Los Angeles, California, said:

“The call is going out continually to all on the Path of Light to come out from them… the dark forces… and unite for the establishment of the Kingdom of Love and Peace.”

In June 1952 the Bridge to Freedom activity said:

“Signs of the New Dawn! New channels are being opened, not to substitute the old ones, but to assist them; workers are coming to the front everywhere; Friends of the Great White Brotherhood are rising up from every direction. And no man can stop the onrush of this Cosmic Christ Power releasing the Spiritual Currents of the Hour. They could not succeed, if they should be unfortunate enough to try to breast the currents of the New Dawn. Moreover, such individuals would perish under the very Law which causes the return of the generated Love they bestow, or the opposition to progress they foster. Never before as today, can it be more truly said of the Spiritual Leaders of the World, and of all the new channels, ‘BY THEIR FRUIT, YE SHALL KNOW THEM.’”

Everywhere now, even more so than in 1952, channels of the Infinite Father’s Divine Love and Wisdom are being opened and are bringing to His people words of comfort and instruction for the days of catastrophe ahead. But we are assured by the Hierarchy and visitors from space that the world is not going to end. Far from it! There will be many terrain changes upon the Earth, yes, but recognize these great events as prophesied.

For many years the Masters of other planets in our Solar System and in other Solar Systems and even other Galaxies have been in communion with the Master Adepts or Teachers resident on the planet Earth. It was finally decided in 1956 that the Mystery Schools of the Earth, operating in one spiritual body as the Great White Brotherhood, would begin immediately to disclose some of their age-old secrets and truths to the outer world!

Commenting on this decision in 1956, Aramu-Muru said at Lake Titicaca :

“…we shall not remain silent henceforward. Yet we are not opening our pathway nor our entrance to the profane, nor will the ‘pearls’ of great wisdom be thrown before ‘swine,’ for there are ‘swine’ upon the Earth and in the Earth. But the planet shall be cleansed of these shortly. They are not yet worthy to receive the Divine Wisdom. We are concerned with the hungry hearts and souls of thousands, and we hear their hunger and we know within our beings that they can only be satisfied with the true manna which alone comes from our Infinite Father. Do not be surprised if you now hear coming out into the open, words from the Great White Brotherhood which is the Hierarchy for all the Earth’s Brotherhoods. Now is the time for action! It is time for us to speak, and speak we shall, for we are now diligently preparing the way for His footsteps to be heard throughout the world. The Kingdom is no longer at hand, the Kingdom is here and He is shortly to manifest to all men. We have awaited this time with eagerness through the long centuries. Is it not then a time for great rejoicing even though some catastrophe shall come to the world? But through this catastrophic purification man shall inherit his godhood. Look unto the “hills” for your salvation that draweth nigh. Do not despair because of catastrophe, but welcome it as the agent of Illumination and beauty. ‘All shall be made new’ as it is written. Only the Truth shall remain!

“Henceforward, all Retreats and Sanctuaries, the Mystery Schools, the Shan-Gri-Las of the Great White Brotherhood shall work more closely together and open their doors to those ready on the Pathway of Light. Their secret hiding places will be revealed, but only to the Student of Life who stands in His Light. The Inner Retreats have been, indeed, a mystery to the outer world; they have operated in secret so that superstitious and ignorant mankind would not turn and tear them asunder. They have preserved the ancient and arcane knowledge so that the Remnant would inherit the Spiritual legacy in the time of the New Dawn. Now the trumpet has sounded; we hear in the distance the faint sounds of the Seventh Trumpet. The call has gone forth from the angelic hosts and we are now to make ourselves known!”

The Masters and Brothers from space will assist man on Earth after catastrophe, but they will not prevent disaster. In the post-catastrophe period they will land in great numbers, and the plan is that they will contact the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood where the Remnant will be gathered together. Because of great upheavals that will take place in the Orient, Students of Life are being drawn to South America, where in the Andes Mountains the New World Focus of Illumination will be located. Therefore, the call continues to go out to ‘come out from among them My people.’ The Inner Retreats must now speak out through their many channels so that the Sheep of the Flock may hear.

The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays is working closely at the present time with the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta in California, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, in Western U.S.A., the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe in India, and many other Brotherhoods and Orders. Of course, there is complete cooperation with all the members of the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood.

Knowledge that was formerly reserved for initiates only, now is to be given directly to individuals outside of the Inner Retreats, and men, women and children of all races will come together at these Retreats and will form a great Spiritual and Philosophical Congress. The prophesied new land will, indeed, come out of its pralaya and join with the Hierarchy of the Earth and the Stars to mentor the Remnant that will remain upon the Earth in the days ahead.

Excerpt from Secret Of The Andes

See Part I here. See Part III here.

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