Canceling Out Past Negations ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Oh, yes, even though you develop this higher self, it too will have a dual personality. It too will have a negative and a positive self and it will be your problem in that world and in that time, even though it is much more advanced than your present position, the relative values as they are so concerned will be just as drastic, just as all-impelling, all-encompassing, and with just as great a number of differentials as they are in your present life. In that Higher World the negative side of your psychic anatomy or your personality can—and it will—cause you sickness, retrograde motions back into the lower planes if you do not work with the principles. If you are not constantly facing, shall I say, Infinite Creation positively—perhaps even much more so and to a much higher degree than you can even imagine at the present time—then surely you will reverse your progressiveness and retrogress. You will be one of those fallen angels I have talked about.
All of this goes under the common heading of those very inviolate principles of progressive evolution: if we do not travel forward then we travel backward. And so, dear student, we must remember at all times this all-inclusive and very important part of this cancellation process. When our past lives in some moment come into the present plane of consciousness, they are reinstituted in some new form. This will not mean much in your personal existence; that is, you will not obtain the desired cancellation effect unless you remember the complete mechanics which are involved in this. You must also have a higher source of intelligence which can, at that exact moment, reflect or precipitate itself into the recreation of that experience and timed exactly right so that there will be cancellation. Now this impelling energy force must quite naturally be the exact facsimile of that past experience. It must be tuned exactly to it, in other
words, but it must be completely positive at all times. That is, as the lower negative wave form impels itself into consciousness, at the exact moment when the negative and impelling experience expresses itself in consciousness, there will be an equal opposing, impelling force experience coming from the other direction from Infinity but which will be positive in its polarity and therefore cancel out the negative experience. Now it won’t destroy it because energy, as a wave form, is not destructible; it cannot be destroyed. The reason for this is that while you have changed the positive side of this negative energy wave form which came into your consciousness, you did not change its negative side, and its negative side can and does remain part of your psychic anatomy as it so polarizes itself in other portions of that psychic anatomy. So as you progress in evolution you will be able to tune in or remember that experience in a Higher World but it will not be able to reinstitute itself in your consciousness as a positive or dominating wave form or impelling force.
Now you may ask, where does this higher impelling wave form come from? I have said that it should come normally from the higher self. Well, if you had a higher self that was able to cancel out all of these incoming negative wave forms, whether from your past lifetimes or whether you picked them up on the street everyday from other people, if you had such a developed higher self you would not, quite likely, be living on this earth plane. You would be living in one of those heavenly places I have described, unless of course you were like me and you chose to come back and explain these principles to other people who did not know about them—in which case and under certain conditions is a subject for another discussion.
And so for the moment you can say that your higher self, while it is the beginning of your new psychic anatomy, and given a good opportunity with your dedication and your will to develop into a higher spiritual being, it still is not sufficiently developed to enter into these recapitulations or reformings of past lifetime experiences. It still cannot exert a strong enough polarity, a positive polarity, or an expression of polarity at the exact moment to obtain that desired consciousness. And you can prove this to yourself because you are still living in the world and you are very much concerned with your own personal problems in your own material plane of expression. So, granted now that your own higher self is still not sufficiently strong and powerful or that even if it were, you had not remembered at that moment when the experience transference or recapitulation had occurred to be intelligently inductive to turn this whole thing over, in a way, to the higher or superconscious self so that cancellation could occur. In other words, you merely manifested the experience in your present consciousness which was inspired, motivated and instigated from the subconscious or the lower self.
Thus, in the future it is imperative to remember that while placing, shall we say, the experience in a past lifetime or that we picked up a headache from someone off the street, we can place these things and discharge them very adequately and very quickly if we can participate and instigate in this participation all the elements and the mechanics necessary for such cancellation, for this depends primarily upon that all-intelligent higher consciousness, the higher self or your superconsciousness, and if it is not sufficiently developed, then you do the next best thing. And here is where the Unariun Brotherhood comes in, for while you are not able to do these things for yourself or that your present consciousness is still subconsciously motivated from the lower self, then you should not necessarily depend upon, but learn to work with the Higher Unariun Brotherhood who is there with you constantly at every moment to help you in this process until some future time when you are much more able to do these things for yourself.
Recognition of these higher agencies such as the Unariun Brotherhood and remembering the principles which are entailed and which must occur will be of tremendous advantage to you. In remembering these things, these elements of cancellation, positive and negative polarities at the moment in which past life experiences occur, or in the cancellation of negative impingements such as headaches or other conditions in your daily life, then the remembrance in these things, even though you are not able to do them yourself independently, being conscious of them and seeing them work will, in time, enable you to develop the propensities of self-expression to the degree in which you will automatically incorporate them in every conscious moment. And that will be the time in your future when you will be living on one of the higher planes.
So, sufficient unto each day the evil thereof—to paraphrase a very important biblical translation. At the present time as a student, you should use all constructive means to attain an intelligent beginning in your evolution; begin to incorporate into your daily life these scientific principles of creation which I am discussing with you, for unless you do begin to learn to remember them and to try to begin to use them consciously, then your efforts in trying to make yourself a better person or to ascend to a Higher World will have had no effect; your efforts will all be in vain because it is mandatory, it is inescapable. To live in a Higher World means, as I have said quite frequently, a constant and never-ending conscious participation scientifically with Infinite Creation. And any time there is a letdown there is a downfall.
Therefore, to the future then. Whenever your past lifetimes so manifest themselves as experience quotients in your consciousness as relivings or if you take on certain negative experience quotients from the world around you, being conscious of them is very necessary and important, but do not fail to remember the scientific principles which are incorporated in the cancellation process, for unless these things are remembered in consciousness, unless you attempt to work with them and practice them, then all your efforts will come to naught. Instead, you will revert back into some of the more common practices of witchcraft, superstition and ideosophies which have been adapted, adopted and readapted by the numerous citizenry who have and are inhabiting this planet at the present time.
Yes, this world is a Tower of Babel, a confusion of many voices and many tongues, all stridently speaking to express themselves, believing in the superiority of their own position, not realizing that in their very cries for recognition, their efforts for expression, they are less than the smallest mote of dust in the face of Infinite Consciousness. For indeed this is so. While it is that Infinite Intelligence or Consciousness does express itself to some degree in every human and in every form of life, yes, and it regenerates itself from one generation unto the other, yet the vastness and the complexity and the infinity of this great Super Intelligence cannot be envisioned within the confines of some small mind who is so stridently trying to exercise his franchise of self-expression.
The dignity of our human society demands such a human individual expression; our democracy is based upon it, yet in the vast preponderance and encumbrance of the multitudes of laws and the derelictions, the vastness and complexities of the numerous expressionary elements have, in themselves, largely cancelled out and made invalid the democratic principles of self expression. Therefore, as a whole the society of mankind as a tool or as a vehicle for personal advancement or the betterment of self cannot be used and should not be attempted to be used, but rather it should be done, as the Man of Galilee once said, that we must seek this self-betterment, this achievement and this self-attainment from within ourselves, making it an individual project wherein we can encompass to some degree the vast magnitude of Infinite Intelligence and, as He expressed it, as the Kingdom Within.
So, dear ones, remember those principles. Infinite Intelligence or Creation is very scientific. It functions absolutely and inviolately. It cannot be deviated and it cannot be bent to your will. You must lend yourself to it. If you do not, death as a retrogressive factor of your evolution will be inevitable. In the duality of this presentation, conversely by becoming a more integrated expressionary element of this Infinite Intelligence, so can this immortality be achieved, a greater immortality and a more expressive immortality. But in this immortality do not expect to float around on a pink cloud and play a harp.
Progression is also founded upon the ability of your own personal expression or the way in which you can express yourself—the degree in which you can express yourself. And you cannot express yourself creatively, intelligently or scientifically unless you know how. And if we wish to place things, let us do so by becoming conscious of these scientific and inviolate laws of positive and negative expression and in doing this we will be developing our personality of the future.
The wave form is cancelled out in a sense that it is so changed or reformed, reshaped or it is broken into harmonic constituents. Yes, it may even be regenerated into other wave forms which may also bear similar characteristics but which, in frequency, do not instigate those repercussive reactions in the physical and mental anatomy of the individual wherein there is a certain deleterious or negative reaction which can be considered to be sin, evil or disease.
It is a very difficult proposition, at best; to translate the aspects of fourth-dimensional abstract concepts into third-dimensional language—and more difficult for the third-dimensional mind so constituted in evolution from a material world and third-dimensional factors to conceive. At best I can only present to you the basic and most rudimentary aspects of these fourth dimensional concepts and they should be, in themselves, sufficient at least to start you upon a progressive evolution. It will be up to you, individually speaking, to each and every one who is in reach of my voice or who will read these lines, if he so wishes to survive and to become a participant in a constructive evolution, to begin to use these principles as I have presented them to him and without any attendant confusion or derelictions with what he considers his own opinions, his own desires and what he has learned in his third-dimensional life as being formed opinions or the biased contents of such opinions which would obstruct such a forward evolutionary movement of progression in his existence. So then, forward and onward into the future, progressively, intelligently and scientifically.
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium Vol. II
See Part I here.
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