The Pulse Of Creation – New Website!
Please take a moment to visit a new website dedicated to The Pulse of Creation Series by Ernest L. Norman.
Here is the link: — Ordering information is also available.
Here is a brief overview of the beautifully illustrated editions here and to come in the near future with descriptions from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation.
The Voice of Venus
One evening during attunement, I saw a beautiful, radiant figure standing before me. He announced himself–not in words but through the means of telepathic communication which is always used in these higher dimensions and states of consciousness; he inferred he could be known as Mal Var. We later found out from other sources that he was the disciple John, or John the Revelator. He said that he had come to give us a new version or a new translation of that part of the New Testament which had been so badly and sadly garbled in translations, (Revelations), and if I was willing, he would start from the planet Venus, which is the mother-father planet of this planetary system. From there, the higher celestial forces were in direct communication at all times in the work of psycho-therapy and spiritual healings for the people of this earth and other planets of nearby solar systems. So naturally, I gladly acquiesced. (more…)
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The Voice Of Venus-Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition
THE VOICE OF VENUS by Ernest L. Norman
Full-color, Newly Illustrated Collector’s Edition
Did This Reclusive Author Leave Behind Secrets of the Universe?
A Cosmic “Theory of Everything” That Subsequent Science Keeps Validating?
LA MESA, CA—For the first time, all five books of Ernest L. Norman’s classic introductory series, the Pulse of Creation, will be available globally in newly illustrated, full-color Collector’s Editions, beginning with Book One, The Voice of Venus (May 11, 2021).
Through his books and lectures conducted in the late 1950s, Author Ernest L. Norman (1904-1971) put the science back into ancient concepts that have come down to us in watered-down, mystical terms such as chakras, meridians, auras, spirit bodies.
Picking up where his visionary predecessors in science and philosophy left off, Norman also spun traditional physics into a vortical schematic of pulsing, interdimensional, intelligent energy that supports and connects all forms of life.
For the relative handful of lucky readers who found his books in the late 20th century, he also changed lives. Norman took on the big questions of life and death—and life after death—using a scientific approach, and what he might describe as the interdimensional communication capacity of the human mind to reach into higher dimensions. (more…)
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A new site is now available called ScienceOfLife.Info. This site is a revived version of which was taken down by the UN.AR.I.U.S. Educational Foundation.
The site is dedicated to Al McGowan who spent over six figures in having the main lesson courses-curriculum by Dr. Ernest L. Norman re-printed by the thousands so that they would be available freely to the earth man. Many many thanks to him. He has now crossed over but will not soon be forgotten for this selfless act.
These hard cover books are available for free – only pay shipping – from here.
Please take a spin of the site; feedback is welcome.
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Periodically we will give an overview of a web site dedicated to the works of Dr. Ernest L. Norman. Today we will give a brief overview of and invite our readers to take a visit to this web site which is an especially good introduction to the teachings.
This site was originally set up by Al McGowan, a dedicated Unariun student. Al McGowan who has since passed on into the spiritual worlds also did another great thing. He had most of the Unariun core curriculum reprinted so that they could be freely available to the world. He distributed to many libraries all across the country as well as passing the books onto other parties interested in the teachings. On his web site, Al McGowan states, “If you can keep an open mind you will find in UN.AR.I.U.S. the greatest opportunity of your life!” He knew the true value of these teachings and their importance in changing the world for the better and he literally put his “money where his mouth is” and spent several hundreds of thousands of dollars in having the books reprinted so that he could ensure that they would be there for future generations. For this, Al McGowan, Dr. Norman’s students salute you!
On his web site, you will find descriptions of the core curriculum texts by Ernest L. Norman, excerpts of significant teachings, the full transcript of “The Joining”, direct quotations, and what the study entails. You will also see beautiful artwork provided by Douglas Taylor and Michael Leas.
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Periodically we will give an overview of a web site concerning the studies of Dr. Norman’s works. Today we will give a brief overview of and invite our readers to take a visit to this exceptionally informative web site on the works of Dr. Ernest L. Norman.
If you haven’t visited yet, you will be pleasantly surprised. Here you can access some of the main lesson courses as pdfs, audio, or epub. You can join in student conversations on a variety of topics concerning the Science of Life, enjoy Pictionary which depicts common words used throughout the curriculum, or get overviews on many subjects such as reincarnation, karma, obsession, and mastership.
Also you can join, contribute, or comment on blog posts on a variety of subjects such as the science of energy, spirituality, the higher planes, Atlantis, Lemuria and much more. Occasionally excellent student self-made videos are presented covering these same subjects. Students also contribute many articles on the more creative aspects of life such as music, dance, poetry, and artwork.
I encourage everyone to take a visit and sign up as a member. It is always free. You are always welcome whether you are just passing through or have studied for a long time or just simply have a question or two. Enjoy!
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Robert Maxxim at Conscious Life Expo – Los Angeles

The author spent 40 years studying science, religion, and the Science of Life presented by Dr. Ernest L. Norman, validating his visions starting on July 13, 1973. The author proceeded to confirm his sightings and experiences with other established sources such as George Adamski, and personally met Brothers from other worlds that helped instruct him over the years. His book series is the culmination of such visionary and confirmation efforts, written in novel form.
See him in person at the Conscious Life Expo at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA, from Friday, February 10th to Sunday, February 12th at booth 704.
His lecture entitled ” Energy And Life 101″ free with Friday Day Pass will be February 10th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in room Century D. (more…)
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