Atlantean History – Part III

Atlantean-History-Part-III-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

An empire so advanced in civilization as Atlantis must have a government on a par with her other standards of progress.

Every citizen of age has the right to vote. Voting age for both male and female is twenty-five. Every State, city, and town, or mere settlement, has its representation in the government. It has its own Censors, Officers, Rulers and Governors. All the representatives come to the City of Paradise to convene and voice the opinions of their people.

Individual States are independent of each other, but are subject to the Capital Seat of government. All individual cities, towns or settlements are independent of each other, but subject to the laws enforced by the State Capital City, the Seat of Government. Every individual living in a city, town or settlement is independent of another, but subject to the laws enforced by the Censor of the place. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part II

Atlantean-History-Part-II-main-2-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

Another marvelous invention evolved by Atlantean genius during the first decade of the reign of Atlas is the Water-Shoen. It is a queer looking pair of small boats that fit to the feet of one who wishes to skim over the water. They are readily adjusted by slipping the feet into the toy-like boats and fastening the straps and snaps. The top is then covered by a folding radial roof, which closes snugly about the ankle. Once the radial lid is locked no water or air can gain admission inside the Shoen. The wearer is then ready to start his journey. He strikes out with the feet just as a skater glides upon the ice. But a voyageur upon Water-Shoen can travel faster than a skater upon the ice. The motors used to provide power for the Shoen are constructed similarly to the motor of the Bird-Wings. The batteries are automatic also, as in the Bird-Wings.

Inventions such as described must have scientists that understand mechanics, electricity, the principles of water, air and fire, as well as the great forces and power forever pouring forth from the sun. If our inventors knew nothing about the laws governing gravitation and levitation their devices would be harmful and useless for man. But the Templars of Atlantis do understand these laws, because for ages past they have understood the Law of One! Whence issues all sciences, all ideas, all laws for the welfare of its communicants. The Law of One, which is the Light radiating in the Inner Shrine of man’s consciousness, is the only Source of Inspiration, revelation and demonstration in the world, because It is the one Source of all Substance. (more…)

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Atlantean History – Part I

Atlantean-History-Part-I-main-4-postBy Yolen, Scribe of Atlantis

Notes on Atlantean History during the Reign of Emperor Atlas:

In this abbreviated account of the eons of civilization of Atlantis, it must be remembered that such statements made, which refer to ancient times, may be verified by the records kept in the Museum of the Temple of Literature, of the City of Paradise. In this volume of current history, beginning with the coronation of Atlas, and continuing through to the present day—more than two decades since Atlas began his reign—the space is too limited to give more than the merest hint of events that were most important in ancient days. Hence we will say here that Ancient Atlantean Records prove conclusively that at the time of the First Deluge, 800,000 years ago, the Atlanteans led the entire world in civilization.

It is now generally known to Atlantean Templars that the awful cataclysms, known as the Second Deluge, 200,000 years ago, and the Third Deluge of 80,000 years ago, were caused by the chemicalizations of Nature in this physical world; they were the direct result of the vibrations of evil upon this earthly plane, conflicting with and resisting the relentless spiritual forces. Therefore it may be said that the frightful upheaval 80,000 years ago was brought about by the indifference and recklessness of mankind on earth, to the higher and inexorable Law of One—the spiritual Light that is the only Causation. (more…)

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Chronicles of Atlantis

Atlantis-Sunken-Cityby Physics 4 You

The highly influential ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias.” In these dialogues it was told by the character Critias that his grandfather heard about the story of Atlantis hundred years ago from Solon, a well-known Athenian poet and politician. Solon heard about the story during his stay in Egypt in 565 BCE. The story tells us that before the advanced Greek civilization, there once was another highly advanced civilization called “Atlantis”, and was an island nation. Plato’s account is regarded by many as the most credible account of a possible ancient lost civilization.

Plato stated that the island of Atlantis was situated beyond these “Pillars of Hercules”; the Atlantic Ocean. For generations its people lived virtuous lives until greed and power began to corrupt them. Its final destruction happened some 9,500 years ago; In a single day and night, the land of Atlantis disappeared in the depths of the sea due to violent earthquakes and floods.  Many scholars today believe Plato’s story about Atlantis was a fictional account, a possible metaphor, for the reason that there is no known land or civilization which fits it’s descriptions, however Plato himself did imply in his own story, even multiple times, that it once really existed.

In “Timaeus and Critias”, Plato wrote that Atlantis was founded by Poseidon: known as “the god of the sea”, who according to the myths fell in love with a mortal woman named Cleito. Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys, and the domain was divided amongst them. The eldest, named Atlas, became the first king of Atlantis. Poseidon had his own temple within the citadel of Atlantis City. Its exterior was entirely covered with silver and its pinnacles with gold, and the interior of the temple was of ivory, gold, silver, and orichalch, even to the pillars and floor. The temple contained a colossal statue of Poseidon standing in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, about him a hundred Nereids riding on dolphins. Arranged outside the building were golden statues of the first ten kings and their wives. (more…)

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