Audio Book – Cosmic Continuum
“Cosmic Continuum” by Ernest L. Norman dives into esoteric and spiritual topics, providing insights into the nature of the universe, consciousness, and the interconnection of all things. “Cosmic Continuum” presents a comprehensive view of creation and existence, exploring the multi-dimensional nature of reality and the cosmic forces at play in the universe, the nature of consciousness, the Spiritual Ego and the development of the Superconsciousness. (more…)
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Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast
The following is an overview of “Lesson 1 of Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation,” a lecture delivered by Ernest L. Norman through clairvoyance. This lesson addresses the turbulent state of the world, particularly the challenges faced in the Atomic Age, and proposes a new philosophy to bridge the gaps between science, religion, and individual understanding. The lecture also emphasizes that this is a time of “great change or a metamorphosis,” a period where humans are “becoming more or less stratified” in their interpretations of life’s values. It suggests that America may be at the forefront of this movement because it “was created from some of the most Infinite concepts from the higher dimensions of life.” The lessons are provided at this time as a way to guide mankind through this transitional period. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, Podcastwith 1 comment.
From The Inner Planes To Earth: Future Cities
by Swedenborg (channeled by Tom Miller)
Greetings from this high Center! Ioshanna: Greetings, dear One. Swedenborg: We will continue our tour of this New Age city which is being inaugurated at the base of this mountain when it is completed, as will be the temple in just a short while – maybe a day or two at the most. Ioshanna: Wonderful! Swedenborg: Although this new city is of a high spiritual nature, still it is the intermediate learning center for souls who will be attracted through frequency to the various centers for initiation into the higher centers of learning on the more advanced levels of life. Although the previous dissertation was given on a complex structure that was known to be of the Grecian era, still it had a higher frequency than the normal structures on the lower part of this plateau which will be the incoming initiates’ place where they will carry out or conduct their various proceedings. A more precise description of this city and surrounding plateau is in order at this time and its position according to its affiliation with the various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S.. (more…)
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The Evolutionary Continuity of Life
by Ernest L. Norman
From time to time in our mail received here at the Center, there appears certain kinds of literature published and distributed by certain individuals or groups who might be called Adventists, in a sense, who are constantly predicting dire catastrophes, racial extinction, etc., for mankind from various causes, principally atom bombs and radiation. Some of these Adventists or doom-mongers have even gone so far as to describe various escape devices such as a great space ship appearing at the last moment and rescuing the believers; or the sudden opening of underground caverns and tunnels by unknown races of people who are supposedly living underground and who, being keenly aware of the predicament of mankind, offer the believers the sanctuary of their underground homes. (more…)
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A Personal Message From Omar Khayyam
Transceived by Ernest L. Norman
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou, Omar Khayyam.
I would just take this opportunity for only one brief statement, if I may; Kahlil Gibran is here with me, and we wish you to know we are very close to you and working with you for the future evolution and to bring into your world the beauties of man’s most innate nature. We will, from time to time, bring to you such poetry or such writings and literature which may be considered acceptable in an inspirational way, and which will also factually portray to man, in this inspiration, that which will lift him and give him courage. It will also give him an answer to many of the problems with which he is struggling. These writings and works will, in themselves, be very catalytic in nature; to read them will give the proper intonations, the various chord structures, which will contain all of the elements of spiritual therapy which you call inspiration. We were with you through the past year and helped you to compose the various things which you have in your writings at the present time; and we shall continue to be with you whenever you feel that we can best serve you. Sit quietly in such moments of inspiration and we shall come to you. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 2 comments.
The Great Hoax ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Each thing, though it may appear to be different, is a highly developed and organized system of tiny solar systems of energy and these in turn, claim as their parents, the very substance of the Infinite Mind. Yet, as of today, almost all mankind walks in ignorance of all this. His eyes are darkened against that which must reach through to him before he can escape from his self-constructed pit of clay, for while he clings to his cross or his heathen gods, he will be blind to his Kingdom of Heaven Within; for he will constantly re-create new ways, new means and new methods to justify his false symbologies. (more…)
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The Great Hoax ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
It has been observed countless numbers of times that it takes all kinds of people to make a world; however, the full implications of this humble bit of philosophy are not fully realized except by those people who are interested in and are performing some humanitarian effort. This is particularly true when such an effort involves personal elements of a psychological nature and in which some such person, who may be attracted by this humanitarian effort, can see or read into it a possible means of escape from one or a host of sins, iniquities, derelictions and aberrations. (more…)
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Man’s Mind – An Integrator
by Ernest L. Norman
How well it is to think of these and many other things which have always been associated with religion, such as it may have been in any time or place for these religions, large or small, serve only a primitive man in his first steps toward understanding the Infinite and of the principle and purpose of the Infinite. The great masses of humanity who come and go like surging tides upon the face of this planet, thus have, and are so currently expressing their first yearning to understand. In their religion they have manifest their first acknowledgement and, having taken these first steps, so must pass on to take the next and higher steps. (more…)
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Gamaliel of Hermes: The Still Small Voice ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The acceptance of life, as it is portrayed by the average individual upon the streets and highways and byways of your earth, is quite unrealistic, primitive, and elemental. You may find people who express the idea, “I live only once and I am going to get the most out of it while I am here.” This is very idiotic and unrealistic in its portent and nature, and even those who say these things do not actually believe in them. If they did, they would very quickly change. However, I see that I have, in a sense of the word, repeated a great deal of what has previously been given. I would not have it thought for one moment that this book was becoming monotonous, or that we had reached a stalemate. (more…)
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The Voice Of Orion
New Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Orion is now available on Amazon!
Check it out here.
About The Voice Of Orion:
Welcome to the fourth installment of The Pulse of Creation series, The Voice Of Orion. Presented within the realm of the plane of Orion is a sanctuary of spiritual enlightenment wherein the foremost intellects and visionaries of Earth’s past and beyond labor tirelessly to teach and guide humanity in its evolution. On this captivating journey through the ethereal landscapes of Orion, where crystalline dwellings, lush gardens, and sacred temples offer solace for the soul and inspiration for the mind, learn as with other volumes of the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science, the true understanding of Science and Spirit. (more…)
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Gamaliel of Hermes: Philosophy Through The Ages
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings, dear ones; this is Brother Gamaliel. It is with a great deal of reluctance that I am bringing you one of the last and closing chapters from Hermes and the city of Aureleus. It has been with a good deal of pleasure that we have been able to be of some small service to you, as you have personally met and listened to the various interpreters of the earth science and philosophy, as they have existed in your more recent time. It is assumed that by now the interest of the reader will have reached a point where he will have searched the libraries and discovered to his own advantage and amazement that a great deal of wonderful history and truth can be gained by reading these books. It is also quite obvious that, numerous as our trips and discussions have been, we have presented to you only very small fragments and portions of these numerous lives and pages of historical events, as they were portrayed in the thousands of years of time in the sequence of evolution in the earth histories. (more…)
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The Voice of Hermes
New Kindle online Ebook of The Voice Of Hermes is now available on Amazon!
Check it out here.
About The Voice Of Hermes:
The third installment of The Pulse of Creation series delves into Hermes, a realm steeped in philosophical inquiry where the minds of revered thinkers from Earth and beyond persist in their quest to illuminate humanity. Within its crystalline abodes, gardens, and sanctuaries, Hermes offers a rejuvenating experience for both the soul and intellect. Just like its predecessors, The Voice of Hermes unveils the teachings of the Brotherhood, heralding a future for those inclined towards progressivism, alongside the exploration of interdimensional science and philosophy of being. (more…)
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The Road To Jerusalem: The True Events Of Palm Sunday
This is vision twenty-seven as received through the mediumship of Alexander Smyth of the true events in the story and life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Three days had elapsed since the events transpired as represented in the last vision. The sun had risen high in the heavens, denoting that it was about noon. The day was bright, clear and fragrant with sweet odors, and the foliage of the mountain scenery was beautiful to the sight. The palm tree was in its full bloom.
This was the day appointed by Judas for Jesus to make his last visit to Jerusalem under the false representation to receive the addresses and condolence of his disciples and friends – the expression of their grateful and loving hearts, and to sympathize with each other in the fears and hopes pertaining to their good cause.
Judas, under the direction of Saul, made great preparations for this day, as they intended to play their most important part, to entrap their virtuous and unconscious victim into the meshes of their iniquitous designs. A great deal of money had been expended in bribing certain persons to perform acts deemed necessary to their scheme of treachery; also for the sumptuous provision of an evening banquet, so that no labor or expense had been spared to render sure their contemplated plot. (more…)
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