Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part I

Basic-Principles-Of-The-Infinite-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4 from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

Greetings, friends, from UN.AR.I.U.S..

We are all very happy to see you here this evening. Tonight’s lesson, which is number 4, will be moderated by William Crookes-and-Faraday-2-postCrookes and Michael Faraday and several other of the savants who have once lived upon this earth and have gone into higher realms.

Last week we discussed, in our approach to this new science, something of mass and energy. We discovered that there was atom-and-einstein-formula-4-postactually no such thing as a solid and that all things resolve themselves into different forms or dimensions or structural parts of energy. We also divided this energy concept into two classifications. We could say that there was static energy, as represented in the structures of the atom, to what we call solid or mass. We also found that it was this same energy in a transposed state or condition which we call dynamic energy or moving energy, kinetic energy. Through Einstein’s basic theory, which was a factual or a mathematical calculus, whereby energy could be transported into mass or mass into energy. And therefore, we resolved into the concept that the structures of the atoms themselves, while they may appear as small solar systems of energy, yet even the negative or the positive quotients of each atomic structure, as was constituted in the electron, the neutron or the positron or the proton are in itself a subminiature universe of energy. (more…)

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Zoroaster Speaks From The Plane of UN.AR.I.U.S. ~ Part II

Zoroaster-Speaks-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

…if you were to completely explore this plateau, just as would be in the case of the others, it would occupy many, many master-teacher-4-postyears or perhaps several earth lifetimes as you would count time on your earth calendar. The various factions are so divided to promulgate the utmost harmony and expression and in the conclusion of the numerous activities in which the student and teacher so participates with the general idea in mind that whatever this various function or teaching is, it will be so integrated and interlocked with such future earth evolutions. It is here that the future nurse or the scientist or the doctor will organize something, shall I say, of the spiritual band or a spiritual relationship with these higher orders, so that through the higher reaches of his superconscious self, he will, from day to day in his life on the earth, in a future time, so bring into the expression of this life the things which he has and is learning at this present time in this Center. (more…)

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Zoroaster Speaks From The Plane of UN.AR.I.U.S.

Zoroaster-Speaks-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The Peace of God be with you. I am the identity of the one who was known on your earth as Zoroaster, or Zarathustra. Zoroaster-4-postYour history will relate me to the time of something like five hundred to a thousand years before the Advent of Jesus upon the earth. While this all seems to be a great mystery to those who study the records of the earth, yet, the time does not really matter, neither does the identity of the individual as he was so called this or that, but mostly that he lived and left behind a message – a message of Truth which was given to the people of that time and place; and as it was such that those who remain firm and staunch and adhere to the flame of Zoroaster, let them be complimented for their fidelity, and let them be blessed with the consciousness and goodness which comes to all believers, whether they follow the path of any prophet, or any Avatar, so long as the pathway leads to the higher place of God. (more…)

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The Place

The-Place-stanza-one-main-4-postCome not to the place where ye can say
That I am this or that, nor shall I doeth much;
And mighty are the deeds of my doing.
For surely as thou seeketh this place,


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The Cosmic Centrifuge

Cosmic-Centrifuge-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

In the foregoing article we entered into a frank discussion of certain relative problems which confronted the nuclear physicist at this present time in his attempt to duplicate solar energy, and to create for the world an abundance of power. sun-4-postThe various statistics were drawn from up-to-the-minute scientific findings and summaries of these findings. The author does not vouch for their accuracy; instead, he would like to point out these various findings of today are just as inaccurate as the findings of yesterday which have been replaced by the present findings.

For instance, but a few years ago, the mean temperature of the sun was believed to be 35 million degrees. Today scientists think it may be three or four hundred million degrees. The truth is, they do not know, simply because the temperature of the sun cannot be measured, for it has no temperature; as a matter of fact, heat itself is a complete illusion, just as are all of the various other elements involved in present-day scientific concepts. (more…)

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Spiritual Development Through The Races Of Man

Spiritual-Development-Through-The-Races-Of-Man-main-4-postFour score and seven years ago, our fathers conceived a new nation. Greetings, loved ones. I (Abraham Lincoln) have come for this occasionabraham-lincoln-4-post from a distant neighboring planet of Clarion, one that is more properly known to the earth and to some of the people as Vulcan. Vulcan, as you have been given the information, is the planet of a spiritual nature which is of a somewhat higher rate of vibration – using the language of the scientist – wherein the black man makes a certain spiritual evolution. In leaving the planet earth, if the black person – and if I can pause for a moment to explain this cycle situation – who has a dark skin may have advanced spiritually to a point where he feels there are certain elements, certain factors of progression or integration, or he may have felt in some way the quickening of the spirit, so he will wish to further this evolution of his soul consciousness, then he shall come to the planet Vulcan. It is in this dimension and on this planet he will find such suitable companionship and environment which will be most helpful for his future development. I would say, too, the black man is primarily Clarion-4-post– as far as the basic and elementary tribes of jungle people who have existed on the earth and who have been oppressed into slavery are concerned – a creature of a comparatively primitive state of development. While there is a certain line of demarcation where we might say there is the infusion of the God force, or the God Intelligence into every human, yet, it must be remembered this God Force does not come in one lifetime or in one generation. This life force must be the gradual development of consciousness within the individual through numerous evolutions. We say that the black man, primarily, as you know him in the early stages of his development on the planet earth, as he was first found in the jungles, was a creature who had evolved through certain integrations of evolutions from some of the lower structures. (more…)

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The Silversmith

The-Silversmith-poem-one-main-4-postAnd there is the silversmith
Who labors long to draweth the gold and silver finely
That he doth fashion it with jewels thereon.


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The Song of Creation

Song-Of-Creation-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

As for the white dove which fluttered down and the speaking of the voice of God, this is an obvious embellishment, a bit of chicanery, if you please, which would so slant these various descriptive depictions with the necessary supernatural aura. As for the voice of God and any such reputed speaking of this voice,dove-church-4-post this can be considered as such obvious devices, or that those who heard this voice were suffering from a certain neurotic illness, called by modern psychologists, as traumatic hallucinations; for indeed how can God speak with such a voice for God is not a personal being but is the sum and substance of the Infinite. Nor does He need to speak in any voice or language, for His message is ever and always about us, a voice which speaks in that constant, never-ending resurgent pattern of life; the creative and re-creative forms of all things of which mankind is conscious;  yes, and of all things which will be his even beyond eternity. Nor is God’s word so contained in any book, for even as the Christian says his Bible is the word of God, he is only giving his strength to a great lie, for no man can understand or know of God through this book. (more…)

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The What And The Why ~ Part II


by Ernest L. Norman

Herein enters another important principle of understanding. The conscious mind is NOT the brain. The brain is spirit-2-body-4-postcomposed of about 12 million cells which can be likened to small transistors or frequency integrators. When a wave brain-4-postform comes from the subconscious to the conscious, it must pass through various portions of the brain which contains cells particularly suited for this transference; the determinant here is frequency. Thus various anterior and posterior lobes or portions of the brain contain cells more suited to certain various reflexes. Here, in turn, the wave forms are reshuffled into another portion of the psychic anatomy which can be considered the true brain. Here is another grouping of vortexes which are harmonically attuned to another and even higher portion of this psychic anatomy — the Superconscious Self — or the facsimili of the Infinite. This conscious or brain portion of the psychic anatomy functions as follows: It has the power to determine or recombine various values on the basis of frequency from past experiences from a large number of lifetimes through which the individual has passed. (more…)

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The What And The Why ~ Part I

The-What-And-The-Why-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

man-looking-at-stars-4-postIt has often (and very truly) been said, that of all the enigmas in the universe of human understanding, man himself is the greatest. This is so, for despite the fact that of the many thousands of years in which man has inhabited the planet earth, and in these thousands of years he has spent tremendous time and effort in trying to understand himself; as of today, he is still confronted with this inescapable paradox. This seems a bit ridiculous for, in viewing the many advanced factors and concepts which are at the disposal of everyone, yet life still goes on, basically much the same as it always has.

Principles of life in personal relationships are functioning just as inviolately as they always have. Perhaps the greatest part of this great enigma could be found in such kindred fields as human endeavor which are commonly High tech doctorreferred to as the healing professions, such as materia medica and such adjacent divisions of psychology, etc. For despite great hospitals, the advanced techniques in medicine and surgery, etc., the modern doctor reluctantly admits he knows only about 25 per cent of what goes on in the human body whether it is medicine or a more general classification of sciences, the enigma remains just as great; great, because man is constantly surrounded at all times with all of the answers which would solve this enigma. As a matter of fact, science holds within its hands all of the keys to the wisdom of the Infinite, yet it does not apparently know, either how to use, or to understand them correctly. (more…)

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Flame of Life

Flame-of-Life-stanza-oneConsider ye that thou hearest the call to prayer of the Temple,
And that thou bowest low before the Presence of Allah.
Yet this call is not heard by the swine in the sty,
nor by the goat or its kid;
Neither doth the camel turn aside from its course ~


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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part III

How-Unariun-Science-Answers-Questions-Science-Cant-Part-III-main-4-postRecently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.

Questions-on-the-Atom-chartIn this post, we will tackle the fourth point here:

Explains in a logical manner how chemistry arises.

“You look out here into the air, but what is this air? It is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with a few other inert elements and gases such as argon. They resolve themselves into molecules; the molecules, in turn, are definite structures of tiny atoms, all held together by the same magnetic laws which hold the universe together. This power is the same which holds the universe together. This power is the same which holds the molecules together.” ~ The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation


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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man – Part II

The-Reformation-The-Liberation-of-Man-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Now getting back to our original discussion in this great age of reformation and liberation, the field of music was also very fortunately blessed with a flood of personages from the planes of Shamballa. What other age has produced such names as Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt? Beethoven-Bach-Brahms--4-postThe age of opera, as it came into being then, has never before been equaled in the history of earth. The musical composers and exponents of these operatic arts, known by the names of Puccini, Poncelli, are but a few illustrious names, if you will pardon me for mentioning them again, who have been given in renaissance-philosophers-4-postprevious transmissions; however, all of this must be brought out and favorably placed at this time; so please bear with me. In the more pure philosophical vein, we find great and luminous minds typified by Leibnitz, John Locke, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Mesmer, Hartley, Descartes, Condorcet, Carlyle, Emerson, Hume, etc. Incidentally, your own American philosopher is here with me this evening, standing by in your dimension and helping to interpret my little speech. (more…)

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The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man


by Ernest L. Norman

Early Development of the Christian Church

…into the time of the advent of Christ, we find that there had been some new developments on the religious or Mithras-4-postesoterical fields throughout the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Greece. One of these cults was called Mithraism, which was a direct outgrowth of the Zoroastrian concept, which had been expounded in Persia with the advent of the prophet Zoroaster.  Mithraism was very attractive, inasmuch as it offered a large amount of pomp and circumstance, various observances and ceremonies, all of which were quite attractive to the people of that time. Other orders included the rabbinical orders of the Essenes, which stemmed from the more ancient Hebraic concepts from the Holy Land. We also find at that time a large group which was growing out of some of the lighter orders of Christian concepts, known as the Gnostics, who were spiritually minded people who believed that the true wisdom and knowledge and interpretations of life stemmed directly from the inward consciousness of man.

Beginning somewhere about twenty or thirty years after the time of Jesus, we find Paul in Greece very busily at paul writing letterswork. It had been some time since his conversion on the road to Damascus; and he had already lived some time in Corinth and written some of his very famous letters to the people of that city. These letters and teachings exist in the modern translations of the New Testament. Paul, as you know, was formerly anti-Christ and persecuted the Christians to the utmost of his ability until his conversion. It was Paul who started the first Christian church; and as Paul was also a very clever businessman in his own way, he realized that religion, just as anything else, should be attractive and should present certain aspects to the convert; consequently, he contrived to weave the concepts of Mithraism into his own Christian church. (more…)

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Moonlight Madonna

Moonlight-Madonna-stanza-1My madonna of the moonlit skies ~
She sails across the skies, but not upon the horn of moon
Her waxen wane is but the yellow of her hair
Its windswept waves to set the sea advancing.


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