The Reformation ~ The Liberation of Man


by Ernest L. Norman

Early Development of the Christian Church

…into the time of the advent of Christ, we find that there had been some new developments on the religious or Mithras-4-postesoterical fields throughout the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Greece. One of these cults was called Mithraism, which was a direct outgrowth of the Zoroastrian concept, which had been expounded in Persia with the advent of the prophet Zoroaster.  Mithraism was very attractive, inasmuch as it offered a large amount of pomp and circumstance, various observances and ceremonies, all of which were quite attractive to the people of that time. Other orders included the rabbinical orders of the Essenes, which stemmed from the more ancient Hebraic concepts from the Holy Land. We also find at that time a large group which was growing out of some of the lighter orders of Christian concepts, known as the Gnostics, who were spiritually minded people who believed that the true wisdom and knowledge and interpretations of life stemmed directly from the inward consciousness of man.

Beginning somewhere about twenty or thirty years after the time of Jesus, we find Paul in Greece very busily at paul writing letterswork. It had been some time since his conversion on the road to Damascus; and he had already lived some time in Corinth and written some of his very famous letters to the people of that city. These letters and teachings exist in the modern translations of the New Testament. Paul, as you know, was formerly anti-Christ and persecuted the Christians to the utmost of his ability until his conversion. It was Paul who started the first Christian church; and as Paul was also a very clever businessman in his own way, he realized that religion, just as anything else, should be attractive and should present certain aspects to the convert; consequently, he contrived to weave the concepts of Mithraism into his own Christian church. (more…)

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Moonlight Madonna

Moonlight-Madonna-stanza-1My madonna of the moonlit skies ~
She sails across the skies, but not upon the horn of moon
Her waxen wane is but the yellow of her hair
Its windswept waves to set the sea advancing.


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Secret Mysteries – Debunked

Secret-Mysteries-Debunked-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Have you ever been sold a “bill of goods” about some great secret mystery teaching taught by some self-deified secret-mystery-school-purveyorMaster? No doubt you have; most Truth seekers have subscribed to at least one or more of these pseudo cults, and like the others, you have laid down cold hard cash for these so-called teachings and have ended up disappointed, disillusioned, your faith unjustified.

Children live in a make-believe world – a world of fantasy where they realistically play various adult roles. This is a common escape mechanism used by children to relieve psychic pressures generated in orienting themselves in their new earth life environment.

Adults, too, have their own world of fantasy. Common living methods and habits generate psychic pressures, deflations of the ego, escape mechanisms twocompromises and guilts and when compounded with misunderstood movements of natural forces around them, intensify these psychic pressures which demand relief; such relief usually being found in various diversions used by most people. Cigarettes, getting drunk, movies, television, hobbies and vacations are common relief valves; and heading the list of all escape mechanisms is religion. This applies to all past and present dispensations including Christianity. (more…)

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Q & A On Biocentricity

Q-And-A-On-Biocentricity-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – What about twin souls?

A – Biocentricity? It is a concept of polarity. Obviously, however, as far as the physical plane is concerned, we have to have certain generic concepts behind this too, which we call biological factors or genetics. But in the pure spiritual concepts, polarities merely mean that here is a factional relationship with God. We have two planes, we may call them sexes if we wish but we have two planes – two poles – between which is built what might be called a dynamically composed ball of energy which contains all of the forms of individual expression. Biocentricity stems from the celestial dimensions as a unified force which divides itself and it returns unto itself that way.

Q – In this biune or soul mate, is there eventually the male and female that does eventually come together as the one?

A – Yes, they are actually one and as I have said, they stem from the original concept – of where we find the evolution of the soul flight of the individual through various physical planes in the numerous physical incarnations. To understand the Infinity of God and to participate in this individually and collectively so that we return to the God-force and become unified with that. (more…)

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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part II

How-Unariun-Science-Explains-The-Atom-Part-II-main-2-postRecently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.

Questions-on-the-Atom-chartIn this post, we will tackle the second point and third point here, starting with point 2:

Explains why the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons around it. (more…)

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Christ Personified

Stanza-main-one-2-postTo each man is promised a personal Savior
And so it must be that in the hour and need
of each man that he will see his Jesus
For surely is not Jesus all of the things
which each man desires the most?
Is not the Son of God a part of each and every one?


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The Parallel Universes-Worlds-Atoms ~ Part II

Parallel-Universes-Worlds-Atoms-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Scientists have not yet explained the power behind all of these motions which are found in interstellar space. They have not yet lucidly explained the “Red Shift” which they have found in their astronomical observations. This Red Shift grapharticle will again prove what I have just stated concerning the positive and the negative universes as they are so integrated in infinity and in the oscillating processes thereof. The scientist of this world, in his observations, sees interstellar objects such as the quasar stars receding from the Earth at tremendous velocities. This gives rise to what he calls the Red Shift or, in other words, in a spectral analysis, using a spectroscope, he finds that rays of light appear at a different place on the spectroscopic scale than these red lines would appear in an earth-world dispensation; or that he could shine red light to the spectroscope from a mile away and compare it with the same spectroscopic lines from a quasar star billions of light years away and the two would not coincide. (more…)

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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part I

How-Unariun-Science-Explains-The-Atom-main-4-postRecently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.

Questions-on-the-Atom-chartIn the first post of this series, we will tackle the first point here, that being:

The atomic model should show a logical construction of the atom in accordance with observations. (more…)

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The Parallel Universes-Worlds-Atoms ~ Part I

Parallel-Universes-Worlds-Atoms-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

On December 2, 1970, there appeared in the Los Angeles Times an article of particular importance; that is, important to those who are striving and seeking a way and means to understand life and the creative principles of life.

“Meteorite That Fell in 1969 Still Revealing Secrets of the Early Solar System” ~ Source

This article (in 1970) came from no less than the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Ames Research Center at Mountain View, California, and dealt specifically with research and findings which came from a meteorite (known as the Murchison Meteorite) which was found in Australia in September, 1969.

Murchison Meteorite graphThis meteorite contained an abundance of the basic building blocks of life known as amino acids. Also important was the fact that these amino acids were of non-organic origin. All plant and animal life on the Earth create and generate in the metabolism of their life processes, amino acids. These, however, are considered organic in nature. The fact that the meteorite contained inorganic amino acids was, to the scientists, very valid and definite proof that life does exist in other parts of the galaxy and the universe, in other solar systems and upon other planets. (more…)

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Song Of Creation

stanza-oneFor it may be that you come into the forest
That you will see about you the mightiness of the great oaks,
or the tallness of the pine trees ~
Or that you will cast your eye upon the beauty of many others
of those splendid trees which groweth in the forest;


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The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part II

Psychic-Anatomy-Development-Concept-main-Part-IIIt is within this psychic anatomy development concept that we find the true kernel of truth in evolution and spirit-2-body-2-postwhich was unknown by Darwin or any succeeding contemporaries! That is, true evolution takes place only within the psychic anatomy, the external or physical body—the expressionary agent.

amoebae-evolution-4-postFor example, with a former presentation of Charlie, the amoeba: in his natural habitat, a watery pond, Charlie lives in a temperature of, say approximately 70 degrees F. However, if we begin to raise the temperature of his watery environment, we can in the succeeding weeks, see the progenies of the great, great, great, great-grandchildren of Charlie live in a water temperature which would have quickly killed good old Charlie! Now the tolerance factor was not passed on to the succeeding generation through the DNA molecule, which was only a secondary transmitting or oscillating element. The tolerance factor was information impounded in the psychic anatomy of each succeeding generation of amoebas; energy referring back to the same oscillating polarity exchange and the subsequent harmonic regeneration which impounded these harmonic fractions within the psychic anatomy, to again regenerate under the same closed-circuit conditions into the succeeding amoeba body, this tolerance factor. (more…)

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As Children

As-Children-stanza-oneHappy are the days of little children
And in the hours of childish life
their feet doth dance the hours away.


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The Psychic Anatomy Development Concept ~ Part I

Psychic-Anatomy-Development-Concept-main-4-post-1In a broad and general abstraction, the presentation of the UN.AR.I.U.S. curriculum, and as an interdimensional reading the principlesscience inclusive of all known and unknown factors in the creative interdimensional cosmogony, this presentation was, therefore, in its first form, most necessarily simplified to make it even partially understood and also by necessity certain comparisons and compromises were also included to make this interdimensional conception more easily compatible with existing third dimensional objectivisms.

However, in all aspects and in any particular objective introspection, the presentation of any Unariun concept does deserve a more thorough presentation which will make it more serviceable and understandable in a more progressive intellectual society—particularly the scientific society. psychic-self-4-postThe concept of the psychic anatomy is one of utmost importance, as it at once does either directly or indirectly, involve all aspects of planetary and interdimensional life. This concept should therefore be most fittingly expanded into its true perspectives. In the present state of development, all sciences as they are now so propagated, are all strictly third dimensional in their circumferences and, as a consequence, are still completely ignorant of the true basic life factors which are not third dimensional in nature, but which are an expressionary composite of interdimensional energy forms which function immutably according to well defined laws; called in the more familiar idiom of this science, as oscillations or the interchange of positive-negative polarities which carry the idiom of information, and to subsequent harmonic patterns regenerated in this oscillating process which can and do, in this grand synonymy of interdimensional oscillation, link and relink this interdimensional cosmos into the creative effigy of Infinity. (more…)

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Builder-stanza-1Behold! the greatness of man’s many lives upon earth,
And the greatness of his many empires and cities thereof,
In the building and the tearing down – and again in the building,
And of the many temples, and of the many kinds of worship.


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Progressive Evolution: The Life Cycle ~ Part II

progressive-evolution-life-cycle-main-part-ii-4-postWe say that the consciousness of God, as it is contained in the spiritual circle or cycle of man’s own man-hooked-up-to-his-life-cycle-4-postindividuality, can be likened somewhat to his umbilical cord. He maintains this constant inflow of Divine Energy into his own spiritual Life Cycle at all times. This he must do. The various dimensional and factional orders of integration in God’s infinite universe are so contained that each one is supported from outside the other by succeeding higher realms of consciousness. Now you will begin to understand why we say that it is not the act of committing some good or some sin that is of importance. The utmost importance is contained in the reaction which takes place within your mind, which is reflected and thus becomes a constructive element or a defective wave form or impingement, within your psychic body. If this is of evil consequence, with the repetition of the reflections and impingements of these evil consequences into your psychic body, you will become the creature which is thus formed and reformed, as far as the proper sequence of your evolutions are concerned; and thus you will relegate yourself into the lower astral orders. (more…)

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