Q & A On Atomic Warfare With The Moderator
Q – Would these Higher Intelligences let us get into an atomic war and destroy everything here?
A – There is something which we call our own birthright, if we may put it that way, based upon our own threshold of perception; for instance, we come into these worlds for the benefit of our experience; it is our birthright to go through them. When anyone gets along the path sufficiently far so that he is trying to be directive or helpful to mankind, he never goes beyond the point where he forces anyone to do anything. He can reflect these intelligences or higher wisdom or answers to their questions into their subconscious.
Q – We know there are many who want strife and wars, but people as a whole are praying for peace, etc., and in that case wouldn’t they come under these guidances whereby wars of such a nature could be averted? (more…)
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Progressive Evolution: The Life Cycle ~ Part I
Greetings, dear one. We here in the centers of Shamballa have heard certain questions arising from time to time
in your minds as you have tried to evaluate and to place these truths within your minds. Now let me say that this is a healthy sign and a symptom that you are progressing. You can never properly evaluate truths, as they come to you through the doorway of experience, until they are properly placed within your mind, by integrating them with the necessary order of sequence, which is evolving about you in the dimension at your particular time. The problem of man’s evolution in the numerous dimensions is in itself a very profound and, I need not say, a very advanced subject.
The truths which are being given you at this time are thousands of years in advance of the time in which other people of your time shall come into somewhat of a proper relationship to these truths. Therefore, do not fear a confounded feeling because you do not place within your minds a proper perspective of the objective values of these truths at this time. The philosophies of the earth today, just as they were in the time of Darwin and Mendel, are in themselves being constantly and repeatedly stressed, for the concepts were resolving in these individuals at their time in an effort to solve something of the riddle of man’s nature. All philosophies and ideologies, whether they are scientific or spiritual interpolations on your earth today, contain only small fractional elements of the truths which are relative to mankind at his particular state of evolution, and they are themselves even only partially factual. (more…)
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All Things
And so we ask not that it is his,
or it is thine,
Neither from whence it came,
Nor of the things whence it came
For even as one small part is,
of all of us. (more…)
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The Early History of Jesus ~ Part II
by Saul of Tarsus channeled by Alexander Smyth
“This sleep,” added the recluse, “is very different from the ordinary one of mortals. The mind and all the powers of life are totally abstracted from the corporeal senses, and his individual existence is quiescent to all influences, save that of your own. In fact, his body is totally insensible, and his spirit is subject to your will in all respects, as I will convince you.”
The recluse then took a small stick, with which he beat the sleeper over the shoulders and legs, without eliciting any signs of sensibility or motions. Then he gave Jose some directions how to exercise his will-power over him. Jose then stood in front of the sleeper, and with the concentrated energies of his will, commanded the latter to arise and follow him. Immediately the sleeping John arose and stood erect; then, with a fearless step, he followed Jose around the hut, passed out of the doorway, and for a few minutes walked to and fro in front of it; then returning to the hut he was restored to his former position by the side of the fire. (more…)
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The Early History of Jesus
by Saul of Tarsus channeled by Alexander Smyth
Friend Alexander, I will not insult your intellect by supposing that you believe there is any truth in the vile and ridiculous account that Luke and I concocted when we wrote the history of Jesus, concerning Mary, the virgin mother–the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove, acting as a proxy for the God of Heaven, in begetting a son who was to be equal to himself, and had existed through all time before he was begotten. I will not insult your reason, by supposing you to believe any part of these silly lies; but I will give you the true account of his youthful days as far as I received it from Jesus himself.
A short time after I had passed into the spirit world, being exiled from all society, in dreary exclusion, I received a visit from the spirit of the much injured Jesus, whom I had caused to be sacrificed to the hatred of the Jewish priests. I quailed before his benign and noble presence, feeling myself unworthy to meet his gaze. He gently rebuked me for the many evils I had done him, saying that he was informed of all by Judas, whom I had sent to the spirit world the same night that Jesus died. He told me that he forgave me for all my wickedness in regard to him, and then he spoke in sympathizing tones of my suffering condition. He said he could not mitigate my agonies, or he would, advising me to repent, aspire after righteousness, and strive to renew my nature for the better; that my wretched exclusion would be terminated in course of time, and I then would be allowed to mingle with the blessed. He then spoke of many parts of his history, enlightening me on many points I knew not before. (more…)
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More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part III
As I have said, everything has already been created, everything which is far beyond the capacity of your mind to even very
faintly imagine. You could never get to the end of it. In infinity, in this way, as you journey through infinity in your evolution, you are contacting, at any given point, a certain number of these cyclic wave forms and their information. Then, according to other different wave forms which you have contacted in this cyclic transference pattern from the past, you react and you form the basis of your present-day third-dimensional life.
You see, mind wave forms, as they are connected with the psychic anatomy and all other wave forms which emanate from the psychic anatomy, are more strictly fourth-dimensional in nature; that is, they, too, are cyclic. Part of this cyclic pattern is, of course the reaction between the electromagnetic fields of the different atoms involved, in other words, an oscillating process where we have both positive and negative. (more…)
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More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part II
The value of time in any person’s mind is a quasi-evaluation. The consensus of even a few years time, memory-wise speaking
is, so far as the time factor is concerned, absolutely meaningless. A person may remember many incidents of his past life but so far as reliving them, so to speak, with the actual time consonant is impossible, because time, as it relates to any happening in a person’s life, must relate itself harmonically to all life processes, past and present and in the combination of harmonic structures, the time element is the differentiation factor which separates these wave form patterns into understandable reactive components.
To look at a piece of moon rock and say equivocally that it is 4.7 billion years old is meaningless even if it were true because such elements as were at that time, 4.7 billion years ago, concerned with integrating atoms into molecule combinations which formed the rock—were then expressing the time consonant as the reactionary element in the formation of this rock, which could be quite analogous to witnessing a lava flow from a volcano. Perhaps the Earth scientists might get some satisfaction from this comparison and feel within themselves a great sense of accomplishment at having arrived at this meaningless comparison. In his limited thinking, he would not be concerned with t
he possible billions of years, time-wise, which were necessary to bring this atom-molecule lava flow up to its expressionary point or that such lava flows could recur hundreds of thousands of years apart. Yes, even the same lava could have been re-melted and cooled many times, again giving no information as to what form these atom-molecule combinations took and for that matter what every atom-molecule combination takes which could be found anywhere in the galaxy or universe as planets or suns, etc. The 4.7 billion year age denotes a sharp and immediate creation from apparently nothing and imparts no information as to the total evolutionary consensus involved before and after the lava flow which formed this rock. (more…)
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Infinite Light
And so the Three Wise Men that cometh from the East
Give not the treasures of spices and ambers and myrrh
And brought to the lowly born.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
More On Interdimensional Concepts ~ Part I
Judging by the current news media (at the time of this writing, 1971), the
Apollo #15 flight to the moon is still very much in evidence; in fact, scientists and astronauts are eagerly beginning the examination of the various lunar rocks which were brought back on this flight, and in particular, that piece of black, glass-like rock called the Genesis rock which they believe to be about 4.7 billion years old. Astronaut David Scott also made a statement that these moon explorations should be continued, that it was very necessary and important. The 18th and 19th trips or flights have been cancelled and Scott believes these should be reinstated, etc.
To a person who has some insight and understanding of the interdimensional cosmos, such efforts and explorations, the belief that determining the age of a rock or the kind of a rock that it is will give them insight into the creation of the universe—such an assumption is ridiculous, asinine and elemental. It clearly points out the very obvious fact that these so-called scientists are trying to understand creation in much the same way as a blind man trying to describe the elephant after holding the animal’s tail for a few moments. (more…)
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The Psychology of Conditioned Reflexes
One of the first and central figures in our modern present-day psychology was a Russian psychologist and physician named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). It was Pavlov who
first discovered and developed what is no doubt the most basic underlying principle of this psychology—a basic tenet called conditioned reflexes. With a group of dogs, Pavlov began his famous experiment. Just before feeding the dogs, he would ring a certain little hand bell, then begin the feeding. After a few days time, Pavlov noticed that after he rang the bell the dogs began to exhibit certain reactions. They would begin to bark and howl and their saliva glands were very strongly activated. In time, Pavlov also noted that any time during the day he rang that bell, the saliva glands were activated; however, if any other bell was used, there was no reaction! It was this reaction Pavlov called a conditioned reflex.
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To See Or Not To See
In the various epistles of UN.AR.I.U.S., it has been frequently stressed that the doorway to heaven is not through some ecclesiastical system, but by beginning to understand and by learning the functioning principles of the great Infinite Intelligence, through the doorway of personal consciousness. This is quite true and the only way any person attains
salvation from these material worlds. It is the way which Jesus spoke of and pointed out to His people 2000 years ago.
Obviously, to begin to understand this Creative Intelligence, we must begin at the bottom point in the scale of evolution which is the material world. No person could begin to understand the Creative Intelligence from the top, for he would have to be an Infinite Intelligence himself before such a feat could be accomplished. (more…)
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The Moderator On Black And White Magic
There is at the present time much literature, if one wishes to seek such literature, both ancient and modern, relating to ancient translations of various esoteric sciences as exorcism or casting out. The average student can become somewhat acquainted with these things by reading. Our purpose with UN.AR.I.U.S. is to explain these things to you scientifically, in the nomenclature of the modern day scientist, of the savant of this time. From these teachings we shall begin to build a future concept wherein those false structures of the subversive elements of negativity as they reside in the astral planes shall be torn down and voided, for truly, man is today—and particularly the people of America—suffering from derelictions and malformations of interpretation from the lower astral orders.
We do not need to fear that man will blow himself into a cloud of atomic dust, neither do we need to fear invasions of spacecraft. These things have given the uninitiated or the unobservant person on the earth today something of a fearful consequence in his mind. But we need to be more aware within ourselves of the forces of negativity which are about us and are moving for the destructive purposes of mankind. It is safe to assume that our modern medicine and our modern psychiatry are struggling with these subversive forces, and that in this struggle while they may have fallen on one side or another on the path of truth, they must rise again, they must reinstate themselves. They must come back to the fundamental elements of man’s true spiritual nature. The future scientist and psychiatrist of the world will learn and know all of these things which you people are being taught and he will use them for the benefit of mankind. For the hopelessly insane, incarcerated behind bars into screaming, raving masses of incurable humanity, we shall have ways and means, either through scientific instrumentation or with the aid of clairvoyant perception, to cure all of them. We shall not do so with the crude use of shock therapy which is in use today but actual electronic instruments shall remove obsessions in a scientific and orderly manner. The patient will neither suffer pain nor consequence. These things are being done on other planets among other races of people in other dimensions. They will be brought into this world in their proper time when people require and demand that they be given. (more…)
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Fuels or Fools?
There can be no doubt in the mind of any person but that we have entered well into a new scientific age; for
everywhere about us, are the many manifestations of this technocracy. Cities and the highways which link these cities contain vast evidence of this new age of science and the very skies are now used as highroads for various devices of communications brought about by this science. Yes, even the small children play about in space suits and helmets, riding rockets through imaginary skies to distant planets.
Several of these much talked about scientific achievements or projects are however, still dreams which have yet to be fulfilled. Heading the list of these dreams is atomic power; for despite various developments in nuclear weapons, power plants, and atomically powered submarines, man is still far from his goal in achieving an abundance of cheap atomic power. For the present and future generations comes the idea of the vast and staggering proportions of this need and which can be gathered from some currently available statistics. (more…)
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Newfound Spring
It was April when I came to earth, and a
gentle rain was falling
And the air was filled with the promise of
Spring – and so I waited until May
Then my eyes feasted with the beauty of
fresh flowers and the multitude
of growing things.
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Judge Not
It has been observed in this humble cliche, that every dog has his day, and while this observation may seemingly have involved members of the canine world, yet there is a much deeper and more philosophical content which could be applied in various cyclic movements
involving mankind, individually or collectively, whether they concerned the rise and fall of civilizations, or more individualistic expressions such as kings, emperors, ruling deities, religions, hierarchies, etc., for these too, have also lived in their day and vanished in time. While such various expressions and re-expressions always idiomatically assumed the environmental form of the race which so produced it, or into such singular expressionists so connected, the principles behind such resurgent cyclic movements were, and are basically the same, and are as true today as they were when they happened many thousands of years ago.
To understand then, these basic principles which engender cyclic movement, either individually or, as they are resumed in the collective masses of some civilization, we will always find the underlying motions of such cyclic movements, whether progressive or retrogressive, as comprising delicately balanced equilibriums, between two widely divergent polarities of life — good and evil. In a progressive evolutionary movement, as it concerns the development of a race of people, a civilization, or any singular person, any progressive balances which can be called good or constructive must be maintained in order to offset the corrosive action of the negative or evil polarity. (more…)
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