Voice of Spirit
Man goeth about the earth
And there is much knocking and grinding,
Likewise there is great haste
Unto the end of nothing.
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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part II
Although only a few hours have passed since my last visit conditions are so propitious that it was deemed advantageous that I again make contact. I hope that you will pardon my intrusion in your daily earth life routine.
So we will resume our little trip where it was left off the previous evening. Now we are again back on the surface of Venus and we find ourselves standing in a beautiful forest glade, and although it is quite familiar to me, I see in your mind that you are almost overwhelmed with the beauty. For the benefit of your earth brothers, let us sit down upon this grassy bank beside a pool so that I may not only explain more fully these things about you, but that I may also clear up some of the salient points which I see are not quite transparent. As you look about you, you see many tall trees which stretch hundreds of feet into the air, and the overhanging branches seem to reach out and form a canopy which delicately laces the radiant solar energy that comes from the great golden orb which shines above; and while it is the same sun which shines on your earth it has here quite a different appearance, not being small and white and extremely brilliant, but being large and of a soft golden yellow color which can be easily looked into. As you have been told the sun is not as commonly supposed, a mass of disintegrating atomic energy which is dissipating itself as white hot heat, but is instead a radiant energy projector which converts energy and reflects its light and other associated energy fluxes into what you term your three dimensional world. This energy source is of course the Fountainhead. (more…)
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The Many Dimensional Levels of Venus – Part I
Judging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude regarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase of development and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written. (more…)
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More On Mental Function And Hypnosis
Advanced Lesson Course 7 from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
Ever since I can remember, I have been pondering the greatest and most apparent of all human enigmas which is a total and complete lack of understanding and comprehension of what life is—more properly, what it really is, when compared to and compounded with the interdimensional creative cosmos.
This apparent enigma is made even more contradictory when it can be seen that literally millions of people lead what are apparently normal lives from the cradle to death, enjoying some affable state of affluence with their society and without the slightest knowledge of the ever-present, always-working, life principles which not only make life possible, but are life itself! (more…)
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Cosmic Continuum ~ Full Book Download
Cosmic Continuum, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to continue to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa (more…)
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Words are thoughts and borne like winged messengers;
Shafts of iridescent Light, feathered with a kindness soft,
Or barbed with hardened steel ~
That minds and hearts be shorn apart by piercing shafts.
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The Voice of Hermes – Full Book Download
The Voice of Hermes, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to continue to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa
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The Spiritual Side of Procreation And Genetics ~ Part II
The more primitive human does not usually display outstanding genius proclivities. In Europe during the Middle Ages, thousands of these more advanced personalities came into the world, for those times deemed the necessity of their migration from some of the higher spiritual worlds so that mankind might be liberated from the yoke of religious oppression.
This leads us up to that all-important point: the transmigration of another human soul or psychic anatomy into the newly-conceived body or fetus. This is always done through frequency attunement. The parents, in almost all cases, have had certain former associations with this soon-to-be child, who will display his advanced genius-like proclivities and attributes at a very early age. A typical example is seen in the composer, Mozart, who began composing music at the age of two years. His mother and father were also musicians. In this case, former associations were clearly indicated but such exact conditions do not always hold true in this respect. These previous association factors were actually elements which are necessary before that correct psychic attunement can take place which will enable the psychic anatomy of the third person to attach itself or dominate the physical anatomy of the new child. (more…)
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The Everlasting Fount
Consider ye that all the fountains
of the earth and from all
The places hidden and unknown
from whence runneth the waters
which filleth the rivers
And their mightiness emptieth
into the great oceans
And of the clouds which filleth
the Heavens
Yet surely all of this is less
than one drop
To filleth the Place of Wisdom
in the Immortal Mind.
by Ernest L. Norman
Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. II
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The Wheel Of Life
Just as water in its long journey
to return to its birthplace,
The sea turns the millstones
which grind the farmer’s grist.
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Connecting To Our Spiritual Superconscious
Ruth: Would you define please, problems caused by psychic shock, etc.?
Moderator: Tensions caused by shock from the outside, such as those caused by an operation, are one type. Psychic shocks are like static charges. They, in turn, reflect back some kind of galvanic action; they come back into the physical and cause pain from the psychic. In other words, the pain the person suffered before going to the hospital to have an operation reflects it back like an echo at this time when vibrations are set up where they are synchronized or harmonized through frequency relationship with the present, due to the state of mind the person is in or with other different wave forms being reflected through from the psychic.
That is a lesson in itself, isn’t it? To better understand, let me say it is something like standing in a valley or on the other side of a mountain and shouting and hearing your echo. That is because the voice travels across, hits the side of the mountain and is reflected back to you. As sound travels so many feet per second, you get it delayed a second or two later, after it is reflected back to you. That’s an echo. The frequency which we call pain, distress or various other emotional complexes of the mind, reflects back into the psyche and later on it is reflected into consciousness as pain. We are not concerned with time in this dimension; we are concerned with harmonic frequencies synchronized in frequency relationship, the same as we would have sound in pictures traveling at a certain rate of speed which, in this case, would be the element of frequency relationship. In the present, combined with various states of fear consciousness, fear assumes a new and different prospectus; similar to the message you were given on the concept of thought. Do you follow that now?
Ruth: Yes, and that’s true; the added fears, the negation or fear one has adds to it?
Moderator: Yes, it colors it, just like adding vegetable coloring to a paint box to make it pink or green. So that is a new slant entirely, because there you are actually getting psychic pain that was caused, like an echo, from a previous circumstance. That reverts back to the more original concept which has been the trouble, such as cancer and various conditions in the psychic, existing as shocks of previous times; in fact, this can be related back hundreds or thousands of years from the past. In that case, they take on and assume more definite characteristics; cancer would be a definite characteristic rather than just pain itself. You could describe certain pain to a doctor, and at the same time, he could not vocalize it to you or tell you exactly what caused it because there would be no indication in the physical. There would be, however, with cancer. You might have some other organs which were defective or were not functioning correctly, which would be a direct reflection or oscillation from a psychic shock in a previous lifetime and which was very different than the present condition. (more…)
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The Kingdom Within
Throughout the many ages of man’s written and unwritten history he has, universally, in his daily conduct of life, expressed one great universal fault or error. This fault is that he has always constantly striven to change the outside or exterior surface of his life, in an attempt to make it conform in all factors and elements, in ways, manners and means which seem to best suit his personal interests.
The fallacy of this common psychology is at once apparent to anyone who makes even a cursory analysis of human welfare. All the wars, strifes, human emotionalisms, crimes, perversions, etc., which are expressed by humanity are the direct result of this senseless life psychology. It is in direct opposition to the doctrine of self-development taught by Jesus who said, ‘‘Seek the Kingdom Within.” The direct interpretation and the solution to all ills and evils suffered by mankind would at once he soluble and eventually disappear, should each person, constructively and objectively, apply himself to this seeking which would, in effect, change this person for the better; thus changing his perspective and position to the reactive world, and so eliminating the strife and turmoil in which he was formerly embroiled, in an attempt to make the world conform to him. (more…)
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The Spiritual Side of Procreation And Genetics ~ Part I
Advanced Lesson Course Six from from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
No course of instruction would be complete without including that all-important subject, procreation – more loosely referred to as sex – for within this dimension we can find very important clues or keys to human behaviorisms, as well as to factually integrate mankind in the scale of evolution. Therefore the importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized for deep within the psychic anatomy of every human being are certain strong complexes which were originated and motivated in this dimension of human relationships.
Procreation itself enables humanity to reincarnate from one life to the next, taking with them from life to life, the various aggregates of their personality traits which they have thus developed in these various lifetimes and in these various aggregates polarize the all-important higher self. As of today, this branch of procreation is referred to scientifically and classically as genetics and the associated physiological inferences of psychology are still in complete darkness as to the true and originating sources and functions of these sciences. As a consequence, there is just as much misunderstanding, misconception and unadulterated falsity as there is in all other branches of science simply because, in general, these sciences have always given the strong indication that such sciences were based upon such third dimensional aspects which contain the various reactionary elements of this third dimension and the presupposed laws governing these reactions; and as in all cases, the scientist has not yet discovered or oriented into his science the true originating sources and causes of his third dimensional sciences. (more…)
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Moldeth In Virtue
Hast thou given thought of thy life ~
Hast thou molded it in the virtues of compassion
Or hast it been as the iron in the smithy’s
forge, heated and tempered in flame;
Or as the potter’s clay molded and baked in the oven?
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Understanding Jesus And The Master Plan
In order to understand both the intelligent God and His Master Plan, and especially in understanding Jesus, let us enter into a correct and all-inclusive hypothesis of various factors involved. Every material earth man can be considered dual in nature; that is, he has a psychic anatomy and mind, and a physical anatomy and mind which is, in actuality, one and the same in respect to the fact that the physical and psychic anatomies and their respective minds are functioning harmoniously, in all aspects of life on the basis of the oscillating principle.
It is conceivable in the normal course of evolution that any individual can become spiritually quickened or alerted; that is through contacts made in the life in between lives lived in spiritual worlds, as well as in other ways, the individual becomes aware of the higher spiritual worlds and a better way of life. When this alerted state is reached, this individual then begins to incarnate, spiritually, into some of these somewhat more advanced spiritual worlds, such as are described in the books of UN.AR.I.U.S., where he will study in some respective chosen field, a higher and more constructive expression of his vocation. He will then don the mantle of flesh in an earthly incarnation and bring into the world some form of the more advanced constructiveness of his particular vocation. Sometime in the more distant future, he will advance in his spiritual world life, to a point where he, temporarily at least, and for an indefinite period of time, will no longer have need for any further continuance of earth life incarnations.
In this state he has actually passed the point of necessity for an earth life; he is also most likely to be involved in a very concerted and specialized effort in the pursuance of more highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. In this state of consciousness, he is only vaguely conscious in memory of his former earth lives. Soon, however, he is confronted with the inevitable. Knowledge must be acquired in a certain ratio proportionate or equal with usage. He can not practice, so to speak, his newly acquired knowledge in even higher worlds than the one in which he is presently living. He must, obviously practice and use this knowledge in lower or earth worlds. In this respect he is also prompted by the mass of human misery which he vaguely remembers, and so he sets up a plan whereby he can, in a manner of speaking, incarnate into the material worlds. He does not do this by the usual method – rebirth into the physical body. He is spiritually advanced to the point where the physical body would be impossible to him; that is, he could not reasonably support a physical body in the usual psychic anatomy oscillating fashion, and so he uses an alternate method. (more…)
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