Moldeth In Virtue
Hast thou given thought of thy life ~
Hast thou molded it in the virtues of compassion
Or hast it been as the iron in the smithy’s
forge, heated and tempered in flame;
Or as the potter’s clay molded and baked in the oven?
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Understanding Jesus And The Master Plan
In order to understand both the intelligent God and His Master Plan, and especially in understanding Jesus, let us enter into a correct and all-inclusive hypothesis of various factors involved. Every material earth man can be considered dual in nature; that is, he has a psychic anatomy and mind, and a physical anatomy and mind which is, in actuality, one and the same in respect to the fact that the physical and psychic anatomies and their respective minds are functioning harmoniously, in all aspects of life on the basis of the oscillating principle.
It is conceivable in the normal course of evolution that any individual can become spiritually quickened or alerted; that is through contacts made in the life in between lives lived in spiritual worlds, as well as in other ways, the individual becomes aware of the higher spiritual worlds and a better way of life. When this alerted state is reached, this individual then begins to incarnate, spiritually, into some of these somewhat more advanced spiritual worlds, such as are described in the books of UN.AR.I.U.S., where he will study in some respective chosen field, a higher and more constructive expression of his vocation. He will then don the mantle of flesh in an earthly incarnation and bring into the world some form of the more advanced constructiveness of his particular vocation. Sometime in the more distant future, he will advance in his spiritual world life, to a point where he, temporarily at least, and for an indefinite period of time, will no longer have need for any further continuance of earth life incarnations.
In this state he has actually passed the point of necessity for an earth life; he is also most likely to be involved in a very concerted and specialized effort in the pursuance of more highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. In this state of consciousness, he is only vaguely conscious in memory of his former earth lives. Soon, however, he is confronted with the inevitable. Knowledge must be acquired in a certain ratio proportionate or equal with usage. He can not practice, so to speak, his newly acquired knowledge in even higher worlds than the one in which he is presently living. He must, obviously practice and use this knowledge in lower or earth worlds. In this respect he is also prompted by the mass of human misery which he vaguely remembers, and so he sets up a plan whereby he can, in a manner of speaking, incarnate into the material worlds. He does not do this by the usual method – rebirth into the physical body. He is spiritually advanced to the point where the physical body would be impossible to him; that is, he could not reasonably support a physical body in the usual psychic anatomy oscillating fashion, and so he uses an alternate method. (more…)
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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part II
Good day again folks; I believe we were walking through a large supermarket and discussing some of the relative values of the many goodies which we saw about us, and the diet of the average American citizen; we have found that, just as in many ways of
life, considerable amounts of synthetics and processing have been entered into, which were rather deleterious to the proper assimilation and nutritional elements which should have been contained in the food. As Pasteur pointed out, pasteurizing milk partially destroyed some of the food values and the elements necessary for the full realization of the food value of milk; so, the numerous products of the farm and country which you see here in the market are also, to a large extent, very highly
processed and refined. The sugars which are used in some of these foods have a two-fold effect inasmuch as they are very acid producing, and can, with the mixture of saliva, be positively caustic upon tooth enamel. This is especially true with the sugars used in the soft drink industry; and there is a common complaint among teenagers, using a word which I will not mention for obvious reasons, that they have a soft drink tooth decay age. Also, as we studied the processing of the fruits and vegetables, it was evident that much of the roughage had been eliminated by this processing, and, as a consequence, teeth and gums suffered from lack of polishing and stimulation.
Going along a little further in this market we see a very large display counter which is devoted to the various meat products. The subject of meat, in itself, is rather a touchy one, and is liable to produce great controversy. We may say that man is omnivorous or that he has a very highly adaptable intestinal tract which is capable of digesting all types of foodstuffs whether vegetable, fruit, or the meat variety. Contrasting, as we have said, the picture of the Eskimo who lives almost entirely upon a meat or fat diet with that of the various sects in India which prohibit even the consumption of fertilized eggs, we see, in these countries to eat meat, would be a very horrifying and vilifying act. (more…)
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Food – Its Spiritual And Nutritional Elements ~ Part I
I would first like to get into some of the factors of the dietary system of the American public in particular. Some of these concepts, such as the harmful effects of the robot feeding of infants from the bottle, were entered into by a predecessor named Pasteur. The whole trend of the time is actually, in a sense of the word, to create people into actual machine-like robots.
They are going about their numerous tasks in an every day sense, by the ticking motions of the clock; they must arise at a certain time, hurry down to the office or to the factory, turn ou
t a specified amount of their various and numerous tasks and efforts and hurry home where they can rest so that they can get up and repeat the whole thing all over again. This, in itself, is something of a treadmill-like existence which is highly productive of neurosis. The acts of civilization, while they present, on the outside or the exterior surface, some very glittering attractions — the beautiful automobiles which swirl up and down the highways, the lighted windows of the numerous shops which display a vast and glittering assemblage of wares and artifacts of jewelry and household appliances — are, in themselves, creative of the very earnest desires in the breath and the mind of every passing individual. (more…)
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part IV
During our previous discussions on healing, you have been presented with certain scientific facts and aspects, together with a number of other very important elements relative to this vital subject. The sum and total of this analysis and
introspection may lead you, the student, to a rather hopeless impasse so far as your own future is concerned. You may say to yourself, how am I or any other person, for that matter, going to be healed from certain incurable conditions, and in general, think the whole situation as tinged with a gloomy hue. Actually, however, this is far from the truth.
Infinite Intelligence is, in many ways including the evolutionary cycle, reconstructing and healing the material earth man from the many diseases and aberrations incurred in his daily life. These healing discussions were presented primarily to accomplish several purposes: First, to more fully acquaint you with common practices, subterfuges, delusions, and illusions under which the earth man labors in attempting to gain relief from his many ailments. And there is a direct warning carried in this information and in these facts, that you, the student, will cease to be tempted by these common and quite useless practices and beliefs. Second, to more fully open up the avenue upon which you will travel in your quest to seek healing from the earth world purgatory and to gain for yourself a higher and better way of life. The temptations and ruses which you will find along this pathway will be numerous; many will be well disguised and you should not for a single moment cease to be alert, but be constantly aware of these many dangers. (more…)
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Searchest Thou
For, without Me thy voice becomes as one crying in the wilderness
And with Me, thy voice becomes one in the Infinite symphony of Creation.
Without Me, thy path is more dark than the blackest night.
With Me, thy path is brighter than the noonday sun ~
And stones become as stars.
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Quantum Solar Mechanics
“In our previous discussions we approached that vital and all-important subject relative to the interdimensional cosmos termed by Einstein as the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.,
dimensions. We have discussed some extremely important factors relevant to the structures, transmission of energy, etc. In general, scientists of today, astrophysicists, etc., recognize that space does contain plasma (sometimes called ether), a revival of a theory that existed some seventy-five or a hundred years ago. However, now, just as it was then, no information or understanding of this space plasma is currently available. Limitations imposed by explorations in the vicinity of the interdimensional cosmos are most necessarily existent. The rhetorical minds of the third dimensional scientists, lack of proper instrumentation as well as other elements such as the requisites of preconditioning in higher worlds, etc., are most necessary before sufficient curiosity and desire is aroused which would stimulate explorations into this fourth dimensional cosmos.
In certain chapters of the “Tempus Procedium” and “Tempus Invictus” books, this space plasma was discussed to some extent and in the two preceding articles, more extensive discussion was entered into. However, the subject matter is most necessarily extremely complex and deserves considerably more attention before some comprehension may be expected to be attained. We have found that space plasma, as it is loosely termed by the Earth scientist, is actually a composite form of innumerable cycles of energy, all revolving endlessly around within themselves. We also discovered that these cycles, in the vernacular of this third dimension, could be considered to be small or large on the basis of their basic frequencies which they were oscillating. However, each cycle is most necessarily complex. It does, to a certain extent and in a certain way, according to the frequency oscillations within the compound matrix, reflect the entire fourth dimensional cosmos.This it does on the basis of attunements, or similarities with different frequencies, harmonic
patterns, and a certain particular way in which the net sum and total of these frequencies and harmonic regenerations phase or peak, so to speak; a condition which can be called a synchronous isochronism. (more…)
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part III
“In our previous discussions on healing, it was emphatically stated that no earth man is a healer. This is true not only with any Unariun student, but with any and all individuals who may practice spiritual healing in different churches or religious groups throughout the world. Some of these people state they are ‘gifted healers’, a completely false claim. How could they be more powerful than was Jesus who openly admitted He did not heal? In all
fairness, however, to these people and to the Unariun student, there are countless numbers of cases of spiritual healing where it seemed some miraculous healing or adjustment took place in circumstances involving a so-called healer. The Moderator grew up as a member of one such church which practiced spiritual or (divine) healing by the laying on of hands by specially ordained ministers, and he saw miracles happen when these rites were performed. However, here again these ministers were not the healers. They, like any other so-called healer, as well as the Unariun student, are what might be scientifically called healing polarities. No earth person — with possibly a single exception (and who is factually, not indigenous to the earth, but came from a higher spiritual planet for the sole purpose of bringing UN.AR.I.U.S. Science to earth man) has sufficient knowledge and training to bring about a healing by himself. He can, however, make of himself a sort of a channel wherein that extremely complex electrical energy charge can be projected into the body and psychic anatomy of the person to be healed. Here again the reasons are very scientific in nature.
Every person has an aura. An aura is a field of energy which radiates outwardly from the person for a distance of several feet. These energy radiations contain millions of different oscillating frequencies. All of these are grouped according to frequency into seven different plane rate classifications. There are three karmic or physical planes, three prana or mental planes, and one spiritual or Superconscious Radiation. Now most earth people have auras which vibrate very closely together even though they are all slightly different. There is not much of an effect when any number of these auras come together. However, if an Advanced Personality, like Jesus, walks among them, the situation is quite different. That is because the aura of this Advanced Person is radiating in frequencies on much higher planes than do the auras of the people around Him. This highly vibrating aura is also highly charged with Infinite Wisdom. It, therefore, can be considered positive in respect to the other auras as it is the Creative Law or Principle that positive must flow into the negative and the negative into the positive. This Advanced Person would be immediately aware that great energies were passing from Him and the negative energies or conditions of those around Him were flowing back into His aura. (more…)
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Seek ye not, before the Altars of man’s lusts
Neither in the Temples of his own desires
For in the offerings of flesh and wine
Cometh only the needs of the body.
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part II
“In the world today, just as in the past, there are many references to the term ‘power’, power in a multitude of forms and uses. Some forms of power are real, others imaginary; some exert their effect in a reactionary way, some autosuggestively. In all cases, however, where reference is
made to power — and if power exists in any suggested or supposed manner or that it is felt or realized in any manner or form — all such power forms must be, like anything else, a scientific extension of principle and must be scientifically understood. Power then, is simply a motion of energy and whether a quanta of power is large or small, it must be a scientific proposition wherein a certain principle of Infinite Intelligence is expressed for this is indeed the true origin of all things. The expression of power in the physical world is therefore a determinant of motion. Electrical power through wires is a great motivating force in our civilization. The electrical impulses in the nervous system are also energy in motion — power — and one of the agencies which make life possible on this planet. (more…)
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The ABC’s of Immortality ~ Part I
“To any person the subject of healing or to be healed is all important, and particularly to those who have religious affiliations and to those who are suffering from any of the infinite variety of mental and physical conditions. The Unariun student is, of course greatly concerned with healing, in fact his whole future
evolution depends upon whether or not he is healed from any and all aberrations as well as a countless host of physical experiences called karma, through which he has passed in his many lifetimes. Quite frequently Unariun students have wonderful miraculous demonstrations, and, also, quite frequently their friends or relatives; yes, and unknowingly, strangers may also be miraculously healed of some condition after the Unariun student has made some kind of contact with them. These miraculous transitions may give the Unariun student a sense of power or a belief that he (or she) is now a ‘healer’. This false assumption is very dangerous and should be watched for and instantly suppressed when the student finds himself incurring such a belief. (more…)
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An Astral Visit To Eros
“Let us now go directly to our planet and obtain our first view of the fifth spiritual plane of Shamballa which is the scientific plane. Now we find ourselves sitting on what apparently looks like a mountain top; and while you are looking at the substance upon which you are sitting as something similar in shape and form to your familiar earth planet as rock, yet it possesses some peculiar transparency or brilliance to which you are unaccustomed. As in the case of Venus, all elemental substances are in a much higher state of evolution than your earth planet. This principle of evolution was somewhat explained to you and in a more proper understanding of this principle, you will begin to understand that there is nothing happenstance or by chance in God’s great Celestial universe, but is all a thoroughly and completely integrated relationship. And so it is with the things around you on your earth plane: your mountains, your trees, your streams, your lakes, your cities, and so on, are all just a very small fragment of manifestation of the Infinite Mind. If you will think a moment, you can see that this same manifestation will take place on and on up into many, many other dimensions which are completely foreign to your understanding. Thus it is with Venus, and so it is with us and numerous other great planets and solar systems throughout the universe. (more…)
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An Astral Visit To Venus
“Judging by the thoughts which are received by me from you, you are quite anxious that we shall begin our exploration directly on the planet Venus. This I will be most happy to do, as I believe that by now your minds have been sufficiently freed from the bondage of the limited earth-life concepts around you. I do not wish to be misconstrued in my attitude regarding your earth planet. It is a wondrously conceived and properly constituted place of life for people in your particular phase
of development; and while your history reveals that there have been some good cycles and some not so good, yet with all it can be said that you are admirably situated in a world which was conceived as a battle ground and testing place between your emotions and carnal desires and as an actual starting place in your spiritual evolution. Of course I am making an exception of the many great old souls who have reincarnated from time to time into your way of life; and by the substance and strength of their wisdom have acted as a leavening agent which was a vital and necessary factor in maintaining the continuity of life in the lower orders of development in which they were working. Perhaps at some later time I will give you some more pertinent facts which will relate to the future history of your planet for not only is your past history well known to us here on Venus, but your future has also been written.
In going to the planet Venus I will ask one thing of you; that you must remember that while you may see some things which may in some way remind you of your more familiar planet, yet as I have explained there is nothing similar or comparable to what you call weight or mass, and while all things on Venus do have weight and solidity; but only to those who have evolved into this plane and are properly constituted so that the elemental substructure of their minds and bodies are in close relationship with the elements around them, which is, of course, exactly the same relationship which your minds and bodies bear toward the elemental structures of the earth plane. The difference being, if you will pardon my being repetitious, in the relationship of that hackneyed word dimension. I do not like this word as it has a confining sound and relates to such limitations as measurements, or is suggestive of limited confined spaces. However I must speak in your language and in such a way as you will best understand me. Now that we are on common ground we shall approach the Planet Venus and begin what I hope will be a profitable as well as enlightening venture, as has been done many times before. We will use as our vehicle our astral body and with our mind firmly ensconced within its comforting closeness, we will see what happens. But lo, I have hardly spoken before we are there, at least to our first stopping point, which is somewhat outside the astral shell of the planet, or as your astronomers call a similar one around the earth, the ionosphere. This astral shell around Venus differs somewhat from that of the earth planet. However such differences are not so important as to warrant a further discussion. We will instead merely say that its function is somewhat similar to that of the earth and that it is a protective shield against some of the dangerous radiations which come from various sources in outer space. Yo
ur astronomers, in looking at this planet, see only vague masses of cloud-like substances which seem at all times to be a complete envelope. Actually no earth-man has seen the surface of the planet through a telescope or with any other device he may use in conjunction with these optical instruments. (more…)
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Smallness Of Self
For behold there are two who are pilgrims who journey to Mecca
That their pouches are filled with dates and they have with them
the belly of the sheep filled with fresh curds,
So that they need wasteth not, nor hunger upon the wayside.
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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part III
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part III
Q – As Charlie, the amoeba, evolves until the time where he becomes man, does he bring through all these memories?
A – Oh no; it is similar to, say, baking a cake. You start with a few eggs, you add milk, and then flour and along the line other things. This is what has happened to Charlie: Through spiritual cycles in getting here, he has linked himself up with other spiritual dimensions in his psychic body so he took on these various ingredients which activated him into a higher dimension. The personality quotient which I just pointed out was not involved because through each one of these cycles, personal identity is not so contained as is true in man. The ingredients of Charlie, the amoeba, which his body contained do not mean that he was Charlie or that they remember Charlie; it merely means that there are a lot of wave forms and vortexes in this psychic body which expressed themselves with the material form as an idea. It’s a bit like chopping a tree down and cutting it up for wood to build a house. This is what we call spiritual evolution, taking these various energies, wave forms, structures, etc., and recreating them into different vehicles of transposition and various levels of life which we see as suitable to reincarnate into. The important thing to realize is that we have this psychic body which is composed of all these little vortexes, as we previously said, and it is constructed of millions and millions of tiny vortexes and waves of energy. That energy building is a product of evolution; it is not so much concerned with identity as it is concerned with how it functions in its own particular dimension and what its purpose is. It does not go about saying, I am so and so, and I was such and such back there eons ago.
Q – Would there be any intelligence in this psychic which would enable it to remember environment, for example, in that long past? (more…)
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