What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part II
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part II
Now going back to the place where this life cycle enters in so that he becomes a man, it is very important to note too, that here we express these same quotients of positive and negative energy or experience in everything which we do.
It is very likely at this time, as we may enter into these lower worlds as a primitive man or a jungle savage, that we are concerned with the various elements which sustain us upon this earth such as sex and the will to survive. Freud was one of the people who posed the hypothesis, and he would shake his head sadly and say that all our reactions were based primarily upon sex. Freud, like Darwin, in his expression upon this earth at that time, did not know of the important part of the spiritual cycle of evolution which exists not only in each animal but in every human being. It is quite true that while we are on this physical plane we are expressing a negative and positive polarity and that our sex is contained in this lower material level and all forms of physical life, as energy wave forms, are maintained in that level. That is the reciprocation, or oscillation, the law of polarity. And so within this law of polarity there is also expressed another equation which is male and female since it is necessary for man to propagate and to re-create his physical form in a physical dimension for the spirit to enter into; therefore, procreation is necessary. We thus have these sustaining life forces which come from this negative or physical part of our world. (more…)
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The Uncertainty Principle Explained by Unariun Mechanics
As we view an atom, we are visually interpreting what we think of as matter but what we are actually seeing is where the wave forms intersect giving the illusion of matter or what the scientist calls “particle” movement.
A particle is not really a particle but where one or more wave forms intersect creating a denser location of wave forms which then is interpreted as a particle. Because the waveforms are constantly gyrating, the intersection of wave forms crossing each others’ paths (particles) appear to be in all parts of the atom’s interior at the same time causing the uncertainty principle where you can either know the velocity or the location but you can’t know both at the same time.
As the wave forms gyrate, the positions of intersecting wave forms also change their location. This occurs so fast that it appears the particles are in all positions at once. The gyrating intersections of wave patterns also form geometric patterns individualizing each atom with its own unique atomic number. (more…)
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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part I
“Tonight the message will be inspired by Charles Darwin and Gregor Johann Mendel. As everyone knows, Darwin was called the father of evolution. Mendel was the so-called originator of genetics or the genetical sciences. As is customary, we shall first establish a continuity between this lesson and the last one. Last week we saw on the screen of the oscilloscope, energy in motion. Since our lesson pertained to frequency relationship and since we saw that everything moved in certain well-ordered patterns, it was established that in the Universe as the Infinite expressed Itself, all is law, order and harmony. We also learned that cycles manifested and remanifested themselves, or that they were wave forms or energies which entered into the numerous and infinite number of expressions of life which were in themselves, all products of this very highly integrated order of relationship.
It has also been established, universally speaking, that everything is energy. Man lives, comes, and goes through these terrestrial dimensions and spiritual planets, according to these well-ordered and perfect harmonics of frequency relationship. Now we are going into a concept which will give you at least one or two elements which have heretofore been missing in both fundamentalism and in science. (more…)
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Even The Sparrow Is Noted ~ Part I
“One of the classical utterances of Jesus which is often bandied about and severely misinterpreted is one in which He said, “Even the sparrow which falls by the wayside is noted.” This quotation is one which can well point up the various and obvious interpretations among the Christians as to just what God is; and in reference to this quotation, as well as other extractions which are made from the New Testament, the
Christian religionist always comes up with some rather vague explanations as to what God really is. He may picture God as the Supreme Being, something like a white-robed Santa Claus of gigantic size, who sits upon a white throne somewhere off in the skies, and in some mysterious way has a mind which can instantaneously discern all that is going on, not only on planet earth, but in the countless millions of solar systems throughout great numbers of galaxies and universes.
Of course this particular ideosophy is utterly ridiculous and infantile; there is neither scientific reason nor logic to support such a fantastic supposition. However, in this present day age of science, we can reasonably equate what the Infinite Intelligence or God really is, and form a comprehensive idea within our own minds as to the complete entity of the Supreme Being if it can be called an entity – which it is not. As this God is the Creator of Heaven and earth, He must therefore be logically assumed to be an infinitely scientific sort of proposition; that is, a mind which could reasonably construct atoms, build up solar systems, and suns; as well as to construct the spiritual worlds, both astral, and sub-astral, etc. (more…)
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The True Life of Jesus – Free Book Download
“It has generally been conceded by all those who have read the New Testaments that the life of Jesus was indeed the greatest life ever lived, if this life is to be judged by its most unique character, and as it is so depicted in the Testaments. Also so depicted in these Testaments, this life presents the greatest enigma and an overwhelming contradiction, for it is impossible to compromise the concept of a man able to perform instantaneous miracles even bringing back the dead — that he did perform these acts without rhyme or reason other than, either as an exhibition of power or, as he was compassionately minded, etc., all against any wise and logical coarse of action which might be attributed to such power and intellect, i.e., that, psychologically speaking, such miraculous acts would also cause mass hallucinations, an addictive dependency on such miracles; or, again, that these miraculous acts were performed with the forseeable, and the inevitable result that it would arouse the ire and wrath of the incumbent priesthood.
Furthermore, such miraculous acts are in direct opposition to the preachments of the same individual who always emphatically insisted that it was a personal responsibility of each individual to seek out the *Father within, so that all things could be added unto, or corrected. Also most apparent, in the great contradiction of this life is in the context of the mission itself, which was to overthrow the Jehovan god and to represent a true creative facsimile as posed by this Father image, which dealt specifically as the creative factor in all aspects of life; not the Jehovan god, an emotional, vindictive, even murderous god, who had led the Jews through a senseless forty-year trek through the desert, ending this pilgrimage in long years of war; to dispossess the Canaanites of their lands and homes. (more…)
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Of Life Equation
“I will point out and describe to you more of the abstract equations of the individual soul progression. Part of this has already been given.
We may start at some individual’s spiritual birth, and as it was similarized in the cycle of life equation, the individual began as an infinite concept. In this life cycle were the many multiple things which were all part of the wisdom of the Infinite God, and that as God is Infinite, He expresses both finitely and infinitely. Thus, in the life cycle, we see two diametrically opposed polarities or opposites, which so separate him into something like two poles. It is the oscillation and the various transferences of energy forms between these two poles which begin to construct for him his psychic body, or rather, two psychic bodies.
The individual will assume, in the course of many spiritual evolutions in each of these psychic bodies, two equally opposing concepts of such truths or structures as have entered into his psychic make-up. I would point out that the two poles, as I have called them, are linked by the life cycle. This is, in essence, his soul or spirit. So it is that he goes through many spiritual cycles or reincarnations before he is ready to be initiated in this new phase of concept. Thus, he will have arrived at the point where he must reincarnate into some lower physical form in the earth plane dimensions. This he will do in a separate or divided state of consciousness, as he now becomes male or female. (more…)
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The Principle of Catalytic Action
“We have fully established the relationship in which all things can be resolved into energy, and conduct themselves according to certain principles which, for the sake of introspection, can be called laws. The word “law” is referred to loosely as merely a convenient or a descriptive word, for in all cases “principle”, as it is concerned with the Infinite Mind, is a much better form of terminology.
The various wave form transmissions, as they are concerned in the oscillating processes both finitely and infinitely, always function (as it has been stated), according to these well-known laws. In other words, our first law is concerned with what is commonly referred to as harmonic relationship.
When we find that two different wave forms strike each other – or that they intermingle – there is a third set of wave forms generated which are called harmonic structures or harmonic wave forms. This third set of wave form patterns always carry, to some degree,
the original idiom or consciousness of the primary elements which instigated the harmonic formation. Therefore, as such regenerative processes are subjective to the numerous different conditions and alliances with similar wave forms in compatible rates of frequency with which they might become interrelated, this presents a rather complex problem which could become quite confusing. (more…)
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Ant Beings On Mars
In 1956 Ernest L. Norman took a astral flight to Mars. Now more then fifty years later his information is being confirmed with Mars rovers images and other research.
Obviously there is some kind of ant being on Mars. Here are just a few photos from NASA rovers that show what appears to be ant beings:
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Our Evolutionary Pathway
…I would like to explain something of the theory which was expounded in reincarnation or evolution by
the Grecian philosopher Plato. It was Plato, as I have said, who brought the first constructive ideology of the perfect order and sequence of conception which is called reincarnation to the minds of the intellectuals of the Western world. To those of you who have started on the pathway of truth, a little more light cast upon this subject would perhaps be in order. So let us begin by assuming that some individual is starting at the very beginning of his evolution.
We will say that there are three initial steps which must be first taken before he is ready for the fourth step or the step of consecration. These three initiations or steps relate to the carnal, to the mental and the spiritual nature of man. They have also been called the working counterpart of the triad. So it is that the individual will reincarnate many times into such planes of expressions in the physical world which will relate him to these three basic concepts of his evolution. By the time he has passed through the carnal into the mental states of consciousness, he will find himself emerged into a spiritual state of consciousness which will focus and crystallize his ideas and his ambitions into a spiritual dimension which will enable him to take the first of seven more basic evolutions or reincarnations which will bring him to the place of his first spiritual initiation. (more…)
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An Elder Brother Discusses Energy With A Student ~ Part II
We are getting these things all down in print so you all may learn and study them in your own homes. But I am not at all concerned about these things because they will be the bibliography of the future. It will help man in his future evolution to destroy this illusion, this maya that has been confounding him for the past countless centuries. You see, all religions, all cultisms are basically and essentially the cause for man’s greatest distresses because they are forming even in the most liberal perspectives an escape mechanism at best. That is all that religion is in its present status. Man is only obtaining a temporary form of relief, a sort of safety valve situation with a great number of different pressures which have been built up within himself, because he has not understood the common equations with dynamic polarities, the movements of any given form or appearance of substance as it is called, or form of substance through a certain perspective as a certain polarity pattern.
When a person obtains that perspective, he is not subjective to these things in the common sense because they always have a different way of equalizing these things and leveling them off. He does not have to go off on these mad rat-race vacations; he does not have to seek out the priest and obtain this temporary moral opiate that he calls a confession or some religious observance or go to church to ease his conscience because that is all just a form of a tranquilizer, a moral opiate, and that is all that it is. (more…)
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Time of Sleep
And there is the place where the old man sitteth in his garden,
And he looketh about and seeth not.
Neither doth his ears hear all the sounds of this life of which
his days have been many and long.
Yet his days are now numbered, as come and go the things of this earth.
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Spiritual Healing
As to those who have been helped or healed by some seemingly miraculous force which has been called “spiritual healing” or “divine intercession”, the principles here are just the same. At the particular moment of healing, the individual has, to
some small degree, learned of a certain positive bias, so far as the proportions of energy formations are posed in his psychic body, in their relationship to the Infinite, in this positively biased condition, the infinite, positive, regenerative and rebuilding power can completely reconstitute the psychic body in whatever particular malformations of negative energy with which it is so concerned. But as has been previously explained, there must also be a direct conjunction with the different functioning principles as they concern these various energy wave forms and polarity patterns which are involved in this healing process.
The average individual, in his progression of life, must destroy these old fallacious concepts, such as “divine intercession” and the belief that he can be saved from his sins and iniquities by some Master or Avatar. This is the greatest of all hypocrisies which man perpetuates not only against himself, but in teaching it to his fellow man. The adherents to this hypocrisy are always doomed to disappointment and eventual destruction should they continue their unrealistic attitude toward the Infinite Creative Force which we call God. It is the purpose of this great Infinite Creative Force to constantly perpetuate itself, re-create itself and regenerate itself in an infinite number of forms and transmissions of numerous and varied energy wave forms, whether they are of an atomic nature or whether they resolve themselves into such infinite abstractions which may be concerned with higher spiritual worlds. There is no difference; it means Infinity. The Creator is living, breathing and regenerating in all of these Infinite configurations. (more…)
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Earth’s History of Interplanetary Travel
Greetings again, my friends, and all my brothers and sisters on the earth plane. May I say first that I am very happy to be with you again and to thank you for the gracious way in which you received my brother during my enforced absence. I have decided that
inasmuch as you have begun to understand that the factors of energy and mass are but relative and that they depend primarily for expression upon the source or Fountainhead and that these equations of energy and mass are but the outward intelligence expressed from the Fountainhead, I have been very anxious that you understand this principle thoroughly. And it is partly because of this that I will discuss the topic of today which, although it does not necessarily pertain to the expression of life on Venus, is pertinent and vital for your understanding and peace of mind in the future generations of mankind upon the earth plane. Our topic today will deal with spacecraft and the historical background of the earth with regard to interplanetary travel. (more…)
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Science of Energy: Transmission by Christian Huygens
A good day to you, brother and sister. I am an individual known as Christian Huygens, who lived in the 1600’s, in the proximity of Newton’s time. As you have studied in the
histories of the period of the Reformation, those were indeed hectic times; the very air seemed to be filled with a new essence, which excited and infused the minds of mankind. If you examine your histories, you will learn that, living in Holland, I tinkered some with physics, mathematics, and things of that nature; and that I invented a double pendulum clock, a kind of pendulum which was rather an innovation to the commonly accepted type, which swung back and forth with each escaping moment. I was also in very violent opposition to part of Newton’s theory about light. He maintained a corpusclar theory, that light was a tiny minute submicroscopic particle; whereas I postulated the theory that light traveled in a wave, or in an undulatory fashion, through the atmosphere. As you will soon see, we were only partially right, as is the case with all mankind, who live in such dimensions or places on the earth that they can, in their own concept, evolve only a small part of the truth at any time. They must wait until future evolutions and cycles to enlarge their concepts, so that they can more truly ascertain the nature of the great universes about them.
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Questions & Answers Regarding The Mission of The Master Jesus
Q – Was the polarity of Jesus on the earth at His time?
A – That is a good question and the better you can clear that sort of abstraction in your consciousness into the spiritual dimensions and consciousness, the more you will become overshadowed with the superconsciousness of the superself. That will supplant the physical self. It will make it much more easy to understand that Jesus (the Higher Self) was not actually crucified, because the overself or the Spiritual self was so strong that it wasn’t within the bounds of its tenets of the physical interpretations.
In coming to the earth, the man, as Jesus, went through all the Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S., taking 2,000 or more years in each, and then He came to the earth and some of the other numerous terrestrial dimensions to prove His Mastership under any and all conditions, including what is called death, or the ability to survive it. The mission of Jesus was to prove that this Mastery could be attained by any person; that the Christ Consciousness, the Father Within, as He called it, was within every individual. That was our personal Savior—the realizing and knowing of this overself or the superconsciousness. And regarding your question, such a developed being as was Jesus can oscillate with any other one of like or similar frequency. His espoused who walked by his side, served as a pole or battery with him. It is not generally known, but much Truth pertaining to his true life is not known.
Q – What about Jesus after the crucifixion?
A – As far as the histories of the world are concerned, there are several different stories; one group has it that he was taken down before he was dead–this is the Rosicrucian concept. Incidentally, while he was incarcerated in his tomb he used all his powers, his spiritual healing to bring himself back into a perfectly—healed condition; his disciples came and rolled away a stone from the rear entrance of the sepulcher and he came forth and lived for some six months time. Now as far as these histories of the world are concerned, you may as well take your choice one way or another because he was a very highly developed person. He would not have needed to remain on the earth as far as that was concerned for he came and went in a materialized body. (more…)
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