His Eternal Love
The earth has wounded thee, for thou comest unto the Lord
And in thy faith He shall bind up thy wounds
For as thou art long suffering, and many and grievous are thy wounds
Yet surely with all of this and in the binding thereof
Thou art made in the wholeness of thy God.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
A Bolt From The Blue
“It is said that every age, every civilization and every century produces not only the particular cultures and the subsequent way of life in that particular era but also brings forth one or more particular era but also brings forth one or more particular advents of some new religious, political or scientific movements which have usually changed the entire course of history for mankind at that time or laid down the basic foundation for some future renaissance. For hundreds of millions of Asiatics, Buddha laid down a better way of life and there were others such as Zoroaster, Mohammed and Jesus, who 2000 years ago taught a simple psychology or way of life which is the keystone of our present-day Christian structures.
Today, history is largely repeating itself. During the past fifty years, man, living in the western world has built up a tremendous synthetic technocracy yet it is equally obvious that a proper spiritual balance must be maintained in any way or dispensation of life, otherwise man is quickly destroyed by the insidious poisons of false perspectives and horizons which are clouded with rosy mists of indifference and man’s pathway becomes a bog-like morass of false pleasures, lustful gains and abnormal appetites. So it is today, that while the balance wheel has been pushed over into the materialistic side in this past decade, yet there are strong, highly organized Spiritual Forces working from the higher realm and through various channels and media to bring this balance wheel back into its proper position. (more…)
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On The Science of Spiritual Healing
“Our Science is different because it is not mandatory. We are not trying to impress it on anyone. What we are striving for is to contact people who have been preconditioned for it, who have asked for it within their own consciousness. As Jesus said, “Believest thou this?” and he knew that unless people were preconditioned, that they were hopelessly lost until they had sought out the higher planes of consciousness in the spiritual worlds in their lives in between lives, and had been preconditioned of these things. If they had gone in their sleep state to the higher planes like Venus and had been taught harmonizing expressions of life, that’s putting the horse at the right end of the wagon where it belongs and not trying to make God subjective to you through the will and dominion of your mind which is taught by all so-called teachers of truth, which they, in a sense of the word, are always trying to tell God what to do, instead of tuning themselves in and letting God reward them openly the way they should do. They can’t do it until they understand the first basic equivalent of all things, the very essence and nature of God, which is a sine wave, which is energy. And they have the proof here because everything around you is proof of that. There is no such thing as a solid substance. Everything resolves itself into one or another tangible element of energy— living, dynamic, moving energy which is related and interrelated into the Infinite Cosmogony. That is the Absolute and we cannot divide that; we cannot say, “This is Satan, this is Jehovah, this Beelzebub, this is Brahma, this is Shiva, this is Vishnu.” That was all for the little children who were playing in mud pies. They had to personify these things because that was a struggle over themselves within their own minds. They couldn’t visualize that anything could live except in the external form of a parent of a human being just like themselves, in spite of the fact that they, themselves, either physically, mentally or any other way, were merely a conglomeration, a matrix of energy formations all expressing the common idiom of their own particular structural energy content as it was superimposed in it by an energy wave form, an oscillation, an up-and-down motion, a forward movement, a positive relationship of an idea or an expression, positive or negative from one pole to another. (more…)
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Newer Concepts
“It can be said that this is indeed the age of miracles. The last fifty years have seen great and tremendous changes in the way of life for man on this globe. He has brought many new and wonderful inventions into his way of living. He now rides through the skies at speeds of more than twice the speed of sound. He can live for months, if necessary, beneath the surface of the ocean. He has new antibiotic drugs at his disposal, new methods of sanitation which have all but wiped some of the great plagues of the past from the face of the earth. He has in the laboratories synthesized and produced great and untold numbers of articles which he uses in his daily life; his clothing, articles in the home are all produced in mass quantities from synthetic materials. His methods of communication span the entire surface of the globe, not only with sound and with the spoken word but with pictures. And it can truly be said, that with all these things he has indeed wrought many and great miracles. It can also be said that the nations of the world are now at our very back door or at our front door, that we no longer are separated by the great barriers of the oceans. (more…)
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The Fear of Obsessions vs Staying Positive
I have noticed in my years as a student the wrong interpretation by other students of how to protect oneself from obsessions. Some have thought, not all but some, that the best way is to run away and hide from what they might consider to be an obsession or obsessed person. This reaction I have interpreted to be FEAR. Of course, it would be fear if you were trying to hide away from something you don’t understand but I don’t buy into this as the proper reaction to obsession and this is NOT what UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches in that regard.
My interpretation is that the Science teaches that fear should be the last reaction one should have toward what one considers to be an obsession or an obsessed person. In other words, an obsession is not a contagion. The opposite is preferred. If you don’t react to it then it can’t affect you.
The Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. has never said to run away from an obsession or obsessed person but rather to UNDERSTAND what is going on and in that way to shed some LIGHT onto that person or that situation so that that they will now have a better experience from having had that interaction with you.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Tempus Procediumwith comments disabled.
Hysteresis: The Electric Universe ~ Part III
“Mention has been made of Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity”, and such attendant mathematical concepts which would relate to a more factual understanding of not only the mean differences of the speed of light in free space, but other factors such as the ‘red shift’, etc., could also be more easily understood. The fat being in the fire, therefore, let us proceed: First, man and his science and in its derivatives has mistakenly looked out into the starry skies and seen what he thought was a vacuous space with tremendously long distances between the heavenly bodies which he calls stars. He is quite mistaken in this vacuous space belief. Man does not have sensory equipment to discern what space is, no more than he has sensory equipment to discern a television wave, which is streaming through his space about the places where he lives, and he supplements this lack by discerning television waves through a receiver. However, he has, at this time, neither physical sensory equipment nor the electronic mechanical equipment to discern space. (more…)
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What Is Behind Energy? Q & A With The Moderator
Q – What is behind the energy, the moving power, or the source of energy?
A – All energy starts from way off—out or up there in the great Infinite Vortex which stems downward and multiplies and regenerates and recurs into numerous dimensions which, for convenience sake, we shall call vortexes.
Q – How is it that they claim we see or view everything inverted? Are we, by any chance, upside down?
A – No, indeed not. It is like everything else in this universe, it IS merely concept. Seeing is merely an optical law. You have learned to relate yourself to it and live by it in a normal fashion. We can turn the yoke of a television set over and the picture will be inverted; you would then have to be on your head to see it right side up. If you came into this world without eyes, you would have to conceive things in a different way. The transfer of a picture into your mind is a related mechanical process called optical principles or ‘angles of incidence’. There is no color in anything, but merely the property of any substance to absorb and to reflect certain waves of energy which you call light or darkness; These wave lengths of energy can be reflected by other substances, such as a mirror or a pond. Anything that you can conceive in this world depends upon your relationship to it but we are going beyond this. We are seeing everything as energy; we are linking ourselves to the Infinite through the higher consciousness. These simple physical sciences can be very easily divulged. What is being taught here tonight is far beyond the physical optical dispensation.
Q – Since there must be a force beyond energy, what is beyond consciousness?
A – As Kung Fu says, “The longest journey begins with the first step. To answer that properly I would go beyond the concept of your own mind. We shall start first from this great central vortex, which I explained in the lesson. We see in this great central vortex a great Supercelestial Universe, a multiplying and reoccurring intelligence. Beyond that we could say, would be a mass conglomeration of an infinite number of Superhuman minds which have been projected from certain laws and relationships of which we may know nothing. To assimilate these facts, we need to start at some point in order to associate these things into the mind. It is of no use at this point to get too abstract for the majority of students. The Infinite is the abstract. (more…)
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Hysteresis: The Electric Universe ~ Part II
“A more exacting descriptive synthesis of the solar system is contained elsewhere in our liturgies, particularly in the second lesson course, where it has been diagrammed. Briefly, the sun is the central nucleus of a vast fourth-dimensional, cosmic vortex or centrifuge, which, as a reactive agent in the inter-dimensional cosmos, and functioning according to well-defined laws, converts and reconverts energy in two directions simultaneously. Such a vortex or centrifuge is, in turn, constantly re-energized by a higher or fifth-dimensional type energy formation. In our solar system vortex, as energy is compressed into the third-dimensional direction, this compressed energy forms a nucleus or the sun which, in turn, valve-like, liberates enormous quantities of energy into the third dimension. This liberated energy, however, is not incoherent, but partially remanifests as a complex electrostatic field — part of this field having been resolved by the earth man as the gravitational and the magnetic fields. Other portions of the sun’s energy, in regular cyclic motions, which have a synchronous pulse-beat around the sun, follow counterclockwise in their respective orbits, or the nine major third-dimensional planets, which are actually the nuclei of secondary anomalies within the primary vortical structure. And as this great vortex is oscillating within itself, it also turns axially; the planets being captive within this extremely complex EMF, rotate according to the synchronous pulse-beat of the entire vortex.
It can be easily seen that the earth, like all other planets, is traveling in its circumferential orbit in this extremely dense and complex EMF. It can and does reconvert, in the processes described, certain of the sun’s spectral energies, which the earthman calls heat and light. (more…)
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On The Ashtar Command And Escapism
In answer to the so-called ‘‘Ashtar’’ (or other such) messages, this letter is being written in answer to the many quests pertaining to topics contained herein. The situation mentioned before with the husband could apply to many persons on the path of Truth, as many individuals are endeavoring to “change the other fellow.’’ As one of the first issues of your letter, we know explanations will be important to you, as well as many others.
You remember many years ago the story of Tarzan who, as a baby, was stolen by the apes in the jungle. His parents killed, he was then adopted by a foster mother, a great anthropoid ape. Growing up in his childhood years, Tarzan was unaware of the great world around him. The jungle with its animal and bird life was his entire world in which he played happily from day to day. At about the age of eight, he stumbled into the father’s hut, which had been left deserted through the years. Through books he had found within, he learned to read and write. He learned much of the great world about him which he had not seen, so that when he became a young man, and a ship finally landed on his shore, he was quite able to slip easily into the civilized world. Picture, however, if he had been plucked from the jungle without this preconditioning and flopped into the civilized world, he might have become a hopeless imbecile through shock and fright. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith comments disabled.
Beware Ye In The Latter Days
“Two thousand years ago a certain man uttered this most famous and prophetic prophecy, “In the latter days, beware ye of false prophets and teachers, those who dress in sheep’s clothing but are as ravening wolves.” Today in this twentieth century this same man has, through reincarnation, lived to see more than a full and complete fulfillment of this prophecy. There is on every hand the modern version of the Tower of Babel, the cacophony of a countless multitude of voices, false prophets and teachers, the mendicants and purveyors all claiming to be and to have various merits which they are extolling and attempting, for a price to sell to a gullible public.
Politicos go from town to town raising their voices in protest against each other, each one extolling and promising what he will do should he gain his office. There are many and countless claims arising from different pulpits, religious groups, cultists, quacks, et cetera. Here in Southern California there is a tremendous gathering of these false prophets, a mecca of sorts, due partially to the benign climate but particularly to a kind of social structure which is most affluent in nature. Wealthy or semi-wealthy people retired in great abundance, live throughout the communities of the Southland and here these false prophets and teachers, quacks and purveyors have found a lush field for the deployment of their wares and their nefarious practices. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith 1 comment.
Call Me God
So that fellow man can passeth by another man’s doorway
And say that this is all that is he
Or that he enter into his own doorway and say
That I too am contained herein.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith comments disabled.
Visitation to Venus
“To the planet Venus I bid you welcome for my people and for myself. I am known as an Avatar and I would show you some of our ways of life and some of the wonders of the spiritual realms. But first in order to understand what might better be called a plane, or a dimension, as it is sometimes referred to by the people of the earth; we may liken these things to something similar to a large soap which is being blown by a child with the familiar bubble pipe and while the bubble is a thing beauty and glows with iridescent colors, yet if we were to examine it under a powerful magnifying glass would find it even more wonderful. For here are microscopic particles of water, each one rounded, and each one adheres to its neighbor by the law of adhesive relationship. And so likewise is the great cosmic universe about us and the many suns and planetary systems, each one adhering to the others through the laws of great universal magnetic structures or lines of force; and countless suns make one star cluster, which is known as a galaxy by your astronomers and each galaxy is but a pinpoint of light in the great Celestial Universe.
Yet there are universes beyond universes, each one occupying a relationship something similar to the water droplet in the soap bubble. And like the soap bubble, which represents an adhesive mass of particles, supported by other adhesive particles called the atmosphere. So likewise are the countless universes, which are strung out through what, you call space. They are likewise supported and maintain their relationship with what is called the material plane by other supporting structures, which can be called, for want of a better name, dimensions. If we look at the beam of a searchlight we will see that from the point of emergence from the lens as it progresses farther and farther away from its source it looses its brilliance and intensity. So likewise does your mind function. (more…)
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Cosmic Hysteresis Explained
S — It is understandable about the hysteresis of the energies from the sun to the earth in the daytime but it is not clear to me in regard to the nighttime energy activity. Would you explain further?
T — The earth, the atmosphere, etc., act as a reservoir; the earth holds the energies, so to speak, as a hot water bottle would for a short length of time. We are in a directly opposite position at nighttime to where the energy comes into the earth’s atmosphere. For instance, if we take two coils of wire and have electricity going through one and the second one is pointed exactly the same as the first one, then we get a transference of energy going from one coil to the other without any connection whatsoever and you will have voltage in the second coil. At night we do not receive the same amount of transference through the magnetic lines of force. The energy as it comes from the sun is transformed into what we call light and heat through these magnetic lines of force. It is quite different when we get out into what they call space away from the earth. When they learn what the sun really is, then the sun’s effects can be felt before it has been transformed into these other frequencies.
For instance, what happens when light strikes any object, such as a green leaf? There are actually several different colors that strike that leaf, and this can be proven with the prism, but we can see only one— yet basically, there are only three colors; the rest are transformed to what we term green, orange, etc., and are only combinations of the three. The prism will separate the rays of the sun into all of the colors of the rainbow. The molecules and atoms of the prism have only done what anything else around the earth does — it takes picture colors and reflects them so that you can see the particular frequencies as they come out on the other side of the prism. (more…)
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Self Mastery
“It is truly said that each person is his own worst enemy and this is quite true when we consider, from the personal psychology viewpoint, the great web of fallacious thought patterns that an individual has woven for himself and in the weaving has become thoroughly enmeshed; the more he struggles, the more closely do the coils draw about him.
The “Father” of which Jesus spoke was the Superconscious Self which is within everyone and is the very well-spring of life for that person, just as it is in everyone. We all have the Father within; Jesus also referred to this Father as the Christ-self. It is linked up through frequency vibration just the same as in television or radio, to all of the Infinite Intelligence of the great God Mind. We cannot go within to this Superconsciousness, this Christ or Father and accept or reject what is there and what we need by the standards of our thought patterns in which we have enmeshed ourselves. We cannot put the stamp of personal censorship on everything in God’s Infinite Mind. If we say this is so, or it is not so, if we refuse to give up petty vices and various perversions in which most all of us indulge – either knowingly or unknowingly – then we are not approaching the Father within as little children.
Without these escape mechanisms, thought patterns and various mental and physical perversions which everyone has—only the best of us, those who have schooled themselves to go within and approach the seat of Infinity without the constrictions of these thought patterns—only that person can get what he needs and can be healed. (more…)
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Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part II
“The world in itself, as well as the planetary system, the galaxy and the universe in which the earth is so situated, presents to even the most casual observer, a very obvious fact: There is much more to science at the present time than has been presupposed in any scientific dispensations. The vague and nebulous theories as they are posed by science — that any planet or sun represents in its formation, a long-term period of the collection of many tiny dust particles from space — is quite infantile and completely refutes any of the existing knowledge or laws of electronic force or motion. The various suns, stars, solar systems and galaxies only represent certain terminating points in the dispensations of energy wave forms and energy manifestations in the interdimensional expansion and contraction process. These planetary systems, as well as the universes themselves, represent only certain conjunctions or parallaxes, which can be considered as certain terminating points for a large number of energy wave forms from other dimensions which have reached a common junction and which are terminating and re-expressing themselves in the common laws of multiple harmonics into a secondary or lower dimension of transference.
The theory then, as postulated by modern science, that energy, heat or light comes from the sun, is in this respect not only completely inaccurate but bespeaks of the abysmal ignorance from which science is presently trying to levitate itself. When the future scientist begins to understand that the physical dimension (whether it is the earth, the solar system, or the universe about him), represents only an infinitesimally small point of energy transference from the Infinite into his present perspective or means of the five senses, he shall then begin to understand the universal cosmogony, as it is more thoroughly understood by mankind in other planetary systems and in other dimensions. (more…)
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