Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part I
“The presentation of the various concepts contained in the texts will present to the layman and the scientist alike, some rather obviously startling departures from the commonly accepted idioms of scientific knowledge which have been collectively propounded during the past hundred years or so, or since the beginning of our present-day physical science. It must be remembered however, that these concepts are not idle theorems or conjectures, but are indeed quite factual and can be proven by numerous existing mysteries, as well as the more commonly accepted forms of physical sciences as they now exist. It is our avowed purpose and intention to prove from such mysteries and unexplained paradoxes as now presently exist in our physical science and in the beginnings of this so-called new “space age”, that these concepts are indeed correct.
For instance, it has been posed that the interior of the earth will present to itself, not the commonly accepted form of molten iron, as is supposed to exist in our modern understanding in the scientific world, but will actually — so far as present instrumentation is concerned — cease to be, or shall become nonexistent in that future day when the scientist succeeds in penetrating the thin crust of the earth. Yet, indeed, it must not be surmised that the interior of the earth is a vacuum, no more so than the infinitely filled solid space which surrounds the terrestrial planet earth, and which has been accepted by the scientist as space simply because he lacks the relative means to relay any particular dispensations of reactance or resistance into the horizon of his five senses.
When the scientist does penetrate the surface of the earth, should he have, at that time, the correct instrumentation to differentiate the various types of energy spectra which exist in or beneath the crust of the earth, he will indeed find that energy forms do surpass and go beyond the limits of his present-day understanding of atomical constituents in the scale of the some 100 atoms, of which he now presupposes his science to be compounded. In this way, we shall prove that the interior of the earth is not molten, but composed of regular layers or dimensions of energy, each one in an increasingly dense layer to the immediate layer above it. That, too is part of the vortical pattern as a hard core nucleus of a great vortex. (more…)
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I called to thee into the blackness of the
night, but only echoes answered back ~
and all was still again.
I called to thee in the brightness of a new
day, but songs of birds were all that
answered my plea.
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The Nature And Causes of Birth Defects ~ Part II
“In Part I, there has been presented a rather broad and generalized view of that all important factor of life — conception. This presentation, quite naturally, leads us up to a question which is always asked by those who have the burden of caring for children with birth defects. It is quite obvious that as various branches of science do not know about psychic anatomies, there are no doctors, clinics or therapeutic centers which could possibly institute some corrective measures.
In all cases, it is first necessary to individually classify and diagnose each defective person. There are many types and kinds of defects which could not be helped from the material side of life. These cases will all have to wait until they have lived the physical cycle and return to the spiritual worlds and under proper conditions before very much can be done for them. In other cases certain therapeutic healing can be projected by advanced personalities from the higher spiritual planes. Classifications and diagnoses are, at the present time, impossible to obtain in this material world, as only a person highly trained in various clairvoyant aptitudes could pierce the material veil and see the past lifetimes of all individuals concerned with each case.
It is also comprehensible that should such an advanced person appear and start practicing this kind of diagnosis and therapy, he would almost immediately be stopped and incarcerated by the all powerful materia-medica. So the advanced intellects wisely do not tamper with the different evolutionary factors present in any civilization at any time; only benign spiritual help is psychokinetically projected. The advanced intellects await a more propitious time as in the spirit worlds. It must be remembered that the all dominant factor in human relationships is the individual prerogative of self-determination. This self- determination tends, over a long period of evolution, to develop the mental faculties of any human. To alter or affect this human self-determination is, in effect, destroying the human. He would become a zombie-like creature entirely dependent for guidance, quite useless in the Infinite plan. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Procediumwith 1 comment.
Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part III
“In your daily life, if you have become addicted to fads, if you are over-weight, or with whatever manifestation of life you are consciously aware, remember that these are merely beat frequencies of oscillations which are coming to you from out of the past. It is here that we come into that all—important element of synchronization. For this is another scientific terminology which describes how two wave forms can either oscillate together or in opposition to each other. The element of synchronization is in the time in which these frequencies express themselves in that regenerative process. Therefore, if you are synchronized — and you always are at any given moment — in a general summation with all experience quotients which have come to you in your previous lifetimes, i.e. you may over-eat because a thousand years ago you died in a famine, or you may avoid meat because you have a sense of guilt from being a soldier and killing other soldiers in a war; these various configurations from out of the past have, in these different synchronizations, generated certain parallaxes, or, as they are called by the scientist, synchronisms or anachronisms, or whatever term you wish to use to describe these appearances of energy configurations. They are, in turn, any number of energy wave forms beating in that never-ending, never-ceasing process of regeneration; the opposition or the combining of polarities in their respective content; the relaying of the information which all wave forms do carry as their wave shape or as their oscillating content. They will convey and reconvey this information as they were so propagated, and as they were so constructed in the experience of the moment. (more…)
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The Cosmic Continuum
“One other important concept which the student must always remember is that in his evolutionary flight through this so-called time and space in the reliving of a large number of lifetimes which, as they were in each succeeding life, pre-evaluated upon a common basic understanding of material values from one or a number, or all of the succeeding lifetimes, he has thus largely developed various reactive mechanisms within his consciousness. He has thus, through these succeeding generations, placed himself directly in the line of transference of energy as a reactive element from one particular form of transference to another. In other words, through consciousness and its associations, he has thus adopted the human form, and this in turn relates him to such transferences of energy as heat; thus he can be burned.
Another reactive element also resides in atomic constituents which man finds about him. He can dig the iron ore from the earth, and after suitable smelting, form it into a sword which will again become a reactive element through his body. The same sword can, with other swords, again form a suitable instrument which can turn over the earth and therein grow crops to sustain his life upon this planet. The disposition here, and in the transferences as they are concerned in dispensations of consciousness to the average individual, then becomes its own prerogative. In this way man is largely different from any other particular form of species of plant or mammalia, as it is concerned upon our terrestrial planet. All other forms of plant and mammalia, to a large degree, form a more directly and commonly related pattern of transference in everyday life which is also presupposed and predisposed by previous incarnations. Only in man, however, do we find such wide deviations as are given in common terms of reference which are referred to as reason. (more…)
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The Nature And Causes of Birth Defects
“One of the more important aspects of life which has, as yet, not been thoroughly explained in the liturgy of UN.AR.I.U.S., is a complete presentation of conception; how various different kinds of physically and mentally defective children are born into the world: such children as are classified mongoloid, mentally retarded, cleft lip, or other forms of physical and mental defects; barring of course, such defective children who incurred their defects from organic causes such as syphilis, accidental blows, abortion attempted, and instrument deliveries. The process of conception is extremely complex inasmuch as it involves a great interplay and linkage of harmonic attunements, etc., in what might best be described as an extremely complex system of energy wave form integrations.
As medical and genetical scientists do not understand or know about the psychic anatomies, theirs must be a purely physical understanding of conception which grew out of the studies made by the Austrian monk, Mendel. In genetical science as it applies to a human, the process of conception goes something like this: The male germ cell — the spermatozoon — succeeds in making contact with the female ovum and penetrates the outside membrane of the egg. The male and female germ cells contain certain numbers of chromosomes, 22 in each male and—23 in each female cell. Inside the chromosomes, there are large numbers of what are called genes or units of character, such as dark hair, blue eyes, etc. After the male germ cell penetrates the ovum, there begins a pairing-off process, something like an old-fashioned country square dance, at which time there ensues a struggle for supremacy to see which genes are the most dominant and which will control the physical characteristics of the human to be. (more…)
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Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part II
“If we look at the picture of a universe in a planetarium or in a scientific book of astronomy, we shall see that a universe — such as the one in which our galaxy is revolving — has a center core, and from this core there are radiating outwardly in a spiral—like fashion great arms of lighted energy; these arms of energy are following those same cyclic paths of motion — previously described to you — which occur within these cyclic motions of the great vortex forming the universe. This leads us to some of the more indirect expressions of energy configurations.
An atom does, in itself, express outwardly into the third dimension a certain electromagnetic field, just as the sun is expressing outwardly into the confines of the solar system, a great amount of energy which is a composite field of force — that is, it is composed of many kinds of energy, including the magnetic fluxes which hold this planetary system together and which relink it to the galaxy and in turn to the universe. The composite energy which is pouring outwardly from the center of the vortex known as the sun, is again re-transferred in that magnetic stress condition which is called hysteresis, and is reconverted into such quantities of energy spectrums which we call heat, light, etc.
The same condition holds true within your body, and the same principles are as inviolate there as they are in the function of a solar system or a universe. Each atom, as it has an electromagnetic field, does in proportion, radiate outwardly around it in its field of force either a direct opposition to other kinds of atoms, or it presents, in the inphase and out of phase wave form motion of these electromagnetic fields, an affinity to some other atom. It is in this manner and way that molecules are formed. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Perspectuswith 1 comment.
New Years Message ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
If you wish to turn on the little box (recorder), you may do so. I shall try to overcome whatever passive resistance may be in the subconsciousness of Ernest to bring you my own personal message for the New Year. As you no doubt know by studying various historical configurations of religious and other documentary evidence which is contained in the archives of the historical world, and as it concerns man’s spiritual progress into the Infinite, and as Ernest is so scientifically explaining his teaching as is contained in the expression from great cycles as manifesting as Spiritual Consciousness, always man in his search to orient himself into a happier and more compatible state of union with the Infinite, seeks out and brings into his daily life, various and different configurations which have been termed as religious or cultistic observances.
And so the histories of the world have been filled with numerous depictions of pageantries, fiestas and various other ritualistic observances which have their roots deep into the very subconscious fiber of each human being and in his appeal to what he feels is some vague internal connection to the Infinite. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith 1 comment.
Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part I
“Now that we have entered into some of the mathematical abstractions in this universal oscillating process, called Infinity, and as we enter into this more complete abstraction, visualized in its entity of consciousness as the Infinite Creator, we are most necessarily concerned with other factors involved in the evolution of man and, in particular, our own evolution. In all respects, however, wherever we find evolution, it is Infinite, and we will always find the same similarities in various configurations and wave form expressions.
The psychic anatomy of man is, therefore, basically and essentially, the same in its configuration as is the whole universal Infinite, or Infinity can be subdivided interdimensionally; it is in this respect, that it might serve a good purpose to explore some of the more constructive evaluations of Infinity and in a comparative manner set up a facsimile of consciousness within our own minds, whereby we can realize the entire entity of creation. (more…)
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Cycle of Creation ~ Part II
Advanced Lesson 4, Part II from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation: Cosmic Cycle of Creation, Presenting Creative Principles Involving the Formation of Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Suns, Atoms and Man.
Continuing in this lesson, the exact configuration and functioning of the psychic anatomy will be described to you.
Since we have presented the more philosophical preamble to evolution, let us now proceed with the actual basic mechanics involved in all evolutionary patterns. Plants, animals, man, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes and all evolutionary patterns can be more thoroughly understood when we obtain an insight into these principles. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creationwith 1 comment.
Physics of Matter vs The 4th Dimension
“It cannot be overemphasized at this time, that in order to make any headway in understanding these concepts you must first understand energy, at least to some appreciable degree. Again we will start with that familiar sine wave which is simply a bit of electrical energy which is moving up and down, say, from positive to negative and vice versa. In this cycle it is telling something according to its frequency. It is both the conveyance and the information; the frequency, of course, the times in which it goes from positive to negative, and is that particular information when it relates itself to any other sine wave. You might find some similarity or analogy in yourself when you walk to the grocery store; your legs are the conveyance and your consciousness is your intelligence. Well, the number of times your steps go from left to right, or we shall say, from positive to negative or vice versa is the frequency that relates you to the distance from your home to the store. Also, in your pocket, or bag, (or even piggyback) you can carry another person, or any other object. It is the same with sine waves. They too can carry, so to speak, other wave forms which are much smaller in frequency and which relate to certain kinds of information, such as is carried in the video and audio pulse in the television signal or wave form from the transmitter. (more…)
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Physical Ills — From The ‘Dead’?
“In a previous discussion regarding some particular lady where her husband had died due to his leg being shot off, and within a short period of time she, herself, took on a condition of the leg which the doctors termed cancer, the following is further explanation to enlarge upon the concept of how another’s malignant condition or violent death works on this particular principle. As all thoughts, whether emotional or reactionary in nature, are expressed into two dimensions, the third and the fourth, and while the third-dimensional energy-forms are quickly transformed into physical reaction, it is quite different with thoughts and their emotional content which are projected from the fourth-dimensional consciousness and as conjunctive elements of the psychic self, can be added to and hardened into a more dense thought-form body.
These thought-form bodies are usually the apparitions or so-called ghosts which haunt old houses and castles and have gradually detached themselves from the originating cause. In other cases and most frequently these shock or thought-formed bodies become a reciprocating polarity such as in the case of the husband with the shot-off leg, constantly adding to this shock form or thought form energy from the spiritual side by his strong feelings of resentment against this happening and various fears and apprehensions. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Tempus Invictuswith comments disabled.
Our Infinite Self
“Here is a convenient bench, so let us sit awhile and enjoy the amazing beauty and splendor which you see about you; and while you are thus occupied I will go a little further into some of the numerous facets of your earth life evolutions. I might say before this, however, that there will be here in this temple, a ceremony in which one of our loved ones will leave our Venusian way of life to ascend closer to his ultimate Mastership. If you remember the tall brother who stood in the center of the semicircle at the birth of Orda. He is the one who is about to so ascend. But we do not measure our lives here by the matter of time as you know it on earth. Rather our lives here are measured as cycles. In fact when you begin to understand in a more abstract manner you will see that the Infinite Mind of God is always expressing Himself, both finite and infinite, in the manner of cycles or evolutions; and this is true, whether it is man or beast, fish or fowl, insect or plant. It is a constant succession of an infinite number of cycles. Energy or intelligence always stems away in a cycle or circular path from the Fountainhead. So it must return and then it will begin again. Yea, even unto eternity and beyond. (more…)
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Aladdin’s Lamp
“Another one of the more classical forms of legendary literature which has been read by almost everyone in his growing up period are the tales of the Arabian Nights, such as Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the even more familiar, Aladdin and His Lamp, which goes something like this: Aladdin found an old lamp much tarnished from age and when he attempted to clean up the lamp, there materialized with the first rub a giant genie who became his slave. Now, a certain sorcerer learned about this happening and wishing to possess the lamp, resorted to a subterfuge. Taking up a lot of new shiny lamps and walking past Aladdin’s house, he cried out, “New lamps for old”, hoping that Aladdin would be stupid enough to bring out his old magical lamp with the attendant genie and trade it for an almost worthless new lamp.
Here again is another one of those strong moralizing lessons. Just as they have done in the past ages, everyone at the present time is constantly trading in his old and very valuable lamps for one of the new and worthless varieties — schemes which are constantly conjured up by the clever sorcerers who surround him on every side. There is deep within every human a magic lamp, a lamp of life, its wick untrimmed and only faintly burning. It is not beheld in the everyday life and as the ages pass and as each human lives life after life, so does his lamp of life remain hidden and gathers the tarnish of countless thousands of life’s vicissitudes. (more…)
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Mars Underground City Air Locks, Bulkheads And Entrances
UFO hunters and alien investigators claim recent images show doorways into secret underground bases on Mars but could these also be what Dr. Norman originally wrote in the book “The Truth About Mars” about air locks and bulkheads which assist the city with its air quality perhaps besides being entrances.
“I was immediately impressed by the soft white light that seemed to come from everywhere. We were standing near the entrance of a large tube. On Mars the cities are all underground and are connected together by huge oval metal tubes from three to five hundred feet in diameter. There are monorail cars as long as our pullman trains which glide silently and very swiftly from one city to another. The bottoms of these immense tubes are used for parks, growing foodstuffs and innumerable small manufacturing plants.”
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