Mechanics of Healing With Past Life Therapy
“In the Advanced Lesson Course, and in various other places in UN.AR.I.U.S. teachings the electronic process of life has been repeatedly mentioned; these depictions have struck certain parallels between existing electronic devices and those occurring in the concourse of life in every human being. In other words, every human is basically and essentially quite similar to a radio or TV set. The earth scientist has, in the construction of these electronic devices, struck an exact parallel configuration with the complete electronic essence of the Infinite Creator, or with the principles in which the Creator so expresses Itself in that never-ending regenerative and reconstructive process.
In all fairness to both the student and UN.AR.I.U.S., and in consideration of more highly trained or developed personalities who will, in the future, contact UN.AR.I.U.S., it is best that we explore more deeply the mathematical processes, the manner and way in which life with every human, is made possible and is constantly created in this evolutionary pathway. We shall be able to see that every human being, just as yourself, is basically an extremely complex electronic instrument which, at any given moment, is actually conducting these various and intricate processes of energy configurations and radiations within, not only the physical anatomy but also the psychic anatomy; for, indeed, it is the psychic anatomy which can be considered as the larger portion of this expressionary form of life. (more…)
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Q & A On The Importance of Being Positive And Progressive
Student: …how best can we serve or how can we be of benefit and help others in this teaching?
Moderator: I think the most basic thing that you can arrive at is that you start visualizing all of these things in life, whatever it is that happens to you, as energy movements. They are sine wave movements. You have to create within the consciousness of your mind and see this energy traveling as the little green snake (sine wave); you have to see the positiveness with which the information takes on in the positive or the forward motion of that cycle which relates it to the positive Infinity, to the creative Infinity. Or we have to see the information which is linked through vibration to the negative or the regressive cycle which is the destructive intent, because it is destructive in the sense of the word that a lot is all a part of Infinity, yet Infinity is never constructive to us unless there is always a forward motion with us, or that we are traveling into the future with, because we are never stationary.
Student: No, we are either going forward or backwards, aren’t we?
Moderator: We are always traveling forward into Infinity. Everyday and in every way, these earth people (whatever their little experiences are), are all related to the future, at least to a certain degree. But at the same time they are relating all of these things from the past in their social systems and all the different ways in which they have intercourse among themselves; they are all related to past emotional experiences and in that way, progression is very, very slow. They really don’t arrive at very much or get very much as far as polarization is concerned from one lifetime to the next, and in a number of lifetimes the negative experiences can pile up and be in predominance over the positive, forward motions. So then they have amassed karma as the yogi would put it; then it becomes a proposition where they become physically ill, emotionally ill, and they become displaced and they become a lot of other things, so they have to work out these things, begin to work them out until they possess constructive knowledge of how they can work these things out, such as we are giving in the Unariun texts. They are more or less lost souls. A certain amount of help can come to them but we are in the same position as anyone else in the cosmic universe in the scale of evolution, that this has to be something in which the persons themselves are desirous of or that they have the complete will to do, you see. We cannot change the will or the desire of the person because if we do, we wind up with a zombie and we haven’t anything. We might as well sit down and cut out paper dollies and give them life. (more…)
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More On Mind Function – Part III
“Now we can compare our world as actually being a sun in relationship with other particular different dimensions of which the world is a part. The earth could very easily be a sun to these dimensions; in the same way the electromagnetic field of the earth could shine to adjacent worlds the same as the sun shines in this world, because what the sun is called — heat and light — is only electromagnetic fields of the sun being transformed into these various earth-like constituents of energy from the processes that are happening in the great magnetic belts, in the great radiation belts around the earth in conjunction with the sun. It isn’t heat or light at all; it is part of the magnetic flux in this generating form in this great vortical pattern.
So you see, what the scientist is confronted with is the ultimatum that he must eventually completely tear down all of his physical science and reconstruct a new science out of these unknown dimensions and this is not a radical theory; it has already been partly envisioned by men like Oppenheimer in 1956, when he made the statement that we have passed the point of diminished returns, and anything valuable or valid in the future will have to be reconstructed from an entirely different mathematical system. So I am not alone. I can visualize these things because I know where the source is. I know it is very foolish to try to equate Infinity in a few surface appearances. The scientist will eventually have to destroy the illusion of heat and light and various other elemental factors in the physical dimension. He will have to destroy them because they are still going to give intent and purpose to a false science. They will have to realize they are only just as much of an illusion as the atom itself is, because the atom is a great illusion so far as it is universally accepted by science as mass; because he knows very well every atom is a solar system of energy. It is actually nonexistent as mass, but he refuses to give up his old science which is built out of this mass equation. Now isn’t it stupid. (more…)
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“Eye of Spirit” by Archangel Uriel
Thou hast watered my sheep, yet not from the water
which is found in the well or the stream
But is the Water of Life which cometh in abundance from above
Thou speaketh the Word, and the Word is God yet it is not the word which casteth the shadow wherein each man standeth and trembles
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith comments disabled.
The Superconscious Self
“The term Infinite itself can be considered of the utmost importance. The term Superconsciousness also may indeed at this point, present certain aspects which are not at present fully apparent in the reader’s interpolation. Therefore, we shall approach this subject and its context by stating that the much confused term God, or gods, as posed in numerous cultisms, religions and texts in past dispensations of mankind throughout his existence on the planet earth, can and should be resolved into this one common equation: There is indeed no personal relationship or personal deification involved in the relationship of the Infinite to man as the Infinite is, in all aspects, just as it should be thoroughly understood — Infinite.
This means that so far as space is concerned in the understanding of the modern scientist, his belief is a complete delusion. If we could conceive in the conscious mind for an instantaneous moment, the completion of the Infinite, we would find that space is infinitely filled, infinitely hard, so far as consciousness was reactive to it. In this sense therefore, so far as the material dimension is concerned, the term resistance is of the utmost importance, for all known physical laws function from the plane of reactance or resistance. The two words or terms are synonymous in their exact proportion as far as personal identities or interpolations of science are concerned, whether they relate to any expression, as is commonly composed in diametrically opposed forces of gravity, inertia, centripetal or centrifugal forces. These are all common derivatives of reactance or resistance in their various compounded infractions in the materialistic dimension of atomic forms. (more…)
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On Philosophy And Science – Part III
“However, now that the Infinite is revolving, we shall say, within an infinite number of dimensions which contain facsimiles of all that the Infinite is — except in one respect — that this Infinite must again relive itself as so compounded within this small dimension from all other different dimensions; and this again surcharges and re-creates the image of Infinity within Infinity. You have grasped that? No? So, to enable the Infinite to re-create Himself from out of this vast infinity, this united facsimile of Himself in a very small dimension must relive itself, so to speak, through all of the other dimensions. This it does by starting at the bottom. The bottom is an earth world. There it begins to relive itself in very simple forms, the amoeba or any other particular form of bacterial or protozoan life which you may find about you. These forms are the beginnings of remanifestation of the Infinite in re-creating itself.
I have approached this particular point in a different direction from the one I just formerly gave to you. Now when we begin to understand that this Infinite is so re-creating itself and remanifesting itself upon such surface dimensions as the earth, there is the time, which I have suggested, when the Infinite again relives itself as a direct continuity with this higher self which originally started this chain reaction. This then becomes a man, that is, we can say this is the beginning of a man so individually so created. There is no direct borderline; that is, we will say there is no jumping-off place. This evolution takes place gradually and as the development of this particular form of consciousness so re-creates itself back into the material world, it increases to carry within itself its own particular personality, its own ego, if I can use the word of your present-day psychiatry. It supports from life to life its own succession of life experiences, such things which may be psychic shocks, malformations, aberrations in the wave form structures which so compose this psychic anatomy which have been created over the long evolution of time and earth world experiences. (more…)
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An Angel’s Way
How oft it is that high above, in some bright lighted sky
An Angel’s caught by planets rushing by
An Earthly place that spins a web of prayers that reaches out and holds Him fast
And there within its earthly coils He’s born again, and lives within a body made of flesh
And comes and goes as all men do, and called by all of them as such as they;
Yet, there remains within His heart and mind an Angel’s way
And in His hand an Angel’s touch. (more…)
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On Philosophy And Science – Part II
“Now, we will turn the meeting over to the scientists. My worthy colleague, Manu, (in Part I) has given you some philosophical content as to the purpose of achievement, what achievement is, what we must strive for in our realizations, what we will attain when we begin to fathom this riddle of life. This message, this solution begins here on this earth. It begins on this or some other similar terrestrial planet just as it has done for countless millions of years for races of men, for species of plant and animal life which have inhabited these various worlds. But you cannot hope to understand these things until you first obtain basic elemental functioning principles of creation, for this is a scientific dimension.
We will first begin to destroy the illusion of mass. The world as you see it about you at this moment is ‘seemingly’ solid. Not so! You can read, and this can be proven to you in a thousand different ways that mass is an illusion. Every school boy before he graduates knows about the atoms; he knows they are tiny solar systems of energy. He knows that the spaces in an atom are comparatively as vast as those which you find in your solar system. The walls of this room, your bodies, all which you call mass is not really solid at all. You have only grown accustomed to this illusion through the countless ages of time and from the very beginnings of your embryonic life cell. You have become in direct proportion to your concept, your development in your particular environment, a creature so specifically ordinated to live in a reactive environment. We will say reactive because animals, as they so present themselves to you in your surface world, are composite reactionary systems of energy. (more…)
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A Discussion on Mind Function – Part II
“But all these things had to take place first in the spiritual worlds; they can’t take place in a physical world. The physical world is only the mirror; it’s only the image; it’s only the end of what happens. It is only the result—not the cause. It never is! Oh sure, they can produce reactions by the ten thousands, by the countless millions. They can even put the molecules and atoms together differently, but they’ve gone only so far; they haven’t really changed anything beyond this world because they’ve only chased a few shadows around.
They speak of the “power of the atom.” They don’t know the meaning of the word “power.” All that they’re seeing there is a certain movement—not in its natural, normal time. Any time that we get a dynamic movement of energy, as far as this relationship with the third dimension is concerned, and from another relationship in another dimension, we get what they call “power,” but they (the scientist or man) know nothing of the word, no more than they know what heat or any other form of energy is, because they have already assumed it to be resistive or reactive, in a third dimensional way and they haven’t linked it up with the originating sources of energy, the originating dynamics, the interdimensional relationships. And until they do, they’re stuck; they’re lost.
So what good would it do if a person has a thousand fur coats, a thousand cars? They’re here today and gone tomorrow. Whereas the person who sat for hours and worked and worked and worked, mentally and otherwise, to try to materialize these things, is now in another world doing the same things, over and over again. He will continue to do so until he realizes the fallaciousness of those kinds of thought patterns, the kind of cycles he has projected himself into. When he realizes that these things he has demonstrated for himself are only agents to enslave himself to a material world, he’ll be very ashamed of himself, that he tried to use the Divine Powers, or misuse them, or failed to use them, for such things as to support and to insure a false and insecure position in a material world. Any man who uses the Divine Powers to bolster up a false sense of security in a material world is indeed off the path. And I don’t care what his name is; I don’t care how successful he is, as far as material things and possessions are concerned. They cause me no jealousy whatsoever, because I know how each one of them is, in reality, a link in a chain, a strong chain of psychic malformations that bind him to this earth tighter than anything to be constructed out of the best forges in the land—chains he’ll someday have to break himself! (more…)
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A Discussion on Mind Function – Part I
This article was spoken by the Moderator, Ernest L. Norman, in rebuttal to an advertisement he read, which made claim they taught man how to use his mind to create anything he wanted, from a car to a hilltop castle in Spain.
“Fifty years ago, a wheel of glass or some similar material with some kind of a brush made of animal hair that was rubbing against one edge of it was placed on an instrument that turned the wheel very rapidly. There was a static discharge from the brush that was just rotated on the rotating wheel. This built up a static charge. That is exactly what the mind does when it starts being used in the wrong direction from that which it was intended.
Most people are now trying to make the conscious mind the creative agency, but the mind cannot exist or function within itself. It has to be powered from the psychic centers, as do all other organs in the body. That is the only way the human mind exists; all of those fifteen-odd million cells would die instantly when the oscillations are broken from any of the points of the psychic self. The mind dies instantly and the rest of the body dies with it. That is death. Death is the separation of the oscillation of the psychic body or self into the conscious mind. (more…)
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Akhnaton Retrospective: The Science of the Aton (Atom)
The Science of the Aton was the Science of the Atom as in the interdimensional physics presented in UN.AR.I.U.S.. This is the exact same science taught by Akhnaton but which was rejected and destroyed by the priesthood.
The “Sun Disc” represents the Infinite which in language of today represents the transmitter (Infinite Source) continuously transmitting everything into the Cosmos at all times. We are the receivers that are in harmony or in tune with this energy based on frequency as it is transmitting through space, time, infinity. This may represent part of the interpretation of the meaning of the sun disc.
The Science of the Aton was therefore never a religion that promoted any kind of worship – Jesus said the same, “Worship not as the heathen does on the street corners and synagogues.” He too brought the same Science in the form of parables. This too was also in opposition of the priesthood at the time and he was crucified.
Because the Science of the Aton was in direct opposition to the priests of Amun and threatened their control, Akhnaton was murdered and his image and works were nearly chiseled away from every stone monument in Egypt or outright destroyed. His followers like those of Jesus were hunted down, brutally murdered, and their images also desecrated or destroyed. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludium, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
The Cycle of Creation ~ Part I
Advanced Lesson 4, Part I from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation: Cosmic Cycle of Creation, Presenting Creative Principles Involving the Formation of Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Suns, Atoms and Man.
In the previous lessons we entered into various discussions which presented to you certain general creative principles which involved the formation of universes, galaxies, stars, suns, atoms, etc. Let us now enter into a discussion of creation which is much more pertinent to you in a personal way; for you, like all mankind, have followed this same pathway of creative evolution, which has been only partially comprehended. This evolution has also been mistakenly called reincarnation in certain vague and undetermined Eastern philosophies.
There are many stories and versions of the creation of man being currently circulated; some in religious beliefs, others in the more scientific fields of general anthropology. More than 800 million Christians are quite familiar with the Garden of Eden story of creation which is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It is incomprehensible that perhaps several hundred million of these Christians accept this story in its complete literal form. It is evident that this story contains very obvious disparities and contradictions which are quite apparent to anyone who has not been mesmerized by his fanatical religious beliefs. The date of this supposed creation has been definitely “established” by certain well-known historical religious figures, as having taken place 4002 B.C. and one of these church expressionists went so far as to establish the exact week, day and hour. (more…)
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Freedom From The Material Pit of Clay
“It can truly be said, that in the many thousands of years and in the many written and unwritten histories of the world, the movement of UN.AR.I.U.S. is unparalleled in the vastness and proportions, width and scope of this great undertaking, which represents the culminative efforts of countless thousands of people in somewhat more advanced strata of life to help their fellow man.
From the ranks of Initiates, Adepts, and Masters, literati, poets, artists, composers, philosophers and scientists, all in more or less advanced position to the Infinite, they have banded together in a common union and through such existing channels as a suitable outlet — at the present time, existing as it does in our channelship. While this in itself was a herculean task, it represented but the first step, for it was realized in designing UN.AR.I.U.S. that its chief appeal would quite naturally be to those who were struggling in the throes of karmic indispositions.
This meant taking all of the fundamental wisdom in the universe, and much of which is not known to man, and tailoring it down to a simple, direct lesson course with a preparatory quickening into several books which, while they were chiefly documentary, also contained much of the basic wisdom which would enable the individual when reading these various texts, to couple them together with the various predonditioning elements which he had acquired in the Spiritual Worlds, and thus free himself from his pit of clay. (more…)
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More Proof Of “The Truth About Mars”
This small booklet by Dr. Ernest L. Norman recounts his astral visitation to the underground cities on Mars. This occurred in 1955 long before any probes were sent up to explore the Martian surface yet as time goes on, more and more revealing photos of Mar’s surface from the countless rovers that now traverse the planet are confirming what Dr. Norman originally said in The Truth About Mars.
Due to the catastrophe that happened approximately 100,000 years the planet was left desolate and nearly uninhabitable. Seeing this future catastrophe, the Martians built underground cities and were able to relocate before it happened sparing the lives of its many inhabitants.
In its ensuing years, though the planet’s surface is still uninhabitable, the Martians have been able to survive with a level of comfort that would be envious by us surface dwellers. Read more about Mars in The Truth About Mars.
Of the surface which the rovers have been able to explore so far, Dr. Norman wrote this: (more…)
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Reincarnation As Part of Man’s Evolution
“The whole idea supporting reincarnation (and the only true answer to life) is the evaluation of man’s evolution into the higher consciousness of life. The contents of one’s psychic body, as he is individually so constituted at this time will not remain with him into what we call the eternities or the vistas of the future.
The psychic body, just as does all things, changes in its evolution; and the truths in numerous reincarnations are the infractions impounded into the psychic body. Such wave forms or vortexes are undergoing a spiritual evolution to such an extent that they become refined and attain a higher dimensional infusion so as to more properly relate themselves to the true spiritual concepts, as it is evaluated by the portrayal of the Life Cycle as it was conceived in the individual from the Mind of God. This in itself is the true answer to the purposes and destiny of man. He should never be confused by false doctrines which stem purely from the various complexes of certain individuals who do not properly understand the orders of law and harmony and frequency relationships.
The practitioner, teacher, or clergyman may quite easily circumvent the true spiritual evolution of a large group of individuals in his misunderstanding and interpretation. There is a good deal of altar worship and such orthodox conceptions in existence today, which must be completely rectified and eliminated in the future evolutions of the individual’s mind, and may be at the time, constituting elements which are somewhat stabilizing in his own existence. Yet they may very well become, as I have said, an opiate in his future translation, wherein he believes that these things in themselves are virtues of his own salvation, as it has been repeatedly pointed out. The virtue of salvation is only contained in evolution, and the evolution of the individual must, as it does by necessity, refract and infract into itself all of the dimensions of God’s own Infinite Mind and Purpose. These elements cannot be properly compounded or impounded into his nature without the value of the emotional experience as he inscribes these things unto himself. (more…)
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