Epochs of Ancient Time
by Thomas Miller
Narrator – 800,000 B.C.
The crystal cities of Shamballa existed upon the earth plane for two-hundred thousand years!
With beauty and majesty, the upper echelon of creative Minds endowed man with the vast learnings of energetic virtue and wisdom.
The Higher Ones’ intelligence flowed like great rivers unto the lower basins where dwelt their primitive audience.
Like desert nomads, the peoples of Earth drank thirstily of the purest waters of Spirit
And quenched that thirst with the knowledge that their future was one of immense cellular growth.
They continually sought out the Illumined Ones for advice in the matters of everyday life,
And received great childlike pleasure in the surety that their questings proved to enhance the world about them with glorious abundance. (more…)
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Atomic Science From Eros
by Ernest L. Norman
You have heard it said that God can be likened to a Universal Intelligence that is all-pervading, omnipotent and omnipresent. This is quite true in the generally accepted understanding. However, God is the expression of Infinity and, in such an expression, must manifest Himself, not only in Infinity but in every finite way. This is done on the generally accepted equation of the atom. The scientist of today knows of about 101 basic atomic structures which he calls elements.* This he has placed in an atomic scale, ranging from the lightest to the heaviest. He has theorized that this lightness or heaviness is determined by certain minute particles known as electrons or, as they are sometimes called in their relationship of positive or negative charges, neutrons or protons—the latter being the generally accepted idea of what composes the nucleus or core of this atom. (more…)
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My Erosean Visit
by Ruth Norman
It was just yesterday, as I laid contemplating the many great wonders of the inner dimensions which I’d seen through past years that I suddenly was transported, visited and viewed a beautiful luminous home. The walls seemed made of some lovely, synthetic or plastic substance with swirling cloud-like patterns in pastel shades which were illuminated from within. There seemed some substance was included in the material which created a soft, rosy luminosity. The floors were similar to beautiful marble, yet the material was not opaque but seemed translucent, and they, too, were illumined softly from underneath. Well I remember the gold strips or bands in a radial pattern meeting in the center radiating outwardly to the perimeter which formed a lovely pattern to walk upon, and in between each separation were glorious scenes depicted and which, too could be changed at will! The feeling when walking over this lovely floor was that it gave off some energy radiation of an uplifting element, a sort of buoyancy, that made walking seem more like floating. (more…)
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Sharing The Teachings Far And Wide
by Ruth E. Norman
Someone asked of me today, “Of all the wonders and wisdom of UN.AR.I.U.S., what would you say to be the most important or outstanding, or which will benefit mankind the most?” Well, of course, with such a great, vast and so infinite a message being expressed into the earth especially during the past fifteen years. I would say the fact that it has been distributed into such vast and far-reaching areas and distances, and which now cannot be lost to man as has been done in past eons of times of like expressing, would be a most vital accomplishment. In all previous times, this great Being has left, for the time, his high position as director on the Higher Worlds, to don the body of an earth man to descend into these negative pits called earth world, as has been in the past, after bringing his Message of Truth and Light to the earth world, these teachings have been, most often so distorted and changed, that little resemblance to the Message He brought remains today. (more…)
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On The True Nature Of Christmas ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
We have discussed, in part, the penal systems and institutions in the world about you, and emphasized rather strongly that the present corrective measures are only ways of trying to correct some very obvious fault which lies within the individual; that it has not occurred after he has become an adult but rather these corrective measures should be entered into while one is still a child! The ounce of prevention here is likewise recommended.
Speaking of the educational systems as children are taught in the schools about you, there has been some advancement in the buildings and in the extent to which the educational systems have been instituted in your civilization; yet they are but a step removed from the medieval times of the dark ages during the period of the Reformation. Just as are the penal institutions, and just as are the systems of psychiatry and medicine but a step in advance of these systems which were in use but a short period of time before. There is still much room for improvement in the educational systems as they exist for the children and the growing youngsters and teenagers of your time and day. I would remind you that the idea of vocational guidance is one which obviously has been rather sadly neglected. Usually, the child is left to grow up and become subjected to numerous pressures about him, until somewhere along in his adolescence, he becomes imbued with some idea that he would wish to become something or another. Now, this may be well and good to a certain extent, but we must remember that sometimes a child has been influenced by a psychic memory or an impingement from some previous lifetime. The child, in expressing such vocational aptitudes or desires is, in a sense of the word, merely wishing to work out a karmic condition which he may have incurred in a previous lifetime. Or, as I have said, he may be falsely pressured into adopting some vocation which he is entirely unsuited for and one in which he will quite likely waste a considerable portion of his life vainly trying to orient himself into performing and which will later become a very odious profession. (more…)
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On The True Nature Of Christmas
by Ernest L. Norman
This is Eliason; I am most happy to welcome you back to Helianthus. If you recall, I assisted in one or more transmissions in the beginning of this book; and if you so remember, my place is natively here in the number two section of Helianthus; serving in conjunction with the executive departments in the main section of Parhelion, which is devoted largely to the synthesis and the educational systems, and in derivatives of different types of analysis which would serve mankind best in his own respective dimension.
I am most particularly interested in the children and those youngsters who have passed from the earth in, shall I say, a rather incomplete cycle of reincarnation. They are sometimes brought to this center of Helianthus where they are assisted in gaining their educational background and other facilities of that nature which will enable them to further progress or to reincarnate into some suitable earth plane dimension. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Voice of Muse, Unarius, Elysiumwith 1 comment.
My Face
And then I looked into the skies and saw
a star far brighter yet, than all the rest
And lo it was, that as I looked, this star
came close; and mirrored there within
its Light, I saw a face.
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Electronic Distortions And Smog
by Ernest L. Norman
We say in high fidelity, in the reproduction of music, whether it is from mechanical or electronic sources, that unless we fully hear all the properly balanced portions of the various spectrums of related music and the reproductions of the various instruments, that any omissions of any reproductions will, in the consequence of trying to replace these portions in the relationships of our own minds, induce a sort of mental fatigue. This produces a distortion, just as would the various harmonic frequencies which are regenerated and have no relationship to the original fundamentals.
This also is called a type of intermodulation distortion. These, too, generate a certain peculiar type of irritation or statically charged energy which resides in the individual’s magnetic auric structures. Other distortions which arise in your daily life, come from such compounded fractions of energy which are statically charged when you move about and which are generated by the process of your clothing rubbing about upon each other and upon portions of your body. (more…)
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New Kindle Version Of The Voice Of Eros
by Ernest L. Norman
About Eros – Fifth Spiritual Plane Of The Shamballas
Going directly to our planet of Eros, I would like to say that we alone, of the seven Shamballas, have an unfixed position; in other words, we travel in an elliptical orbit which comes in contact with a large number of planets which are similar to your earth. We make this orbit about once every 3800 years in your earth time. By dividing this into half, you will see that we will come into position, either exactly opposite your earth or exactly in its affinity in this proportion.
About 2000 years ago, you saw our planet over a certain portion of the earth which has been called the Holy Land. Many people saw the planet at that time although it is not generally visible by any known astronomical or astrophysical means, as we here are in a dimension or relationship which is not reactive to your sense of sight. However, at that time, it was necessary to make a very close contact with the earth for various purposes. Great infusions of radiant energy were projected from our planet at that time which permeated and infused the minds of many earth people. . . (more…)
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The Voice Of Venus ~ Audiobook
“Very advanced human beings are concerned with the lower orders of evolution of mankind. They are concerned not only because it is the natural sequence in serving mankind—it is to serve the Infinite best.
“But there must always be, in the great Infinite Mind an Understanding, that continual movement of continual progress—that continual evolution which all things go through, not only in the atomical substances as has been shown to you here, but it follows through into the planets and into and through the solar systems themselves. (more…)
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The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Every person does, from the time of death until the time of rebirth, live in some spiritual world, and to the materialist this is indeed a very nebulous, gray and hazy world wherein he finds himself without his physical body, simply because he does not have the necessary forms of consciousness to maintain a conscious relationship with the spiritual world in which he finds himself; and all of his values of life are posed upon material values which no longer exist in the spiritual world about him. Consciousness to this degree, however, is fortunately not completely justified in all intents and purposes, for overshadowing any human being in this nether world of spiritual values is that Higher Superconsciousness, that spiritual cell or nucleus, which has been created in cyclic patterns by the Infinite Consciousness. (more…)
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The Value Of Concept In Spiritual Progression
by Ernest L. Norman
Concept is only one of these adjutants to understanding and, in understanding or realizing it in its full intensity, so far as the individual is concerned, man has actually eliminated all known barriers of time and space in his own immediate reactive physical world. The body, as a vehicle wherein the twelve or fifteen million brain cells have thus been impounded, means little, or is of absolutely no consequence whatsoever in regard to the fact that we are immediately concerned with objectifying consciousness in any part of the Infinite Cosmos. When this is done through a system of relationships and through existing forms of energy transferences known as vibrations, oscillations, or cyclic patterns of interdimensional relationships, it merely means we have linked ourselves infinitely to this Infinite Cosmos with anyone or a number of given points of perspection. (more…)
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House Of Glass
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False Teachers And Prophets
by Ernest L. Norman
Certain wise Avatars who have visited this planet have always stressed man’s perversities in distorting spiritual virtues into some subversive malfunction to obtain power and glory over his fellowman. History reveals kings and emperors have thus been born and as of today they are still reappearing in different clothing and with different names.
Not the least of those who set themselves up in some position of power over mankind is the priest and just as are other forms so represented, the priest and his ecclesiastical dispensation is still an all powerful influence in almost any land on the planet Earth. It is a fact almost beyond analysis that the masses of people who have so lived in their time have accepted without quibble any and all claims of those who proclaim a visitation from the pervading ruling god of the times.
And so, whether it was Moses and the burning bush, Mohammed, Joseph Smith or any other historical configurations, these claims have caused these believers to form a religion or cultistic pantheology which always becomes extremely rhetorical; in fact, it lives and thrives by a fanatical demand that all mankind must so believe. (more…)
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Reading The Akashic
by Ernest L. Norman
Looking off to each side for perhaps a distance of a thousand feet each way – if we can measure it in your earth measurements – you would see that the edge of this great street is lined with very beautiful tall stately trees which look like the ones you saw on Venus. Their huge tapering trunks are of the purest transparent brown crystal and they are glowing and glittering. Looking up into the canopy of branches and leaves which tower several hundred feet into the space above, you will see that each tree bears a marked difference; and while they are somewhat all synonymous, yet, each one portrays a different type or character.
The trees, just as all vegetation, grows with its own individual expression or life force within itself so that it portrays, not only its own character, but takes on an individuality which is so common among all things here. They are much more closely connected with the God Force. So, you might say, while we never tend these trees, nor do we plant them, yet, they spring into existence in their well-ordered places and dimensions, as part of the continuity of this whole divine scheme, where all things are so working out in a much more highly evolved integrated fashion. Trees evolve in these dimensions just as do humans or any other species that you might find of the earth plane, just as you found in landscaped gardens in other cities, or that they grew luxuriantly in somewhat of a more natural state. They are all, in themselves, depicting different stages of their evolution. (more…)
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